The Destruction of Modern Women

4 months is an objectively pretty long amount of time to spend on anything, though. If someone made you spend time and energy on them for 4 months, and then immediately up and left when they thought they found something better, aka just classic monkey branching which is total honorless snake behavior, I think you would be strange if you weren't at least a little angry.

It made me angry…I took the wrong action but…I would think after 4 months she’d have made a decision…but my guess she was seeing other men, not a guess I saw it…disgusting.
4 months is an objectively pretty long amount of time to spend on anything, though. If someone made you spend time and energy on them for 4 months, and then immediately up and left when they thought they found something better, aka just classic monkey branching which is total honorless snake behavior, I think you would be strange if you weren't at least a little angry.
It depends how often they were seeing each other. Don't get me wrong, he has every right and reason to be upset. I would be as well. But many women are just masters at long term stringing along. Seems this one either was a little more honest or just less experienced. Either way she made herself a thing of the past.
No disrespect to any Catholics here who genuinely try to follow and live life according to the church but every Catholic Ive known (quite a lot) has been nothing but a fake follower, a hypocrite, or whoremonger. Like it was said in another post, the only Catholics who go to church religiously are seniors who honestly were brought up differently and arent very likely to break habits formed over decades. But even they arent always the "saints" they make themselves out to be.

I've known older Catholic women who go to Mass on Sunday to keep up appearances and while there gossip and bad mouth members of the church and community that aren't part of their clique. Then on Monday they'll go to the "medicine man" aka one of the local modern day witches to consult and get "remedies" for their problems or things for luck and good fortune. None of these women work, are considered old school housewives and homemakers for the most part, and are considered staples of the community. But in reality when they aren't in the public eye they're vindictive, greedy, evil henpeckers.

As for the younger generations, they mostly begrudgingly go because their family makes them go. Again, most likely to keep up appearances. But behaviorally there's no difference between them and someone who doesnt practice any religion. The men drink, swear, smoke, do drugs, and have no qualms participating in debauchery. The women see no problem with getting disgusting piercings on the nose and face (ears are fine in my opinion) and marking themselves with tattoos. They also have no problem sleeping around. Some even have the gall to claim they're still virginal because they've only done anal. Hamster on overdrive.

Not to ramble or change the theme of the thread to a religious one but I really believe Catholicism is akin to the Great Whore of Babylon especially since this new pope (definitely a false prophet in spirit) came in with his "progressive" idealogy. So much filth openly encouraged in the catholic church these last few years its honestly barbaric. And the effect has not gone unnoticed.

I don’t doubt this my man…I was raised in the faith…I don’t know where else to go…your profile says other Christian, what is other if you don’t mind me asking? I agree with all the hypocrisy, I even feel like one…but I don’t know where else to go.
I am learning this through lots of practice, but there is a very clear difference in women that only want to talk to one man (they are rare) and the women talking to several men. It's hard to explain and I'm still figuring it out. But good women are awkward, shy, nervous, etc. They do subtle things to get your attention, and it's a big deal to them when they do. It's hard to get used to but a great thing in the long-run. And I think once a man breaks through, they would be a wonderful wife one day.
I don’t doubt this my man…I was raised in the faith…I don’t know where else to go…your profile says other Christian, what is other if you don’t mind me asking? I agree with all the hypocrisy, I even feel like one…but I don’t know where else to go.
Evangelical, though I admit I am currently a poor example. My faith has honestly been eroded because of constant hardships and difficulties that only seem to stall yet get constantly worse. Because of that my sinful acts have probably been getting gradually worse despite the fact I know better but have been left so jaded I almost don't care. I need to start reaching out to God again. Permanently, this time. Last thing I need is God to consider me a lost cause and turn His back on me.
I am learning this through lots of practice, but there is a very clear difference in women that only want to talk to one man (they are rare) and the women talking to several men. It's hard to explain and I'm still figuring it out. But good women are awkward, shy, nervous, etc. They do subtle things to get your attention, and it's a big deal to them when they do. It's hard to get used to but a great thing in the long-run. And I think once a man breaks through, they would be a wonderful wife one day.
These are traits of childlike innocence. Behaviors of someone who doesn't have experience in the dating market with the opposite sex. A pretty good indication that she hasn't been cock-hopping or has very little, if any, sexual experience.

This is very rare to genuinely see these days because we're all now so used to seeing masculine, loud, overly flirty, shameless women. For the majority of post puberty women, their minds, bodies, and souls have been tainted by their multiple sexual flings and worldly vices. For the pre pubescent ones they are already so exposed to sexual filth and degeneracy from a young age through tv, smartphones, computers, and school/peers that mentally they are already damaged and preprogrammed to physically defile their bodies.

