Yes the fault lies with all, but don't discount women's role in this, they too have free will, no matter how much influence they are under or not. They don't get a free pass just because men dropped the ball in the first place. Their souls too will bear the brunt of their choices, just as a proper authority should treat them as the hysterics and children that they are. The third party, the demonic, weaving anti-natal threads in the unseen but human dopes acting it out in real-time has been the primary impetus and mover of this juggernaut that is all part of anti-life rhetoric, whose chief conspirator is the one who opposed God originally. It is manifested in his willing servants, the jews and the worshipers of darkness, and the unwilling, the atheists and the clueless who mutilate themselves at the expense of a lie that has caught their soul in a dragnet of despair.
That old article is spot on, it all begins with a clever subversion of something Holy into something foul. This must be undone, and for every woman who complains about this, the most painful thing a man can do to a woman's demonic ego is to ignore her and keep pushing a return to Holiness.
Well said.
I think one of the main deceptions is that men and women are equal. We all know from our personal experience that women are very different from us. Very different but similar. Hence the attraction.
It's the fundamental lie of humanism, modernism, enlightenment or the anti-Christ time we live in.
I feel Men can never blame a woman. It's like blaming a dog for barking. I feel it's wrong. As if Adam could say to God: "But Eve gave the fruit to me, and I didn't know she got it from a snake, it's not my fault God."
Men are destined to be the
head of the woman. And woman can rebel to that Law as they have gotten freedom from God just as we got to rebel against God.
This puts a large responsibility on the male shoulders in the city of God.
In the earthly city of course everything is inverse, we have all been taught an amazing amount of lies, on sexuality, on marriage, on pick-up culture on "equality". At certain point I was running Tinder scripts to have sex. I felt ashamed I didn't have sex yet at 16. That's a sick culture. The way many parents act as if it's normal to have a "girlfriend" but make sure to user a condom as pregnancy is the worst that can happen. Moms that take their daughter to the doctor at 15 to get on hormonal cures to stop the birth of life. That's satan at work.
In 1889 the article describes the sin and the pain it causes.
"society is like an inverted pyramid and that which should point to the heavens is buried in the mud"
Now 140 years later in "progressive" times the amount of sin is loads higher. The pyramid sank in deep in the mud. You can barely see the base, which I think is the cause of a lot of trouble.
I think of Adam & Eve.
Adam should have protected Eve. Kicked the snake out and warned her.
But instead he took the fruit from her and ate it.
I feel that's our role. Kick the snake out. First from our own lives. And then keep them from the women; mother, wife, sisters, daughters.
This is a big responsibility.
Very different from "girlfriend and boyfriend", we are just having fun and see what happens, we are both free, "open relationships", FWB, netflix and chill, nothing not serious and what all.
God's plan with us is so different than what we live.