The Destruction of Modern Women

I'm seeing a lot of fit hardworking guys my age with obese wives and girlfriends who don't want to go to church or exercise, let alone cook (I don't know any women who cook). Their men are doing all the right things from what I can see, but the women don't want to follow. I'm starting to doubt the whole mantra of "men just need to shape up and the women will follow." I'm seeing a lot of men shaping up and their women aren't. If any ladies want to quote this and respond, feel free to do so.
I think it was Blade Runner, in a conversation with It_Is_My_Time earlier on in this thread, who aptly described men shaping up as a kind of a perverse arms race, as women were not bringing nearly as much to the table. Someone correct me if I didn’t give correct attribution for this rather brilliant point I am presently attributing to Blade Runner.

The more a man improves while a woman gives comparatively little, the more entitled she often feels to his improvement without bettering herself.

In most cases the hardworking, in-shape men DanielH describes are better off not marrying these obese women, whose physical appearance is less of an issue than the emotional entitlement spawning it.
The more a man improves while a woman gives comparatively little, the more entitled she often feels to his improvement without bettering herself.
Sadly, due to the greater society enabling this female brainwashing and narcissistic entitlement, little will change, unless men walk away...which many are doing. This bodes poorly for our genetic future, but I see no other options.
Some are now saying that the weakened magnetic poles (around 25% weaker now) is allowing elevated levels of radiation in, which is affecting people's brains and behavior. I suppose that is a third possibility.
I have to bite the bullet and make the thread I've been talking about. What we have is an overproduction of average to low quality people around the world, whether we want to admit it, like it, or not. It's not that they don't have the capability to be better, or more godly, it's that the dysgenics and family formation in the modern world, which has lost christianity, cannot compensate for human base behavior, which in the fallen world regresses to the mean, which is low. The simping that follows with efficiency of food production and ease of production with global slave labor (relatively) is tremendous. People think transactionalism in relationships is bad but go anywhere in the world and if you are a man that provides, this offers you much more than some idea that "she loves you" blah blah blah. She can love you for any number of reasons, by the way. She can grow to love you. You can increasingly love her. The problem is the escape hatch that is present and the culture.
so merely proving they move to a new form of narcissism post-hitting the Wall.
Yes, it's all social mimicry and trying to bust truths we already are aware of, to distract you from what's really going on, or what went on that is so unpalatable.
Generally, actual trad wives would not be seeking the limelight to begin with, am I right?
You are correct sir.
I'm seeing a lot of men shaping up and their women aren't.
I told this to my friend, who I've mentioned before. He acts like he can get in as good of shape as he was formerly, or get lean like someone who has been a thinner athletic type (like me), which is irrelevant. What am I going to do, walk around like a homo and show girls my six pack? What's he gonna do, stop working 60 hours a week to also convince them to go out with him and get a million dollar house, and then work out with a crazy diet and 2 a days? Ha, no one's got time for that. Then they'll just go on to the other thing, saying, I need a man who is charming and funny, and you aren't up to the bill. And for what, a 35-40 year old on an app? :LOL:
Someone correct me if I didn’t give correct attribution for this rather brilliant point I am presently attributing to Blade Runner.
It was me. In overpopulation, debased and unbalanced societies you get behavioral sink and males turning into females. Men literally have turned into the six, six, six, and more, and women ... continued to get worse.

This is mostly because you need early pairing and you NEED women to require a man for survival and sponsorship. If she doesn't need you, she'll find reasons to monkey branch and keep doing it. That's why early pairing is a must. Especially in the modern day.

Women are lazy. Most people are. So you have to get them when their value is high and it isn't dependent on them doing something, or not doing it. For them not to be lazy you have to socially restrict or shame them. Period. While a lot of men will be lazy, the men women desire by definition will not be, so it is an irrelevant point (unless she's ugly, which is a point on its own and is irrelevant).
A little bit personal here... my wife doesn't want to have more children right now. We just have one son turning 2 soon. Lack of family support and financial issues are two of the main reasons. "She stays at home, why do I need to come and babysit? She needs to get a job!" is something they say. One of our moms has a house she got in a very expensive area through divorce in the wake of the 08/09 financial crisis. She works as a receptionist. We proposed she sell her house and move in with us near her family in a house with an in-law suite. She refused, multiple times. The other one is in Florida half the year, and the other half of the year she works as a day shift nurse up here in the Northeast, so she has no time to help. Our dads just flat out refuse to babysit, taking it like a joke when asked.

