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The Destruction of Modern Women

Yeah…if it was a legitimate video we all know what he would have found. The smarter ones will delete texts, but yes you would be shocked at how much male attention they entertain, if not outright infidelity. The other trick is they will start accusing you ‘invading their privacy’ or being ‘controlling.’ If you want to see their phone. I remember a girl who did this and low and behold she was still talking and seeing her ex-bf. Got rid of her right after.
Hahaha I'll join you in that. 😂
In a Christian European world, wise Grandfathers would chastise us middle aged and younger men for ignoring the warnings and advice of women, as Nonnas berate younger women for being foolish and impulsive.

Women (the category, if not the reality) are amazing and make life worth living, else God would not have created them.
Women (the category, if not the reality) are amazing and used to make life worth living, else God would not have created them.
There, fixed it for ya.

If anything is a problem with men, it's only a super small % of them. Men are men. Period. Always will be.

The world isn't going through issues right now (at least in the developed world) due to some small number of women wreaking havoc, gents.
There, fixed it for ya.

If anything is a problem with men, it's only a super small % of them. Men are men. Period. Always will be.

The world isn't going through issues right now (at least in the developed world) due to some small number of women wreaking havoc, gents.

There's definitely a lot of problems with men today, but that's another topic. I think the destruction of the modern man is a great topic tbh.
advice of women
The advice of a wife, mother, grandma or nun, sure. Otherwise, no, and even then, oftentimes still no. Any advice from women outside of those groups is guaranteed to be bad 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time, it's true enough but it's a shallow platitude they got from TV or something.
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Isn’t this the porn/sex worker woman Michael Knowles interviewed? My friend, who’s been a DW+ subscriber from the beginning, felt Knowles was firm (by conservative media standards) but still expected way, way more from him, especially as he refused to back down on the anti-trans comments.

There was online conservative chatter repeating how Christ can save everyone, but again it reminds me of people mouthing convincing words in court to get discounted sentences or no conviction recorded.

We need to rethink forgiveness and redemption in some regard, as it fails to take into account how straightforward most ancient people were. Deep, wise and profound in their own way, yes, but less prone to ruses (unless in battle), deception, self-deception, solipsism, and outright lies.

2024 is certainly a Sodom of a kind.

If a person does not make huge efforts to repent, which to me would include making amends with others and society, should we really think of them as seeking genuine forgiveness?

How do more than 0.5% of these women become marriageable in true terms?
Is it me or are women just not that good looking anymore?

I was too little in the 80s to use as a reference point. But looking back I think the prime of western women was between 2001 to 2011. At least for my lived experience. Then it went downhill.

Yoga pants look lazy. I hate that crayon eyebrows look - just disgusting. Also women over do it in the gym nowadays.

Not a fan of 90s fashion on women either. Just my two cents..
Is it me or are women just not that good looking anymore?

I was too little in the 80s to use as a reference point. But looking back I think the prime of western women was between 2001 to 2011. At least for my lived experience. Then it went downhill.

Yoga pants look lazy. I hate that crayon eyebrows look - just disgusting. Also women over do it in the gym nowadays.

Not a fan of 90s fashion on women either. Just my two cents..

Went to one of those new Herbal Life health food shops with smoothies and smoothie bowls recently. Woman running the shop was a huge land whale in yoga pants and 'fit' clothes. Clientele were of the same rank. Lots of blubber.

Went to another of the same Herbal Life type of shop in another town. Same deal. A coochie cow in yoga pants and 'fit' clothes running the place. Bunch of fatty moo moo Patties inside working and dining.

It's just hip to be fat these days I guess. I almost felt embarrassed to be in there. Both shops recommended I needed to gain weight so they were also giving me health advice. I need to eat more, like them, since I'm of the Max Holloway body type.

I'm the sick one apparently. 💩 🍦 🍔


"Pfsfff..." "Psqueernk!" "Frrrt!" "BWOMPFF!"
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Isn’t this the porn/sex worker woman Michael Knowles interviewed? My friend, who’s been a DW+ subscriber from the beginning, felt Knowles was firm (by conservative media standards) but still expected way, way more from him, especially as he refused to back down on the anti-trans comments.

There was online conservative chatter repeating how Christ can save everyone, but again it reminds me of people mouthing convincing words in court to get discounted sentences or no conviction recorded.

