The Destruction of Modern Women

What does this mean?

I was also repulsed by Christianity when I was younger due to the behavior of many American Christian men. Aside from the monastics, they seemed like complete pushovers to me. Now I realize it's because of all these false teachers who deceive them and fail their mission.

So many Protestant, Catholic, and even Orthodox churches are failing to teach our boys about true masculinity. So they latch on to the closest thing they can find, which are these red pill PUA jokesters. At least they'll get you in shape, they'll get you to understand women, and teach you to be confident.

You can stay a virgin and still be an "alpha" or whatever you want to call it. Jesus is our prime example of male purity and He was no pushover, consider how He forcefully removed the userers from the temple.
What does this mean?

I was also repulsed by Christianity when I was younger due to the behavior of many American Christian men. Aside from the monastics, they seemed like complete pushovers to me. Now I realize it's because of all these false teachers who deceive them and fail their mission.

So many Protestant, Catholic, and even Orthodox churches are failing to teach our boys about true masculinity. So they latch on to the closest thing they can find, which are these red pill PUA jokesters. At least they'll get you in shape, they'll get you to understand women, and teach you to be confident.

You can stay a virgin and still be an "alpha" or whatever you want to call it. Jesus is our prime example of male purity and He was no pushover, consider how He forcefully removed the userers from the temple.

Unfortunately, it still has this view. To the non religious and even religious alike the typical view of a Christian is like the character Ned Flanders from the Simpsons or even worse. Just total pushovers.

The teaching of turning the other cheek has been taken to the extreme in my opinion. If you follow some of these preachers or priests you will just get walked all over in the real world. Churches are definitely not doing a good job in this regard.
I disagree, men and women need to do strenuous physical activity to be healthy. Not necessarily the gym, but the gym is the simplest thing to do for most people. The gym is a way of trying to compensate for our generally sedentary and unnatural lifestyles today. As long as you don't do steroids you won't look like a freak. Our ancestors were always out in the fields tilling, plowing, chopping wood, etc. Even in the Bible women are described as doing hard manual work, for example the Samaritan woman who met Jesus while getting water from the well, which requires significant upper body strength.

Apparently ancient women were pretty muscular according to their skeletons. Here they claim the average woman from the time of the Biblical patriarchs was stronger than an average Olympic rower today.

It may be so that ancient woman were strong but I garuntee you that they were more feminine & weren't busy working out to get a flat six pack & curate their thighs & behind.

Are you a virgin? If you are I can understand and get it but if no… sticks and logs my friend, sticks and logs.
I am not a virgin. But we have already established via basic red pilled principles that men and women are not the same and its less important for a man to be virgin than it is for a woman.
Romantic love is very vulnerable to the lusts that drive female hypergamy and post-industrial consumption.
Yes, it's BS, that's why. But you can't negotiate attraction. That's the larger issue since most women aren't physically attractive yet they almost all think there are tons of 6-6-6 guys out there.
So when I started to get into PUA, it was because I already saw that young women had left the courting to marriage system and were hooking up with more exciting men so I learnt how to sail and to use the prevailing wind. This is why I believe the MMP and SMP are exactly how young women want it to be as they represent the group with the strongest collective buying power.
I wasn't into PUA, but I recall stumbling upon roosh talking about other countries since I was very successful, and either the kind of girls I liked or were trying for were already career types or jump from relationship to relationship, or they just weren't there entirely. In the 30s after the early 30s passes you by, you realize that the only women that are worth it are younger, and generally the 20s you probably didn't think as much of as a younger guy, since they were all around but also weren't particularly about you, just fun and moving to the big city or whatnot. I became cynical as I realized that in this culture, all women wanted to do was have fun and weren't serious at all about families. Of course, they only get that way once they realize they have less than 20% of their value left, which is in the 30s. Since it was all transaction, I didn't see the difference between dating and any other transactional stuff, like in LatAm where they are actually just honest about it being more transactional. That's actually more refreshing, since no one there lies to themselves or their daughters about what life is about. It's weird that the 50s and 60s children deny that their daughters just ended up becoming a type of hoe or weak man. Sad.
but think about how difficult it is for the normal women out there too.
This comes up not so infrequently and it's just not true, by and large. Be young and not fat. You'll have 1000s more options than a man who has a big time future in the works. I've seen it a million times, quite literally. Ok, 50k.

The only difficulty is a good problem to have: fending off player douches. The problem is that these are the guys most girls like because they don't value real virtues, just looks and tingle douche that leaves, so of course that's what they get.

Witcoff said it simply a long time ago, and I put this in the class of the other simple truism that is very direct explaining the modern day:

1. If women reward good behavior, they'll get good behavior.
2. If women don't "need men", they will be very low quality partners/wives/gfs.

