The Destruction of Modern Women

This is the harsh reality: if you are a 30+ year old white man in the U.S., the chances of you finding and marrying an attractive, pleasant, virginal white Christian woman age 18-23 are not much better than you winning the Powerball. Those women do exist, but they do not marry thirty-something men they have no prior connection to or association with. They marry guys their own age who they met through school or family/friends.

The first thing you need to do if you're a thirty-something guy looking for a wife is to be realistic about your prospects. Sitting around hoping and praying for a virgin unicorn wife is probably not going to yield you any results, the same way that a 37 year-old reformed sl*t desperate for children is very unlikely to find a handsome millionaire of similar age to wife her up. If you're a single thirty-something man, chances are you have your own share of baggage, sins and mistakes in your past, and you'll have to suffer the consequences of your past choices, just like promiscuous women must ultimately do.

That means you must accept the fact that you'll either have to settle for a much less physically desirable younger woman (who is almost assuredly still not a virgin despite her lack of sex appeal), a more attractive woman in her early-thirties who is most definitely not a virgin, or go overseas to a poorer country to seek out a wife (who very well may also not be a virgin, although she will certainly assure you otherwise). And of course, (especially if you remain in the West) you must also be prepared for the possibility of divorce.

This is simply the reality of the situation. It does no good to bemoan it. If you want a wife and children in the current year, those are your choices. If you insist on holding out for the perfect virgin unicorn wife, you are essentially choosing the path of celibacy and singleness, whether you realize it or not. And that is not necessarily the worst thing for some men. But it's important to be honest with yourself, and to recognize and acknowledge harsh truths. Self-delusion will do you no favors, and ironically places you in basically the same category as many of the broken women being maligned in this thread.

Just to tell a story. A Christian friend who is now 46, met a younger, very attractive and really lovely feminine British woman (like from the B&W movies) a few years ago. He's a good, strong, tall attractive man himself but with an ordinary job etc, and things from what I see are going well with a baby daughter already. I know for a fact, because of his upbringing, he's been a good lad, with a lot of patience, unlike me who didn't choose God's path early like him, although I chose to do things my way but without the explicit sinfulness. I chose the bars, not because I wanted to exploit the situation, but simply because the good 'uns had all gone in church circles by 25 and where do you look if you don't put your trust in Christ?

I would add in my friend's case, that this was the exception as she is a very humble, God-fearing woman which may be a factor, whereas many others are not.
Just to tell a story. A Christian friend who is now 46, met a younger, very attractive and really lovely feminine British woman (like from the B&W movies) a few years ago. He's a good, strong, tall attractive man himself but with an ordinary job etc, and things from what I see are going well with a baby daughter already. I know for a fact, because of his upbringing, he's been a good lad, with a lot of patience, unlike me who didn't choose God's path early like him, although I chose to do things my way but without the explicit sinfulness. I chose the bars, not because I wanted to exploit the situation, but simply because the good 'uns had all gone in church circles by 25 and where do you look if you don't put your trust in Christ?

I would add in my friend's case, that this was the exception as she is a very humble, God-fearing woman which may be a factor, whereas many others are not.
Remember that we still inherited the age we are in, which is a global one (and with that global propaganda), and many stories or anecdotes are not only rare, but they is implicit bias in them (survivorship, success, etc). How many guys that "did it the right way" didn't get a woman? A lot, since the mathematics guarantees it.

Are you a virgin? If you are I can understand and get it but if no… sticks and logs my friend, sticks and logs.
This is an egalitarian falsehood and a just world fallacy.

Male virginity and female virginity are not the same. Women despise male virgins but you’re suggesting men can’t have an adverse response to female sl00ts, this is a cultural mindset that favors women. It allows them to guilt the vast majority of men into overlooking their past fornication. Meanwhile the naive virgin males are gaslighted by the church “just keep looking, God has a plan.”
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This is an egalitarian falsehood and a just world fallacy.

Male virginity and female virginity are not the same. Women despise male virgins but you’re suggesting men can’t have an adverse response to female sl00ts, this is a cultural mindset that favors women. It allows them to guilt the vast majority of men into overlooking their past fornication. Meanwhile the naive virgin males are gaslighted by the church “just keep looking, God has a plan.”
I've been confused for at least 5 years why this is so hard to convince people of.

Either there are marriageable women in a society, or there aren't.

