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The Destruction of Modern Women

Are we so, so fallen (when humanity was closer to the ideal in many instances in the Old Testament) that that is how humanity ultimately ends up because of its depravity, and science has labelled it as part of natural selection and that marriage is just a 'human construct' to enable civilisation to function?
Yes, and people can decide the degree to which this is true (so, so), keeping in mind that your conclusion is what fits with my cycle and population theory. Recall that when survival is critical, one or many can fall into sin and rebellion, but the very stresses of life maintain some order of man, woman, family and God. This is currently not the case because in some sort of weird trajectory of history and the providence of God we constantly fall back into late stage decline even after having been reasonably "good" for a while. Even the "nations" were used by God to show Israel, for example, was out of line. And a lot of times the result of that was domination, mixing, and scattering, such as was noted during the Assyrian invasion and creation of "Samaritans" and then the history of the Tribes, which weren't preserved but rather lost - but with the nations then becoming the plan for all to be called back to God. Now, that history is truly a story and I don't know where this goes, as we inherited the truth and it lasted for a long time, but enlightenment, usury, technology and weird gnostic, elite and/or pharisaical groups took back over. My suspicion with how anti-human technology is, and how surveillance is so much easier than ever before, is why so many think we're closer to the end of chronological "history," as such.
When you examine the rottenness of modern, secular behaviour, the only fix is for both men and women to truly fear The Lord and to trust Christ so that our sinful bias doesn't infect our day-to-day conduct towards one another.
Yes, this is what staved off for a long time what we currently experience. It's bizarre to think about, how in general so few over time, especially with population booms, can do anything to stop it in large part. People will just keep choosing mammon, and the small number of people that know what harmony is and can be, are relegated to being outcasts, watered down, or "conspiracy theorists". I presume that's how the Essenes and John the Baptist felt or were treated. We'll see in the next 8-10 years whether we can turn this around, but I'm guessing (sadly), no.
The modern woman in the United States is truly damaged. I haven’t been in a serious relationship in several years and find 99% of women not worthwhile to commit to, I would do brief stints of sinful behavior then just revert back to being alone and praying. I prefer it, and man’s ability to exercise self control is an endeavor that should be mastered in and of itself. I was out at a bar last night with a friend, and we actually got chatted up by two attractive women who were clearly looking for sugar daddies. Considering my friend and I are late 30s and they were 25 at most.

I told one of the girls that this was all a grand illusion and I didn’t believe her and her friend for a minute. That I was too much of a realist. She told me I should entertain fantasy more and I told her no, I don’t like to BS myself. I told her that 90% of women in that place do not want me for me but just would potentially want me to extract resources. It wasn’t worth it. She was bewildered and said wait a minute you’re tall, you look pretty ripped, and you think we’re all fake. I said yes, and that I’d rather find a match on church. Eventually she gave up. In my younger days, I’d try to take her home, but now I don’t care.

A relationship not based on values and God is meaningless to me.
Schizoid post incoming:

Some of the women of today just straight up wouldn't exist years ago before processed foods and whatever ungodly pharma concoctions they are pumping into their tissues and bone structure.

I saw a woman today buying cigs at the gas station, who appeared to be native American, that was about three fitty and built like a line backer. Her butt was a very weird-shaped enormous blob of jello that poked out but still remained concave. Her body looked like it was a living replica of a child's attempt at making one with play dough.

Her upper body was still larger with huge arms and shoulders, like she was wearing football pads, but it was just fat and ?. Her arms were covered in tattoos - manly tattoos that bodybuilders and linebackers have. Her facial skin seemed covered in holes (from picking? Stretched skin? Make-up?) and her head resembled a pig's.

Im just wondering what kind of hellish chemicals are in McDonald's, KFC, Wendy's, candy bars, soda and all those bottles of stuff at Walgreens that causes these types of alien-looking deformities. I understand that sitting down all day also doesn't help but in my eyes it seems like diet is increasingly causing some really freaky-looking genetic disfigurement in people as time goes on. Exercise won't fix this.

What is going on? Is it something in the water? Is it pills? Street drugs? Or could this type of thing actually be caused by one's spiritual state manifesting in some way? This is not normal. Look to people like Kativan Islanders. They don't even have acne. They have perfect teeth. Men naturally built/strong-looking and women naturally flowing with feminine curves. Beautiful skin. They eat their native islander diet of fish, veg, fruit etc, and get ample sunshine.

I can hardly recall her figure because it was so strange. This phenomenon seems to have gotten worse over the years based on my experiential analysis. And this wasn't someone that had a legit deformity from birth - this was a body sculpted from the result of lifestyle. Of course there's always some genetic factor but I think my point has been made.

