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The Destruction of Modern Women

I find eating a chore when you are single, so mostly it's an inconvenience unless you are with people, having a nice meal together, as it should be.

Totally agree. I just can't be bothered. This is why I'm 6ft 145lb. It's not hard for me to do. I only really feel like eating once a day. And I want stuff that's super fast and easy and healthy. Obsessions with eating just to eat are so weird to me. I really don't connect with it, and the women in my family drive me insane because everything has to be about eating all the time.

I workout by playing sports/doing some outdoor activities in nature casually once or twice a week. Some bodyweight exercises. That's it. I mostly just read books on the couch lol. I really don't understand how people get fat. And I'm not even blessed with my genetics. My father, and others, are fat for example.

The meals that I enjoy are when I'm in foreign restaurants with a group trying new dishes, or in a foreign country, and it's not just the food, but it's the vibe itself, a la Anthony Bourdain.

For women, at least in my experience, it's a different mindset. It's eat eat eat, and only their most amazing incredible dishes that are so good they will blow your mind, when in reality, they are just meh.

A lot of it appears to be validation that they are the best cooks of the land. Dumb.
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Totally agree. I just can't be bothered. This is why I'm 6ft 145lb. It's not hard for me to do. I only really feel like eating once a day. And I want stuff that's super fast and easy and healthy. Obsessions with eating just to eat are so weird to me. I really don't connect with it, and the women in my family drive me insane because everything has to be about eating all the time.

I workout by playing sports/doing some outdoor activities in nature casually once or twice a week. Some bodyweight exercises. That's it. I mostly just read books on the couch lol. I really don't understand how people get fat. And I'm not even blessed with my genetics. My father, and others, are fat for example.

The meals that I enjoy are when I'm in foreign restaurants with a group trying new dishes, or in a foreign country, and it's not just the food, but it's the vibe itself, a la Anthony Bourdain.

For women, at least in my experience, it's a different mindset. It's eat eat eat, and only their most amazing incredible dishes that are so good they will blow your mind, when in reality, they are just meh.

A lot of it appears to be validation that they are the best cooks of the land. Dumb.
Back when I was really into working out and training with a coach, it took so much energy and time just to make sure everything was in place for that week's training, nutrition, rest, etc.
Doing something you enjoy for physical activity and just having a few set meals that are just cycled through is way more enjoyable to me and far less involved. If it tastes good, great, that's a bonus.
Once you learn how much you need to eat to maintain or bulk a bit for serious effort events, it's pretty simple IMO. Lot of folks just eat because they are bored and eating feels good to them.

Meant to reply to the cooking bit also, I think a lot of that is just women being women. Gotta have something to be excited about, something to look forward to, hype hype hype!! Just think about all of these big holidays and stuff. It's all marketed and focused on women. Name a single commercial holiday that is not female driven, it's impossible.
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There's definitely a lot of problems with men today, but that's another topic. I think the destruction of the modern man is a great topic tbh.
Yes this is something I've had to acknowledge on a personal level. My life is finally getting good now at 33, but it's taken a while to start maturing. Mentally I'm probably more like 25.

I am learning that women in their early 20s are the easiest to get along with as well, which makes a lot of sense considering the above. They're not obsessed with a career or bitter from sleeping around. And to them, I seem mature. To me, they're actually nice, fun to talk to and still have that brightness in their eyes. Our interactions are natural and not like a job interview.

I thought maybe I could make it work with some of these mid 20s career women before it's too late for them, but it's proving to be a lost cause. I'm starting to vet women based on their job now too.

A good example is a busy Physician Assistant I recently met. My job was called off for the day because of snow (I work outside), so I went skiing for the day. When I told her that, she got noticeably agitated. When I tell a 22 year old without a career that, they get happy.

Young women, more so than men, are leaving the Church. In the past, it was reversed.