It's pretty clear what the current status is.
Male virginity and female virginity are not the same. Women despise male virgins but you’re suggesting men can’t have an adverse response to female sl00ts, this is a cultural mindset that favors women. It allows them to guilt the vast majority of men into overlooking their past fornication.
Im not overlooking past fornications and definitely have an adverse reaction to the sl00ts, but if she had a couple boyfriends before me she might not be a complete sl00t and ruined. Sometimes stuff doesn’t work out. You’re talking about excessively promiscuous women guilting men into wifing them up. In that case I agree and I will run.
Im not overlooking past fornications and definitely have an adverse reaction to the sl00ts, but if she had a couple boyfriends before me she might not be a complete sl00t and ruined. Sometimes stuff doesn’t work out. You’re talking about excessively promiscuous women guilting men into wifing them up. In that case I agree and I will run.
I think it’s not an exaggeration at all. The dating apps really did f*ck with their heads and you see this across almost all ethnic cultures worldwide. The other social apps or even the daily dose of mis/disinformation and brainwashing everywhere. Women in general are magnitudes more susceptible to fantasy than we are.
Remember that we still inherited the age we are in, which is a global one (and with that global propaganda), and many stories or anecdotes are not only rare, but they is implicit bias in them (survivorship, success, etc). How many guys that "did it the right way" didn't get a woman? A lot, since the mathematics guarantees it.
Indeed and I've been aware of this for years. I don't know of any guys in the top "10-20%" who are single with no baggage. and missed the cut personally. I live in quite a traditional pocket of the UK so the old social rules still apply where unfortunately the laws of natural selection take their course whether they are Christians or not.

In my experience, Protestant Christian women are extremely fussy once they hit 30, and whilst they haven't played around I think the potential commitment to that one person exacerbates their fussiness combined with their content, happy independent lives, ("It's all in God's hands!" they tell me online) whereas those women who are alpha widows are forever damaged. I met countless numbers of them looking to settle, but I was never likely to be able to compete with some previous super hero.
I've been confused for at least 5 years why this is so hard to convince people of.

Either there are marriageable women in a society, or there aren't.

It's pretty clear what the current status is.


We are living in a time where (Western Christianity) has let go of it's hold on society. Hence the moral decay that we are seeing right now & especially so when it comes to Western women.

This may sound very "blackpilled" (the numbers & law of averages don't lie) but if you are a Pious Christian in the West & looking to marry a virgin (or even a woman with a partner count of 3 guys max) you may have to accept a rather long life of celibacy and wait till society balances itself out after the incoming 'great decline' in order to get the chance to do so.

This has been discussed & debated on forums like this one ad nasuem. Simply put the answer is our ancestors knew where things would go if you start giving woman the same freedoms as men. So they did not allow it.

Bit of a tangent here but this reminds me of the hopeless nature of some red pillers & tradcons who team up with modern women & feminists to fight the trans movement.

I Honestly dont care for it because whats the point in even exposing the Trans movement when most western woman become damage goods by the age of 23 & fornicate to the point they rival medieval harlots? Is there something to even gain?

This also brings me to Gen Z. I kinda do feel sorry for them. The Boomers checked out a long time ago but Gen Z have the wrong solutions to literally everything.

As we all know (From some of our's & Roosh's old ways) the Red Pill movent contributes to the decline of society & women. I understand that guys want to get laid & most woman are so lost they prefer the volatile bad boy to stable provider. But It just sickens me to see how Zoomers consume red pill like it's gospel. Imagine if this much energy was concentrated on reading the actual Bible ya know?

maybe I'm getting older & more cynical. But even things like the gym bro movement ticks me off. If you are not a power lifter or a strong man going to the gym just mimicks homosexual behavior. Remember gym going was an activity largely done by Homosexuals prior to the 90s

This also get's me on modern woman who go to work out at gyms. No it's not attractive to see a woman sweat, have muscles or squat jump to the point where they could rival some normie men.

I see that modern beauty standards are that women should have "six packs" now? If thats not preperations for an androygnous homosexual society I dont know what is?

A real woman should be slightly plump & have soft skin. Not look like a GI Jane wannabee.

