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The Destruction of Modern Women

No I totally agree, especially at the age of 35. 35 is young for a man, and if he's built a life that a woman can jump in and be taken care of, I think he should really get his pick of the litter. At least that's how it should work, and I mean of course this is assuring mutual attraction of course. But that's the thing, there often IS that mutual attraction, but those young women are trained OUT of that attraction, and into the wrong attractions so to speak.

All in all, I'm actually happy with my options at 40. It'll be a woman in her late 20s to mid 30s, and as long as she's attractive and willing to follow me as i follow Christ, I'll consider myself blessed. Early 20s is still on the table, but for that stigma to be overcome, she would likely either have to be fat or have a child lol. I'll take Option A.
There's always Latin America. Or Southeast Asia I guess, although I don't have any personal experience with that and I think Latinas are better overall than Asians if you're white. Latinas are usually kinda sorta white themselves and even more white blood is always considered a good thing south of the border, whereas it's my understanding that mixed kids are treated pretty badly in most Asian countries. Anyway, age gaps are no problem in Latin America as is the case in most of the world once you get out of the WEIRD countries (western, educated, industrialized, rich, democratic).
And this calls to mind the stupid egalitarian mindset of worrying that the girl and I will be unable to relate to each other because of the age gap. This is just nonsense.
Yes. They act as if the male-female relationship over time doesn't have intrinsic challenges in any case, due to each sex's lack of understanding of the other. And that's mostly lack of understanding from the female point of view, because men do understand women - they understand that women's prerogatives are driven by things that aren't dictated by logic - instinct, emotion, cycles, people, etc.
But that's the thing, there often IS that mutual attraction, but those young women are trained OUT of that attraction, and into the wrong attractions so to speak.
Yes, in bad cultures, this is the case. I've talked about it a lot, because the solution is for older men to be with younger women. Period. Since the young matches don't happen anyway, you'd think they'd take a look at the gap, since it actually does provide benefits (wisdom, resources, etc).
My understanding is that the highest level of fertility is at late teens and then it declines. Is that wrong?
Of course it is 16-18. How couldn't it be right when puberty starts? It's laughable to make any other argument. Men's fertility is largely irrelevant, and no one talks about this but me (among other things) because men produce millions of sperm daily. All of the neuroticism of this that is directed at men is envy or the dislike of the biological reality that women have a short window, and of course because of age and hormone status, youth goes along with fertility and physical attraction, as that's what men have evolved to recognize - all the cues.
Anyway, age gaps are no problem in Latin America as is the case in most of the world once you get out of the WEIRD countries (western, educated, industrialized, rich, democratic).
That's funny, and correct. One of the more schizophrenic things that comes out that is quite clearly a lie that abounds is the suggestion that a woman who likes an older man, or a man who wants to be with a younger woman, will be accused of all sorts of irrelevant things, and the girl for being a gold digger. In my experience, I've heard 30s to 40s women talk more about the guy "having to have money" which makes this idea a total joke - older women want more, and they want money more - but none of these older women (even into their 40s!) will date a guy who is 60, which is the one they should be looking at. There's not a 40-50 year old man alive, who is successful and in shape, that would think even once about a 35 year old woman, let alone a 40+. It's a joke. The problem is that until a major crisis, and these things work out really slowly so as to not get people to even admit or recognize it (they want to believe their and other people's lies), nothing changes. No one ever thinks to himself/herself, what would this successful 40 year old man, for example desire? What would he consider valuable, or worth it, in a relationship? And that's the problem, because he's the one that either has all the objective qualities, or has even rising stock if he does well. When you get any person, male or female, offering successful men women who are 35+ (washed up) you know the society has a dumb, one track mind.

Again, regarding relationships, long term or marriage, it quite literally doesn't matter what women say or think - men decide. Put another way, women are selling and men are buying, or they aren't. Period. If you want to keep being unsuccessful in trying to pair people, or if you want to sabotage men, just keep promoting the same things. It's really quite brainless, beyond self centered and delusional.
I think there is a visual difference but it's not a massive difference like it is for men. When you see a man who's never touched a weight or done any sport in his life, it really shows.