According to the survey it's because a majority of Gen-Z women are feminists and dislike the Church's teachings on traditional gender roles:

Even as rates of religious disaffiliation have risen, conservative churches have been able to hold on to their members, but they are facing more of an uphill battle keeping this current generation of young women in the pews. Sixty-one percent of Gen Z women identify as feminist, far greater than women from previous generations. Younger women are more concerned about the unequal treatment of women in American society and are more suspicious of institutions that uphold traditional social arrangements. In a poll we conducted, nearly two-thirds of (65 percent) young women said they do not believe that churches treat men and women equally.

And they are more concerned with their careers than they are with starting a family, another dynamic that has reversed between the genders:

Young women are more educated than their men their age and report greater professional ambition and concern with personal success and growth. Religion and family life are more distant or lower priorities. A recent Pew poll found that it was young men more than women who most aspire to become parents.

They also don't like the Church's teachings regarding homosexuality and abortion.

Since 2015, the number of young women who identify as liberal has rapidly increased. I speculated in a previous post about whether the abortion issue might be driving young women away from church. They are unequivocally pro-choice—54 percent of young women believe abortion should be available without any restriction in the 2022 General Social Survey.

This has also coincided with the rise in LGBTQ identity among young women—nearly three in ten women under the age of 30 now identify as something other than straight. It may explain why more Americans cite this as a reason for leaving. A new PRRI poll found that 60 percent of young people who left their childhood religion said that “negative treatment of gay and lesbian people” was an important reason.
Meant to reply to the cooking bit also, I think a lot of that is just women being women. Gotta have something to be excited about, something to look forward to, hype hype hype!! Just think about all of these big holidays and stuff. It's all marketed and focused on women. Name a single commercial holiday that is not female driven, it's impossible.
Women largely don't do active things, or particularly interesting things that involve action or analysis of some type, so they have to fill the time with entertainment and consumption, so that usually means social gatherings with food and drink - bars, restaurants, brunches, etc.

Men, on the other hand, will go play sports, drink beers and watch sports, gamble on sports, tinker with machines, race cars, etc. Even with trips for a woman, it's just changing location to go eat and drink, ultimately. No real humanities excursions, no museums, etc. Not a hard and fast rule, but usually.

"Retirement" doesn't mean much to most, but I can't even imagine what that means to a woman. My retirement will be working out, investing or analyzing markets, strategizing betting on sports, traveling, etc. Once you are in this spot, and a little bit older, it's hard to give up that freedom and those interesting activities for a woman or that commitment unless she's quite young, to be honest. Am I looking at the the wrong way? This came up recently when someone mentioned a woman but not the age, though I think over 30 or approaching mid 30s. Having waited that long, whoever's fault it was, why should a man who's already older but is the same "old" be on a woman's time frame? I feel like you might as well have fun til you are 50, since you're old anyway, then do the married thing to a 30 year old woman.
Honestly, while the propaganda is weird, I'd much rather have muscle babes over fatties. This is because 99% of women aren't going to be building much muscle. They don't have the T levels. All that happens is they get a good bum and lose some weight. Gym for girls isn't much different than if they hit the treadmill.

Anything that gets women to exercise is a good thing, no matter how one slices it. If they start taking roids, however, then we will have even worse problems. I can't imagine many women doing such a thing, however - no amount of propaganda will make women want to look like a man.

Spot on. Women design their bodies in their early 20s and, barring any major intervention, stay on that course through their lives. Most women can present 'perfect' bodies by just walking and eating a high protein, moderate fat diet and ditching sugary drinks. If they get in some pilates once or twice a week then they can maintain their bodies through their entire life. Men are mostly the same, but since we are judged by our muscle, we should at least have developed some noticeable physical prowess in our youth - of course not just for women, but because we are men.

