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The Destruction of Modern Women

We should pray right now that it doesn't happen.
Today there will be about a 100 children murdered in the womb in the Netherlands.

Please pray with me for their souls today and all those other countries that adopted this satanic practice. That our Father in heaven may receive them.
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Michael Moore’s promotion of the Canadian social welfare state, particularly its health system, in many of his documentaries and the aging-like-milk reality of such praise really puts paid to the idea that these kinds of societies are inherently sustainable, let alone “superior”.

Moore had a pretty strong male and female audience, but the general fairytale he and likeminded people sell appeals most of all to women.

Euthanasia and other malaises are the end result of morons like Moore living in fantasyland about subsidized healthcare. The money has to come from somewhere.

We should expect euthanasia to become a thing in the US, especially to offset the costs of paying for illegals.

Check out the recent study in Finland about woke ideology. Something like 1 in 7 Finnish men accept it, whereas 3/5 women do.

Las Vegas: Meth Woman Walks Up to Random Worker, Shoots Him to Death


Face tattoo meth women randomly murdering you is part and parcel of living in a utopia.
We had to liberate women and give them hard drugs and never arrest them in order to create this utopia. Sometimes they will kill you. And that’s okay.
New York Post:
A Las Vegas woman who previously claimed to be a 52-year-old man allegedly executed a worker sitting in his van in a random killing, according to authorities.
Kayla Alery, 27, who has been out on parole since December following an arson conviction, walked up to 41-year-old carpet cleaner Raul Cardoza and shot him in the neck while he and his brother were taking a break on March 26, according to court documents obtained by KLAS-TV.
Cops found a .45-caliber handgun in her waistband and “a bag containing purported methamphetamine,” police said.
It was not clear if Alery was high on methamphetamine at the time of the shooting, but witnesses said it appeared to have been a “completely unprovoked” attack, according to an arrest report.

While waiting to be booked on her latest charges, she punched another inmate who was cleaning up trays and trash in the open booking area, Fox 5 reported.
I don’t even think it’s a tranny. I’m pretty sure that’s just what meth does to a woman.
But we can’t put people in jail for being drug-addicted vagabonds. That violates the core principles of democracy.


It’s sad regarding the people who want to euthanize themselves. Few things to mention here. It’s very difficult for anyone to understand a person who is in the grips of a major depressive episode. All they want is out and they feel death is the only way. Many priests are ill equipped to see the signs or deal with a person that is depressed, unless there is an obvious demonic component. There’s always a demonic component, but many times masked. If a person is in so much despair that they want to euthanize themselves, those feelings don’t come from God, no way.

Also notice the subtle propaganda about how they display a woman, when I’d bet the number of men who want to off themselves is much higher. Men usually kill themselves in a higher proportion, but they rarely publish or market those stories. A life is a life, but the video is still propaganda.

The author mentions Buddhism as a solution. This will only lead women into more new age crap, exacerbating all of this.

He does mention "drawing wisdom from various sources" which I would agree with. For example, women would do well to read the Wisdom of Saints who struggled heavily with emotional thoughts.

But he also fails to mention women need to get married and have children. A masculine man and natural responsibility can help calm the storm. These listed negative traits are out of control with the modern woman!

Things like lack of a good Father, weak husbands, and being raised by a single mother all put these emotional demons into overdrive. A morally sound man with emotional control can do so much for a woman, but God is the ultimate Father.

Vows can be made with the Church to follow and for their alignment to something higher, a submission to something that isn't morally bankrupt to trump their own emotional thoughts, female celebrity gossip, tiny hat TV shows, cooking/homemaking obsessions, social media photography vanity, drunkenness through wine, big pharma psych drugs, soft core porn literature, lust-filled man-hating psyop music, and just the all female demonic witch gatherings of giddy, hysterical, prideful energy, and overly boisterous laughter, which is when all of these traits become stewed together and bubble over.

In the meantime, women should humble themselves and submit to God and His Church. The trouble is that a lot of this stems from pride, so they must humble themselves enough to enter in the first place.

It's so out of control, that I feel Christianity needs to be mandated. Just like the cannibalistic self-sacrificing demons that possessed the Aztecs, we have the same issues with women today eating away at and destroying their own femininity, and the societal fabric itself through their voting habits for things like abortion. Women need to be conquered nationwide at this point. Question is, how exactly?