In any case, you've proved wrong all those women who are scared to touch weights because they'll suddenly balloon into Popeye. It takes a huge amount of time and effort for women to build muscle, and usually they just end up looking more toned and fit rather than bulky. The only time I see a woman who is "too ripped" at the gym is if she's obviously on steroids, or has an unhealthily low body fat percentage.

Also most women aren't into the iron section of the gym anyways. It looks good on tiktok, but the reality of it is that it takes time to set up and get into it. Women with trainers don't see this, but they are a small percentage. Women just like to show up, do their thing and get out. I don't blame them, really, as doing stronglifts or what have you takes a lot of time per day. For men it can be worth it in your younger years, but for women the ROI just doesn't make sense.

My wife went from pilates > weight training > to using babies as weights (such a blessing to witness, look it up) > to her own hybrid of tabatas and stretching/pilates. Her weight has never fluctuated more than a couple pounds through most of this, even when she lifted hard she only managed to gain 6lbs. Steroids seem like they are pretty new for women around here. I never saw these gymbro betches before but I started noticing it more about the same time as I noticed women setting up their cameras in the gym.
For men it can be worth it in your younger years, but for women the ROI just doesn't make sense.
Yes. For men it makes all the sense in the world and I can tell you that the invest is key also, since when you are 40+ you will want to do the same thing, which is work smarter not longer/harder. At that point, you will have trained your body, diet takes over, smart lifting continues, and you can focus on sleep/money which is FAR more important for every facet of your life, especially moving ahead and for attracting women.
I never saw these gymbro betches before but I started noticing it more about the same time as I noticed women setting up their cameras in the gym.
Yes. Half of the picture attention hoes and video sloots are barely good looking anyway. Then you have the other extreme which is crazy shape and diuretics, but with obnoxious looking fake tits. All men want is a pleasant woman to be slim and to remember what she looked like back in the day, so he can justify the long term commitment. That's the problem with women not being serious at young ages. Guys won't take you seriously when you are older. The worst part about it is that older women are loud, demanding, and ... not that hot.
There's not a 40-50 year old man alive, who is successful and in shape, that would think even once about a 35 year old woman, let alone a 40+.
30-35 would actually be pretty good for a 50-year-old man. Let's be realistic here, you have to look at the woman's side of the equation for massive age gaps. 50 is really pushing it, few young women would be prioritizing a 50-year-old man. First of all he's guaranteed to look "old" unless he's in the top 1% like Tom Cruise. And even in that case he looked much better earlier. An early 20s woman in her most beautiful years will be looking for a man in his most attractive and fit years too, which goes from late 20s to late 30s.

But let's think through the practical aspect of this also. When his kids are teenagers, he's going to want to take them out hiking, biking, etc. But then the man will be in his mid 60s and there's no guarantee he'll be able to do that well.

Then you have to consider a 50-year-old man will be pushing 70 when his kids graduate high school. A woman doesn't want to marry a guy older than her dad. There's a very high chance of death or serious illness. There could be heartbreak for all involved and the burden falls on the wife to take care of him if he's sick. If he dies, the wife will be lonely for another 20-30 years before she dies, and will be too old to find another man.
Reporting from the field in real time. Gen Z Unicorn spotted. Two identical twin sisters, one a smoke show Megan Fox look-alike, and the other a trans "man" holding "his" girlfriend's hand. Unbelievable. Brothers, it's gettin' squirrely out here.

More hard proof that homosexulity is not genetic. If it was, they'd both be gay because they both have the exact same DNA.

It's something in the environment that causes the gay disease, so have mercy on those afflicted with homo.
There's not a 40-50 year old man alive, who is successful and in shape, that would think even once about a 35 year old woman, let alone a 40+. It's a joke. The problem is that until a major crisis, and these things work out really slowly so as to not get people to even admit or recognize it (they want to believe their and other people's lies), nothing changes. No one ever thinks to himself/herself, what would this successful 40 year old man, for example desire?
I'm guilty of this!! I've done, and still do from time to time the dating sites. I make no apology, I'm late forties, in good shape, ideally looking for 30-35 and could do it if there were simply more good, attractive, uncomplicated women around.

