The Destruction of Modern Women

There's another web community I'm in where one of the members of is a young Dutch woman. She was talking about her dating preferences and she said that she actually goes out of her to avoid Dutch men. She's also one of those super leftist types that thinks Dutch society is racist (she was supremely upset about the results of the last elections there) and complains about her fellow Dutch being racist. A direct quote from her criticizing them was "nothing sounds better to the general Dutch ears than shouting LESS MOROCCANS!!! LESS LESS LESS!!!!!!!!!!" I saw her posts and it made me think of this thread.
Hope she ends up childless. Gosh and that thing can vote.
Hope she ends up childless. Gosh and that thing can vote.
Maybe she'll come around. The real question is if she chose these dumb points of view because she's a degenerate, outcast, and/or insecure. If she isn't, there is hope. Mostly, as we know however, these kinds of things don't change until people like this realize how artificial the world they have grown up in is, and how meaningless their opinions actually are.
Was having an online conversation with the Dutch girl I mentioned before. I was asking her about what she though of immigration and one of the things she said was "anyone has a right to be everywhere". She's big on LGBT issues and is bisexual herself so I suggested to her that increasing the amount of immigration from cultures that are hostile towards LGBT people could cause Dutch society becoming more hostile towards such people. She said thought it wouldn't happen due to the separation of church and state and I brought up these immigrants also tend to be less supportive of such an idea and that having more of them would lessen the sort of separation that she wants. She finally agreed that some of the trends I suggested would happen due to the sort of immigration that would come to Holland could likely happen but she also said: "But I don't think it justifies letting these people starve to death".
Was having an online conversation with the Dutch girl I mentioned before. I was asking her about what she though of immigration and one of the things she said was "anyone has a right to be everywhere". She's big on LGBT issues and is bisexual herself so I suggested to her that increasing the amount of immigration from cultures that are hostile towards LGBT people could cause Dutch society becoming more hostile towards such people. She said thought it wouldn't happen due to the separation of church and state and I brought up these immigrants also tend to be less supportive of such an idea and that having more of them would lessen the sort of separation that she wants. She finally agreed that some of the trends I suggested would happen due to the sort of immigration that would come to Holland could likely happen but she also said: "But I don't think it justifies letting these people starve to death".
I felt like I got dumber after reading that.
Was having an online conversation with the Dutch girl I mentioned before. I was asking her about what she thought of immigration and one of the things she said was "anyone has a right to be everywhere". She's big on LGBT issues and is bisexual herself so I suggested to her that increasing the amount of immigration from cultures that are hostile towards LGBT people could cause Dutch society becoming more hostile towards such people. She said thought it wouldn't happen due to the separation of church and state and I brought up these immigrants also tend to be less supportive of such an idea and that having more of them would lessen the sort of separation that she wants. She finally agreed that some of the trends I suggested would happen due to the sort of immigration that would come to Holland could likely happen but she also said: "But I don't think it justifies letting these people starve to death".
So she believes in open borders. I wonder what she would think about how elections should work.
I used to think they should, many years ago when I was a bluepilled normie. However, decades of them doing their very utmost to prove me wrong has convinced me that they really shouldn't. In 1918 the British Empire controlled 23% of the world's landmass. A century of women voting later and we have state sanctioned rape and murder of children by mass imported immigrants, and we're expected to applaud this or go to jail.
I think a major factor that no one is discussing is how the church does not put pressure on women to save themselves into their 20’s. It also doesn’t state the fact that male and female virginity can’t be compared because they’re not equal.

But even on this forum we see people say “you’re not a virgin, accept used goods.”

And to be clear, if you married a woman with 1-4 sexual partners, you might not have married a white, but you 100% got “used goods”. @Australia Sucks
I think a major factor that no one is discussing is how the church does not put pressure on women to save themselves into their 20’s. It also doesn’t state the fact that male and female virginity can’t be compared because they’re not equal.
Regardless of how difficult this might be to do given the culture, there hasn't really been even an attempt to have an honest discussion about this, at least in the west. The fear is always that people will reject it or you'll lose members, etc but wouldn't that be a good thing? You'd at least get better behavior and family formation from a portion of your people.
It also doesn’t state the fact that male and female virginity can’t be compared because they’re not equal.
Can you expound on what you mean by this?