We don't have a house yet but are actively looking. My wife wants to stay near family (the same family that hardly supports us) and that family lives in a very expensive region, to the point where going an hour away still has inflated costs due to being near that expensive metropolis.

It's worse for most men my age and younger. I managed to get a wife, a son, and a safe white collar job. Most don't have that, and don't see a path forward for it. I'm seeing a lot of fit hardworking guys my age with obese wives and girlfriends who don't want to go to church or exercise, let alone cook (I don't know any women who cook). Their men are doing all the right things from what I can see, but the women don't want to follow. I'm starting to doubt the whole mantra of "men just need to shape up and the women will follow." I'm seeing a lot of men shaping up and their women aren't. If any ladies want to quote this and respond, feel free to do so.
What will eventually happen is what has happened in African communities. Obese, ugly, and good for nothing women having good looking men compete for them. It's kind of like the idea of when Russia lost so many men to the world wars and communism the survivors had their choice of beautiful women and a few generations later there's a large glut of beautiful women. I can see American white culture going the way of the African with a glut of highly attractive hard-working men competing for morbidly-obese and entitled women, particularly as society becomes more matriarchal with women winning the bread and getting all of the best paying jobs.
I feel not women are the problem but our relationship to sin. (men and women)

For many years I was obsessed with getting as many women as I could in bed. All I saw were girls who were into the same.
This severely clouded my mind and my image of women.

Many fall prey to the tricks of the devil. And many have gathered large amounts of unrepented sin by the age of 20 (often pridefully boasting how much sin they have accumulated).

I guess the point is more, can you find a girl who wishes to live a life centered in Christ?

None of us are free from sin, but is she willing to repent? And are you?

Women repenting and turning to Christ

I'm not too enthusiastic about cultural Christians, those doing the good stuff because it's the societal norm.
Put them in a degenerate society and they will fall to sin.

So it's about finding a woman willing to shoot roots in Christ, and build a family.

And I think we need to be forgiving to them, as we like to be accepted ourselves.
It's kind of like the idea of when Russia lost so many men to the world wars and communism the survivors had their choice of beautiful women and a few generations later there's a large glut of beautiful women.
You mean black Americans, and yes. The other issue is that they've had dysgenics going on for a long time, but the cultural motion is the exact same. As far as your FSU example, I've said this for years, it's all M:F ratio, as a surplus of women is the only way women will actually not be lazy. Think of it, right now, there are tons of men and tons of men that do well. That means women don't have to do anything if men are constantly seeking women for approval, sex, or some idea of companionship, which I don't get. The truth is that with tons of men, tons of men that aren't all that manly have to undergo strategies to even try to get a sniff of sex, and most still will be denied. That's why they tried leftism and political deference or ingratiation.
Women repenting and turning to Christ
They can do that, and it still doesn't matter. I don't know why this keeps coming up. A guy can be a bum and turn to christ, repent, do all the right things ... but you think a woman will reward him with marriage, a woman of any value? Nope. Likewise, a man of value won't reward a slut, though he'll accept and respect her repentance and applaud her even. But he won't reward her. Especially when he can have children at any time and she wasted her time on the earth pursuing manly things.
And I think we need to be forgiving to them,
You can forgive people and not engage in transactions with them.

We need to stop acting like men and women are equal, or should be treated the same. We shouldn't. Both good and bad.

Men aren't treated rosily in all things. Equal treatment actually means seeing the old ladies as the bum panhandler dudes we don't care about on the street. You can give them things, help their growth in ways, but no one is going to marry them or reward them with houses, contracts, etc. It's just not realistic and it's silly we have to keep addressing this nonsense conflation.
You mean black Americans, and yes. The other issue is that they've had dysgenics going on for a long time, but the cultural motion is the exact same. As far as your FSU example, I've said this for years, it's all M:F ratio, as a surplus of women is the only way women will actually not be lazy. Think of it, right now, there are tons of men and tons of men that do well. That means women don't have to do anything if men are constantly seeking women for approval, sex, or some idea of companionship, which I don't get. The truth is that with tons of men, tons of men that aren't all that manly have to undergo strategies to even try to get a sniff of sex, and most still will be denied. That's why they tried leftism and political deference or ingratiation.

