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The Destruction of Modern Women

What are you guys' thoughts on Andrew Anglin's new article about women?

(Be warned that he uses very strong language in this article)

I found it interesting and insightful, but I'm not sure what to think about some of it. Anglin is extremely blackpilled on this matter, but honestly I can't think of any sufficiently coherent arguments against anything he said.

That was funny. Maybe some of us can skip the women roullette wheels of Sodom and start here:


By doing this we can at least curb the house advantage and take our chips to a poker table...in theory.

Not a fan of dog and truck worship to be honest, and certainly not the hints at hiring prostitutes. I think he takes it too far.

There's a lot of flowery Scripture about the sacrament of marriage also.

Sounds like he busted hard at the lady luck casino on the slot machine. Don't know anything about him.

Overall pretty spot on though, sadly.

If we do decide take it to the extreme by going our own way I'd focus on a more devoted life in the Church or with charity work, or if we have what it takes, monk it.
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What are you guys' thoughts on Andrew Anglin's new article about women?

(Be warned that he uses very strong language in this article)

I found it interesting and insightful, but I'm not sure what to think about some of it. Anglin is extremely blackpilled on this matter, but honestly I can't think of any sufficiently coherent arguments against anything he said.

Why do you need a woman?

What does the woman do that the dog doesn’t do, other than sex (which is the most overrated thing ever)?

The dog will not betray and abandon you. In fact, the dog will die for you. The dog will always be there for you.

Blackpilled? Maybe a little. 😆
What are you guys' thoughts on Andrew Anglin's new article about women?

(Be warned that he uses very strong language in this article)

I found it interesting and insightful, but I'm not sure what to think about some of it. Anglin is extremely blackpilled on this matter, but honestly I can't think of any sufficiently coherent arguments against anything he said.
I got a good chuckle out of this one. But seriously,

You can basically keep going forever, because 95% of men who get married will eventually get divorced. (Seriously, the statistics are total horseshit – they don’t include men who just haven’t been divorced yet.)
That's funny statistical citing. Using the last few decades, which is probably the only realistic thing to use (I only know old couples who are normal that are like 50 years married), the divorce rate is probably up there, big time, as he says.
However, everything is totally different now. Totally different. Not even similar in basic form.
I was telling a friend this the other day. I don't have any answer to it and don't pretend to, but it does bother me when we equate in any way what went on back then with now contextually. I could go on with provocative examples, but I'll refrain for now.

Decent article. There are times and seasons for everything. Most of this modern era is complete nonsense and insanity. At least we were somewhat lucky to live in the developed world ... I guess.
That was funny. Maybe some of us can skip the women roullette wheels of Sodom and start here:


By doing this we can at least curb the house advantage and take our chips to a poker table...in theory.

Not a fan of dog and truck worship to be honest, and certainly not the hints at hiring prostitutes. I think he takes it too far.

There's a lot of flowery Scripture about the sacrament of marriage also.

Sounds like he busted hard at the lady luck casino on the slot machine. Don't know anything about him.

Overall pretty spot on though, sadly.

If we do decide take it to the extreme by going our own way I'd focus on a more devoted life in the Church or with charity work, or if we have what it takes, monk it.

OK full stop. This guy says "if these men can't make it work, you don't have any chance at all." He then says these are the most "desirable men on the planet."

Gentlemen. You CANNOT buy into that crap. Like, I don't even know where to start. Let's get this much out of the way: do women get excited about men with power, fame and wealth? Absolutely. But it lasts for, like, an hour. That buzz wears off and women realize that even the most "desirable" men on the planet are,in fact, just dudes like every other one. At that point, a woman wonders, what else does he have? I don't have much, but I am legitimately more attractive to many women than Brad Pitt or Justin Trudeau. One of the reasons is, I don't pull this crap of comparing myself to them like this loser does. And yes, a man is a loser if he automatically sees himself as "less than" some celebrities. Women are attracted to men who have confidence, and true confidence comes from knowing that there is a God, and that he loves you and will take care of you through every trial in your life. If I were in a room full of women, along with some of the most "desirable" men in business, politics and entertainment, sure, the ladies would at FIRST have their eyes on those men. But eventually, their attention would fall on me because most powerful men are every bit the loser that the other guy is. Because even those powerful men are empty. Because they don't have Jesus Christ. And so they have NOTHING. NOTHING. And that nothingness starts to become obvious real fast.

OK that first rant is done. It just drives me crazy how insecure men get in relation to other men, and it always manifests in anger and judgment toward women. Like "oh women are so bad," they just want so-and-so. Like, again, I'm not denying the attraction they have to power and fame. It's real. But it also fades fast, and women get over it fast.