We need to rethink forgiveness and redemption in some regard, as it fails to take into account how straightforward most ancient people were. Deep, wise and profound in their own way, yes, but less prone to ruses (unless in battle), deception, self-deception, solipsism, and outright lies.

2024 is certainly a Sodom of a kind.

If a person does not make huge efforts to repent, which to me would include making amends with others and society, should we really think of them as seeking genuine forgiveness?

How do more than 0.5% of these women become marriageable in true terms?

On further thought, this is absolutely correct. In the previous discussion I mentioned if that porn star truly repented she should be given a chance, but let’s be real she most likely didn’t. Most people don’t, so it begs the question how many chances do we give people? I hate to say it, but maybe some people can’t change. Jesus said you are forgiven, now sin no more. People forget about the not sinning anymore part.

I don’t like to advocate a brutal strict Islamic type system, but here we are, this Sodom is where progress and freedom has led us. Let’s be real too, the churches do have an effect but it’s only on the immediate community. When you have a church in the same town as say an adult entertainment club, it’s effect is limited.
If a person does not make huge efforts to repent, which to me would include making amends with others and society, should we really think of them as seeking genuine forgiveness?
This is the question of the day: What is true/actual repentance? It's not some mental assent protestant thing where you just get to say something and then for some reason people are supposed to believe you or legitimize you because of it.
Is it me or are women just not that good looking anymore?

I was too little in the 80s to use as a reference point. But looking back I think the prime of western women was between 2001 to 2011. At least for my lived experience. Then it went downhill.
Mostly, they aren't, due to diet/lack of exercise/fashion and lots of oldies hanging around that aren't married so you see the age problems as well. The biggest issue with older women is that they think the divorced and resource laden guys actually care about them for anything else but a conquest: they don't. But that gives them the idea during cocktail hour or at a steakhouse bar that they care.

A friend told me something and I believe he is correct: after 2000 or so, it was all downhill, like most of the culture. You could see it in porn he said, where the type of fatty was obvious and the bodies were just softer, or with more of a gut, etc. I know that using that as an example is a bit gauche, but it does serve a purpose. Women are lazier than ever because they have different concerns, and that makes them unattractive to men. For example, when you come home from work you likely want to (on average) not think about preparing food, or how long it might take to do that, since you're single or whatever. It became the same for single women. The problem is that they do it a lot more (eat). I find eating a chore when you are single, so mostly it's an inconvenience unless you are with people, having a nice meal together, as it should be.
The advice of a wife, mother, grandma or nun, sure. Otherwise, no, and even then, oftentimes still no. Any advice from women outside of those groups is guaranteed to be bad 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time, it's true enough but it's a shallow platitude they got from TV or something.

If you ever see any mother try to give her teen daughter any discipline, the girl just sits there and scrolls on her phone out of some weird anxiety pacifier. Then when mom goes away, she is on her phone looking for validation that her mom is a troll and she did nothing wrong.
When you come home from work you likely want to (on average) not think about preparing food, or how long it might take to do that...
Personally, I like to cook (and it is a skill set that I am constantly improving). I've never been with a women who cooks better than I do and so I've always been the default cook of the "family." This wouldn't be so bad if all I had to do was make "X-amount" of dollars each year and cook breakfast and dinner everyday and the rest of the time I was left alone to pursue my hobbies. But no, unfortunately, I've also never been with a woman who keeps as clean and tidy a house as I do or who does laundry as often and as well as I do, and therefore I also become the initiator, "leader," and main worker-bee in these areas of domestic life as well. Not to mention that the "traditional" male chores of picking relatives up at the airport, being the designated driver at all times, maintaining vehicles, home repairs, mowing the lawn, and taking out the trash also seem to always fall on my shoulders. I'm not complaining, because this is partially my fault, it's just sad that many modern women have become so entitled and lazy.