Anyway. Like you said. The current state is awful. And unless you want to venture out of the anglosphere - most guys will need to have the patience to wait for the pendulam to swing before being able to have the same fruits as our forefathers
Indeed and I've been aware of this for years. I don't know of any guys in the top "10-20%" who are single with no baggage. and missed the cut personally. I live in quite a traditional pocket of the UK so the old social rules still apply where unfortunately the laws of natural selection take their course whether they are Christians or not.
I know quite a few. I'm not saying they have tons of options, but where the rubber really hits the road is what particular guys rate as reasonable for them, which is usually degraded and average due to living in a desert. What's more, it's more that they are OK with what I consider wasting money. What's been selected in gynocentrism is being OK with massive consumerism and being locked in, uncertain if complaining will end or things will work out. That's an awful life to live in. As I've said previously I had a couple of choices where matches could have been good but due to career and location things, as well as pure compatibility, you need more like 10-20 if you are really going to pull that trigger. The problem is that quality, or good looking rather, women get 100-1000 options in this age, and quality men get 1-5, maybe 10 max. I don't count 30+ women in this since that's desperation and mathematically is a fait accompli. The only guy it is good for is a guy who is OK with getting a woman who was pretty back in the day that now he trades for 1-2 kids and just produces for. That's fine, but I couldn't ever do it. Typically those guys are above average in some ways, average or below average in others. I don't question their decision, it's just not for me.
This may sound very "blackpilled" (the numbers & law of averages don't lie) but if you are a Pious Christian in the West & looking to marry a virgin (or even a woman with a partner count of 3 guys max) you may have to accept a rather long life of celibacy and wait till society balances itself out after the incoming 'great decline' in order to get the chance to do so.
Yes, it just doesn't happen in early life. At 18 girls in most places leave for college. Then they leave college for the city. That means 18-26 will be mostly fun, and for most girls, some by 23, 26 is the end of the line. Were they going to latch on to me for a lifelong subsidy and career that was a known guarantee in the 20s? Nope. But hard working professional women who were there might try; these types usually have personality that isn't in line with letting a career go, either. You can't set up a life and hope, with a trajectory for theoretical money and then tell a girl to just be a wife UNLESS you can agree in college to come together and work through it together. But I don't see many women trying to match and get hitched, again, at the early 20s. Any good looking woman I ever saw (not saying all) in Orthodox circles definitely wasn't in a rush to get married and live as she should. They were mostly products of the culture, which was leftist, for sure.
But It just sickens me to see how Zoomers consume red pill like it's gospel. Imagine if this much energy was concentrated on reading the actual Bible ya know?
There's nothing else for them. You think any of them were taught the faith by their parents? Christianity is mostly gone from society, and most christian peoples know little about the faith, as wealth/consumerism has subsumed most of their time and attention.
And unless you want to venture out of the anglosphere
I've told dudes countless times that when you're in the top 10% in several categories in the 30s and you realize that it frankly doesn't matter, you have to go where someone does think it matters. End of story. Dust those shoes off and let those in the rearview mirror rot. Or, take a major hit on attraction or marry a different race, something few are willing to do (if european), in my opinion.
I have noticed this as well. Any younger guy in his early to mid 20s should take note. The best looking women dress modestly, don't wear heavy makeup, obviously aren't sleeping around, go to church, don't party/drink, not focused on career. They are still around in the US, but pretty much in that early to mid 20s age range. Any of the older ones are already taken. You also have to make the effort to meet them, be sincere and a member of a community, and never look too thirsty.

Another thing I've noticed about women like this is how much more pleasant and natural the conversation is. They aren't too confident, experienced or even bitter from years of talking to men. This must have been what meeting women was like for our grandfathers.

It's a very small percentage, but there are absolutely still marriageable women in the US.

To me that sounds like copium.

Yes it's still possible, but it's 2 orders of magnitude harder than 30 years ago. We all can't be top 10%, often through no fault of your own, and even if you are, it doesn't bode well for society if even people who are in the third best decile are left fighting for scraps, let alone the 2/3rds of men below them.

The mating market today reminds me of the property market. In places like Toronto, people(mainly ppl who bought 15+ years ago) will in all seriousness argue that there isn't a housing bubble, and nothing is wrong, because provided you're two STEM grads a few years out of school each making 80k, the lowest of the low properties (4-500 sq ft 1br condo) which might go for 600k, is still relatively doable. To buy what many would consider your typical family home, even a hours commute to a DT area, you literally need a 1%er income in some markets these days. Never mind with a 2 year diploma my dad bought a 3br 1200 sq ft home in 1980 on one income....
The only guy it is good for is a guy who is OK with getting a woman who was pretty back in the day that now he trades for 1-2 kids and just produces for. That's fine, but I couldn't ever do it. Typically those guys are above average in some ways, average or below average in others. I don't question their decision, it's just not for me.
Yes, I've had goodness knows how many chances with attractive and good looking divorcees, but the thing that annoys me the most is the insincerity of it all because they know damn well they wouldn't have given me the time of day if their options were better. As one guy said once on an infamous forum "If a woman can't give you her best when she's at her best, then why should a man give her his best when she's past hers?"

