The Destruction of Modern Women

The only ones that seemed to take it serious were the old ladies and priests…I missed some red flags…this girl had a tattoo but small on her side…damn…I was kind of new to the area and found this church…the priest also raised a few red flags…when I confessed the sexual relation he told me it’s completely normal…and to keep trying, he’s Brazilian I think…he seems not to care much…are Brazilian priests more liberal?
In Brazil it’s 100% normal to wear a thong on a public beach in front of hundreds of people including children.

Also I don’t watch gore but apparently most gore online cones from Brazil (I assume cartels exist there too.)

That country is degenerate.
In Brazil it’s 100% normal to wear a thong on a public beach in front of hundreds of people including children.

Also I don’t watch gore but apparently most gore online cones from Brazil (I assume cartels exist there too.)

That country is degenerate.
A large chunk of Brazil's territory you see on the maps is mostly ruled by criminal organizations rather than the Brazilian government. As in, the government has zero presence in certain regions, it's just gangs, and the gangs set up their own law enforcement and everything.
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where do u get this info?
I'm Colombian and we share a border with Brazil. "Our government could solve the guerrilla problem but doesn't care and has no balls and would rather use it as a tool during elections" is a common opinion you'll just hear Colombians stating. Because it's true. As for the Brazil thing, it's basically common knowledge that gangs run things in a lot of regions there. I don't know anything about the situation beyond that. I'm not Brazilian.
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You may not feel any effects, but prayer helps in ways you cannot see. There is no need to perceive anything or feel better immediately, it's not that kind of thing, you're not casting a spell. You're simply talking to God. Trust that He is listening, and trust that He cares. Easier said than done, of course. That's why there are a lot of prayers to ask God to strengthen our faith.

Honestly, don't beat yourself up too much for hating women sometimes. It's a natural response, it cannot be overstated how extremely, historically unprecedentedly bad their behavior has become. Certainly not feelings you want to nurture within yourself, but you're not some kind of monster for feeling that way.

I get what you’re saying…I do..but I feel like an idiot…praying over and over and seeing no results…like a total failure…then there’s the matter of God’s will…if it’s his will he’s going to what he wants anyway so…my prayers don’t mean much…

I’m just down after all this shit…I feel taken..lied to by women and the church…
I get what you’re saying…I do..but I feel like an idiot…praying over and over and seeing no results…like a total failure…then there’s the matter of God’s will…if it’s his will he’s going to what he wants anyway so…my prayers don’t mean much…

I’m just down after all this shit…I feel taken..lied to by women and the church…
Try to find good male friends to redirect some of the sadness that might come over you. As Powerhouse said, God is with you, and counts some of these sufferings as graces for future development in life. The story is not all written, yet.
I get what you’re saying…I do..but I feel like an idiot…praying over and over and seeing no results…like a total failure…then there’s the matter of God’s will…if it’s his will he’s going to what he wants anyway so…my prayers don’t mean much…

I’m just down after all this shit…I feel taken..lied to by women and the church…
You're giving that women 3 minutes more thought than she ever deserved with all this caterwauling. Don't let her have all that influence over you. A woman should be the complement to your life, not the main focus of it.

Kind of innapropriate but this reminds me of a funny story a police friend had of an arrest he made. An arab dude was getting his blow dryer warranty serviced in public by a cheap street ho but was refusing to pay her fee ($10 apparently, this was over 20 years ago). The arab, when giving his reason for refusal of payment, told my friend in a typical arab accent, "Brother, she is not even worth $5".
You're giving that women 3 minutes more thought than she ever deserved with all this caterwauling. Don't let her have all that influence over you. A woman should be the complement to your life, not the main focus of it.

Kind of innapropriate but this reminds me of a funny story a police friend had of an arrest he made. An arab dude was getting his blow dryer warranty serviced in public by a cheap street ho but was refusing to pay her fee ($10 apparently, this was over 20 years ago). The arab, when giving his reason for refusal of payment, told my friend in a typical arab accent, "Brother, she is not even worth $5".

Arabs do have that type of thinking…I see what you are saying…it doesn’t change that the pickings are bad..not does it change their behavior. We can be aloof…not care…or try not…but it doesn’t change how monumentally bad the times are for rejationships…
90% of western men today are within inches of chucking it all and living in a mountain cabin.

Meanwhile 90% of women are still window shopping at Tiffanys, thinking the world revolves around them.

Men and women are NOT the same.
Just this morning I was looking at boats and daydreaming just this option. Chucking it all in and living on a boat.
Been noticing far more open relationships than I used to. From young girls with boyfriends, even teachers who are married and have kids. It used to be one or the other, a woman would be in a committed relationship or she'd hoe around. Now they want the best of both worlds. She has the stability that a husband provides and also has the excitement of the hoe lifestyle. How the man in any of these open relationships is able to get up and look himself in the mirror each day is beyond me.
Been noticing far more open relationships than I used to. From young girls with boyfriends, even teachers who are married and have kids. It used to be one or the other, a woman would be in a committed relationship or she'd hoe around. Now they want the best of both worlds. She has the stability that a husband provides and also has the excitement of the hoe lifestyle. How the man in any of these open relationships is able to get up and look himself in the mirror each day is beyond me.
Edward Dutton in one of his videos uncovered research which found that some tribes at the back of beyond have a structure whereby the peak alphas own harems of the peak women who bear their children that in turn are supported by the betas (sounds familiar doesn't it?!) . The lesser alphas get a woman each and the rest, up to 60% of the tribe, get nothing at all. Today's godless society is very quickly heading that way, so it's nothing to be surprised about when you have a society with no rules.

I'm more intrigued as to how this fallen arrangement has come about historically as it is the default seemingly, because it's the polar opposite of what God endorsed.
I'm more intrigued as to how this fallen arrangement has come about historically as it is the default seemingly, because it's the polar opposite of what God endorsed.
It seems you really need more advanced, structured societies for the proper spreading out of matches and higher levels of work productivity. It seems like these same advanced societies passed through the phase that made them great and now are just remnants of what they were, so they devolved back to the primitive. It's strange because the polygamy setup is in areligious or religion affirming cultures, but mostly not very productive ones. This current setup is areligious with closer to max efficiency and production - but that is now running out. Interesting to think about - before it was because of minimal resources and a culture not bothered by polygamy, and now it's because of max resources, easy survival, and artificial pro women (materially) stances that indirectly promote polygamy.
There's another web community I'm in where one of the members of is a young Dutch woman. She was talking about her dating preferences and she said that she actually goes out of her to avoid Dutch men. She's also one of those super leftist types that thinks Dutch society is racist (she was supremely upset about the results of the last elections there) and complains about her fellow Dutch being racist. A direct quote from her criticizing them was "nothing sounds better to the general Dutch ears than shouting LESS MOROCCANS!!! LESS LESS LESS!!!!!!!!!!" I saw her posts and it made me think of this thread.