Like anything in regards to health, it just needs to be consistent. I watch women come and go through my gym, but there is always a few women there who just show up, walk the treadmill and are pleasant to everyone. They look incredible and don't look any different physically than the gym bunnies in booty shorts and pink headphones filming themselves in the iron section.
I watch women come and go through my gym
I've always been curious as to why 99% of women are lazy. They either have it or they don't, and maybe that's understood given their early peaking. Trainers point this out all the time, the honest ones. Is it because they aren't competitive and can afford not to be? Like an older man who has accumulated wealth?
I've always been curious as to why 99% of women are lazy. They either have it or they don't, and maybe that's understood given their early peaking. Trainers point this out all the time, the honest ones. Is it because they aren't competitive and can afford not to be? Like an older man who has accumulated wealth?

In my experience, I would venture a guess that women have been coddled into laziness. Fat? Its the world that has problems. Whore? Society must accept you and celebrate you. This starts at a young age and doesn't stop until they get into their 'invisible' years of late 30s.

The women who are not lazy often had families with traditional sex roles. A women's duties around the house are hardwired in, so it doesn't take a lot of work to realize this part of her. All one has to witness is a traditional home where women just 'putter' around a dozen small tasks at a time and before it is noticed, the work is done and she is free.

I find that women are not lazy if they have the right tasks.
Like anything in regards to health, it just needs to be consistent. I watch women come and go through my gym, but there is always a few women there who just show up, walk the treadmill and are pleasant to everyone. They look incredible and don't look any different physically than the gym bunnies in booty shorts and pink headphones filming themselves in the iron section.
I think there is a visual difference but it's not a massive difference like it is for men. When you see a man who's never touched a weight or done any sport in his life, it really shows.

In any case, you've proved wrong all those women who are scared to touch weights because they'll suddenly balloon into Popeye. It takes a huge amount of time and effort for women to build muscle, and usually they just end up looking more toned and fit rather than bulky. The only time I see a woman who is "too ripped" at the gym is if she's obviously on steroids, or has an unhealthily low body fat percentage.
Responding the a few recent posts regarding body type, I agree that a fit body tends to stay a fit body, and I think it all comes down to muscle memory. I was in good shape in my early 20s, and even when I've added fat or lost muscle, I've generally looked athletic. When I'm out of shape I'm uncomfortable all the time. My skin is cold in certain areas, I need to stretch, etc. Because I developed the frame, and that frame is constantly telling me to do things to get back in shape like stretch, body weight exercises, etc.

I had a roommate once who was out of shape, skinny, but he also never moved. He just walked around in bad posture all the time. I asked him, have you ever been in good shape and he said no. So that's it. Because he never developed the body, it's like he had no frame of reference as to what in shape is. Now I don't have to do anything extravagant to look quite fit. I don't have to go to the gym. Really I just need some brisk walks and self care, and I'll look in shape. You get it once, and you'll either keep it, or you will be feel uncomfortable until you get it back.
The destruction of modern women is seen clearest in younger women who think everything unattractive- having attitude, wearing too much makeup, dressing like a whore, and being a self-absorbed narcissist, actually makes them more desirable. You see them at the gym, trying so hard to bring their glutes up to instagram standards, spiritually dead creatures obsessed with their bodies because they know it's their only asset. It's sickening.
The destruction of modern women is seen clearest in younger women who think everything unattractive- having attitude, wearing too much makeup, dressing like a whore, and being a self-absorbed narcissist, actually makes them more desirable. You see them at the gym, trying so hard to bring their glutes up to instagram standards, spiritually dead creatures obsessed with their bodies because they know it's their only asset. It's sickening.

True, but their male peers are just as spiritually dead and are uninterested in marriage, let alone a Christ centered marriage. Young women who actually want something lasting and meaningful are forced to choose either go along with the lifestyle you described, or seek an older man who is more likely to have turned to God, but wears the brokenness of the consequences of that same lifestyle.
True, but their male peers are just as spiritually dead and are uninterested in marriage, let alone a Christ centered marriage. Young women who actually want something lasting and meaningful are forced to choose either go along with the lifestyle you described, or seek an older man who is more likely to have turned to God, but wears the brokenness of the consequences of that same lifestyle.

