The Destruction of Modern Women

In my experience, Protestant Christian women are extremely fussy once they hit 30, and whilst they haven't played around I think the potential commitment to that one person exacerbates their fussiness combined with their content, happy independent lives, ("It's all in God's hands!" they tell me online) whereas those women who are alpha widows are forever damaged. I met countless numbers of them looking to settle, but I was never likely to be able to compete with some previous super hero.
I guess this is what gets me really down 👆. The illusory nature of it all. “Previous super hero” LMAO - it’s all in their head. It’s all in their head. A lot of these guys freak out when shit gets real and honestly - they aren’t super heroes at all. I’d like to explore the theme that high school never ends and popularity is the special sauce. As I get older, I’m starting to think the chateau-esque idea of alpha / beta is bull. It’s situational and our society puts constrains on true selective forces.

If you want to put a fork in the idea of the modern meat market being a return natural selection consider the Scythians and Sarmatians. The entire western half of the Eurasian Steppe was inhabited by a tall, light race that would do well in todays meat market - the Scythians. They all got replaced by short, stocky Asians who would fail at todays meat market. They didn’t have cops / big daddy government to stop them. Just food for thought.

Now as Christians “thou shall not covet” and “thou shall not kill” should keep us from ever even considering bringing back the Steppe hordes even when law and order breaks down. I’m just mentioning it as food for thought. I wonder what the alpha widow in question would think if she saw her “super hero” fall. It’s why we guys need to do the complete opposite of opening up to women. We got priests and deacons for that. They like us strong.
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As I get older, I’m starting to think the chateau-esque idea of alpha / beta is bull. It’s situational and our society puts constrains on true selective forces.
Anything that is sold to you is BS, so this is likely the case as well. If you look at proper civilizations having components, you'd see this technically but it is just a characteristic of a larger, functional society. Everyone is important, but in a different way. The issue is that we don't have balanced societies with proper culture, religion and identity any longer. So you get all this salesmen speak that is meant to sell sex to high testosterone men who don't have resources (yet) in their 20s. The gym/lifting culture is exactly the same idea.

The guy you quoted @M.Balakirev stated in that post he was a UK guy, so it is no surprise that he saw all sorts of older women looking to settle. A sad truth of a relaxed culture also is that good looking women having kids from (probably short term) relationships with good looking men. Without significant restriction, women who are good looking will be taken out of the marketplace because few will raise another man's child, even if she is really attractive. Some will, but then that runs the gamut or risk of her taking advantage of the new beta bux (sorry, had to) and ejecting again. It seems that women offer just enough sex to get resources and play games to make it palatable. Gone are the days of holding women responsible at all, and that includes a man seeking sex elsewhere because she's lazy or entitled.
I wonder what the alpha widow in question would think if she saw her “super hero” fall.
Block it out and move on to the next guy. There might be some fake emotion or drama associated with it, but that's what would happen.
I think I mentioned this before but one thing that's starting to stand out is if a women is shy and awkward when you first meet her. This is usually a good sign because it shows she's not comfortable talking to men and probably isn't sleeping around. But if you do it right, don't act too thirsty and she sees other people talking to you, they will open up more. And these types of women absolutely want you to take the lead. Another good sign.

Experienced women are much different, and their "confidence" is very offputting. They seem bitter and weird too. I'm also starting to think career women are just as annoying as the thots.
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Just following up to @Blade Runner 's behavioural sink analysis it got me thinking about whether or not a more balanced out population or if a return to Pre 1920s social norms can fix things without a massive population decline? (maybe I am mis-analyzing here so please do let me know)

Anyway this got me thinking about how Modern women feel "empowered" by feminism when in reality it's the top 10% of men (think big business, execs, millionares & the like) who are; in that they can trade access to their money & career social status for fornication. Woman have traded motherhood for elite prostitution. Clown world at it's finest.

Sure there has been pushback like #Metoo & the recent Vince McMahon controversy by it's just cope after some women realize they are damaged goods & try to play sweetheart.

So what is the remedy? I beleive it must involve removing any sense of agency & control from modern women. I see alot of Red Pill forums & some people on this one who advocate a return to the 1980s but even that time was full of degeneracy & woman behaving awfully. Free mixing with guys, overly seductive behaviour etc..)

Yes it was better than today but thats like saying getting stung by a lethal venomous wasp is better than being eaten alive by a Shark.

We must strive for communities that follow Christ, remove all the psy-ops that have affected woman from a century ago from voting rights, owning credit cards, being able to dress provactivley in public & return to pre 1920s social norms.
Woman have traded motherhood for elite prostitution. Clown world at it's finest.
Yes, it shows that without guidance, they will eventually all tend towards polygamy. I've come to the (you insert the color, but I think it's red and black since we live in egalitarian times) conclusion that when something is 98% predictable or higher, that's an innate characteristic. I don't think that even 1% of women in this age (unmarried; mothers don't count but there are tards among them even) actually have agency. They follow mimicry patterns, since that so clearly was the survival association. We've done the experiment and it's obvious at this point. I think the Christian movement was just so that people didn't totally disregard women, to be honest, as 1st century Middle East ain't no picnic for anyone, especially the average woman.
who advocate a return to the 1980s
That was mid stage or (2nd?) wave feminism. Visionaries could easily see it, and you can even see it easily in the attempts at women in the workplace and discussions about government policy, etc. I saw Thomas Sowell debating women on such a stage back in the 80s. To say it wasn't festering just isn't paying attention. The culture for most Americans was too close to what they saw from their parents to be that far removed. But in one more generation nearly every average to above average girl was in college, almost guaranteed. I've stated this before but the last year born that really had a shot (and I'm talking north since it happened there more quickly than in the south, for example) at family formation were those born in mid to late 1970s. For the rest even born in the 80s, your high school and college years largely were not going to be alongside women trying to get married in her 20s. You will of course see a few here and anecdotes there, but you'll also see more breakups with younger pairings as well.
Yes, it shows that without guidance, they will eventually all tend towards polygamy. I've come to the (you insert the color, but I think it's red and black since we live in egalitarian times) conclusion that when something is 98% predictable or higher, that's an innate characteristic. I don't think that even 1% of women in this age (unmarried; mothers don't count but there are tards among them even) actually have agency. They follow mimicry patterns, since that so clearly was the survival association. We've done the experiment and it's obvious at this point. I think the Christian movement was just so that people didn't totally disregard women, to be honest, as 1st century Middle East ain't no picnic for anyone, especially the average woman.