The main issue here is the first part. The idea that "if these studs can't make it work, you have no chance." If any man on this forum believes that, that would just be a genuine tragedy. I get that this Christian forum has remnants of Red Pill, even MGTOW leanings, but many powerful men are godless,and we shouldn't envy them or think they are better positioned for marriage success at all. If you believe that garbage, you need a total shift in your mind and your faith. Marriage can still work today, and like anything, it will really be God's blessing and his hand that makes it work. It won't be because you acquired such-and-such amount of wealth or status. I don't envy powerful men, I usually pity them; like so many they are lost and at risk of being on the wrong side of God's judgment.

Yes, be aware that women (and men) have been systematically broken by the enemy and their own sin, but don't ever let it make you Black Pilled.
You stress the importance of self-confidence. I see you're clearly not lacking in that department.

I wouldn't say self-confidence so much as the confidence I have from knowing I am loved by my creator and it is the only validation I'll ever need. I don't think I'm better-looking than Brad Pitt, and his checkbook is more exciting to women than mine. But this is all kind of the point I am trying make. Men are constantly looking over their shoulders at the next guy. And it's the guy who doesn't do that who winds up being more attractive to women.
In all seriousness, I read a book Wild at Heart by John Eldredge some years back where he interviews some of the most high-status men he knows. He theorized that it was these men who were the most insecure, and his theory definitely seemed to be on point. I'm not suggesting men remain low-status, of course not. Go get the abundant life. It's just, I would say there is real evidence that no amount of status will fix our insecurity, and emotional insecurity is arguably the most unattractive quality to women.
The main issue here is the first part. The idea that "if these studs can't make it work, you have no chance." If any man on this forum believes that, that would just be a genuine tragedy. I get that this Christian forum has remnants of Red Pill, even MGTOW leanings, but many powerful men are godless,and we shouldn't envy them or think they are better positioned for marriage success at all. If you believe that garbage, you need a total shift in your mind and your faith. Marriage can still work today, and like anything, it will really be God's blessing and his hand that makes it work. It won't be because you acquired such-and-such amount of wealth or status. I pity most powerful men; like so many they are lost and at risk of being on the wrong side of God's judgment.

In modern society there is no marriage. It's a state contract, which is an advantage for a woman. It has certain tax benefits / ownership possibilities . This has nothing to do with a spiritual marriage. We use the word marriage, but it's not.

Even in church I see people "breaking off" marriages, whatever that means, or people living together unmarried, young men having girlfriends.

Society is inverted, I was looking for Valentines day in old archives.

Schermafbeelding 2024-02-16 om 06.15.15.png

This is from Manford Magazine from 1889 volume 33. (i encourage you to read the whole text)

Alas society is like an inverted pyramid and that which should point to the heavens is buried in the mud The highest fact in man's mysterious existence the holiest emblem of the union of the divine with the human the mediation between matter and spirit by which the former should be come glorified and godlike and thus ascend unto the bosom of the FATHER this sacred gift is trampled under the feet of men and changed into a stinging serpent which carries it foul slime over the roses of life.
Wow. Doesn't this sound like this thread?

I think on the immense pain we do to our Lord.

Our concept of sin is so washed out. When i read this text with my modern eyes I feel "wow these people had morals in 1889"

I feel I really need to cut out all sin, especially in this period of Lent. I see many traditionals criticizing homosexuality while they have a "girlfriend" and commit all sorts of sin, what is that? Aren't they destroying a girl? God, look here, here is a bigger sinner! I need to look at myself.

All Christian feasts have turned into devilish festivals of greed, gluttony and lust.

When man is so full of sin, not a lot of beauty is left. I feel the answer is with us men. Not women.

How much propaganda a modern 20 year old girl has had, how many boys she kissed, or even had sex with. Like the girl in this story. This would look innocent in our mind. But it's not.

On the eventful Fourth of July, she came out in her new dress. Lord Henry complimented her upon her elegant appearance, but she was not happy. On their way to the gardens, he talked to her in a manner which she did not comprehend. Perceiving this, he spoke more explicitly. The guileless young creature stopped, looked in his face with mournful reproach, and burst into tears.

The nobleman took her hand kindly and said, "My dear, are you an innocent girl?" "I am, I am," replied she with convulsive sobs. "Oh, what have I ever done or said that you should ask me that?" Her words stirred the deep fountains of his better nature. "If you are innocent," said he, "God forbid that I should make you otherwise. But you accepted my invitation and presents so readily that I supposed you understood me." "What could I understand," said she, "except that you intended to make me your wife?"

Though reared amid the proudest distinction of rank, he felt no inclination to smile. He blushed and was silent. The heartless conventionalities of life stood rebuked in the presence of affectionate simplicity. He conveyed her to her humble home and bade her farewell with a thankful consciousness that he had done no irretrievable injury to her future prospects.

