The Destruction of Modern Women

I talk about this all the time. What you find is that the convergence of the 2-3% "marriageable" is just all young women anyway. As you get older and you see fewer young women (you aren't around them in school, grad school, etc) you realize that they were more attractive in ways that you took for granted/didn't know. Occasionally I see girls who are teenagers who are actually good looking and innocent by definition, and they are actually some of the only attractive women left in America, big picture.
I have noticed this as well. Any younger guy in his early to mid 20s should take note. The best looking women dress modestly, don't wear heavy makeup, obviously aren't sleeping around, go to church, don't party/drink, not focused on career. They are still around in the US, but pretty much in that early to mid 20s age range. Any of the older ones are already taken. You also have to make the effort to meet them, be sincere and a member of a community, and never look too thirsty.

Another thing I've noticed about women like this is how much more pleasant and natural the conversation is. They aren't too confident, experienced or even bitter from years of talking to men. This must have been what meeting women was like for our grandfathers.

It's a very small percentage, but there are absolutely still marriageable women in the US.
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I have been receiving accelerating contact over the last two or three years from women I had previous romances with. It actually started before these several years but escalated during them. I presume there are others who wish to contact but have not, based on the sorts of things the ones who did have said (“I was thinking about messaging you for [x period of time, usually at least several years] but was frightened because I thought you hated me/would laugh at me/reject me” etc).

In my experience, when you're a good catch, many women do this constantly to put out feelers and keep men of high value in their frame. They play the woe is me victim card. I'm so lonely and miss you bla bla bla. Meanwhile they are doing this to several high value men at the same time. Keeping them all in their web.

I started noticing this pattern with many of the old women in my life, even the ones that had new boyfriends, or even ones that were married. I refused to keep participating in these pointless exchanges to give them attention. I just block them and move on. I can't have that temptation. Lukewarm and ambiguous communication with out of the loop women isn't good for us.

And I think while women can be friends it's very rare. Men becoming friends with their exes seems really beta and simpish. It's weird. I cringe at how many times I've witnessed men providing emotional support and fatherly advice to their exes or women they didn't make the cut with, while she's out banging high value chads and pretending she's a goody goody.

Not saying you're being beta or simpish. But what you said reminded me of what women do.
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I have noticed this as well. Any younger guy in his early to mid 20s should take note. The best looking women dress modestly, don't wear heavy makeup, obviously aren't sleeping around, go to church, don't party/drink, not focused on career. They are still around in the US, but pretty much in that early to mid 20s age range. Any of the older ones are already taken. You also have to make the effort to meet them, be sincere and a member of a community, and never look too thirsty.

Another thing I've noticed about women like this is how much more pleasant and natural the conversation is. They aren't too confident, experienced or even bitter from years of talking to men. This must have been what meeting women was like for our grandfathers.

It's a very small percentage, but there are absolutely still marriageable women in the US.
How many early 20s guys are mature enough to understand the value of this advice though? I attended university in California where everyone was obsessed with status, looks, money, and most of all fornication. If there was anyone that went to church, I certainly didn't meet them aside from a few Mormons. Sure, the girls were very attractive and thin, but most had red flags. Some of the freshman girls were kind-hearted. By sophomore year, after being transformed by woke professors' indoctrination, degenerate frat guys, and stuck up sororities, you could see they went downhill fast. A girl who smiled at you and made small talk one year could pass you by with an icy, condescending stare the next year after joining Alpha Beta Gamma or Visa Visa MasterCard. Guys would either be "lucky" enough to be rich frat guys or athletes in the top 20% and have their way with 80% of the women, or they would quickly become bitter and angry.

Perhaps 20% of the women didn't sleep around. Of those many were overweight, or they were very left wing, or otherwise had undesirable personality traits. So yeah, the decent women were about 2 to 3%. And that's not even taking into account the religion factor.

Some guys are lucky to grow up in a smaller city in a red state with better women, and they should just stay there. There are more important things than how well-ranked your program is or how many "social opportunities" there are. We have to stop teaching our young boys to chase worldly success above all else.

Really any change has to start with men, because women are predictable. If every young man could just learn to say no to these Jezebels, watch how quickly they would turn around and become submissive housewives. But the male thirst is so great, they all get ruined.
It's not even close. They're not just more pleasant, but more feminine and shy (in a good way). You can usually tell too. I know we get caught up thinking all women are sleeping around, but there are still some that aren't.

