The Destruction of Modern Women

Based on all of what is being said, it seems like being around women constantly like you would be doing so in a marriage sounds completely unappealing. It's strange that on the one hand men desire being around a woman so much that plenty of men on this forum are willing to take such big time investment in wanting to go across the world just for the chance of meeting a woman but on the other hand once you do meet a woman, the experiences of interacting with one ranges either from hellish if you end up a deeply combative BPD woman to at best, a submissive one that won't give you a headache but is less interesting to interact with than a pet would be. If this is the case then it seems like the Apostle Paul's advice on marriage is the best way to go.

I realize sex is a big part of the equation but assuming you do get a woman who is willing to satisfy all your needs in that area, what are you going to do with her the rest of the time she is around? You can only have so much sex per day. Even in the case scenario, when you do a cost benefit analysis it doesn't seem worth it.
There is a reason for the old saying “women, you can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them.”
Also what a lot of men don’t realise is the way modern society is organised is that men spend a lot more time with their wives than is healthy.

I guess in pre modern times men spent more time with other men and the women socialised in big groups with the other women and children. As in your wife would take the kids and go hang around with all the other mothers and their children while you would hang around with other men doing manly things.

I think this concept of your wife being your best friend is kind of a new age concept.

Women are like fine chocolate. The right amount is good but too much makes you feel ill.
It's really not that much better here in LatAm, though.
The western influence has completely overtaken the minds and daily living of both men and women in those countries. You're just now seeing the effects of various years of reprogramming being visibly manifested. As an example if you look at the comment section of many 10-20 year old songs on youtube you'll see a bunch of recent (4-5 year old) comments in spanish or Brazilian dialect Portuguese.

Women there are becoming extremely vapid, self absorbed, and unbearable similar to their Western counterparts.

Asian women, like other posts mentioned, are also becoming extremely westernized. For them a big reason why is the influx of white guys over the years that couldnt compete in Canada, Britain, or USA going for what was once perceived as easier "prey".

However, their bad game now has practically no return on investment anymore as the women there have gotten used to it and no longer see the weird interactions and excessive attention and gifts as romantic and special. They all now expect that treatment from have their egos highly inflated.

The 60s in the USA truly were a mistake but 2011 and 2020 truly drove the nail in the coffin.
Women are women all over. I think the answer is to learn how to enjoy life on your own and focus on the very small percentage of women that are worth it, regardless of country.

Even most men are not worth being friends with.
While I agree with the overall sentiment, tolerance of bad behaviors from the overall population should not be ignored. It's tolerance, loosening restrictions, no truly impactful hardships, and softening the grip on the reins of society that slowly led the great majority of men and women to becoming the soulless, impulsive, hedonistic, demonic husks they are today. Letting those behaviors and attitudes slide only emboldens those that already do it and discourages and breaks down decent people who were brought up correctly by the few good parents and communities still left.

People, especially young people growing up in their formative years will always have a need to belong. The biggest example of this is universities. Its why most college kids (in the case of those who live on campus and probably had a decent but sheltered upbringing) are such easy prey to bad influences. They finally are away from the watchful eyes of their parents and are introduced to a new, unfamiliar environment full of unfamiliar people all from different backgrounds and upbringing. Most won't be able to handle their newfound independence responsibly and let their guard down and succumb to peer pressure, other students with more life experience/bad intentions and malicious faculty with an agenda.

It's a cycle of sinful behavior thats been allowed to rapidly accumulate and spread these last few decades. All it takes is a few strong willed, influential men to begin making a difference and put a stop to this. Unfortunately those are beckming rarer with each passing day.
The way I perceive dating in the west is from a cultural standpoint rather the feasibility of finding “good”’ women. In truth I met plenty of decent women in the west, though most of them were taken.

I ask: What is my potential wife going to be doing?

I also ask: Am I going to able to express my masculinity to its potential in the west and be content?

I lastly ask: Are my kids going to be Mr.beast YouTube faggots?

