The Destruction of Modern Women

This is a testament to the sheer fantasy land that has been sold to women via feminism. The "kids someday" option that they think is perpetually available for them.

Its actually quite sad. I feel sorry for them in a way. Not only have they been duped into thinking they have any kind of time on their side whatsoever, they also probably have the Disney prince fantasy standard for men too. A standard that grows ever further out of reach with every year they spend working, travelling, and passing on good men for trivial reasons.

God help them. God help us all
This is a testament to the sheer fantasy land that has been sold to women via feminism. The "kids someday" option that they think is perpetually available for them.

Its actually quite sad. I feel sorry for them in a way. Not only have they been duped into thinking they have any kind of time on their side whatsoever, they also probably have the Disney prince fantasy standard for men too. A standard that grows ever further out of reach with every year they spend working, travelling, and passing on good men for trivial reasons.

God help them. God help us all
Yes, as bad as women have made it for themselves right now, the worst is yet to come. The hell men have allowed women to create is an abomination. It is men's duty to protect women, and the first thing we must protect them from is making very bad decisions. The satanic elites, against the wishes of both men and women, were able to strong-arm in voting rights for women 100 years ago across the west and the result has been societal collapse. The level to which women are inferior to men, when it comes to real world application, is probably almost identical to their physical inferiority. We don't compete against each other on the sporting field, why would we magically expect their brains to be the same.

These women are taught from birth that someone else will magically show up and take care of them Boomer women got to have it all, a career, a husband who made enough to provide for her, and then when she got bored, she divorced him and took half and lived to party hardy. X'er women are finding out the hard way that this no longer exists. They are being run into the ground at their "great office career" McJob, and there is no end in sight. Many of these X'er women in their mid 40's look just terrible. They look like they have aged an extra 20 years.

The next generation of women coming up will have it even far worse. No price charming is coming to save them. They waste their youth having fun, partying, and throwing their money away. They think when they turn 30 prince charming will show up and rescue them and pay for all their mistakes. They think even if they do find a terrible man, and have three kids with him, that after they leave him they can then find beta bucks to pay for it all.

These options are gone, men don't have the finances to pay for any of this any longer. The money has been directed to the satanic elites at the top. I don't know what these young women will do, when they age and reality sets in. Only Fans? Prostitution? The easy life is gone for them and they are being set up for a fall the which we have never seen.
When you wonder why this country is going down the drain, remember this is the Democrats' main voting bloc.
Yep, if you look closely at the specific tags in the women's profiles - specifically "Spiritual" and "Liberal" - that is how one will know which political party she aligns with. (I only counted four women with "Christian" tag in their profiles.)

This is just sad. Most of them are upper 30s/early 40s, but this is a massive problem even with women late 20s/early 30s. They are a lost cause and would make a man's life hell. And insane that they think they can get a Chad. I think even a lot of simps are wising up, but there are some thirsty, desperate guys out there.

Don't ever let people shame us for wanting younger women or moving abroad. It's the only way.
What is sad is that most of the brainwashed women won't even think about Christianity and/or join a Christian church because of their pro-abortion stance.
Yep, if you look closely at the specific tags in the women's profiles - specifically "Spiritual" and "Liberal" - that is how one will know which political party she aligns with. (I only counted four women with "Christian" tag in their profiles.)

What is sad is that most of the brainwashed women won't even think about Christianity and/or join a Christian church because of their pro-abortion stance.
That, and the fact that Christianity says that acting on homosexual desires is a sin. To them that is Hate, and they condemn Christianity for hating. They are so sadly misled.
That, and the fact that Christianity says that acting on homosexual desires is a sin. To them that is Hate, and they condemn Christianity for hating. They are so sadly misled.
It is weird that women are wired such an inferior manner. To the point that when they get any say over your society they instantly destroy everything. It really is a remarkable thing. I guess in the big picture, it is a biological test that if you can't control your own women, you don't deserve to survive as a civilization and eventually one that does control their women will take your territory.
That, and the fact that Christianity says that acting on homosexual desires is a sin. To them that is Hate, and they condemn Christianity for hating. They are so sadly misled.
Over the years, I noticed a lot of them are pro-LGBQT. You will know when you see LGBQT propaganda (i.e., flag, button, stickers, etc.) in their office, yard, car, etc. *groans* 🥴

Edit. Fun fact: I have two Orthodox Crosses hanging under my vehicle's mirror. My brother has the same thing in his car too.
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The next generation of women coming up will have it even far worse. No price charming is coming to save them. They waste their youth having fun, partying, and throwing their money away.
I agree. It's getting so bad that it's literally a game at this point the disharmony in the world with the sexes and the ability to find an appropriate wife is at all time lows. Again, my only explanation is that on a population level this was foreordained but it is tragic that on the individual level it's collateral damage (for some).
I don't know what these young women will do, when they age and reality sets in. Only Fans? Prostitution?
I used to think they'd change their minds, but I now see I was wrong about the percentage of people that see things clearly/aren't emotionally driven. It's at most 4% and probably only 2% of the population, big picture. What's really black pill and sad to think about is that their only option is such things as you say due to the fact that they won't change their focus, behavior, and/or minds.

