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The Destruction of Modern Women

Please don't step! I heard he's none other than LittleDark's sensei and a ferocious, ice cold knockout artist. There's a lot of fools in the hospital already...

Word on the street, MrChad makes fake profiles on Upward to fish for anyone that's not a virgin living with their mom and is trying to date Christian women, and then he will show up like a kung fu Chris Hanson from To Catch a Predator and it's LIGHTS OUT. Night night!

Even if all of us from the forum ganged up to try and settle this, it would be a huge brawl in downtown Athens or Tirana and we'd get absolutely destroyed by him in front of a ton of hot virgin Christian girls cheering him on. It would be super embarrassing, and even deadly! Why do you think Roosh went into hiding?

If you don't believe me, just watch the new documentary Roadhouse. Dalton and Conor wouldn't even stand a chance against him, and that's just FACTS. Guys I'm begging you, don't knuck if you buck!

Hey dipshit, you have zero credibility here. How many stds did you get in Thailand? How many pregnancy scares?

You’re another hypocrite so go take a hike.
Look buddy nobody except your puppets here are buying your story. You’re full of shit. So while dating this woman for WEEKs you’re telling us that:

Your gut told you nothing.

You knew nothing about her life or social circle.

You didn’t know her first or last name.

You didn’t bother to do even a quick search online or on social media.

You do know their are full databases for FREE where you can look this stuff up right?
"It's your fault because your gut didn't magically tell you and because your first instinct wasn't to do a psycho-tier background check in various databases"

"It's your fault because your gut didn't magically tell you and because your first instinct wasn't to do a psycho-tier background check in various databases"


"If you don't hire a PI to research every person you date, then you're NOT a real Christian!!!"

Hey dipshit, you have zero credibility here. How many stds did you get in Thailand? How many pregnancy scares?

You’re another hypocrite so go take a hike.
What a huge fag you are. Cash me ousside. How bout dat? I have several STDs. I would give them to you but vaxxed ladies are a no go. Wouldn't want to risk the pregnancy.

I wish I could be perfect like you. Kung fu Chris Hanson has never broken even one commandment...he only breaks jaws.
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Honesty? You’re lying and I’ll break it down for the forum.

They hid their marital status? So you didn’t know them at all. Were these one night stands? Some couldn’t be because you said one woman hid it from you for weeks.

Look buddy nobody except your puppets here are buying your story. You’re full of shit. So while dating this woman for WEEKs you’re telling us that:

Your gut told you nothing.

You knew nothing about her life or social circle.

You didn’t know her first or last name.

You didn’t bother to do even a quick search online or on social media.

You do know their are full databases for FREE where you can look this stuff up right?

Look admit it, you wanted to get laid and followed through, you had a feeling she was married but did it anyway. Instead you’re here trying to convince us you did nothing wrong, cause you’re a perfect little religious boy?

At least make it believable. You messed up admit it. It takes two to tango, you were both wrong but you’re still holding on to these fantasy that women are such elaborate liars (or are they bad, which one is it?) and she so cleverly deceived you that you were just innocent.

Wow actually something I agree with you about. Hallelujah!!

But then you say not sleeping with a woman is a great risk, so which one is it?

Yes, get off this forum and spend the time you spend here talking to your priest. You’re in no position to lead or dole out any advice. Besides your minions here who suck up anything you or your idol Trump say, anyone with half a brain can see you are very very confused on a bunch of topics. You don’t know shit, and it’s clear from your posts.
Someone's butt hurt and writing time consuming essays into a black hole. Jew!
What a huge fag you are. Cash me ousside. How bout dat? I have several STDs. I would give them to you but vaxxed ladies are a no go. Wouldn't want to risk the pregnancy.

I wish I could be perfect like you. Kung fu Chris Hanson has never broken even one commandment...he only breaks jaws.

I wish I could be perfect like you. Kung fu Chris Hanson has never broken even one commandment...he only breaks jaws.
This line.. 😂
What a huge fag you are. Cash me ousside. How bout dat? I have several STDs. I would give them to you but vaxxed ladies are a no go. Wouldn't want to risk the pregnancy.

I wish I could be perfect like you. Kung fu Chris Hanson has never broken even one commandment...he only breaks jaws.