They can do that, and it still doesn't matter. I don't know why this keeps coming up. A guy can be a bum and turn to christ, repent, do all the right things ... but you think a woman will reward him with marriage, a woman of any value? Nope. Likewise, a man of value won't reward a ****, though he'll accept and respect her repentance and applaud her even. But he won't reward her. Especially when he can have children at any time and she wasted her time on the earth pursuing manly things.

You can forgive people and not engage in transactions with them.

We need to stop acting like men and women are equal, or should be treated the same. We shouldn't. Both good and bad.

Men aren't treated rosily in all things. Equal treatment actually means seeing the old ladies as the bum panhandler dudes we don't care about on the street. You can give them things, help their growth in ways, but no one is going to marry them or reward them with houses, contracts, etc. It's just not realistic and it's silly we have to keep addressing this nonsense conflation.
It sounds like you lost faith in love.

You speak on values, rewards, we are no traded beasts, we are souls, God breathed life in us, all of us.
It sounds like you lost faith in love.
What exactly are you saying here?

I do question if a lot of the things presented and represented for the people of the old covenant apply to modern peoples, that is, Christians and those who follow Christ. Otherwise, it's hard to make sense of "be fruitful and multiply" that when we do, it turns out as we see it. Also, many men are made eunuchs by men, others by God, etc. You just aren't paying attention if you don't see tons of men in this current world being made eunuchs by the existing structure. What's worse is that women are choosing to make themselves the female version of eunuch, because they love the material so much.

we are no traded beasts, we are souls, God breathed life in us, all of us.
tell that to a majority of the men in cornered, sexless marriages in the west

They got traded to beasts. I tell them God will reward them for their suffering, but again, this is a hope of mine, since I like a lot of these guys. It makes me see marriage as a warning sign unless many things are there for the right scenario or situation. I don't see it, but maybe 1-2% of the time. I'm a probability guy. That means, I'm a man who sees things as they are, paternos.

Still, think of it - I can see man as a living soul, and potential for proper life. What many forget about the world is that this is not our home, yet for some reason even us Christians still do all we can to live a pleasant life. Why do we bother if the real message for the Christian is to hate the world? Something else is going on that very few have made a coherent message of. I'm just being honest about it. I can trust in God and realize both that the things of this world are clearly sick and disgusting. Am I blaming God? No. But I am telling you how bad the world is, and a lot of us can do exactly nothing about it. Which a lot of times is the point. I get told all the time not to scandalize others who can't take this teaching, that are weak, that don't have faith when things don't work out. Hmmm, that's something to think about.
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They can do that, and it still doesn't matter. I don't know why this keeps coming up. A guy can be a bum and turn to christ, repent, do all the right things ... but you think a woman will reward him with marriage, a woman of any value? Nope.

Nailed it. Please show me all these repentant men over 35 getting beautiful trad wives in the United States or Canada.

You can forgive people and not engage in transactions with them.

We need to stop acting like men and women are equal, or should be treated the same. We shouldn't. Both good and bad.

Men aren't treated rosily in all things. Equal treatment actually means seeing the old ladies as the bum panhandler dudes we don't care about on the street. You can give them things, help their growth in ways, but no one is going to marry them or reward them with houses, contracts, etc. It's just not realistic and it's silly we have to keep addressing this nonsense conflation.

Interesting analogy. I think the PUA stuff was mostly marketing garbage that took advantage of lonely and desperate men and a lot of us fell for it.

The reality is women go for men of a higher social status. Yet in todays world most women are taught men have little no value at all. In developing societies men are needed to survive hence they automatically have more status. Which is why if you ever search overseas it’s exponentially easier.
Please show me all these repentant men over 35 getting beautiful trad wives in the United States or Canada.
As I've said a thousands times, there are so many more high value men than women it's not even close in the US, or Canada, or insert 5 eyes. That doesn't' mean they are a majority, though. Here's the problem with being a 35-45 yo man of high value in the west: they'll only let you consider 30s women, who are more demanding than anyone, and you can't act like they should do everything for you. If a woman is 30+ and she's not going to do everything for you to guarantee her future and help raise her own kids, it's not worth it. Period.

