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The Destruction of Modern Women

I recently read Michel Houellebecq's Submission, a novel that describes a hypothetical future where the France converts to Islam. The novel reveals some very red pill insights in regards to women that touch on this very topic. Essentially, a lot of Western women put the greatest amount of effort into looking sexy outside of the home for strangers and the least amount of effort behind closed doors for their husband. In Submission, the storyline contrasts this behavior with Islamic culture where the women are in a burka when out and dress sexy at home only for their husband's eyes. IE, the opposite of modern day Western culture.

If you point these sort of things out to women they'll insist they dress this way because it's "comfortable" or come up with some other sort of rationalization to explain away the discrepancy. But really it's just a way for the modern day women to revel in the attention of showing off their bodies for strangers and while relying on the plausible deniability of a gym workout if anyone calls them out on it.
I also read that book by Houellebecq and I thought he portrayed the contrast well.
Most of the gym women I know wear yoga pants, even when not at the gym. I would not date a woman that wears that garbage. They are absolutely wanting Chad to see it, even when they have a boyfriend.

Even Chad has to be careful with gym thots.

My ex wore yoga pants all the time. She told me she had body image issues before getting in shape, so I assume that's what it is, she wanted to flaunt her new hard-earned figure. Ultimately it was my own deficiencies that broke the relationship. I knew I couldn't make any demands on how she dressed as my own lifestyle was worse.
I wonder how much the fashion industry is to blame for women dressing less conservatively. We blame the elites for a number of other issues, pushing agendas and such. So it seems odd to not at least point a finger or two at the ruling class here. Certainly we are all accountable for our actions, but it does seem like women only have two options, to dress like a whore or dress like a grandma. Women like to look good, nothing wrong with that, that's how God made them. And women can't just dress well for at home. Even a housewife needs to be out and about. And we just can't expect women to dress like Amish on a grocery trip. Hey, if they wanna do that, great, but it's just not a reasonable expectation. I just think maybe clothing lines cater toward not making conservative clothing fashionable for women, and if so that's something to keep in mind.
A big part of the problem with regards to women in our society is men's adamant refusal to hold them accountable for their behavior. Rod Dreher's substack today had a glowing book review of Christian author Harrison Scott Key’s latest book, How To Stay Married. The book is about how Key's wife cheated on him not once, but twice!, and how he still stayed married to her. Apparently, the readership is supposed to take this as an inspiring example of commitment at all costs. Indeed, the title and lede for Dreher's book review is:

An Insane, Gorgeous Love Story
Harrison Scott Key's wife betrayed him twice, but OMG they're still married!

I agree, "OMG". The wife was getting banged out by one of their neighbors, whom the book refers to as "Chad" (seriously haha). Truly, if there's anything that would inspire young men to stop looking at porn, put down those video game consoles and head to the alter to get married in 2024, it's aspirational stories like these. Welcome to the Longhouse where getting cucked by your wife multiple times means you get to forgive her that much harder!

In the book he talks about how about he went to his (Presbyterian) church for guidance and his pastor suggested disciplining and even excommunicating his wife. According to the book review, the husband was "left furious" at the pastor's suggestion which prompted him to seek out a new church where they respect women enough not to punish or shame them for getting some strange now and then. Dreher also mentions that Key "wrote this book with the cooperation and approval of his wife Lauren."

What a Nice Guy (tm) making sure he got her approval before writing about her extracurricular sexual exploits with the neighbor. I'm sure his wife's boyfriend will give the book a 5-star review too.
You know what vibe I never get from all of this workout culture? The vibe of married women busting their butts to be as attractive as possible to their husbands. It's always women working hard to share the same small percentage of men. It's like there's an unspoken rule that women will only put in serious effort to be attractive if they are single or if their man is extremely high value.
It doesn't happen. That's why the culture is so obviously over and done with. I'm turning the corner on the caring part knowing that only in other cultures is it even possible to find something reasonable.
It's still much better that they are working out than sitting at home in front of the TV stuffing themselves with junk food.
As above, barely. Know why? If they are attractive, and not just better versions of themselves for husbands who love them and have goggles from their youthful days, they are insta-attention whores. That means they're only their to fool you, get looks ... and I wonder if they even hang out with anyone but roided quasi-simps from the gym.
A big part of the problem with regards to women in our society is men's adamant refusal to hold them accountable for their behavior. Rod Dreher's substack today had a glowing book review of Christian author Harrison Scott Key’s latest book, How To Stay Married. The book is about how Key's wife cheated on him not once, but twice!, and how he still stayed married to her. Apparently, the readership is supposed to take this as an inspiring example of commitment at all costs. Indeed, the title and lede for Dreher's book review is:

An Insane, Gorgeous Love Story
Harrison Scott Key's wife betrayed him twice, but OMG they're still married!

I agree, "OMG". The wife was getting banged out by one of their neighbors, whom the book refers to as "Chad" (seriously haha). Truly, if there's anything that would inspire young men to stop looking at porn, put down those video game consoles and head to the alter to get married in 2024, it's aspirational stories like these. Welcome to the Longhouse where getting cucked by your wife multiple times means you get to forgive her that much harder!

In the book he talks about how about he went to his (Presbyterian) church for guidance and his pastor suggested disciplining and even excommunicating his wife. According to the book review, the husband was "left furious" at the pastor's suggestion which prompted him to seek out a new church where they respect women enough not to punish or shame them for getting some strange now and then. Dreher also mentions that Key "wrote this book with the cooperation and approval of his wife Lauren."