Hey dumbass, catch me outside? What is that supposed to mean? TELL ME WHEN THE FORUM MEETUP IS. I will fly there and talk shit straight to your face. But wait wait. You guys won’t ever show yourself, because oh no you’re being chased by Jewish people and Feds! You hide under your bed and piss yourself every night because the big bad Jewish dentist down the street is conspiring against you and the local fed office is targeting you!

90 percent of you guys are such a bunch of losers really. Get your heads out of your ass. You expect to be leaders in the Church? Hahaha.
Hey dumbass, catch me outside? What is that supposed to mean? TELL ME WHEN THE FORUM MEETUP IS. I will fly there and talk shit straight to your face. But wait wait. You guys won’t ever show yourself, because oh no you’re being chased by Jewish people and Feds! You hide under your bed and piss yourself every night because the big bad Jewish dentist down the street is conspiring against you and the local fed office is targeting you!

90 percent of you guys are such a bunch of losers really. Get your heads out of your ass. You expect to be leaders in the Church? Hahaha.

"Prince" was a better troll than you'll ever be.

Don’t even try to make these points or argue them here. They have genius keyboard warriors here who know more about geopolitics than global leaders. You will be ridiculed by this wondrous band of high functioning people on this forum who seem to spend their entire lives on here. Real winners!

If you want to get your soul to heaven
Trust in me now, don't you judge or question You are broken now, but faith can heal you
Just do everything I tell you to do!

Yes just listen to everybody here they are the real authorities! Lol
This seems to be a TikTok trend where women on the street are asked if men are needed to which they all reply......NO
This is where we are as a society..... dark times ahead

Women have been doing this for decades, I remember as a boy all the teachers would love to repeat the lie "Women need men like a fish needs a bicycle."

Women today are extremely shallow, vain, narcissitic, hateful, and, above all, PROUD. Spiritually, most of them are dead. All we can do is pray for them. Most of the time, telling them how wrong they are simply makes them double or triple down in their evil.

You can't have a real conversation with a woman unless she's in love with you.
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At this point any man from the west needs to be top 1% to get a traditional wife (defined as young, attractive, virgin, submissive to the man, traditional, etc).
It's not the 1% who are getting traditional wives.
Go tell that to Tom Brady, Vladimir Putin, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Tom Hanks, Robert Deniro, Tom Cruise, Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain. They just weren't elite enough?

The most devout, the most wealthy, the most handsome, or the most smooth talking aren't necessarily ending up with good wives. We don't even get what we "deserve" if one believes in such things.

And a lot of it comes down to simple luck. I think we get your point about scarcity of good women, but we cannot change the culture or morality of our people, certainly not in time for us to find wives; all we can do is deal with this ClownWorld on the terms we were born into it.
Thought this would be a good place to post this blast from the past.
Bill Maher's podcast just interviewed the two NYC Jewish sluts behind the "Guys We Fucked anti slut shaming podcast" where they talk about how awesome it is for women to have sex with random partners.
I know of them because the article about them on ROK was Rax's #1 article of all time.

I can't believe it but 10 years later, these girls are STILL doing a podcast about hooking up with strangers!
And they are still not funny!

I'll be honest, they don't look as bad as I thought they would.
Oh, they look bad. The makeup is caked on, crazy fake hair, and one is seriously overweight. But I expected something more like the hooker from Breaking Bad.


Instead, let's just say they probably exaggerated how many GUYS were actually willing to F them for the podcast (they look aged and kinda rough but not totally dead inside).

Here's what I learned in the first 2 minutes before shutting it off:

(1) "Yeah, I might want to have kids some day. But I have to meet somebody first."


This wasn't a sarcastic joke by the way. She really doesn't think she's met enough men yet, depsite doing a podcast for 10 years (supposedly) full of her constantly meeting new men.

(2) I was conceived with a turkey baster and my parents never told me. My dad isn't my biological father. I found out 3 years ago through a DNA test.

Yikes. I mean, sorry but. Biases confirmed!

Anyway, the youtube comments are pretty awesome.
You can't have a real conversation with a woman unless she's in love with you.
Great line and young guys should burn it into their brains.

And even when she's in love with you, she'll be emboldened by the current culture at least 1/4 the time to try to get out of pocket in the convo while claiming victimhood.

Outside of the sole romantic relationship plus the females in the family, there is very little to be gained by a man engaging earnestly with women.