What's worse, is she was wearing a nursing uniform. So this gigantic, freakazoid ogre is a nurse. She walked back out to her car which was a lifted truck with huge shiny rims on it. I'm not sure what's worse, the loony lesbos teaching the kids or the orifice ogres nursing the unhealthy.

A female linebacker, a nurse, a ghetto mma fighting thug, a cowgirl, a rapper? What is she? Really confusing, but becoming all too common, at least in goyslop America, the land of the Frankenstein women.

What happened to Pocahontas?

I'm not trying to be hateful, but it just disgusts me that women destroy themselves like this when they are made to be such beautiful creatures. It's sad. These diet choices are going to keep compounding into even more surreal looking beasts. It's frightening. And some of these feet. Man, don't get me started! Messed up.
I saw a woman like this again today while trying to enjoy my lunch and the nice sunny weather in my car. I was sitting there in silence with the windows down in the grocery store parking lot, people-watching the weirdos.

Then out from the exit doors comes this giant butch ogre (Exactly the same species as the post above I'm referring back to, including arm tats). Shrek...I mean she was making a scene, arms flailing as she barreled behind two fugly chubbies glued to phones as they exited the store into the parking lot.

She was walking with a limp, had vocal fry, and was dramatically yelling things such as "Shiii*! I don't be wipin my a** like dat but I be wipin my a** like DAT! Haaa haaa!", accompanied by some other incomprehensible redneck/ebonics/latinx/bruh/scholar gibberish.

In a jolly ole' way, she was making the physical motions of wiping and talking about what happens when she puts toilet paper in her pie booty. Way too confident. The type that carries herself like she can throw hands with a man. You know...

This was simultaneously an attempt at portraying assumed raunchy male characteristics (It's kindergarten, boy like gross thing hehe) as part of a seductive effort while also delivering a classic female comedian yawnworthy, cringeworthy zinger. "Toilet humor guys! Am I right? LOLZ!"

At the end of these antics, 'RSD Owen Ogre' received awkward smiles and a quick sayonara from the two girls who quickly got into their cars And left. She seemed proud of her behavior.

I took a moment to stare at the horizon and let out a long sigh. It's days like this that I miss having lunch at a street stall in Thailand, seeing feminine college girls in skirts with normal BMIs walk around, and if anyone said anything this retarded, at least it was in alien duck language I couldn't understand.
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One thing young women are naturally good at is picking out a winner. They can find young guy at the very early stages of his career, but who they feel will be successful later on and usually the women are right. They look for unrealized potential by evaluating the man's character, rather than only focusing on materialized gains. And that's what led to so many successful relationships in the past, even between high school and college sweethearts.

Unfortunately today under society's influence they suppress their true nature, and instead 1) waste their 20s in hedonistic relationships with deadbeat guys who have no future but instead may have big muscles, or a large phallus, or a cool rock band or whatever other exciting trait you want to add, and 2) if they are actually looking for a strong provider type, their standards are outlandishly high. Whereas 100 years ago they would perhaps just shoot for guy who could make 6 figures (adjusted for inflation), now they want a 7 figure guy like they see on Instagram and Tiktok. As we've discussed to no end.

I strongly disagree with this. The only reason this seemed to be the case in the past was because society was more conservative so there simply were more of these good men around. If you look at the guys that many modern women date these days, it’s abundantly clear they are clueless at choosing a long term mate.
I strongly disagree with this. The only reason this seemed to be the case in the past was because society was more conservative so there simply were more of these good men around. If you look at the guys that many modern women date these days, it’s abundantly clear they are clueless at choosing a long term mate.
Even in poor countries where the safety net is extremely limited and the consequences of picking the wrong man are so much worse women still don't seem to make logical decisions.

I don't think in the past women were better at choosing men, they just had less freedom so their parents (especially the father) and church (priest, etc) had a lot of say in the mate selection process whereas these days women largely make their own decisions even in poor countries. Of course women making their own decisions are going to make illogical choices. We all know that women are not logical.

I do not think that the quality of men on average has declined that much (and certainly a lot less than the decline in the quality of women) so lack of quality men is not the issue. We just need to stop allowing women to make their own choices. If a woman's dad chooses for example she will be 23 and marry a boring and nerdy and average looking 30 year old accountant who makes a good income and wants to marry her and give her children.

If she chooses for herself she will go with a broke musician or a tattooed biker or a good looking chad who cheats on her. Then at aged 35 she will become a divorced single mom or a childless cat lady.
Note * I tried to post this on any sub on reddit and I couldn't find one that wouldn't auto-delete my entry.

