The Destruction of Modern Women

George Clooney: 62 years old
Amal Clooney: 45 years old
17 year age gap

Leonardo DiCaprio: 49 years old
Vittoria Ceretti: 25 years old
24 year age gap

Brad Pitt: 60 years old
Ines de Ramon: 31
29 year age gap

David Foster: 74 years old
Katherine McFee: 39 years old
35 year age gap

Ryan Reynolds: 47
Blake Lively: 35
12 year age gap
This proves nothing. Obviously male celebrities and male billionaires do not operate by the same constraints as normal people do. When was the last time you say a normal 60 year old dude walking hand in hand down the street with a woman 25 years younger (who wasn't an imported ugly asian) in an English speaking country?
I don't see this very frequently, no matter which way you look at it. I think the 60s and on generally wasn't very good for women from a physical point of view. Now the skew is so high that the only ones that are thin are the "fit" ones, which means they are marketing their looks as attention whores on IG, at a minimum.
Go back 20 years, when I was in another part of the country, walking around town in the summer on a Saturday would give you tennis neck. Now, in my home town:

If you're of a certain age, but not a celebrity, I think you can still get younger women interested if you're doing reasonably well financially (not necessarily rich), stay in shape and dress youthfully (smart casual, not backwards baseball cap). Maybe not so much in western countries.
This proves nothing. Obviously male celebrities and male billionaires do not operate by the same constraints as normal people do. When was the last time you say a normal 60 year old dude walking hand in hand down the street with a woman 25 years younger (who wasn't an imported ugly asian) in an English speaking country?
Exactly. Further demonstrating The Decline. Western women and society have zero problems with age gaps (in fact they cheer them on and support them) when the "conditions" are right. The blatant shallowness and hypocrisy is real. Western women literally love age gaps if they provide increased status to their lives.

Women are primarily about status, which is why they love chasing followers on social media, being top dog in the corporate world, and money. Men primarily want money for power, the power to buy tools, property, food, and guns that will protect their family. Women want money to buy jewelry, fancy cars, and big houses that will impress their friends.
If you're of a certain age, but not a celebrity, I think you can still get younger women interested if you're doing reasonably well financially (not necessarily rich), stay in shape and dress youthfully (smart casual, not backwards baseball cap). Maybe not so much in western countries.
Yes, you can. The issue is more of one of when you find her/isolate her/plan with her, where do you go. If you stay in the home country, it's a lot harder if you aren't already "retired". Can you globe trot? I know a guy doing that right now who identified a girl that is above his smv and knows that kind of thing isn't even near possible in any country he previously lived in. But now he has to see what can be done about going around the world and arbitraging or getting visas from one country to the next, as of course he has no desire to go back to 5 eyes.
Yes, you can. The issue is more of one of when you find her/isolate her/plan with her, where do you go. If you stay in the home country, it's a lot harder if you aren't already "retired". Can you globe trot? I know a guy doing that right now who identified a girl that is above his smv and knows that kind of thing isn't even near possible in any country he previously lived in. But now he has to see what can be done about going around the world and arbitraging or getting visas from one country to the next, as of course he has no desire to go back to 5 eyes.
Way worse strategy than settling down somewhere first and then either find a girl there or bring her back there. There is a limit to how long being rootless seems cool.
No, they'd just have to wait. The only ones that will lose will be the aging spinsters, but recognize that they always lose - who cares. They had their shot. By the way, it doesn't matter since nothing changes until mass die out and/or collapse. Horrible to say but true.
I know you were describing a hypothetical, but this is, respectfully, still fanciful thinking.

The marriage marketplace, like economic markets, will never be totally efficient.

I know we talk here of a disadvantageous gender ratio. Nevertheless, said ratio is still 1:1. One woman out of the pool, either through pure misfortune (very aesthetically unblessed, disability etc) or her own choices/immorality, is still usually one man out of luck.

Aging spinsters would have to be kept to the barest, and I mean barest, of minimums in order for the system to work.