Its a shame that society started shunning women for displaying those innocent behaviors and that we ended up instead with basically a bunch of undomesticated animals with purchasing power and voting rights. But on the other hand, society everywhere has changed, especially culturally. A woman with an innocent mindset is easy prey for men with bad intentions. White men have been basically castrated systemically by the government into being passive slaves and for those that show some backbone they try to make a swift example. With the changing demographics in the west, the number of such men with bad intentions here has exponentially increased. What's funny is that despite modern women's masculine behavior, many still fall for the same old tricks from these men.
But good women are awkward, shy, nervous, etc. They do subtle things to get your attention, and it's a big deal to them when they do. It's hard to get used to but a great thing in the long-run. And I think once a man breaks through, they would be a wonderful wife one day.

Interesting. I realize how much I avoid shy and awkward people because I don't like those qualities in myself. I'm also kind the kind of guy who responds to my feelings toward someone based on my initial impression of their energy, conversation, and appearance. It sounds like I'm not geared for finding a good wife.
Evangelical, though I admit I am currently a poor example. My faith has honestly been eroded because of constant hardships and difficulties that only seem to stall yet get constantly worse. Because of that my sinful acts have probably been getting gradually worse despite the fact I know better but have been left so jaded I almost don't care. I need to start reaching out to God again. Permanently, this time. Last thing I need is God to consider me a lost cause and turn His back on me.

I feel I'm at a similar place. I believe God wants men to address whatever it is that will help them repent. Speaking generally it's harder for a man to repent if he feels he is living an atomized, barren existence.
Interesting. I realize how much I avoid shy and awkward people because I don't like those qualities in myself. I'm also kind the kind of guy who responds to my feelings toward someone based on my initial impression of their energy, conversation, and appearance. It sounds like I'm not geared for finding a good wife.
In the case of women its not exactly your fault that you dont find those qualities attractive in a woman. Since the 60s onwards women have been gradually brainwashed worse and worse into forgoing their true delicate, feminine, childlike nature and adopting masculine traits as their persona and lifestyle. Since that time until now generations of men have been exposed to nothing but the post 60s attitudes and mindsets without having ever experienced the sweet and gentle nature of the 50s and prior that once was quite common. The closest thing to come close would be a grandparent or great-greatparent who would now have to be 85+ years old to qualify as having been around long enough during those specific time periods.

If women back then in the 60s had overnight become what most of today's "females" are you can be pretty sure there would've been a counter revolution to undo the damage as there were still strong men and societal standards to be upheld back then on all levels. But the change was gradual and the initial thought behind the movements were "innocent enough" on a surface level.

Feminism (giving women equal rights) and the hippie movements (demonstrations against the Vietnam war and challenging the social norms at the time). Feminism was founded by a bunch of miserable man haters and dykes. The hippie movements were founded by degenerates and children of wealthy people who had no hardships in their lives and wanted to pretend to be similar to the average person. Both movements have pagan and satanic origins/influences which are incompatible with a healthy functioning society and attempt to disrupt God's purpose and plan for man and woman. To any women reading this, dont get it twisted. No woman should be a slave to her husband/boyfriend or subject to abuse of any kind. The same should go for men which is sadly what is happening today and honestly needs to stop if we want to maintain some semblance of harmony for a while longer.

God created man first, then from the man he created woman. The women was made as a helper to man therefore she is subject to where she was created from. Being subject to someone does not mean inferior. Both men and women are equal in importance to God's eyes. Both created with a separate divine purpose and different responsibilities. When both pull their weight together in completing their individually assigned purpose/ responsibilities it pleases the other and creates a peaceful household. In the end both have to answer to God and will be held accountable for their actions by the Creator. What Satan has done over the recent decades is gradually create an inversion of man and woman's purpose and corrupting both in the process. He's broken down all barriers that kept people equally accountable (high trust society, social and cultural norms, governments, fair judicial system, homogeneous demographics) and used modern technology (radio, television, internet, social media, smartphones) to their absolute fullest potential to achieve his goals. People since the beginning of time have been warned of and continue to be warned of the extreme power of the Devil's influence but they always underestimate it and fall victim. They will be judged.

Things have honesty gotten so bad that some disingenuous women will put on the shy timid act for men to cover up their past deeds. Look at all those onlyfans/online prostitutes who suddenly go on youtube saying they've quit the industry or converted to Christianity. Its deceiving (though the effect is becoming less potent as the tactic is overused), spitting in the face of God, and giving society a bad impression of Christianity.