Women literally have the greatest deal of all time and scoff at it. I don't have time to guarantee things for people, not get a guarantee, and then get little to nothing in return but complaining and estrogen irrationality. Sorry but that's the deal. I'm not 20 anymore and they didn't fool me back then, which is also their fault.
men are needed to survive hence they automatically have more status.
Bingo. In a LatAm oligarchy you aren't going to slum around all parts of the country, either. You're going to stick with your class. But guys will still get young women who will provide something, if the guy does. If they don't, they'll both provide infidelity. That's the tradeoff. They aren't thirsting for young, hot women though, since this is known as a desirable characteristic.

There's a reason why the only good countries for women anymore are places where they actually have had a hard life and they appreciate small things or you taking care of them. This is no longer the case in nearly all places, which is why women are on average, awful in modern life.

Listen, if I'm lazy right now, and I don't deny that in certain ways, it is because I already did the hard stuff. Thus, if you want to share in how much easier it is for me to continue to make money and provide with my expertise, take care of the smaller stuff I don't feel like doing.

All that is is cooking and cleaning, or making a home. Period. Stuff you should want to do anyway. This is really simple stuff and it shows you how clowny the world has become. And I haven't even talked on the sex topic, which is the most taboo of them all. But you guys know the reality there, too.
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about how much of a mistake their past decisions were, without thinly disguised attempts at attention-seeking and validation.
Their only attempt at power is deception, so this would never happen. Principles and truth aren't in their mode of being. They have to be dedicated to a man for those. That man can include a husband, God, or both.
Nailed it. Please show me all these repentant men over 35 getting beautiful trad wives in the United States or Canada.

Interesting analogy. I think the PUA stuff was mostly marketing garbage that took advantage of lonely and desperate men and a lot of us fell for it.

The reality is women go for men of a higher social status. Yet in todays world most women are taught men have little no value at all. In developing societies men are needed to survive hence they automatically have more status. Which is why if you ever search overseas it’s exponentially easier.
The automatically more status in my first hand experience is true to a certain extent. For working class women and middle class women in developing countries you automatically have a certain amount of status in many cases (not in all cases as some women are very closed minded regarding strangers). However even in those countries many of the upper middle class and upper class girls are just as snobby as Western women and won't give you the time of day.
As I've said a thousands times, there are so many more high value men than women it's not even close in the US, or Canada, or insert 5 eyes. That doesn't' mean they are a majority, though. Here's the problem with being a 35-45 yo man of high value in the west: they'll only let you consider 30s women, who are more demanding than anyone, and you can't act like they should do everything for you. If a woman is 30+ and she's not going to do everything for you to guarantee her future and help raise her own kids, it's not worth it. Period.

Women literally have the greatest deal of all time and scoff at it. I don't have time to guarantee things for people, not get a guarantee, and then get little to nothing in return but complaining and estrogen irrationality. Sorry but that's the deal. I'm not 20 anymore and they didn't fool me back then, which is also their fault.

Bingo. In a LatAm oligarchy you aren't going to slum around all parts of the country, either. You're going to stick with your class. But guys will still get young women who will provide something, if the guy does. If they don't, they'll both provide infidelity. That's the tradeoff. They aren't thirsting for young, hot women though, since this is known as a desirable characteristic.

There's a reason why the only good countries for women anymore are places where they actually have had a hard life and they appreciate small things or you taking care of them. This is no longer the case in nearly all places, which is why women are on average, awful in modern life.

Listen, if I'm lazy right now, and I don't deny that in certain ways, it is because I already did the hard stuff. Thus, if you want to share in how much easier it is for me to continue to make money and provide with my expertise, take care of the smaller stuff I don't feel like doing.