People may disagree, but I prefer to try and just meet women at random now because most women are ageist online whereas in real life they probably assume I'm ten years younger than my current late forties.
These virginal or even somewhat chaste brides that marry much older men barely exist. If you’re approaching middle age and a single man, just log onto a dating app and see what type of matches you get. I guarantee they will be women over the age of 35 who aren’t very attractive and that’s irrespective of your ‘market value’ barring being a celebrity or having some sort of very high income approaching $400,000+ per year. Think surgeons, anesthesiologists etc.

Even then the guys I’ve known in the past in that category who were single were living a life of fornication, which is incompatible with the Christian life. I mean sugar daddy relationships, hookups, or even straight prostitution. Some modern women don’t seem to care about the age gap if money is involved.

On the old forum some of you guys may remember there was a member who was eventually banned that went by the name of Greek Kamaki. He wrote elaborate tales but it usually involved buying European women gifts and giving them money for a relationship. Sadly, with the way Western values have gone, he was prophetic.

I tried a foreign Christian dating website and got to talking with a decent looking 23 year old who was quite keen on getting to know me. I am very skeptical of those types of things since my time is limited and it would be difficult to always visit her country. I will probably just let her go nicely, but my point is this is basically unheard of in the United States.
maybe I'm getting older & more cynical. But even things like the gym bro movement ticks me off. If you are not a power lifter or a strong man going to the gym just mimicks homosexual behavior. Remember gym going was an activity largely done by Homosexuals prior to the 90s

This also get's me on modern woman who go to work out at gyms. No it's not attractive to see a woman sweat, have muscles or squat jump to the point where they could rival some normie men.

I see that modern beauty standards are that women should have "six packs" now? If thats not preperations for an androygnous homosexual society I dont know what is?

A real woman should be slightly plump & have soft skin. Not look like a GI Jane wannabee.
I disagree, men and women need to do strenuous physical activity to be healthy. Not necessarily the gym, but the gym is the simplest thing to do for most people. The gym is a way of trying to compensate for our generally sedentary and unnatural lifestyles today. As long as you don't do steroids you won't look like a freak. Our ancestors were always out in the fields tilling, plowing, chopping wood, etc. Even in the Bible women are described as doing hard manual work, for example the Samaritan woman who met Jesus while getting water from the well, which requires significant upper body strength.

Apparently ancient women were pretty muscular according to their skeletons. Here they claim the average woman from the time of the Biblical patriarchs was stronger than an average Olympic rower today.

This is an egalitarian falsehood and a just world fallacy.

Male virginity and female virginity are not the same. Women despise male virgins but you’re suggesting men can’t have an adverse response to female sl00ts, this is a cultural mindset that favors women. It allows them to guilt the vast majority of men into overlooking their past fornication. Meanwhile the naive virgin males are gaslighted by the church “just keep looking, God has a plan.”

You have described my teenage years and early 20s.

I have the problem of having lived a Christian life first, then living the PUA life second and having the residual regret that I missed out on having a youth by going to five religious meetings per week through school and university when I could have been in growing mixed-sex social circles.

Young Christian men are treated as stupid units full of sperm and acne puss in church whose attentions would stop young women studying to get into university where they can meet Chads and old money Brads. Churches ignore the advice of St Paul that older women should encourage younger women to marry so the marital and sexual prospects for many young Christian men are as promising as they were for Jezebel's gelded chamberlains.

Women picked up my virgin signals regardless if they were Christian or not or virgin or not, and belittled them: "I could eat you up for breakfast", "you are too nice", etc.

A review of Dalrock's Christian red pill blog will reveal that modern churches bless romantic love (hence "love is love") not the traditional marriage (i.e. a blood covenant between families). Romantic love is very vulnerable to the lusts that drive female hypergamy and post-industrial consumption.

A budding relationship that my brother had with a young Christian woman was abruptly ended by her youth pastor who went full AMOG when both were around the age of 18. My brother never fully recovered from this and he ended up marrying an atheist and his children have had absolutely no contact with any church or been Christened or dedicated to God in any way.