I highly risk my wife having stupid whore friends, who will discuss which woman got what, how big that black guy’s cock print was and all kinds of nonsense in the west. Also she’ll be bored out of her mind cause it’s very hard for me to provide her with some community of good people she can fraternize with since I struggled with that too.

Then you got the fact that I will have to do all kinds of BS like keep up with the Joneses, walk on eggshells, turn the other cheek in western culture-worry about all kinds of nonsense I shouldn’t have to. All this is going to wear me down and my potential wife will see it me struggle emotionally. I’ll be another western fag constantly try to lean on my wife’s shoulder secretly without her noticing.

Someone young can say “just be an alpha male bro”. It doesn’t work like that. All kinds of high-t men try it but it’s still a burden to live in that hellscape.

So I believe it’s better to slum it out with the third worlders. If you never lived with such people it’s hard to explain what it’s like and it is an acquired taste if you didn’t experience it in childhood.

They keep each other in line. They’re simple folk. The can drink a couple beers, talk around the table for hours and call it a day. They’re not waking up depressed and contemplating the nature of life like us.
Letting those behaviors and attitudes slide only emboldens those that already do it and discourages and breaks down decent people who were brought up correctly by the few good parents and communities still left.
It's been my experience too, having been lucky to have been raised by good people and without insecurities. The behavior sink and crowding in general were very bad for family and communities, I'd argue as well. Possibly OK for economy, but we take that for granted.
Then you got the fact that I will have to do all kinds of BS like keep up with the Joneses, walk on eggshells, turn the other cheek in western culture-worry about all kinds of nonsense I shouldn’t have to.
I think this is the worst part of it. The fact that this is the cherry on top of older, less physically attractive women is the death knell to be honest. The former looks paradigm isn't going to last, but if you get lesser in looks and age, at least don't make me pay and push anxieties on me. Now you know why it's an easy decision to bounce to other places.
So I believe it’s better to slum it out with the third worlders.
Is it just your point that after a while, you're just ok with the simple things of life? That might not be for all, but I can see how it is possibly a good choice to consider. A lot of us are competitive and it's hard to just mail it in. I don't mean that in a bad way, by the way.
The way I perceive dating in the west is from a cultural standpoint rather the feasibility of finding “good”’ women. In truth I met plenty of decent women in the west, though most of them were taken.

I ask: What is my potential wife going to be doing?

I also ask: Am I going to able to express my masculinity to its potential in the west and be content?

My experience is you still can in certain environments, but you’re right the gynocentrism becomes exhausting.

I lastly ask: Are my kids going to be Mr.beast YouTube faggots?

I worry about the younger generations who only know the internet. You’re correct on this point as well.

I highly risk my wife having stupid whore friends, who will discuss which woman got what, how big that black guy’s cock print was and all kinds of nonsense in the west. Also she’ll be bored out of her mind cause it’s very hard for me to provide her with some community of good people she can fraternize with since I struggled with that too.

Bingo. Because of the way the culture has evolved, you’re constantly going to be doing battle as a conservative religious man vs. the forces of social media and worse her circle of friends. The latter wouldn’t be a problem if all her friends were good church going women, but let’s be real, that’s almost never the case. There are sheets a few women in her friend circle that aren’t good influences.

Then you got the fact that I will have to do all kinds of BS like keep up with the Joneses, walk on eggshells, turn the other cheek in western culture-worry about all kinds of nonsense I shouldn’t have to. All this is going to wear me down and my potential wife will see it me struggle emotionally. I’ll be another western fag constantly try to lean on my wife’s shoulder secretly without her noticing.

Yup, someone else posted this that it sounds extremely strange when married men say their wife is their best friend.

Someone young can say “just be an alpha male bro”. It doesn’t work like that. All kinds of high-t men try it but it’s still a burden to live in that hellscape.

So I believe it’s better to slum it out with the third worlders. If you never lived with such people it’s hard to explain what it’s like and it is an acquired taste if you didn’t experience it in childhood.