All of this article tells us exactly why women do NOT need to be Priests or have certain leadship roles in Church (Or elsewhere for the most part). It's obvious to anyone that lives in reality. They are stuck halfway between being children and adults.

Jesus is the solution to all of these bad qualities women possess. And no, it's not ALL women. But if you think in terms of anomalies like this, you're probably a woman, an emasculated man, or a child.
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These listed negative traits are out of control with the modern woman!
I don't think it's a man vs female issue.

And think the 8 traits are exactly the same for men.
  1. Overly reactive
  2. Difficulty in accepting responsibility
  3. Avoiding difficult conversations
  4. Dependence on external validation (what was the PUA time many of us did? other than this?)
  5. Struggle with empathy
  6. Difficulty in setting boundaries
  7. Impulsive decision making
  8. Perfectionism
If you have these, you probably haven't grown up as a man of woman or you are kid as you said. Which is the large majority of society.

Reminds me btw of the "puer aeternus", the everlasting kid.
I don't think it's a man vs female issue.

And think the 8 traits are exactly the same for men.
  1. Overly reactive
  2. Difficulty in accepting responsibility
  3. Avoiding difficult conversations
  4. Dependence on external validation (what was the PUA time many of us did? other than this?)
  5. Struggle with empathy
  6. Difficulty in setting boundaries
  7. Impulsive decision making
  8. Perfectionism
If you have these, you probably haven't grown up as a man of woman or you are kid as you said. Which is the large majority of society.

Reminds me btw of the "puer aeternus", the everlasting kid.
Yes, I know men also exhibit these traits. I just meant to highlight that women exhibit them MORE. On a spectrum, women are drastically worse with this in their tendencies. I disagree that these traits are equally shared amongst men and women, but I do see your point, and if anything, it's important to remember to always point back to ourselves. I can moan about all this, but have I taken the log out of my own eye? Am I a hypocrite?
Yes, I know men also exhibit these traits. I just meant to highlight that women exhibit them MORE. On a spectrum, women are drastically worse with this in their tendencies. I disagree that these traits are equally shared amongst men and women, but I do see your point, and if anything, it's important to remember to always point back to ourselves. I can moan about all this, but have I taken the log out of my own eye? Am I a hypocrite?
Men have different vulnerabilities that lead us to sin, like in general more lust. Women have theirs.

"Men vs Women"

It has similarities to the black vs white discussion. Or Israel vs Gaza. Or Ukraine vs Russia. Left vs right. Etc etc.

It's one of those topics where I feel we are pushed to divide on. Dialectics.

I like Schopenhauers' take on women: (must read)

With love and truthfulness.

“The very first of human life must spring from woman’s breast,
Your first small words are taught you from her lips,
Your first tears quench’d by her, and your last sighs
Too often breathed out in a woman’s hearing,
When men have shrunk from the ignoble care
Of watching the last hour of him who led them.”

It is because women’s reasoning powers are weaker that they show more sympathy for the unfortunate than men, and consequently take a kindlier interest in them. On the other hand, women are inferior to men in matters of justice, honesty, and conscientiousness. Again, because their reasoning faculty is weak, things clearly visible and real, and belonging to the present, exercise a power over them which is rarely counteracted by abstract thoughts, fixed maxims, or firm resolutions, in general, by regard for the past and future or by consideration for what is absent and remote.
Men have different vulnerabilities that lead us to sin, like in general more lust. Women have theirs.

"Men vs Women"

It has similarities to the black vs white discussion. Or Israel vs Gaza. Or Ukraine vs Russia. Left vs right. Etc etc.

It's one of those topics where I feel we are pushed to divide on. Dialectics.

I like Schopenhauers' take on women: (must read)

With love and truthfulness.
He notes this as a superiority to men: "Show more sympathy for the unfortunate than men" but all I read is more faggotry and immigration.

I know, I'm being negative and divisive. Sorry lol.

Perhaps there should be a joint thread on this forum where men/women can both contribute titled "The Destruction of Moden Males".

I'll be happy to tear all of you apart in there. Lol.
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He notes this as a superiority to men: "Show more sympathy for the unfortunate than men" but all I read is more faggotry and immigration.

I know, I'm being negative and divisive. Sorry lol.

Perhaps there should be a joint thread on this forum where men/women can both contribute titled "The Destruction of Moden Males".

I'll be happy to tear all of you apart in there. Lol.
Hahaha I'll join you in that. 😂