All that is is cooking and cleaning, or making a home. Period. Stuff you should want to do anyway. This is really simple stuff and it shows you how clowny the world has become. And I haven't even talked on the sex topic, which is the most taboo of them all. But you guys know the reality there, too.
Honestly most guys myself included would even be happy to cook, etc. All I want is a beautiful 18 year old virgin that has a very happy vibe (the happiness gene as they used to say on the Rooshv forum). Even if she doesn't cook or clean (its a nice to have but not a must) or work etc. I do not expect a woman to be useful in any practical sense (unless I decide to have kids than its a different story) I just want to bask in the sweetness and femininity of a young happy virgin and that would make all the struggles of life 100 times more manageable. That is far more useful than any practical usefulness a woman could provide.
I just want to bask in the sweetness and femininity of a young happy virgin and that would make all the struggles of life 100 times more manageable.
It's possible but she'd have to be a 5. I don't see much more happening for outsiders coming in. I think the best we can do is mid 20s at this point, possibly 23 in the right scenario, right culture, etc.
It's possible but she'd have to be a 5. I don't see much more happening for outsiders coming in. I think the best we can do is mid 20s at this point, possibly 23 in the right scenario, right culture, etc.
But you don't think an 8/10 or 9/10 18-year old virgin is possible overseas if you base yourself in that country for 3 or 4 years (and learn the language)?
I'm 33 and have met Christian women 10-15 years younger showing interest. The age gap, even in the US, is not always an issue. Many of them are looking to marry young, but they don't all marry a high school boyfriend. And a lot of them don't even go to college. No one is perfect, but most of these women are legitimately Christian and want to be housewives and mothers. Like I keep saying, make the effort to meet the right people and become a member of a good community.

I used to think differently, but the age gap really is not that big of a deal. Most men enter their prime in their 30s and women absolutely notice. And anyone that has a problem with a man dating a younger woman is a miserable feminist or soy boy loser. Screw them.
I'm 33 and have met Christian women 10-15 years younger showing interest. The age gap, even in the US, is not always an issue. Many of them are looking to marry young, but they don't all marry a high school boyfriend. And a lot of them don't even go to college. No one is perfect, but most of these women are legitimately Christian and want to be housewives and mothers. Like I keep saying, make the effort to meet the right people and become a member of a good community.

I used to think differently, but the age gap really is not that big of a deal. Most men enter their prime in their 30s and women absolutely notice. And anyone that has a problem with a man dating a younger woman is a miserable feminist or soy boy loser. Screw them.

Then what’s the reason why you haven’t married one of them? Showing interest means next to nothing and there’s a long way to go from interest to a relationship and marriage. I hate to be blunt, but the proof is in the pudding.
Then what’s the reason why you haven’t married one of them? Showing interest means next to nothing and there’s a long way to go from interest to a relationship and marriage. I hate to be blunt, but the proof is in the pudding.
Yeah no kidding. It's a process that takes times and doesn't happen overnight. That's pretty much the whole point. Marriageable women don't come crawling to us just because we exist. And there's a courting and vetting process as with any woman.

I used to think there was no hope too, but becoming a sincere Christian and meeting the right kind of people shows that things aren't completely over. But we also have to put in the work to be a marriageable man.
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I'm 33 and have met Christian women 10-15 years younger showing interest. The age gap, even in the US, is not always an issue. Many of them are looking to marry young, but they don't all marry a high school boyfriend. And a lot of them don't even go to college. No one is perfect, but most of these women are legitimately Christian and want to be housewives and mothers. Like I keep saying, make the effort to meet the right people and become a member of a good community.

I used to think differently, but the age gap really is not that big of a deal. Most men enter their prime in their 30s and women absolutely notice. And anyone that has a problem with a man dating a younger woman is a miserable feminist or soy boy loser. Screw them.
These women are young and Christian which is a good start. But you have not stated if they are attractive (at least 7/10) or plain janes? Are they virgins or non-virgins,?
These women are young and Christian which is a good start. But you have not stated if they are attractive (at least 7/10) or plain janes? Are they virgins or non-virgins,?
Most of them seem to be virgins, but I think it would be naive to assume they all are. Most Christian women from conservative backgrounds are more attractive in general, and they age well. A plain jane can also become a lot more attractive if they're nice to you and have a good personality. My church is full of women that are 7/10 and above.