Are you recommending visiting other countries and leaving permanently?

They keep each other in line. They’re simple folk. The can drink a couple beers, talk around the table for hours and call it a day. They’re not waking up depressed and contemplating the nature of life like us.

Because the cultures are less materialistic, you do your work and are happy to just live another day.
Are you recommending visiting other countries and leaving permanently?
I cant recommend anything because everyone’s situation is different. I’m talking in the abstract about a hypothetical Joe Blow. I personally hate the west, I’m no longer in the west but money is an issue.

I don’t really recognize being a gluten for punishment as being virtuous. That’s not to say suffering is ungodly. When life/God forces you to suffer you endure. When God humbled you or makes you undergo trials you endure. That doesn’t mean you can’t recognize it for what it is. It’s perfectly fine to say “I was punished or I suffered, I did not enjoy it but I persevered”. It’s pride that would make someone say “God gave me trials and I passed with flying colors”. You don’t really know what God’s intentions are.

So there’s nothing wrong with going somewhere if you’re not happy in the west in my opinion. Hypothetically you would be more useful to God somewhere that facilitates you being drawn closer to him. To say that God wants me in America or whatever because he wants me to fight for the white race sounds foolish to me. Sure I would love to be a hero, I would love to be the savior of my people but I’ve never really been offered opportunities to do so. Am I to assume that I should stick around on the off chance God might actually want me to be a race warrior in 10 years? I’m sure if that’s Gods plan I will be drawn to make a “Grand Return”. I think the “egotistical” aspects has been driven home by this point.

You decide for yourself what’s right for you.
We’re all part of the problem….I acted out recently…thought I found a woman…who was wife material and we spent the past 4 months getting to know each other…nothing physical except for some light touching. Met her in a Catholic church group no less…Out of nowhere the communication from her became less and less to where it seemed like ghosting, then said she wasn’t mentally prepared to be courted or date.

I was furious! I wasted months of my time, talking to nobody else! I texted an old hookup, always available, hotter than the religious woman and younger…but promiscuous…but clean (we both would get tested regularly) wouldn’t ever marry her but she’s cool…had unprotected relations no problems. She said she just didn’t want to get pregnant. I know it was wrong, but I couldn’t deal with that shit…and I don’t regret it at all. Then I saw the religious girl a few weeks later out with another guy, another lying fake religious ho.
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We’re all part of the problem….I acted out recently…thought I found a woman…who was wife material and we spent the past 4 months getting to know each other…nothing physical except for some light touching. Met her in a Catholic church group no less…Out of nowhere the communication from her became less and less to where it seemed like ghosting, then said she wasn’t mentally prepared to be courted or date.

I was furious! I wasted months of my time, talking to nobody else! I texted an old hookup, always available, hotter than the religious woman and younger…but promiscuous…but clean (we both would get tested regularly) wouldn’t ever marry her but she’s cool…had unprotected relations no problems. She said she just didn’t want to get pregnant. I know it was wrong, but I couldn’t deal with that shit…and I don’t regret it at all. Then I saw the religious girl a few weeks later out with another guy, another lying fake religious ho.
Women from Catholic church groups are often whorish, yes. Very weird. Sorry you had to go through that. Hooking up with some other girl to try and feel a bit better was obviously not good, but I can't say I don't understand. It's very tiresome out there. Regardless, make sure you confess that when possible.
Women from Catholic church groups are often whorish, yes. Very weird. Sorry you had to go through that. Hooking up with some other girl to try and feel a bit better was obviously not good, but I can't say I don't understand. It's very tiresome out there. Regardless, make sure you confess that when possible.

I did confess…but I don’t go into specific details with the priest….just the sin and transgression itself…my concern now is I am talking again with the hookup…are Catholic Church group women really whorish? This was a surprise…I know it’s become more liberal but I didn’t expect this from one…if was such disingenuous behavior…
Catholic girls do not have a good reputation. One of my family members also goes to a Catholic church and it's full of homos.