The best that could be said is that non-partnered men could find some semblance of happiness in the sense that they did not cause the issue themselves. But they would, or many of them would, still suffer from the absence of marriage.
Way worse strategy than settling down somewhere first and then either find a girl there or bring her back there. There is a limit to how long being rootless seems cool.
Yes this is great advice. I was moving around for a few years and it gets old. I've lived in my current city for 3 years and it feels good to be a member of the community. Confidence builds a lot as well, and people take you more seriously. This is how you eventually meet a woman to settle with.
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I know we talk here of a disadvantageous gender ratio. Nevertheless, said ratio is still 1:1. One woman out of the pool, either through pure misfortune (very aesthetically unblessed, disability etc) or her own choices/immorality, is still usually one man out of luck.
This is dependent on the quality of the man and his objective analysis of himself. The objective reality of women at this point is the furthest from realistic in at least a millennium. See my posts on behavioral sink. It's why there are so many poor women, on average (lower quality men and simping, but bad culture too). For there to be any rebuild or re-creation of normalcy from a biological point of view, a culling has to occur. It is already happening, but slowly. The bigger issue is that it won't matter for a least 1.5 generations, which means if you are late 20s to 40s, it's over unless you go to other countries or go monk mode, or you do silly stuff like monger.
But they would, or many of them would, still suffer from the absence of marriage.
Historically this number of excess males with the way they are treated ends up like the examples of the middle east.
This proves nothing. Obviously male celebrities and male billionaires do not operate by the same constraints as normal people do. When was the last time you say a normal 60 year old dude walking hand in hand down the street with a woman 25 years younger (who wasn't an imported ugly asian) in an English speaking country?

Yes and this was / is the big error with red pill thinking and all those men peak at 35 - 40 articles. While being somewhat true it ignores societal trends and makes regular guys think celebrity age gaps are attainable. Nope. I’m not sure what sort of income or fame level in the US a ‘regular’ guy needs to achieve but it’s high to get access to attractive women who don’t care about an age gap. There was a multiple state high profile escort ring busted a few months ago with the clients being reported to be all high society, doctors, lawyers, gov workers with security clearances, executives, etc.

If all that money and power brought them women why do it? Because even at that level they were probably struggling.

The solution in my opinion is don’t play into the materialist paradigm, but the religious one. Even that is very very hard to do to find a good wife. Also if you are known to be single and say over 35, they will start hinting you go into the priesthood. Happened to me at a Catholic Church.

Besides relocate, I’m out of answers unless I meet a unicorn.
If all that money and power brought them women why do it? Because even at that level they were probably struggling.
What you suggest is true in part, but more complicated. The desire might be for novelty and youth, and those guys also might have an arranged type of wife; the culture in the US isn't one of "proper" family and mistress like some of the French or similar euro states, or LatAm where it's really common (wives just look the other way).

I was talking to a friend the other day who does all these dumb apps and dates older girls that are awful "partners" or girlfriends. I just don't understand how he hacks it, then also complains all the while. It would be exhausting to me. It's not like the sex is all that or even meaningful, and it's odd to me that that is the only thing he is chasing - but it's not even from young-ish women! The dating app culture and more is just a carousel of whoredom, to be honest with you. Either that or jaded older women who actually in some fashion think the guys on there are going to stick with them - more delusion. A lot of the app guys are mediocre scammers who I think love to hit on the vulnerable, which is in this case the deluded older woman approaching cat lady status. In my view if you aren't with someone reasonably serious or with genes you think are good, you better at least seek out someone young. And that doesn't happen, so it's a total waste.
The solution in my opinion is don’t play into the materialist paradigm, but the religious one. Even that is very very hard to do to find a good wife. Also if you are known to be single and say over 35, they will start hinting you go into the priesthood. Happened to me at a Catholic Church.

Besides relocate, I’m out of answers unless I meet a unicorn.
That's right. In the west you are trapped at this point, though. Nothing is worth it in terms of ROI and as you've said here and I've stated before, it turns out that biologically and even sociologically, you're not going to get men to marry unless women are seeking marriage seriously at 18-22.