Title: Women's gym culture needs to end

And I say this as a guy who has always been attracted to athletic women. Women have proven they can grow their butts and thighs to thicker and thicker proportions and become more and more of a thirst trap for men. We get it, you can explode your glutes and sharpen your physiques so that dudes everywhere will want you. Then they go into gyms showing everything off to the male end of the species that is hardwired to be visually stimulated by a half-naked hard body.

It's softcore porn. There's a difference between taking your health and fitness seriously and blowing up your ego and becoming a pure narcissist. It's also frustrating being teased in public. We all know most men don't have a chance with a halfway attractive woman and the gym culture women don't do anything to solve this problem. They make it worse for society. I'm not saying every woman has to be fat and ugly, but the way women invaded gyms, sexualized them, and then hardly any men get to enjoy the fruits of all of this effort, it's asinine.

You know what vibe I never get from all of this workout culture? The vibe of married women busting their butts to be as attractive as possible to their husbands. It's always women working hard to share the same small percentage of men. It's like there's an unspoken rule that women will only put in serious effort to be attractive if they are single or if their man is extremely high value.

I just saw a video of some hardbody bimbo complaining about being kicked out of her gym for wearing sexually appealing clothing. All I'm trying to say is that we've had a strong gym culture for women for the past several decades and I don't think it's done anything positive for relationships between men and women. If anything, it's been a net negative and only helped create an even thirstier population of men, which also benefits no one.
You know what vibe I never get from all of this workout culture? The vibe of married women busting their butts to be as attractive as possible to their husbands. It's always women working hard to share the same small percentage of men. It's like there's an unspoken rule that women will only put in serious effort to be attractive if they are single or if their man is extremely high value.
It's still much better that they are working out than sitting at home in front of the TV stuffing themselves with junk food. With the average American lifestyle, you get fat in no-time if you don't hit the gym.

There are plenty of fit, married women at my gym but they dress in equally provocative clothing. Thankfully the clientele is 70-80% men but I wish it were 100%. Either these women need to cover up, or we need more male-only spaces. But I don't see either of these things happening anytime soon. The only real solution is to make a conscious effort not to look at the women. When I catch the lust acting up, I try to avert my eyes and start saying the Jesus prayer in my head. It gets easier over time.
It's still much better that they are working out than sitting at home in front of the TV stuffing themselves with junk food. With the average American lifestyle, you get fat in no-time if you don't hit the gym.

There are plenty of fit, married women at my gym but they dress in equally provocative clothing. Thankfully the clientele is 70-80% men but I wish it were 100%. Either these women need to cover up, or we need more male-only spaces. But I don't see either of these things happening anytime soon. The only real solution is to make a conscious effort not to look at the women. When I catch the lust acting up, I try to avert my eyes and start saying the Jesus prayer in my head. It gets easier over time.
Without any evidence, but going merely on a hunch, those married women are not doing it to give their husbands more pleasure in the bedroom because they are still exhibiting attention-seeking behaviors and are on the path to potential cheating. I think the gym "culture" is what is bad for these women. Excessive working out, women taking substances, as opposed to being active and trying to not be morbidly obese (Lord knows there's more than enough of those). But, again, I've never gotten the vibe fit married women do it for their husbands. I say this because I've never seen any of those types encourage it among women to make their marriages better, especially because most women laugh off any such ideas, like making their husbands happy.
Note * I tried to post this on any sub on reddit and I couldn't find one that wouldn't auto-delete my entry.

Title: Women's gym culture needs to end

And I say this as a guy who has always been attracted to athletic women. Women have proven they can grow their butts and thighs to thicker and thicker proportions and become more and more of a thirst trap for men. We get it, you can explode your glutes and sharpen your physiques so that dudes everywhere will want you. Then they go into gyms showing everything off to the male end of the species that is hardwired to be visually stimulated by a half-naked hard body.

It's softcore porn. There's a difference between taking your health and fitness seriously and blowing up your ego and becoming a pure narcissist. It's also frustrating being teased in public. We all know most men don't have a chance with a halfway attractive woman and the gym culture women don't do anything to solve this problem. They make it worse for society. I'm not saying every woman has to be fat and ugly, but the way women invaded gyms, sexualized them, and then hardly any men get to enjoy the fruits of all of this effort, it's asinine.

You know what vibe I never get from all of this workout culture? The vibe of married women busting their butts to be as attractive as possible to their husbands. It's always women working hard to share the same small percentage of men. It's like there's an unspoken rule that women will only put in serious effort to be attractive if they are single or if their man is extremely high value.