If you find people that take it seriously it's probably great, but most modern Catholics are a joke in my opinion. Rainbow flags, whores, feminism, etc. Especially in the US.

The only ones that seemed to take it serious were the old ladies and priests…I missed some red flags…this girl had a tattoo but small on her side…damn…I was kind of new to the area and found this church…the priest also raised a few red flags…when I confessed the sexual relation he told me it’s completely normal…and to keep trying, he’s Brazilian I think…he seems not to care much…are Brazilian priests more liberal?
We’re all part of the problem….I acted out recently…thought I found a woman…who was wife material and we spent the past 4 months getting to know each other…nothing physical except for some light touching. Met her in a Catholic church group no less…Out of nowhere the communication from her became less and less to where it seemed like ghosting, then said she wasn’t mentally prepared to be courted or date.

I was furious! I wasted months of my time, talking to nobody else! I texted an old hookup, always available, hotter than the religious woman and younger…but promiscuous…but clean (we both would get tested regularly) wouldn’t ever marry her but she’s cool…had unprotected relations no problems. She said she just didn’t want to get pregnant. I know it was wrong, but I couldn’t deal with that shit…and I don’t regret it at all. Then I saw the religious girl a few weeks later out with another guy, another lying fake religious ho.
4 months is nothing. Thats really only starting to break the tip of the iceberg of becoming somewhat comfortable and familiar with each other. Note that Im talking about a serious relationship with a semi decent girl whos actually interested in you.

She could've wasted a year or more of your time. She did you a favor honestly so count your blessings.
4 months is nothing. Thats really only starting to break the tip of the iceberg of becoming somewhat comfortable and familiar with each other. Note that Im talking about a serious relationship with a semi decent girl whos actually interested in you.

She could've wasted a year or more of your time. She did you a favor honestly so count your blessings.
4 months is an objectively pretty long amount of time to spend on anything, though. If someone made you spend time and energy on them for 4 months, and then immediately up and left when they thought they found something better, aka just classic monkey branching which is total honorless snake behavior, I think you would be strange if you weren't at least a little angry.
Catholic girls do not have a good reputation. One of my family members also goes to a Catholic church and it's full of homos.

If you find people that take it seriously it's probably great, but most modern Catholics are a joke in my opinion. Rainbow flags, whores, feminism, etc. Especially in the US.
No disrespect to any Catholics here who genuinely try to follow and live life according to the church but every Catholic Ive known (quite a lot) has been nothing but a fake follower, a hypocrite, or whoremonger. Like it was said in another post, the only Catholics who go to church religiously are seniors who honestly were brought up differently and arent very likely to break habits formed over decades. But even they arent always the "saints" they make themselves out to be.

I've known older Catholic women who go to Mass on Sunday to keep up appearances and while there gossip and bad mouth members of the church and community that aren't part of their clique. Then on Monday they'll go to the "medicine man" aka one of the local modern day witches to consult and get "remedies" for their problems or things for luck and good fortune. None of these women work, are considered old school housewives and homemakers for the most part, and are considered staples of the community. But in reality when they aren't in the public eye they're vindictive, greedy, evil henpeckers.

As for the younger generations, they mostly begrudgingly go because their family makes them go. Again, most likely to keep up appearances. But behaviorally there's no difference between them and someone who doesnt practice any religion. The men drink, swear, smoke, do drugs, and have no qualms participating in debauchery. The women see no problem with getting disgusting piercings on the nose and face (ears are fine in my opinion) and marking themselves with tattoos. They also have no problem sleeping around. Some even have the gall to claim they're still virginal because they've only done anal. Hamster on overdrive.

Not to ramble or change the theme of the thread to a religious one but I really believe Catholicism is akin to the Great Whore of Babylon especially since this new pope (definitely a false prophet in spirit) came in with his "progressive" idealogy. So much filth openly encouraged in the catholic church these last few years its honestly barbaric. And the effect has not gone unnoticed.