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The Destruction of Modern Women

One of the things I don't understand at all about the old woman scenario, is that unless you are religious, why would you ever bother going out with a woman who is 50+? I might even say 40+, but I'll just be open/less strict here a bit. If you aren't married and you're that interested in having sex, you should just go down the avenues of connections to younger girls, whatever the cost at that point. I make fun of sports for being modern entertainment ridiculousness in general these days, having been a big sports fan and betting on the games still, but I'd way rather go to a sports bar and shoot the shit with the boys than act like hanging and banging a 50 year old or older is something worthwhile, at all.
I was referring to some guy marrying her when she was young and still capable of bearing children. She looks like she was probably very pretty as a young woman, but I imagine she was always a total pain in the ass and life with her would be the classic marriage that's "difficult" and "takes a lot of hard work" as normies usually describe marriage.

I agree with you about getting together with an old woman. What's the point. The only reason I can see to be with a woman past 40 is that she's the mother of your children. You should love her for that regardless of whether or not her looks fade.

I have a dear friend, a guy who is aware of game and used to do quite well with women. He's my age now, over 50 and childless and lately he's been dating women OLDER than him. The last one was well into her sixties. I met her and she's very nice, probably quite attractive many decades ago, but it's just gross. Borderline similar to homosexuality in the pointlessness of it.

At least it seems that way to me. I'm married to the mother of my children and she's pleasant and feminine and much younger than me. I guess it's hard for me to fathom how lonely and desperate most single guys are nowadays. Heartiste used to say that the endgame of feminism was to maximize women's sexual options while minimizing men's. That mission looks pretty close to accomplished.
If all these famous men can’t keep a woman where does that leave the rest of us? It seems to be about choosing very wisely, but also, it’s an issue with guys. If we didn’t reward bad female behavior and weren’t slaves to a sex drive it would be much easier. I see women with nasty tattoos and so many slutty red flags it makes my head spin, but they still get boyfriends. It shouldn’t be. Our culture has lost all shame, those types should be shunned until they repent.
Reminds me about Tom Brady's wife.

I don't think all the money, fame, and looks in the world can save a man from a lousy woman. Even if you go to Church and keep her religious, it only improves the odds but it doesn't eliminate the threat of a woman deciding to become insane.

This indeed is the flaw of manosphere self-help: It agrees with the feminist doctrine that "men must do better."

Self-appointed "alphas" tell men that it is all about Game and Frame - "do the work".

Incels who failed at Game point to men selling courses with good looks, good physiques and strong confidence and that their success with women comes from the wealth that came from Internet marketing overpriced courses (a bit like the high class whore strategy - her status didn't originate from her but from reinvesting the overpriced fees gleaned from johns into a high class lifestyle).

Tom Brady, in all likelihood, had enough positive feedback from women since middle school to naturally develop an alpha presence and Game well before he made his millions.

Yet this wasn't enough for a woman who made a solemn covenant with him.

The curious case of Tom Brady should put the debate Status/ Looks v Game to bed once and for all.

Sometimes the woman is simply messed up and the fallen human condition manifests itself in women differently than it does in men.
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but also, it’s an issue with guys.
The main issue, what produces these broken men, even more than the chemicals in the environment, is the state of the society and the family unit. Many, perhaps most or all of these soy men, know that it's wrong to be a cuck or a simp, but they do it anyway because they are so low-T and lacked so much masculine influence growing up that they simply cannot fathom a different way of doing things.

Look at it this way: Imagine having the only adults in your life for your first 15 years of life be a retarded whore of a single mother, and a bunch of hysterical female teachers at a public school. Imagine that this mother of yours sees you as an obstacle to partying or whatever, and more importantly, she sees you as a reflection of whatever man sired you and then left her. So she hates you, and whenever you do not work to please her, she punishes you, maybe even by refusing to feed you, and there is no one to defend you from this. As a result of this, your survival during all of your most important formational years depends on constantly pleasing this angry, unpredictable goddess who hates you. Imagine what that does to a boy's psyche. Obviously this forever warps their view of women. What is a woman in these men's eyes, if not someone to worship and be mistreated by? It's an embodiment of chaos that they must submit to and never oppose. Horrifying.
This indeed is the flaw of manosphere self-help: It agrees with the feminist doctrine that "men must do better."
Sometimes the woman is simply messed up and the fallen human condition manifests itself in women differently than it does in men.
Again, spot on. This is why one needs to find a woman who loves God. I think the problem is, many times, that we've entered a negative feedback loop of the only above average attractiveness women being considered young (20s) when they are actually nearly all attractive enough, potentially, or the small number of attractive women makes their egos progressively bigger, so that successful men can barely find anyone that is worth committing a lifetime to. Put another way, in a culture where few people really love God at all, and few people are in good physical shape/have beauty, a small number of attractive women get all the attention and by definition that makes them less likely to have godly characteristics, beyond a starting point that is also without God for most.
For most people childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood are much more fun and optimistic times than full blown adulthood.
I agree. I think this is part of the cold reality of constantly comparing and desiring greater material things, and also the behavioral sink/overpop from dysgenics. Less responsibility and good friends are an easier life, and for most people they'll have that early, but not into adulthood all that much.
is the state of the society and the family unit
Yes, this is everything. I'm not a huge fan of Brady personally, for example, but to say he isn't a solid man and father I think is obviously silly. The reality is that distraction and propaganda from women, and their (debased) behaviors, which are displayed by media constantly, are prevalent.

Women do what other women are doing. We don't talk about this enough. That's why boomers and older married young - other women were doing it, so the rest followed. We don't see this, so we don't get young wives or see the point in marrying. The end.
I got a legitimate question about unsolicited d*ck pics. Does that work? Like ever? It’s probably a total cargo cult where it worked for one guy and the rumor spread. All women seem to hate it.

It repels 9 out of 10 women. Once I got a request for dick pics. In fact I think that was the main reason she wanted to exchange numbers. This was fairly recent so I declined of course.