Women that are too comfortable talking to men are off-putting. Another thing I've noticed is some women showing interest, but still having a distant, bitter attitude. Not very enjoyable to approach, and a good sign of what dating them would be like.

That's a major red flag

It means that the woman understands modern male nature & she is essentialy trying to weed out whether the guy is an Alpha or a Provider. Obviously we all know what she wants the Alpha for.

It's like the resting b.itch face in real life. Make rules for Beta's so they dont approach & let Alpha's break them.

Any woman who understands the sexual psychology of men & keeps distant from nice men (unless it's a super needy weirdo) are for the streets
To add it's almost like so-called "sh**t tests"

In the olden times it was something men would use to put woman in their frame & establish their rightfull dominance. Look at old John Wayne & Clark Gable movies for example.

Nowadays it's modern women who "sh**t test" men & it's all due to them wanting to weed out the men till she finds a top 20%er to fornicate with. Marriage & kids are not even an after thought.

Peak satanic inversion. It's also part of the reason why I beleive that the only way to reverse the decline is to make laws which severley curtail a womans right to vote, have free movement & free choice.

We are now living in the very proof of the reasoning of why our forefathers did not allow women to have any agency in society.
I have noticed that virgin women just have a completely different (and much more pleasant) energy and vibe than non-virgin women.

Yes. This also reminded me of a blog post Roosh made in which he essentialy brought up quotes from a Diary of a Harlem street pimp in the 1930s to show how modern non virgin women desire to be treated in the same way as the prostitutes working for the Harlem Street Pimp.
How many early 20s guys are mature enough to understand the value of this advice though? I attended university in California where everyone was obsessed with status, looks, money, and most of all fornication. If there was anyone that went to church, I certainly didn't meet them aside from a few Mormons. Sure, the girls were very attractive and thin, but most had red flags. Some of the freshman girls were kind-hearted. By sophomore year, after being transformed by woke professors' indoctrination, degenerate frat guys, and stuck up sororities, you could see they went downhill fast. A girl who smiled at you and made small talk one year could pass you by with an icy, condescending stare the next year after joining Alpha Beta Gamma or Visa Visa MasterCard. Guys would either be "lucky" enough to be rich frat guys or athletes in the top 20% and have their way with 80% of the women, or they would quickly become bitter and angry.

Perhaps 20% of the women didn't sleep around. Of those many were overweight, or they were very left wing, or otherwise had undesirable personality traits. So yeah, the decent women were about 2 to 3%. And that's not even taking into account the religion factor.

Some guys are lucky to grow up in a smaller city in a red state with better women, and they should just stay there. There are more important things than how well-ranked your program is or how many "social opportunities" there are. We have to stop teaching our young boys to chase worldly success above all else.

Really any change has to start with men, because women are predictable. If every young man could just learn to say no to these Jezebels, watch how quickly they would turn around and become submissive housewives. But the male thirst is so great, they all get ruined.
I agree with you about most places and people in general. California is an especially degenerate place. And to answer your question, most early 20s guys are retarded. I was too.

I had very little hope left, but have met a community of people where I live and at church that aren't like most people. Sure, there are still some younger girls that will become thots, usually because of poor parenting and absent fathers. But most of these people are very Christian, right-wing, home school their kids, have big families, don't go to college, etc. If we're ever going to find wives, it's around people like this. I wish I had been around women like this, and people in general, when I was in my early to mid 20s. Fortunately as men we can get a lot better with age.
I've been noticing more and more young women cursing like sailors, loudly and openly in public places. Even non or low-fat pretty women curse as if it were completely natural. It's just sad to see because I don't notice many men swear unless they are clearly rough around the edges.
How many early 20s guys are mature enough to understand the value of this advice though? I attended university in California where everyone was obsessed with status, looks, money, and most of all fornication. If there was anyone that went to church, I certainly didn't meet them aside from a few Mormons.
Yes, this is a good point because it's true. With women being told or thinking they have a future (that isn't directly tied to a man), which is what college is sorta all about, they'll easily look past solid men with good futures and risk it with the excitement, polygynous crowd. I was a late bloomer and it wasn't until senior year in college that I had realized what it took with some looks and style to step up the game with girls, but the problem is that in doing or realizing that, you're already admitting defeat in the quality women game. I had just as many girls over the years who approach me that were decent girls, but products of divorce or some other early childhood trauma that ultimately were not good to be with or even consider as a future option.
And that's not even taking into account the religion factor.
Here's the bigger problem, especially if you are orthodox. If the pickings were so slim, and a random religion you have in this country or wherever shuts the door, it doesn't bode well. Even solid women will not necessarily follow your frame if it goes against their family, regarding religion at least.
I have been receiving accelerating contact over the last two or three years from women I had previous romances with.
Consider yourself lucky. There are two women from my past (one especially) that if they contacted me I'd jump right on it. However, there is no way I'd ever contact them, and they could never find me as I cover my past tracks pretty well. Oh well, the grass is always greener. Monk mode here I come.
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Dr. Debra Soh on How Birth Control Can Influence the Type of Man a Woman is Attracted To