Men I work with always suggest and make comments about twenty somethings who pass by to us, so I'm hardly an old codger. On dating sites, all I get is 50+ divorced 2s and 3s!!! What an absolute joke and they don't even consider what I want even though I've spelled it out. I'm solvent but have an ordinary job (which they smell I suspect), because it suits ATM.
But let's think through the practical aspect of this also. When his kids are teenagers, he's going to want to take them out hiking, biking, etc. But then the man will be in his mid 60s and there's no guarantee he'll be able to do that well.

An early 20s woman in her most beautiful years will be looking for a man in his most attractive and fit years too, which goes from late 20s to late 30s.

I agree with you on most things. I find these takes to be closer to the gynocentric takes of the current regime. It also could be because I'm in much better shape than most and don't think these apply to me at all. Is this situation everyone is living in ideal? Of course not. But young people don't have that much of a future, don't forget that. The thing is, men and women are looking, or should be looking, for guarantees that exist already to put their life in better positions. That means young woman and accomplished man.

This is confirmed in the wild. Gentlemen, meet an AWFL (Affluent White Female Liberal).

This is confirmed in the wild. Gentlemen, meet an AWFL (Affluent White Female Liberal).

Women aren't interested in anything but eating brunch or eating out, and drinking here and there. What do they even do? Not anything interesting. I get it that all things are surrogate activities without children, but women take the nonsense consumption thing to a whole new level. The saddest part is that, and they don't realize this and would never admit it, a society with many middle age to older women is a useless society. They can't do anything to actually help anyone - or they won't at that old ass cat lady age.
Women aren't interested in anything but eating brunch or eating out, and drinking here and there. What do they even do? Not anything interesting. I get it that all things are surrogate activities without children, but women take the nonsense consumption thing to a whole new level. The saddest part is that, and they don't realize this and would never admit it, a society with many middle age to older women is a useless society. They can't do anything to actually help anyone - or they won't at that old ass cat lady age.
She is basically encouraging and influencing young girls and other women into following her path - or more like "destructive path". It is a good example of what a poor role model she is.
This is confirmed in the wild. Gentlemen, meet an AWFL (Affluent White Female Liberal).

She says her life is great and wonderful and made all the right choices....

But all I see is anger and resentment in her face and voice.

If she were truly happy, she'd be living her life. If she were truly happy, she wouldn't need social media to convince others (but mostly herself) how great her life choices were.

Now she's trying to convince others of her poor choices.

Misery loves company.
She says her life is great and wonderful and made all the right choices....

But all I see is anger and resentment in her face and voice.

If she were truly happy, she'd be living her life. If she were truly happy, she wouldn't need social media to convince others (but mostly herself) how great her life choices were.

Now she's trying to convince others of her poor choices.

Misery loves company.

Yup, if she couldn't get validation from the internet she'd be having a total meltdown.
She says her life is great and wonderful and made all the right choices....

But all I see is anger and resentment in her face and voice.

If she were truly happy, she'd be living her life. If she were truly happy, she wouldn't need social media to convince others (but mostly herself) how great her life choices were.

Now she's trying to convince others of her poor choices.

Misery loves company.
So true. On the flip side, imagine if some poor guy had married her and had kids with her with this attitude. Some boomer guys out there unknowingly collectively dodged quite the bullet here.
So true. On the flip side, imagine if some poor guy had married her and had kids with her with this attitude. Some boomer guys out there unknowingly collectively dodged quite the bullet here.
One of the things I don't understand at all about the old woman scenario, is that unless you are religious, why would you ever bother going out with a woman who is 50+? I might even say 40+, but I'll just be open/less strict here a bit. If you aren't married and you're that interested in having sex, you should just go down the avenues of connections to younger girls, whatever the cost at that point. I make fun of sports for being modern entertainment ridiculousness in general these days, having been a big sports fan and betting on the games still, but I'd way rather go to a sports bar and shoot the shit with the boys than act like hanging and banging a 50 year old or older is something worthwhile, at all.