All this is to cement the point that its not you that isnt geared for a wife. There have been a lot of external factors preying on the weaknesses of mankind's flesh prompted by malignant spiritual forces in a desperate attempt to destroy God's creation. Women and their destruction have been very high on the list due to the domino effect their corruption causes. But good genuine (even genuinely repentant) women do exist and are interested in finding a life mate. This is where some game can come in handy to help you with both gaining more experience with female behavior as well as sniffing out any suspicious behaviors and inconsistencies in the initial dating stages. Just dont go all in with sky high expectations. You don't need to exactly settle but understand no one is perfect. If both men AND women understood and accepted this basic common sense advice couples would be much more happy and the dating market wouldn't be as volatile as it currently is.
This is where some game can come in handy
I will never stop hating this infantile PUA term, "game". The name says it all: it's just a game. It implies frivolity, triviality, triteness, manipulation. It screams: I don't know what I'm doing and I have no control over my life or environment.
Back in the day, men had knowledge and understanding of female nature and how to deal with them. It was just called handling women, like you handle a gun or your liquor. Only real men knew how to do it, and they passed this knowledge on to their sons.
Nowadays, everything has to have a stupid title or a category: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, like the whole world is run by spergs hiding in their basements, reading an instruction manual. Call me old-fashioned, I don't care.
I will never stop hating this infantile PUA term, "game". The name says it all: it's just a game. It implies frivolity, triviality, triteness, manipulation. It screams: I don't know what I'm doing and I have no control over my life or environment.
Back in the day, men had knowledge and understanding of female nature and how to deal with them. It was just called handling women, like you handle a gun or your liquor. Only real men knew how to do it, and they passed this knowledge on to their sons.
Nowadays, everything has to have a stupid title or a category: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, like the whole world is run by spergs hiding in their basements, reading an instruction manual. Call me old-fashioned, I don't care.
While yes, the categorization of everything is out of control, you had some idea of what I was referencing when you read that term.

I do agree with everything you wrote above but unfortunately it really isn't applicable anymore. What you described works when communities and countries are mostly homogeneous with the same set of ideas, upbringing, and principles. Multiculturalism absolutely destroyed that. There isnt a one size fits formula for interacting with potential spouses or even people anymore. Add to that the evergrowing and changing western influence on other countries and that muddies the waters on effective and healthy social interactions/behaviors even more. And this isn't even bringing up the topic of how the nuclear unit has been mostly destroyed as well as children growing up without positive role models or decent mothers and fathers. Or other factors working against men, especially men of European ancestry.

It's sad but the unfortunate reality.
These are traits of childlike innocence. Behaviors of someone who doesn't have experience in the dating market with the opposite sex. A pretty good indication that she hasn't been cock-hopping or has very little, if any, sexual experience.

This is very rare to genuinely see these days because we're all now so used to seeing masculine, loud, overly flirty, shameless women. For the majority of post puberty women, their minds, bodies, and souls have been tainted by their multiple sexual flings and worldly vices. For the pre pubescent ones they are already so exposed to sexual filth and degeneracy from a young age through tv, smartphones, computers, and school/peers that mentally they are already damaged and preprogrammed to physically defile their bodies.

Its a shame that society started shunning women for displaying those innocent behaviors and that we ended up instead with basically a bunch of undomesticated animals with purchasing power and voting rights. But on the other hand, society everywhere has changed, especially culturally. A woman with an innocent mindset is easy prey for men with bad intentions. White men have been basically castrated systemically by the government into being passive slaves and for those that show some backbone they try to make a swift example. With the changing demographics in the west, the number of such men with bad intentions here has exponentially increased. What's funny is that despite modern women's masculine behavior, many still fall for the same old tricks from these men.

Agree with this, especially the bolded part...unless the young woman's parents are very proactive and they are in a strong community/church that keeps shady men away from the young women.