I once had a girlfriend who said to me, "Why would I make the bed when I'm just going to sleep in it again tonight?" And of course, I wound up making the bed every morning for 5 years while she locked herself in the bathroom for an hour to gussie herself up for her Fortune 500 male "co-workers."
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Regarding the change in women's bodies, what I see is that there's more extremes on both ends. There's more fat slobs now since there's a taboo on shaming women for being fat (shaming shaming?) but gym culture has also exploded with women so you also see a lot more muscular, ripped bodies on women. I remember 15+ years ago a lot of women were wary of lifting weights because they thought it would make them appear more mannish but now a lot of women are full into building muscule.
Regarding the change in women's bodies, what I see is that there's more extremes on both ends.
That is true, but it's major skew as well. It's as example of the rich getting richer, something also going on. I'm not saying I have a major preference for workout queen or for an overly muscular girl, I'm just saying that those are also 1% compared to the other end of the spectrum which has ballooned to most women, sadly. What matters the most is the average, or those right around the average. You used to see thin women, even with children, back in the day through age 30 and now that's exceedingly uncommon, which is the issue.
This is the question of the day: What is true/actual repentance? It's not some mental assent protestant thing where you just get to say something and then for some reason people are supposed to believe you or legitimize you because of it.

I doubt the Protestant teaching is correct. A simple question, once I’m ‘saved’ what incentive is there for me to keep struggling for it? It’s a done deal, I said some words now saved. Makes no sense.

Mostly, they aren't, due to diet/lack of exercise/fashion and lots of oldies hanging around that aren't married so you see the age problems as well. The biggest issue with older women is that they think the divorced and resource laden guys actually care about them for anything else but a conquest: they don't. But that gives them the idea during cocktail hour or at a steakhouse bar that they care.

A friend told me something and I believe he is correct: after 2000 or so, it was all downhill, like most of the culture. You could see it in porn he said, where the type of fatty was obvious and the bodies were just softer, or with more of a gut, etc. I know that using that as an example is a bit gauche, but it does serve a purpose. Women are lazier than ever because they have different concerns, and that makes them unattractive to men.

Women are lazier than ever, but I disagree that it makes them unattractive. Well to certain men like us yes you are correct, but even an unattractive woman will get tons of suitors on the internet or even real life. Don’t think she will be going home lonely if she doesn’t want to. Combine that with the culture where slut shaming is considered bad and we have a disgusting situation.

For example, when you come home from work you likely want to (on average) not think about preparing food, or how long it might take to do that, since you're single or whatever. It became the same for single women. The problem is that they do it a lot more (eat). I find eating a chore when you are single, so mostly it's an inconvenience unless you are with people, having a nice meal together, as it should be.

Many of them eat because they have severe mental problems. They become overweight but it doesn’t matter because a guy will go for them anyway. What incentive do they have? It’s a mad mad world.
Regarding the change in women's bodies, what I see is that there's more extremes on both ends. There's more fat slobs now since there's a taboo on shaming women for being fat (shaming shaming?) but gym culture has also exploded with women so you also see a lot more muscular, ripped bodies on women. I remember 15+ years ago a lot of women were wary of lifting weights because they thought it would make them appear more mannish but now a lot of women are full into building muscule.
I saw some article in a women's publication that says men now prefer women with gym bodies vs slim women. So (((they))) are probably brainwashing these women into thinking they need to be hitting the gym every day when all they really need to do is eat right.
I saw some article in a women's publication that says men now prefer women with gym bodies vs slim women. So (((they))) are probably brainwashing these women into thinking they need to be hitting the gym every day when all they really need to do is eat right.

Honestly, while the propaganda is weird, I'd much rather have muscle babes over fatties. This is because 99% of women aren't going to be building much muscle. They don't have the T levels. All that happens is they get a good bum and lose some weight. Gym for girls isn't much different than if they hit the treadmill.

Anything that gets women to exercise is a good thing, no matter how one slices it. If they start taking roids, however, then we will have even worse problems. I can't imagine many women doing such a thing, however - no amount of propaganda will make women want to look like a man.
Women are lazier than ever, but I disagree that it makes them unattractive.
It does as wives. The average man of course isn't going to pass up getting laid if he can do it with minimal or coincident effort.
I saw some article in a women's publication that says men now prefer women with gym bodies vs slim women.
I agree with Samseau in that it sure beats fatties. The only thing I don't like these days is the attention ho'ing and the fake tatas on slim women. It's stupid looking and they are naturally thin so stop faking the ab stuff, you already had those without much work, woman.
If they start taking roids, however, then we will have even worse problems.
People see IG models and think that's normal or desired, but it isn't, and they almost all take PEDs. What's more, they cut with diuretics when it's time to take a photo. Even the fittest women on there are still just fairly normal looking when not doing such things, they're just in good or great shape. Remember, everything you see on videos or pics is fake. Most aren't aware of this, and sadly, women fall for more of it than anyone else.