This is yet another reason to get to different locations if you can. One topic not enough around here talk about is this population issue I posit, which is that this number of clueless simps and aging women create a major problem in that they interact with so many others, it ruins the few good ones that are left due to exhaustion.
I agree. It's getting so bad that it's literally a game at this point the disharmony in the world with the sexes and the ability to find an appropriate wife is at all time lows. Again, my only explanation is that on a population level this was foreordained but it is tragic that on the individual level it's collateral damage (for some).

I used to think they'd change their minds, but I now see I was wrong about the percentage of people that see things clearly/aren't emotionally driven. It's at most 4% and probably only 2% of the population, big picture. What's really black pill and sad to think about is that their only option is such things as you say due to the fact that they won't change their focus, behavior, and/or minds.

This is yet another reason to get to different locations if you can. One topic not enough around here talk about is this population issue I posit, which is that this number of clueless simps and aging women create a major problem in that they interact with so many others, it ruins the few good ones that are left due to exhaustion.
This is why I have become a fascist. Fascism is simply govt. by family. Meaning your nation is an extension of your family and you govern your nation like you would govern your family. The strong men lead and make decisions, the beta males follow, the omega males are banished from society, the women have no say. Thomas Rousseau of Patriot Front talks about this and to simplify it the most.

"We don't need the men to follow us, we don't need 50% of anything, we need the strongest 10 to 20% of men to do the right thing and everyone else will naturally follow along". Democracy is the enemy of nature and it will collapse and be replaced by this system in due time.
This is why I have become a fascist. Fascism is simply govt. by family. Meaning your nation is an extension of your family and you govern your nation like you would govern your family. The strong men lead and make decisions, the beta males follow, the omega males are banished from society, the women have no say. Thomas Rousseau of Patriot Front talks about this and to simplify it the most.

"We don't need the men to follow us, we don't need 50% of anything, we need the strongest 10 to 20% of men to do the right thing and everyone else will naturally follow along". Democracy is the enemy of nature and it will collapse and be replaced by this system in due time.
I think this is more true than false. The two guys that actually would be called that term, and I'm not saying it's accurate, had really good, traditional and functional countries - Franco and Pinochet. The latter even spearheaded the greatest economy/turnaround S. America has ever seen. The only reason you hear bad things about these men and countries is because of leftist media and school indoctrination. I remember it in high school, quite seriously.
A latina mother of two who is a DJ in her 40's was shot and killed at the Cheifs sportsball parade. Crowds are the last place to be right now. In addition, these sportsball victory parades are notorious for violence. And so this woman-child (God rest her soul) instead of being somewhere deep in a peaceful meadow in the country walking hand in hand with her children was in the middle of urban chaos taking selfies, "partying," and getting herself shot. Priorities ladies, priorities.
"Political polarity" ... uhh, no, propagandized women on apps that repeat dumb talking points and the best part:

No one wants to F them anyway, at this point.

It's a non starter and a non issue. These women are the definition of useless at this point. What a sad reality - but how can you feel all that bad about people who don't want to change their minds or behavior? Nothing we can do. We tried already.

Something about her I can't stand. Maybe it's the woman masquerading as a libertarian to be another Lauren Southren (who was known to have slept around to help her get to where she got), or maybe it's her voice, her lack of being a good public speaker (few women seem capable of being good public speakers), or her arrogance (look at me, I'm so cool because you can talk about your politics with meee!). I also can't stand that jazzy saxophone background music, like she's trying to sound appealing. I guess I'm an old curmudgeon who has no tolerance for influencers. I've seen several of them come and go and I don't think they help people even 1/100th of what they think (like this woman who thinks Bumble may be watching, like please).
Re: Rikki Schlott...

A few days ago, someone mentioned her name via an X post I came across by accident. I did a search on her to see what's special about her.

* Two years ago, she wrote a very interesting article for the NY Post about her 84 year old father. (He's 86 now.) If you are skeptical and don't like her because of this and that, you have to admit that her parents - especially her 86 year old father - instilled important values and critical thinking skills. They did a good job raising her. To this day, she remains closed to her parents.
* She is not exactly "Conservative"; she leans Libertarian.
* She is a 23 year old college dropout who wrote a book with Greg Lukianoff ("The Canceling of the American Mind") and now works for the NY Post where she talks about Gen Z stuff in schools, dating, workplace, etc. For those who are not aware, Greg Lukianoff runs the "Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression" (FIRE) organization.

Edit. From an interview:
MR: Are you religious?

RS: I am Christian and not super actively Christian, but it's an identity point for me. But I don't go to church on a regular basis.

MR: Do you pray or meditate?

RS: I pray occasionally, but not on any regular basis, no.


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It's funny because being an electrician would be a lot more satisfying than most white collar jobs, and pays more in many cases. Plus no debt from school. Screw these snobby broads. They don't even deserve a bum. Lots of other women out there love electricians.
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What are you guys' thoughts on Andrew Anglin's new article about women?

(Be warned that he uses very strong language in this article)

I found it interesting and insightful, but I'm not sure what to think about some of it. Anglin is extremely blackpilled on this matter, but honestly I can't think of any sufficiently coherent arguments against anything he said.