What a Nice Guy (tm) making sure he got her approval before writing about her extracurricular sexual exploits with the neighbor. I'm sure his wife's boyfriend will give the book a 5-star review too.
I charge you with slamming him in the comments. This is everything that is wrong with anyone even closely associated with (Orthodox) Christianity. I hope you can report back that others aren't falling for it, and they should shame Dreher if what you say is in fact what he did.
In the book he talks about how about he went to his (Presbyterian) church for guidance and his pastor suggested disciplining and even excommunicating his wife. According to the book review, the husband was "left furious" at the pastor's suggestion which prompted him to seek out a new church where they respect women enough not to punish or shame them for getting some strange now and then.

Props on the old pastor keeping it real actually trying to help his parishioner. He lost one but he 100% did the right thing.

Btw, it's okay to forgive infidelities. Women have forgiven many men. But forgiveness is more than simply saying one is sorry. The cheater must show sincere repetence. The fact that she cheated again is very much a horrible sign that she learned nothing the first time around, which means he didn't make it very clear to her due to having no backbone.

The beta male's life is a hellish one indeed.
The difference is that I believe gym culture is ruining women, I am not necessarily addressing only the stuff going on with tiktokers and gym culture specifically.

I said previously on this very thread that women dont need to be in a Gym. As all they do are machine workouts & squats to accentuate their rear end & thighs. In order to attract men who are not their husbands!

Bet then some guys say "well at least she is keeping herself attractive". Ughhh that's part of the problem & low key simping lol

A small set of dumb bells at home, basic body exercise & a good diet is all a woman needs to stay fit. If your woman is working out in front of other men & wearing Yoga Pants - She's for the streets. There is no debating that.
I said previously on this very thread that women dont need to be in a Gym. As all they do are machine workouts & squats to accentuate their rear end & thighs. In order to attract men who are not their husbands!

Bet then some guys say "well at least she is keeping herself attractive". Ughhh that's part of the problem & low key simping lol

A small set of dumb bells at home, basic body exercise & a good diet is all a woman needs to stay fit. If your woman is working out in front of other men & wearing Yoga Pants - She's for the streets. There is no debating that.

All she needs is a kitchen without a dishwasher and carpet throughout the children's bedrooms. She'll be as fit as Maria Sharapova. And yes that's why I brought up tennis, much better than a gym for both of you.
I said previously on this very thread that women dont need to be in a Gym. As all they do are machine workouts & squats to accentuate their rear end & thighs. In order to attract men who are not their husbands!

Bet then some guys say "well at least she is keeping herself attractive". Ughhh that's part of the problem & low key simping lol

A small set of dumb bells at home, basic body exercise & a good diet is all a woman needs to stay fit. If your woman is working out in front of other men & wearing Yoga Pants - She's for the streets. There is no debating that.
100% agree. And besides, if a guy is not fapping, as they say, and off the pornography, he doesn't need a hyper-attractive gym bunny to feel attraction.
I said previously on this very thread that women dont need to be in a Gym. As all they do are machine workouts & squats to accentuate their rear end & thighs. In order to attract men who are not their husbands!

Bet then some guys say "well at least she is keeping herself attractive". Ughhh that's part of the problem & low key simping lol

A small set of dumb bells at home, basic body exercise & a good diet is all a woman needs to stay fit. If your woman is working out in front of other men & wearing Yoga Pants - She's for the streets. There is no debating that.

Most women enjoy working out at the gym for the same mental and physical benefits that men do. But there should be either an end to coed gyms or a constitutional amendment banning yoga pants and tight leggings.
Most women enjoy working out at the gym for the same mental and physical benefits that men do. But there should be either an end to coed gyms or a constitutional amendment banning yoga pants and tight leggings.

I could agree with that

That being said, Lauren Baccall in her prime was "hotter" than 99.9999% of Western women today. And she never went to a gym.

So is there really a need for women to be going out doing thighs & glute exercises? Or have we as a Western culture come to accept Urban Black American "booty" fetish as the norm?
I could agree with that

That being said, Lauren Baccall in her prime was "hotter" than 99.9999% of Western women today. And she never went to a gym.

So is there really a need for women to be going out doing thighs & glute exercises? Or have we as a Western culture come to accept Urban Black American "booty" fetish as the norm?
Again, this is the problem: women need to pursue family formation, which means they need to be young and select wisely and grow with someone. As it stands, this is 5-10 on the "list of things to do" at best. That's why you get to mid to late 20s and the trap is set. We've already taken women out of their hottest years since a couple of them are "illegal" as a way of modern life. Remember, at age 28 well beyond half of a woman's eggs are gone, and it's closer to 75%. That alone tells you a lot of about biological age there, which of course has everything to do with attraction.
"I thought she was finished... I shouldn't have asked for the chip"

Straight Face Trying Not To Laugh GIF

Chips GIF by Awkwafina
Someone liked a post of mine that was treating some of the strange analyses a member called Astronomer made regarding women and their trajectory. I noticed that poster is now gone, restricted, or restricting, which increases the probability that it was a LARP and/or human with two X chromosomes.
Again, this is the problem: women need to pursue family formation, which means they need to be young and select wisely and grow with someone. As it stands, this is 5-10 on the "list of things to do" at best. That's why you get to mid to late 20s and the trap is set. We've already taken women out of their hottest years since a couple of them are "illegal" as a way of modern life. Remember, at age 28 well beyond half of a woman's eggs are gone, and it's closer to 75%. That alone tells you a lot of about biological age there, which of course has everything to do with attraction.


“BuT mEn HaVe a BiOlOgIcAl ClOcK tOo”
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“BuT mEn HaVe a BiOlOgIcAl ClOcK tOo”
The N for older men and young women pairs/mothers is so low I don't even believe those are that close, at all. No way.