"There has been research to show that women who meet their partners while they are on the pill and then they get off it, they're not attracted to them after...When someone is pregnant or when they're on the pill, they're seeking someone who's going to be more nurturing versus when you are not on the pill and you're actually ovulating during that period, you're looking for more of an alpha type, super masculine guy because that's a man who's going to have good genes to provide you with your offspring."
In my old "Game" days a major awakening moment for me is when I realized I no longer was interested in going out with "modern" women.

I would actually fix dates on whatsapp & cancel them after some pondering & self reflection with some BS excuse, followed by a block as I got to the point where I would rather play computer games at home or watch a movie than go through the souless fornicacation process. I'm not trying to brag but some of these ladies weren't rusty bar fly's either.

My only regret is that I did not manage to tell these woman the truth as to why I did not want to meet with them.

But then again maybe I saved myself from any potential legal hassle down the road by not explaining a thing.
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The fact that most modern women are on the many countries they start them on prescriptions as soon as they start having their periods (12/13/14 years old), which totally messes them up. I think this is part of the reason for the extreme erratic and psychotic behavior from western women, and the constant whining about "toxic masculinity". The pill came out in the late 60s and that is when all this feminist insanity seemed to really take off.
This proves nothing. Obviously male celebrities and male billionaires do not operate by the same constraints as normal people do. When was the last time you say a normal 60 year old dude walking hand in hand down the street with a woman 25 years younger (who wasn't an imported ugly asian) in an English speaking country?
In Europe 20+ year age gaps have not gone away, despite the poz infection.

Another note, if anyone's seen this, based on my recent interactions, is that many young women, western in particular, even if they come from an eastern culture, do not have a desire to "grow old." I've heard so many variations of "I don't want to live past 85 / 75 / 65 etc" It seems that none of these girls are contemplating grandmotherhood, let alone successful motherhood. The rot is sinking into them from some other source, and I know its not that limp-wristed (((human-extinction rebellion))). Why do they not want to enjoy this gift of life given to them? The answer can seemingly always be traced to some long-term generational warfare conducted psychologically by think tank initiatives and repetitively through cultural coercions.
In Europe 20+ year age gaps have not gone away, despite the poz infection.

Another note, if anyone's seen this, based on my recent interactions, is that many young women, western in particular, even if they come from an eastern culture, do not have a desire to "grow old." I've heard so many variations of "I don't want to live past 85 / 75 / 65 etc" It seems that none of these girls are contemplating grandmotherhood, let alone successful motherhood. The rot is sinking into them from some other source, and I know its not that limp-wristed (((human-extinction rebellion))). Why do they not want to enjoy this gift of life given to them? The answer can seemingly always be traced to some long-term generational warfare conducted psychologically by think tank initiatives and repetitively through cultural coercions.
The roots of this can be found in Fr. Seraphim Rose's book "Nihilism". There is a book reading here on YT:

I was thinking of calling in to the Spirits podcasts when I heard them talking about technology and how we're so far gone, even using tech for some good things is heavily outweighed by all the bad it brings, since there is no human cohesion. This is probably better for another thread but one of the weird things I find in hope about "the world" is that it is always oddly misplaced in that we all already know the way it finishes, and that is actually through tech and destruction of humanity. The reason I wanted to bring the podcast up is that none of these even wise men, regardless of age, ever bring up the issue of feminism and how men have been destroyed by not having anything to work for, since women have been already, and the system functionally limits even a hope of a future for most. This is one of the reasons why the population change seemingly has to come, whether ordained or not. You can't even get a priest to talk about how few women there are to marry anymore. I wonder if that will change when there's all of a sudden a 10-1 ratio of young men, instead of 4-1, coming into the church, year over year. That's going to be sort of funny, since it will be impossible to dismiss. Or perhaps they'll just keep blaming men though they are the ones clearing seeking Christ and his church?