We need The Destruction of Modern Men thread.
Honestly, while the propaganda is weird, I'd much rather have muscle babes over fatties. This is because 99% of women aren't going to be building much muscle. They don't have the T levels. All that happens is they get a good bum and lose some weight. Gym for girls isn't much different than if they hit the treadmill.

Anything that gets women to exercise is a good thing, no matter how one slices it. If they start taking roids, however, then we will have even worse problems. I can't imagine many women doing such a thing, however - no amount of propaganda will make women want to look like a man.
It's okay to a point. But what bothers me are these large calves I see on women. I can't tell if this is from them doing box jumps at the gym or if it's water weight from their wine addictions.
Yes, but the social taboo is too strong, sadly, so there isn't an avenue for this to happen, big picture.

Yeah, I've been very active in online dating the last month, went out with four girls and talked with many others in that stretch. I'm 40. The age of the girls I went on dates with were 27, 32, 32 and 37. The 27 year old would pretty much marry me on the spot. She's a churchgoing girl but I'm just not attracted enough to her. Really the only girl I really liked was one of the 32 year olds, but for whatever reason she seems to have lost interest (I think it's beta to press as to why, so instead I just give her space and we'll see).

Two 23-year-old girls expressed a lot of interest, but I really felt like it's what you said, that social taboo. It's just a hunch but I felt like they both would be interested in a LTR with me if it weren't for that taboo. I could totally be wrong but it was the temperature I picked up on it. There seems to be a fairly specific age where this stigma becomes too hard to overcome - it seems that 12/13 years is probably right on that line.
Yeah, I've been very active in online dating the last month, went out with four girls and talked with many others in that stretch. I'm 40. The age of the girls I went on dates with were 27, 32, 32 and 37. The 27 year old would pretty much marry me on the spot. She's a churchgoing girl but I'm just not attracted enough to her. Really the only girl I really liked was one of the 32 year olds, but for whatever reason she seems to have lost interest (I think it's beta to press as to why, so instead I just give her space and we'll see).

Two 23-year-old girls expressed a lot of interest, but I really felt like it's what you said, that social taboo. It's just a hunch but I felt like they both would be interested in a LTR with me if it weren't for that taboo. I could totally be wrong but it was the temperature I picked up on it. There seems to be a fairly specific age where this stigma becomes too hard to overcome - it seems that 12/13 years is probably right on that line.

I'm 35. Been talking to a girl that's 25. Christian, no vax, homeschooled, conservative, good-looking, lives with her parents, and all that good stuff.

But honestly she feels too old already. Old in the sense of she's still absorbed so much nonsense from Hollywood, social media, new age books, career-driven work culture, etc, and she's clearly infected with cluster B issues that seems to spread like a mind virus with modern females.

After a certain amount of programming, it's hard to detach them from their web of interest. I've said it before but once women get entrenched with friend groups they seem to really cling to them despite however uninspiring and spiritually stifling these relationships are for them (Just think how mothers defend their children even under the most blameworthy circumstances and continually push for reconciliation between unwilling siblings).

Also she just feels too old physically too. I know it's been said before and obvious but worth repeating. The peak fertility years are YOUNG. Gaming/pickup for dalliance and ONS body counts is a different ball game (Highly unrecommended). When kids and homemaking is the priority, why take on the risk for less than ideal offspring especially if we are a man that has his life well put together?!

But again it's not just the physical in my eyes but also the influence of clown world over time. At some point the amount of effort becomes not worth it after a cost benefit analysis.

18-20 would be a lot better, striking before college indoctrination or work rigmarole. One of the main ways around this social taboo is to control for their family/friends. And I don't mean this is any sort of weird way.

Some of the ways to do this are to create a healthy distance, find an introvert, have a foreign wife moved here, or relocate somewhere together whether she is foreign or domestic. There's also pressure from our own family also though, so again overseas becomes a winning scenario.

I want a WIFE to have healthy children with and be a homemaker that will follow my lead and submit. I don't want a best friend or someone that's my 'equal'.

And this calls to mind the stupid egalitarian mindset of worrying that the girl and I will be unable to relate to each other because of the age gap. This is just nonsense.