It's similar to the "Finding a trad wife abroad" or whatever its called thread. Basically there is this dilemma: if one can get easily get into a community then the quality of woman will be lower, but on the other hand, will the time invested to gain access to a more restricted/closed place pay off in the end?
when I confessed the sexual relation he told me it’s completely normal…and to keep trying, he’s Brazilian I think…he seems not to care much…are Brazilian priests more liberal?
I've heard this from another poster, the Brazilians must be desensitized, given how frequent that is.
I am learning this through lots of practice, but there is a very clear difference in women that only want to talk to one man (they are rare) and the women talking to several men. It's hard to explain and I'm still figuring it out. But good women are awkward, shy, nervous, etc. They do subtle things to get your attention, and it's a big deal to them when they do.
You get monkey branching from excess options, spurred on by some degree of income. The modern world is a nightmare in putting almost zero limits on women while accentuating all their bad instincts.
These are traits of childlike innocence. Behaviors of someone who doesn't have experience in the dating market with the opposite sex. A pretty good indication that she hasn't been cock-hopping or has very little, if any, sexual experience.
Yes, either this or she in general is really attracted to your traits, but also has that predispostion.
Its a shame that society started shunning women for displaying those innocent behaviors and that we ended up instead with basically a bunch of undomesticated animals with purchasing power and voting rights.
You've nailed it on several of your posts on the last couple of pages, and this is no different.
The same should go for men which is sadly what is happening today and honestly needs to stop if we want to maintain some semblance of harmony for a while longer.
Exactly, you never hear about how abusive women are to men, or that they might try to enslave them in various "soft" ways. It also takes advantage of the status quo and the desire to believe that women can't or won't do a whole bunch of things ... that they often do.
Women and their destruction have been very high on the list due to the domino effect their corruption causes. But good genuine (even genuinely repentant) women do exist and are interested in finding a life mate. This is where some game can come in handy to help you with both gaining more experience with female behavior as well as sniffing out any suspicious behaviors and inconsistencies in the initial dating stages. Just dont go all in with sky high expectations. You don't need to exactly settle but understand no one is perfect. If both men AND women understood and accepted this basic common sense advice couples would be much more happy and the dating market wouldn't be as volatile as it currently is.
They would be but you know what the reality is, and I've talked about it extensively as I've encountered many women over the years but few that I was serious about, or found attractive enough. As I'm sure you know, women can't forego those early years or there are very few reasons a higher value man is going to trade what he has for that. Physical fitness is also so bad in the west that most of the time the only hope is also that she's young. But the culture won't allow for age gaps, so again the solution is denied. You can't tell women to ignore marriage in early years and then also tell them that they can marry later when the other party, who actually calls the shot in marriage, isn't attracted or interested (obviously since men have higher and increasing value later).
It's similar to the "Finding a trad wife abroad" or whatever its called thread. Basically there is this dilemma: if one can get easily get into a community then the quality of woman will be lower, but on the other hand, will the time invested to gain access to a more restricted/closed place pay off in the end?
Similar to the above, there are always going to be tradeoffs. If you're a successful man in the west and you aren't willing to put up with more masculine, older women - and spending a lot of money on them and their whims to boot - your only option is abroad. The west basically selects for simps at this point, to be honest: just pay and not care about her past. And get no guarantees of sex from her either as time passes. The whole thing is actually pretty laughable.
I've heard this from another poster, the Brazilians must be desensitized, given how frequent that is.

We had a Brazilian prostitute and porn cam girl at one of our churches….busted by instagram…she’d make a lot of posts in front of churches…both in Brazil and the states…saying she loved God…

She was outed by maybe an angry boyfriend or customer…but they posted proof all over Facebook…it was inappropriate but true…I remember seeing her at church a few times..she was one of those Brazilians with a fake chest…fake behind…I didn’t get it…why she’d be in church. Then she was busted…she stopped coming to church…after.

Then a priest at another church was busted for problem gambling…he embezzled 50,000 and got caught..was gambling with it…crazy.
It depends how often they were seeing each other. Don't get me wrong, he has every right and reason to be upset. I would be as well. But many women are just masters at long term stringing along. Seems this one either was a little more honest or just less experienced. Either way she made herself a thing of the past.

We were seeing each other weekly…texting too…I hate to say that these experiences are making me view women as trash…I know it’s not good…but when you get rejected again…it messes with you…I tried praying and nothing..
We were seeing each other weekly…texting too…I hate to say that these experiences are making me view women as trash…I know it’s not good…but when you get rejected again…it messes with you…I tried praying and nothing..
You may not feel any effects, but prayer helps in ways you cannot see. There is no need to perceive anything or feel better immediately, it's not that kind of thing, you're not casting a spell. You're simply talking to God. Trust that He is listening, and trust that He cares. Easier said than done, of course. That's why there are a lot of prayers to ask God to strengthen our faith.

Honestly, don't beat yourself up too much for hating women sometimes. It's a natural response, it cannot be overstated how extremely, historically unprecedentedly bad their behavior has become. Certainly not feelings you want to nurture within yourself, but you're not some kind of monster for feeling that way.
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