The remembrance of her would soon be to him as the recollections of last year's butterflies. With her, the wound was deeper. In her solitary chamber, she wept in bitterness of heart over her ruined air-castles.
I think on my own actions destroying girls in the process.

I'm thinking the amount of sin in modern society is stacked very high in many souls. We carry that weight as we know judgement day is coming.

So the girls harm themselves, hating themselves, not knowing the cause, deeply knowing, but denying. Piercing themselves. Colouring their hairs. Getting fat.

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I do apologize if that rant seemed excessive and/or prideful. I'm sure there was some pride in there, but I was also speaking out of love for my brothers in Christ.
To be honest, I knew what you were getting at - I just thought it was funny if that one line was quoted out of context. I'm glad this forum doesn't take itself too seriously and we can have a laugh now and then.
Our concept of sin is so washed out. When i read this text with my modern eyes I feel "wow these people had morals in 1889"

I feel I really need to cut out all sin, especially in this period of Lent. I see many traditionals criticizing homosexuality while they have a "girlfriend" and commit all sorts of sin, what is that? Aren't they destroying a girl? God, look here, here is a bigger sinner! I need to look at myself.

All Christian feasts have turned into devilish festivals of greed, gluttony and lust.

When man is so full of sin, not a lot of beauty is left. I feel the answer is with us men. Not women.

How much propaganda a modern 20 year old girl has had, how many boys she kissed, or even had sex with. Like the girl in this story. This would look innocent in our mind. But it's not.
Yes the fault lies with all, but don't discount women's role in this, they too have free will, no matter how much influence they are under or not. They don't get a free pass just because men dropped the ball in the first place. Their souls too will bear the brunt of their choices, just as a proper authority should treat them as the hysterics and children that they are. The third party, the demonic, weaving anti-natal threads in the unseen but human dopes acting it out in real-time has been the primary impetus and mover of this juggernaut that is all part of anti-life rhetoric, whose chief conspirator is the one who opposed God originally. It is manifested in his willing servants, the jews and the worshipers of darkness, and the unwilling, the atheists and the clueless who mutilate themselves at the expense of a lie that has caught their soul in a dragnet of despair.

That old article is spot on, it all begins with a clever subversion of something Holy into something foul. This must be undone, and for every woman who complains about this, the most painful thing a man can do to a woman's demonic ego is to ignore her and keep pushing a return to Holiness.
I will repeat again what my priest told me, a divorced man. He said that if we are not married, building a family and raising them to love and follow Christ, then we should as much as possible be living a life in service to Christ. St. Paul talks about this too. Given the urgency of our current fallen world, I see parallels to the early Church, who thought Christ was coming again literally within decades.

Some men in this situation choose to become literal monks, others missionaries, and so on. Living in monk mode, while still being in the world and not in a monastery is exceedingly hard, but if that is what God has called us to do, then so be it. Take up your cross and follow Him. Secular "dating" is a waste and IMO leads to sin, and sitting around playing video games, letting the years just pass by is not what Christ calls us to do. Remember the parable of the talents. Single life is also a gift and should not be wasted.
Yes the fault lies with all, but don't discount women's role in this, they too have free will, no matter how much influence they are under or not. They don't get a free pass just because men dropped the ball in the first place. Their souls too will bear the brunt of their choices, just as a proper authority should treat them as the hysterics and children that they are. The third party, the demonic, weaving anti-natal threads in the unseen but human dopes acting it out in real-time has been the primary impetus and mover of this juggernaut that is all part of anti-life rhetoric, whose chief conspirator is the one who opposed God originally. It is manifested in his willing servants, the jews and the worshipers of darkness, and the unwilling, the atheists and the clueless who mutilate themselves at the expense of a lie that has caught their soul in a dragnet of despair.

That old article is spot on, it all begins with a clever subversion of something Holy into something foul. This must be undone, and for every woman who complains about this, the most painful thing a man can do to a woman's demonic ego is to ignore her and keep pushing a return to Holiness.
Well said.

I think one of the main deceptions is that men and women are equal. We all know from our personal experience that women are very different from us. Very different but similar. Hence the attraction.

It's the fundamental lie of humanism, modernism, enlightenment or the anti-Christ time we live in.

I feel Men can never blame a woman. It's like blaming a dog for barking. I feel it's wrong. As if Adam could say to God: "But Eve gave the fruit to me, and I didn't know she got it from a snake, it's not my fault God."

Men are destined to be the head of the woman. And woman can rebel to that Law as they have gotten freedom from God just as we got to rebel against God.