That was mid stage or (2nd?) wave feminism. Visionaries could easily see it, and you can even see it easily in the attempts at women in the workplace and discussions about government policy, etc. I saw Thomas Sowell debating women on such a stage back in the 80s. To say it wasn't festering just isn't paying attention. The culture for most Americans was too close to what they saw from their parents to be that far removed. But in one more generation nearly every average to above average girl was in college, almost guaranteed. I've stated this before but the last year born that really had a shot (and I'm talking north since it happened there more quickly than in the south, for example) at family formation were those born in mid to late 1970s. For the rest even born in the 80s, your high school and college years largely were not going to be alongside women trying to get married in her 20s. You will of course see a few here and anecdotes there, but you'll also see more breakups with younger pairings as well.
I think the "destruction" really happened in a few waves if you look back at American history. First there were the Roaring Twenties, when culture rapidly degenerated and it was the first time sleeping around became widespread. It was still mostly limited to very liberal, hedonistic social circles in big cities. It was evidently much worse in Germany than it was in the US. Of course we could also talk about the Renaissance and Enlightenment in the sense of broader Western culture changing as well and the weakening of religion, which set the stage for later centuries.

WW2 and the 50s turned back the clock a bit, but then we had the Sexual Revolution in the 60s and 70s. That really normalized premarital sex throughout the broader society except conservative Christian circles, though again most women would only have a few boyfriends in their life at the most and would generally get married fairly early. However most women started working full time at this point, weakening the family unit.

The 90s really popularized delaying marriage until you're 30 and serial dating. Especially with shows like Sex and the City, Seinfeld, or Friends. Cell phones got popular and the internet was budding, which made further sexual "liberation" possible. I've hears PUAs say this culminated in a "golden era" of game in the early 2000s. Still, conservative Christian circles were much less affected, like in the South as you say.

Things seemed pretty stable then until around 2013 with Obama's second term. The woke movement, Metoo, technological advances facilitating social media, and unlimited high-speed internet porn completely destroyed the fabric of society. Now women don't even have to be pretending to date guys, they can just fornicate with them and get encouraged by dozens of woke influencers or social media to be proud of how many men they sleep with. We're still in this era and it has only gotten worse post-scamdemic. There's hardly a woman in the whole country, even the whole industrialized world, who has been left unaffected by this.

To be honest I don't think we've hit rock bottom. I think there will be another wave of "liberation", but it will come sooner this time as the time elapsed between waves is decreasing exponentially. Something similar happened in the ancient world and only the intervention of our Lord 2000 years ago reset things to their natural state. But who or what will be there to reset it now? Humanity will literally die out if current trends continue.
On a whim I looked at some profiles of girls I knew in college. This would be about 15-20 years ago. I noticed how many of them only recently got married or recently started having babies. My kid is almost 10 and I was married in my mid-20s. I remember some of these girls being dateless or having multiple dates (Christian girls at a Christian college) or boyfriends in the time I knew them and the time I snooped their Facebook years later (because some I tried to date). I wonder if holding off on marriage for 15 years was worth it to them. The people I knew who married right after college all had multiple kids. Some of these girls who are only recently married are now in their mid-30s and they haven't even had their first kid yet, there's no way they're going to have multiple kids. I am beginning to see the age on their faces too. So many of them were so much more youthful and pretty when they were younger, and while they are still attractive today, their age is becoming apparent and it will only get worse. If only they had given me the chance they wouldn't have had to wait so long! Ah, but noo, young women have to be fickle. Some of them I noticed are still single. Others who got married I noticed that the guy they are with isn't really any better than me physically, facially, financially. So I had a chance... oh well.

I wonder if you guys have noticed a lot of people from your peer group still single, or only recently married in their mid to late 30s.
On a whim I looked at some profiles of girls I knew in college. This would be about 15-20 years ago. I noticed how many of them only recently got married or recently started having babies. My kid is almost 10 and I was married in my mid-20s. I remember some of these girls being dateless or having multiple dates (Christian girls at a Christian college) or boyfriends in the time I knew them and the time I snooped their Facebook years later (because some I tried to date). I wonder if holding off on marriage for 15 years was worth it to them. The people I knew who married right after college all had multiple kids. Some of these girls who are only recently married are now in their mid-30s and they haven't even had their first kid yet, there's no way they're going to have multiple kids. I am beginning to see the age on their faces too. So many of them were so much more youthful and pretty when they were younger, and while they are still attractive today, their age is becoming apparent and it will only get worse. If only they had given me the chance they wouldn't have had to wait so long! Ah, but noo, young women have to be fickle. Some of them I noticed are still single. Others who got married I noticed that the guy they are with isn't really any better than me physically, facially, financially. So I had a chance... oh well.

I wonder if you guys have noticed a lot of people from your peer group still single, or only recently married in their mid to late 30s.
I work with women who think that nature bends to their will, and that they'll be able to have children when they want, ie 40+. Add to that, a lesbian in the department is now pregnant.