I just saw a video of some hardbody bimbo complaining about being kicked out of her gym for wearing sexually appealing clothing. All I'm trying to say is that we've had a strong gym culture for women for the past several decades and I don't think it's done anything positive for relationships between men and women. If anything, it's been a net negative and only helped create an even thirstier population of men, which also benefits no one.
This subject was already under discussion in the Lifters Lounge thread: https://christisking.cc/threads/lifters-lounge.243/page-10#post-22162
I strongly disagree with this. The only reason this seemed to be the case in the past was because society was more conservative so there simply were more of these good men around. If you look at the guys that many modern women date these days, it’s abundantly clear they are clueless at choosing a long term mate.

You mean they ended up making the right choices not out of good judgment, but because statistically those were the odds.
Note * I tried to post this on any sub on reddit and I couldn't find one that wouldn't auto-delete my entry.

Title: Women's gym culture needs to end

And I say this as a guy who has always been attracted to athletic women. Women have proven they can grow their butts and thighs to thicker and thicker proportions and become more and more of a thirst trap for men. We get it, you can explode your glutes and sharpen your physiques so that dudes everywhere will want you. Then they go into gyms showing everything off to the male end of the species that is hardwired to be visually stimulated by a half-naked hard body.

It's softcore porn. There's a difference between taking your health and fitness seriously and blowing up your ego and becoming a pure narcissist. It's also frustrating being teased in public. We all know most men don't have a chance with a halfway attractive woman and the gym culture women don't do anything to solve this problem. They make it worse for society. I'm not saying every woman has to be fat and ugly, but the way women invaded gyms, sexualized them, and then hardly any men get to enjoy the fruits of all of this effort, it's asinine.

You know what vibe I never get from all of this workout culture? The vibe of married women busting their butts to be as attractive as possible to their husbands. It's always women working hard to share the same small percentage of men. It's like there's an unspoken rule that women will only put in serious effort to be attractive if they are single or if their man is extremely high value.

I just saw a video of some hardbody bimbo complaining about being kicked out of her gym for wearing sexually appealing clothing. All I'm trying to say is that we've had a strong gym culture for women for the past several decades and I don't think it's done anything positive for relationships between men and women. If anything, it's been a net negative and only helped create an even thirstier population of men, which also benefits no one.

If there was a gym that had a separate area for women on the grounds of avoiding the kinds of situations that these females complain about, women would not go to it.
You mean they ended up making the right choices not out of good judgment, but because statistically those were the odds.

Both odds and societal intervention. Even in the US certain communities were close knit. Everybody knew who the promiscuous women and bad men (criminals) were. More men were raised to have honor and would end up marrying their HS sweethearts.
Without any evidence, but going merely on a hunch, those married women are not doing it to give their husbands more pleasure in the bedroom because they are still exhibiting attention-seeking behaviors and are on the path to potential cheating. I think the gym "culture" is what is bad for these women. Excessive working out, women taking substances, as opposed to being active and trying to not be morbidly obese (Lord knows there's more than enough of those). But, again, I've never gotten the vibe fit married women do it for their husbands. I say this because I've never seen any of those types encourage it among women to make their marriages better, especially because most women laugh off any such ideas, like making their husbands happy.

I recently read Michel Houellebecq's Submission, a novel that describes a hypothetical future where France converts to Islam. The novel reveals some very red pill insights in regards to women that touch on this very topic. Essentially, a lot of Western women put the greatest amount of effort into looking sexy outside of the home for strangers and the least amount of effort behind closed doors for their husband. In Submission, the storyline contrasts this behavior with Islamic culture where the women are in a burka when out and dress sexy at home only for their husband's eyes. IE, the opposite of modern day Western culture.

The life of every Western woman. In the morning she probably blow-dried her hair, then she thought about what to wear, as befitted her professional status, whether 'stylish' or 'sexy,' most likely 'stylish' in her case. Either way, it was a complex calculation, and it must have taken her a while to get ready before dropping the kids off at daycare, then she spent the day e-mailing, on the phone, in various meetings, and once she got home, around nine, exhausted,... she'd collapse, get into a sweatshirt and yoga pants, and that's how she would greet her lord and master, and some part of him must have known--had to have known--that he was f*****, and some part of her must have known that she was f*****, and that things wouldn't get better over the years.

If you point these sort of things out to women they'll insist they dress this way because it's "comfortable" or come up with some other sort of rationalization to explain away the discrepancy. But really it's just a way for the modern day women to revel in the attention of showing off their bodies for strangers and while relying on the plausible deniability of a gym workout if anyone calls them out on it.
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