So when I started to get into PUA, it was because I already saw that young women had left the courting to marriage system and were hooking up with more exciting men so I learnt how to sail and to use the prevailing wind. This is why I believe the MMP and SMP are exactly how young women want it to be as they represent the group with the strongest collective buying power.
You have described my teenage years and early 20s.

I have the problem of having lived a Christian life first, then living the PUA life second and having the residual regret that I missed out on having a youth by going to five religious meetings per week through school and university when I could have been in growing mixed-sex social circles.

Young Christian men are treated as stupid units full of sperm and acne puss in church whose attentions would stop young women studying to get into university where they can meet Chads and old money Brads. Churches ignore the advice of St Paul that older women should encourage younger women to marry so the marital and sexual prospects for many young Christian men are as promising as they were for Jezebel's gelded chamberlains.

Women picked up my virgin signals regardless if they were Christian or not or virgin or not, and belittled them: "I could eat you up for breakfast", "you are too nice", etc.

A review of Dalrock's Christian red pill blog will reveal that modern churches bless romantic love (hence "love is love") not the traditional marriage (i.e. a blood covenant between families). Romantic love is very vulnerable to the lusts that drive female hypergamy and post-industrial consumption.

A budding relationship that my brother had with a young Christian woman was abruptly ended by her youth pastor who went full AMOG when both were around the age of 18. My brother never fully recovered from this and he ended up marrying an atheist and his children have had absolutely no contact with any church or been Christened or dedicated to God in any way.

So when I started to get into PUA, it was because I already saw that young women had left the courting to marriage system and were hooking up with more exciting men so I learnt how to sail and to use the prevailing wind. This is why I believe the MMP and SMP are exactly how young women want it to be as they represent the group with the strongest collective buying power.

I have a similar story. I was raised as a strict Catholic. I was dateless and clueless throughout my teens and even into my early 20s. By that time I began to realize that Western cultural values were fading and the women I encountered were not the ones of my parents generation. Even some of the church and choir girls were known to be passed around with their parents in denial or oblivious.

My parents, relatives, or the church did absolutely nothing to help me pair off or help me start a family. I was left to my own devices having to figure out why being a hardworking and ‘good’ moral man was leaving me with no options. More humiliating than that I was also ridiculed. I looked around only to see the women around me, even the religious ones, going for men who treated them like garbage.

I found Roosh and the red pill community. Improved myself in every way, started lifting and improving my body. Put my desires first and made aggressive moves. It led to success in the bedroom, but I never found a woman to marry. I never went as deep as Roosh did not even close, and even during those times I knew what I was doing was ‘wrong’ but I don’t think it messed up my ability to pair bond. The reason I am not married today is mainly for what is discussed in this thread, lack of wife material. I have a lot of the qualities and financial resources on paper, and I am not unrealistic. Do I believe I deserve a 22 year old virgin bride? Not at all, but even choices that have more pros than cons are scarce.

After ALL of this, the highs and the lows, I finally realized this: Nothing outside of yourself will make you happy and you must accept God’s will.
To me that sounds like copium.

Yes it's still possible, but it's 2 orders of magnitude harder than 30 years ago. We all can't be top 10%, often through no fault of your own, and even if you are, it doesn't bode well for society if even people who are in the third best decile are left fighting for scraps, let alone the 2/3rds of men below them.

The mating market today reminds me of the property market. In places like Toronto, people(mainly ppl who bought 15+ years ago) will in all seriousness argue that there isn't a housing bubble, and nothing is wrong, because provided you're two STEM grads a few years out of school each making 80k, the lowest of the low properties (4-500 sq ft 1br condo) which might go for 600k, is still relatively doable. To buy what many would consider your typical family home, even a hours commute to a DT area, you literally need a 1%er income in some markets these days. Never mind with a 2 year diploma my dad bought a 3br 1200 sq ft home in 1980 on one income....
To me that sounds like giving up.

We focus primarily on how awful most women are (and they are awful), but think about how difficult it is for the normal women out there too. Most men have become like little boys, myself included during my 20s. To get the few marriageable women left, we have to become men that are worthy of marrying. Become the 10%.

We can sit here and whine about how hard things have become, or accept the world for what it is and try to adapt. I think moving abroad is a good option, but it is not entirely hopeless in the United States. Difficult? Absolutely.