Are you saying that fornication is OK with God? Or are you saying that fornication is OK if you are male but not OK if you are female?

What do you mean by them not being "equal"?
But even on this forum we see people say “you’re not a virgin, accept used goods.”

That’s a hyperbolic statement. Virginity is good. I personally don’t support casual sex and I think teens shouldn’t be sexually active. Obviously once people are adults it becomes harder to dictate what they should be doing.

I just want to brainstorm this concept. What is it about a woman who was sexually active that disgusts us? It disgusts me too.

I think the central theme here is alpha widowing. I don’t know about you but I definitely don’t want to play second fiddle to some Chad. When I imagine a woman having sex with some nice guy I don’t really feel that much disgust.

The issue with a virgin is first finding one. The second issue is are you going to be alpha enough to fully imprint on her? Even if you’re first you can still be cucked later on. Also I found these women are very susceptible to alpha energy. Like other posters already mentioned, maybe she’s been giving out BJs like candy. The third issue is are you willing to die alone on this principle?

So can you please elaborate your thoughts on this “used goods” concept and why you feel a virgin is mandatory or would be such a great deal for you?
Can you expound on what you mean by this?

Are you saying that fornication is OK with God? Or are you saying that fornication is OK if you are male but not OK if you are female?

What do you mean by them not being "equal"?
I’m saying that men are disgusted by a non virgin partner at a far higher rate than women are at a non virgin male partner.
That’s a hyperbolic statement. Virginity is good. I personally don’t support casual sex and I think teens shouldn’t be sexually active. Obviously once people are adults it becomes harder to dictate what they should be doing.

I just want to brainstorm this concept. What is it about a woman who was sexually active that disgusts us? It disgusts me too.

I think the central theme here is alpha widowing. I don’t know about you but I definitely don’t want to play second fiddle to some Chad. When I imagine a woman having sex with some nice guy I don’t really feel that much disgust.

The issue with a virgin is first finding one. The second issue is are you going to be alpha enough to fully imprint on her? Even if you’re first you can still be cucked later on. Also I found these women are very susceptible to alpha energy. Like other posters already mentioned, maybe she’s been giving out BJs like candy. The third issue is are you willing to die alone on this principle?

So can you please elaborate your thoughts on this “used goods” concept and why you feel a virgin is mandatory or would be such a great deal for you?
She has mental imprints of men on her is the main issue. Also it’s just gross putting your, to be quite blunt, penis where other men put it. Would you share a flesh light with another man because he washed it?
Almost all of this has to do with the gift of purity and in general, fidelity. The reason why it's more pronounced is because by definition men don't know for certain if they are the father, while women do know they are the mother. As a result, everything is based off of this reality, and the male and female realities that "experience hurts" women and helps men, with time being a similar phenomenon.

I think it's the time part that women are most jaded and in denial or disgust about. That's another reason why you never hear about them rightly judging that their window of attractiveness is in reality, quite short.
Almost all of this has to do with the gift of purity and in general, fidelity. The reason why it's more pronounced is because by definition men don't know for certain if they are the father, while women do know they are the mother. As a result, everything is based off of this reality, and the male and female realities that "experience hurts" women and helps men, with time being a similar phenomenon.
If by "experience" you mean fornication, you acknowledge it's sinfulness, but you deem it as helpful?

Didn't Roosh dedicate his life to fornication, only to find that it wasn't very helpful to him?
I used to think they should, many years ago when I was a bluepilled normie. However, decades of them doing their very utmost to prove me wrong has convinced me that they really shouldn't. In 1918 the British Empire controlled 23% of the world's landmass. A century of women voting later and we have state sanctioned rape and murder of children by mass imported immigrants, and we're expected to applaud this or go to jail.

Timothy 2:12-15​

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.