For instance, is it a problem for me to have friends that are in their 80s? Of course not! I've never found that to be the case that we are unable to bond with each other. It simply doesn't matter. The only reason this matters to people (Feminists and losers mostly) is for the wrong reasons or they just have their minds in the gutter by jumping to grooming and pedo crap.

Just some thoughts. I'm guessing this is going to trigger some people on here because they've made different choices in life. To that I'd say, yes but to your yes but.
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I'm 35. Been talking to a girl that's 25. Christian, no vax, homeschooled, conservative, good-looking, lives with her parents, and all that good stuff.

But honestly she feels too old already. Old in the sense of she's still absorbed so much nonsense from Hollywood, social media, new age books, career-driven work culture, etc, and she's clearly infected with cluster B issues that seems to spread like a mind virus with modern females.

After a certain amount of programming, it's hard to detach them from their web of interest. I've said it before but once women get entrenched with friend groups they seem to really cling to them despite however uninspiring and spiritually stifling these relationships are for them (Just think how mothers defend their children even under the most blameworthy circumstances and continually push for reconciliation between unwilling siblings).

Also she just feels too old physically too. I know it's been said before and obvious but worth repeating. The peak fertility years are YOUNG. Gaming/pickup for dalliance and ONS body counts is a different ball game (Highly unrecommended). When kids and homemaking is the priority, why take on the risk for less than ideal offspring especially if we are a man that has his life well put together?!

But again it's not just the physical in my eyes but also the influence of clown world over time. At some point the amount of effort becomes not worth it after a cost benefit analysis.

18-20 would be a lot better, striking before college indoctrination or work rigmarole. One of the main ways around this social taboo is to control for their family/friends. And I don't mean this is any sort of weird way.

Some of the ways to do this are to create a healthy distance, find an introvert, have a foreign wife moved here, or relocate somewhere together whether she is foreign or domestic. There's also pressure from our own family also though, so again overseas becomes a winning scenario.

I want a WIFE to have healthy children with and be a homemaker that will follow my lead and submit. I don't want a best friend or someone that's my 'equal'.

And this calls to mind the stupid egalitarian mindset of worrying that the girl and I will be unable to relate to each other because of the age gap. This is just nonsense.

For instance, is it a problem for me to have friends that are in their 80s? Of course not! I've never found that to be the case that we are unable to bond with each other. It simply doesn't matter. The only reason this matters to people (Feminists and losers mostly) is for the wrong reasons or they just have their minds in the gutter by jumping to grooming and pedo crap.

Just some thoughts. I'm guessing this is going to trigger some people on here because they've made different choices in life. To that I'd say, yes but to your yes but.

No I totally agree, especially at the age of 35. 35 is young for a man, and if he's built a life that a woman can jump in and be taken care of, I think he should really get his pick of the litter. At least that's how it should work, and I mean of course this is assuring mutual attraction of course. But that's the thing, there often IS that mutual attraction, but those young women are trained OUT of that attraction, and into the wrong attractions so to speak.

All in all, I'm actually happy with my options at 40. It'll be a woman in her late 20s to mid 30s, and as long as she's attractive and willing to follow me as i follow Christ, I'll consider myself blessed. Early 20s is still on the table, but for that stigma to be overcome, she would likely either have to be fat or have a child lol. I'll take Option A.
I'm 35. Been talking to a girl that's 25. Christian, no vax, homeschooled, conservative, good-looking, lives with her parents, and all that good stuff.

But honestly she feels too old already. Old in the sense of she's still absorbed so much nonsense from Hollywood, social media, new age books, career-driven work culture, etc, and she's clearly infected with cluster B issues that seems to spread like a mind virus with modern females.

Sounds like a good deal and you're being way too picky. 10 years younger is probably the best 95% of men can do, also, her habits aren't a product of her age but her upbringing.

Getting a good church girl is rare, and most of the time you'll have to train a new woman how to live a godly life.