Do others here agree that there appears to be some sort of anarchist sense of defiance among young women to deliberately make themselves unattractive to spite men?

Again, this seems to be a late-stage civilisation phenomenon in Western - especially Anglophone nations - where prolonged adolescence through delayed marriage, debt and welfare give women artificial means to short term survival.

Unfortunately I have to agree with feminists that women do not dress to attract men for relationships. The exceptions are of course when women seek to build an entourage of thirsty simps to assert superiority over other women or to attract rich older men for shortage hypergamous benefits.
Do others here agree that there appears to be some sort of anarchist sense of defiance among young women to deliberately make themselves unattractive to spite men?

Again, this seems to be a late-stage civilisation phenomenon in Western - especially Anglophone nations - where prolonged adolescence through delayed marriage, debt and welfare give women artificial means to short term survival.

Unfortunately I have to agree with feminists that women do not dress to attract men for relationships. The exceptions are of course when women seek to build an entourage of thirsty simps to assert superiority over other women or to attract rich older men for shortage hypergamous benefits.
It seems to me, it's worse than that. I see a beautiful young women who had her breasts removed and is trying to be a transformer. This level of insanity that is so pervasive can mean only two things: profound demonic infestation of the West, or some sort of mass psychosis through social engineering, drugs, toxins, etc.
Some are now saying that the weakened magnetic poles (around 25% weaker now) is allowing elevated levels of radiation in, which is affecting people's brains and behavior. I suppose that is a third possibility.
Do others here agree that there appears to be some sort of anarchist sense of defiance among young women to deliberately make themselves unattractive to spite men?

Again, this seems to be a late-stage civilisation phenomenon in Western - especially Anglophone nations - where prolonged adolescence through delayed marriage, debt and welfare give women artificial means to short term survival.

Unfortunately I have to agree with feminists that women do not dress to attract men for relationships. The exceptions are of course when women seek to build an entourage of thirsty simps to assert superiority over other women or to attract rich older men for shortage hypergamous benefits.
Yes, there are only a small number of these. There is a large group of people, both male and female alike, who actually assess working out as being a meaningful SMV increaser, and decide against it. It is true, especially in the age of excess births, that most people just don't have it. The thing is, they would have it if we went by nature, but that would mean we would all pair up in our teens and 20s. When that's out of the window, it's all over, especially when survival is easy and money is printed, and there is an even M:F ratio or worse.

I guess I'll have to make that ecology thread after all.
This whole slim pickings regarding virginal women phenomenon would be more palatable if more females of all varieties were genuinely public and vociferous about how much of a mistake their past decisions were, without thinly disguised attempts at attention-seeking and validation. This would be even more authoritative if women who merely “dabbled” in sin, relatively speaking, made it clear this, too, was ill-advised.

Right now, however, all I see is things like former “porn stars” saying they’ve supposedly found Christ but still making it all about themselves, so merely proving they move to a new form of narcissism post-hitting the Wall.

The “trad wives” trend, while better than leftist trends, still seems to me to often be a copium for women who have realized they have fewer “earthly” options going forward. Generally, actual trad wives would not be seeking the limelight to begin with, am I right?
Getting a wife and having kids requires money, and quite a lot of it. Many jobs out there will not pay enough to have a wife and kids. And more and more of these good paying jobs are cut off to White Men.

That is where the rubber meets the road.
A little bit personal here... my wife doesn't want to have more children right now. We just have one son turning 2 soon. Lack of family support and financial issues are two of the main reasons. "She stays at home, why do I need to come and babysit? She needs to get a job!" is something they say. One of our moms has a house she got in a very expensive area through divorce in the wake of the 08/09 financial crisis. She works as a receptionist. We proposed she sell her house and move in with us near her family in a house with an in-law suite. She refused, multiple times. The other one is in Florida half the year, and the other half of the year she works as a day shift nurse up here in the Northeast, so she has no time to help. Our dads just flat out refuse to babysit, taking it like a joke when asked.

We don't have a house yet but are actively looking. My wife wants to stay near family (the same family that hardly supports us) and that family lives in a very expensive region, to the point where going an hour away still has inflated costs due to being near that expensive metropolis.

It's worse for most men my age and younger. I managed to get a wife, a son, and a safe white collar job. Most don't have that, and don't see a path forward for it. I'm seeing a lot of fit hardworking guys my age with obese wives and girlfriends who don't want to go to church or exercise, let alone cook (I don't know any women who cook). Their men are doing all the right things from what I can see, but the women don't want to follow. I'm starting to doubt the whole mantra of "men just need to shape up and the women will follow." I'm seeing a lot of men shaping up and their women aren't. If any ladies want to quote this and respond, feel free to do so.