This puts a large responsibility on the male shoulders in the city of God.

In the earthly city of course everything is inverse, we have all been taught an amazing amount of lies, on sexuality, on marriage, on pick-up culture on "equality". At certain point I was running Tinder scripts to have sex. I felt ashamed I didn't have sex yet at 16. That's a sick culture. The way many parents act as if it's normal to have a "girlfriend" but make sure to user a condom as pregnancy is the worst that can happen. Moms that take their daughter to the doctor at 15 to get on hormonal cures to stop the birth of life. That's satan at work.

In 1889 the article describes the sin and the pain it causes.
"society is like an inverted pyramid and that which should point to the heavens is buried in the mud"

Now 140 years later in "progressive" times the amount of sin is loads higher. The pyramid sank in deep in the mud. You can barely see the base, which I think is the cause of a lot of trouble.

I think of Adam & Eve.

Adam should have protected Eve. Kicked the snake out and warned her.

But instead he took the fruit from her and ate it.

I feel that's our role. Kick the snake out. First from our own lives. And then keep them from the women; mother, wife, sisters, daughters.

This is a big responsibility.

Very different from "girlfriend and boyfriend", we are just having fun and see what happens, we are both free, "open relationships", FWB, netflix and chill, nothing not serious and what all.

God's plan with us is so different than what we live.

That buzz wears off and women realize that even the most "desirable" men on the planet are,in fact, just dudes like every other one.
That is correct. You had an important post there as well as most of the replies, which I think were all very accurate.
But eventually, their attention would fall on me because most powerful men are every bit the loser that the other guy is. Because even those powerful men are empty. Because they don't have Jesus Christ. And so they have NOTHING. NOTHING. And that nothingness starts to become obvious real fast.
Correct again. What you are leaving out that I think you do know, though, is that the empty status guys are the elite version of the simps, that distract the heck out of women because while accountable, they have a very hard time (harder than most) with impulse regarding emotional magnets or attractions. Then it gets complex because they deal with simps and get burned by higher status guys, so they become entirely confused due to their lack of grounding and self control. This is one of the reasons why most men, if not THE reason, desire young women. No one tells society or other women that because they'd rather just blame men for things to escape accountability.
In modern society there is no marriage. It's a state contract, which is an advantage for a woman.
It's sick, and whenever (as in DEI) you give the more incompetent or the less powerful people something for nothing OR an advantage, it gets chaotic easily ... and quickly.
Their souls too will bear the brunt of their choices, just as a proper authority should treat them as the hysterics and children that they are.
Yes they will, but I think they pay more of a price here to be honest. Given what I see, it's hard to argue for the agency of women, at least in the market when dealing with men.
the primary impetus and mover of this juggernaut that is all part of anti-life rhetoric, whose chief conspirator is the one who opposed God originally.
That's why it is such an enigma. It's also why I don't think big population loss is looked at as being as bad as human's think it is - it seems built into the fallen world, though others hate it when you point how obvious and real this is historically, and now.
Single life is also a gift and should not be wasted.
I try to remind myself of this, since for so many relationships and marriage are frankly awful.

Do you all think that we're the only ones that realize or see the dearth of beauty in the developed world? I've said this for a while, but the current world is totally delusional, but it's literally a non starter when barely 1-2% of women are actually good looking and/or young. All that is incentivized at all is to deal with people for only short periods of time. What's more, if you are orthodox and in the west precisely no one boomer or older understand this or actively promotes youthful marriages (which is needed on the women's side, sorry, it's the fact).
Just glancing over the general reality of the modern dating market in this thread, has anyone here got a reason as to why it has become so fragmented and toxic? Edward Dutton did some research and found that unheard of tribes in some far flung places have the typical peak-alpha/beta male/omega male structure where basically peak alpha males own small harems of women, the lesser alphas get a woman each, the betas raise the children belonging to the peak alpha males/harem women and the omegas (perhaps 50%) get noting at all.....the West seems to be heading this way if you take a look, particularly among gen Z. Maybe the Alpha/Beta labeling is secular term or is it the reality that has come about because of the gradual regression of humanity and its sinfulness.....I'd like to think the best men are both able to command authority and hold the fort whilst being capable of love and compassion.

Are we so, so fallen (when humanity was closer to the ideal in many instances in the Old Testament) that that is how humanity ultimately ends up because of its depravity, and science has labelled it as part of natural selection and that marriage is just a 'human construct' to enable civilisation to function? When you examine the rottenness of modern, secular behaviour, the only fix is for both men and women to truly fear The Lord and to trust Christ so that our sinful bias doesn't infect our day-to-day conduct towards one another. Surely all that 'game' that men have learnt shouldn't even be part of a man's armoury anymore.