I'm approaching the age where it's a joke to even consider something in the US, and I don't look anywhere near my age. Forget 40, if you even mention late 30s like you say, you're done. It's funny with how dumb it all is and how anti-biology the feminist egalitarian society became.

I've been saying for 6 years now it's location change or bust. I think some guys have set up lives in other parts of the world and are making it happen, but it's very rare to have to go to another place and set up stability. Who knows.
What you suggest is true in part, but more complicated. The desire might be for novelty and youth, and those guys also might have an arranged type of wife; the culture in the US isn't one of "proper" family and mistress like some of the French or similar euro states, or LatAm where it's really common (wives just look the other way).

I was talking to a friend the other day who does all these dumb apps and dates older girls that are awful "partners" or girlfriends. I just don't understand how he hacks it, then also complains all the while. It would be exhausting to me. It's not like the sex is all that or even meaningful, and it's odd to me that that is the only thing he is chasing - but it's not even from young-ish women! The dating app culture and more is just a carousel of whoredom, to be honest with you. Either that or jaded older women who actually in some fashion think the guys on there are going to stick with them - more delusion. A lot of the app guys are mediocre scammers who I think love to hit on the vulnerable, which is in this case the deluded older woman approaching cat lady status. In my view if you aren't with someone reasonably serious or with genes you think are good, you better at least seek out someone young. And that doesn't happen, so it's a total waste.

That's right. In the west you are trapped at this point, though. Nothing is worth it in terms of ROI and as you've said here and I've stated before, it turns out that biologically and even sociologically, you're not going to get men to marry unless women are seeking marriage seriously at 18-22.

I'm approaching the age where it's a joke to even consider something in the US, and I don't look anywhere near my age. Forget 40, if you even mention late 30s like you say, you're done. It's funny with how dumb it all is and how anti-biology the feminist egalitarian society became.

I've been saying for 6 years now it's location change or bust. I think some guys have set up lives in other parts of the world and are making it happen, but it's very rare to have to go to another place and set up stability. Who knows.
In the west the percentage of attractive women is very low in general so marriage to an attractive AND younger woman is nearly impossible.

However even many of the countries where women are very attractive overall, there is still a lack of marriageable women due to feminism and negative modern influences making women un-marriageable despite their appearances. Look at Spain for example. Spanish women are beautiful and have great genetics and the consistency in terms of physical beauty is very high. But most of them have been poisoned with various modern ideas including feminism and good luck finding a girl in Spain worth marrying. Many of them have somewhat masculine energy like western women do.

I feel like in Europe maybe the Slavic countries there are still a decent number of marriageable women. Outside of that it would be very tough.
In the west the percentage of attractive women is very low in general so marriage to an attractive AND younger woman is nearly impossible.

However even many of the countries where women are very attractive overall, there is still a lack of marriageable women due to feminism and negative modern influences making women un-marriageable despite their appearances. Look at Spain for example. Spanish women are beautiful and have great genetics and the consistency in terms of physical beauty is very high. But most of them have been poisoned with various modern ideas including feminism and good luck finding a girl in Spain worth marrying. Many of them have somewhat masculine energy like western women do.

I feel like in Europe maybe the Slavic countries there are still a decent number of marriageable women. Outside of that it would be very tough.

This is our competition in the Philippines. No neck Ed, king troglodyte of cringe:

Rose eventually ends it because she wants kids and Ed doesn't.

Female Filipinas have the best genetics in my opinion. Spanish and Asian islander hybrid.

Let's just hope we don't all end up like Big Ed. There has to be a better way...
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This is our competition in the Philippines. No neck Ed, king troglodyte of cringe:

Rose eventually ends it because she wants kids and Ed doesn't.

Female Filipinas have the best genetics in my opinion. Spanish and Asian islander hybrid.

I can't see this but anyone who chooses Phil is just choosing lifestyle/WGF. That's fine, just be honest about it.

edit - I see it now lol
In the west the percentage of attractive women is very low in general so marriage to an attractive AND younger woman is nearly impossible.
I talk about this all the time. What you find is that the convergence of the 2-3% "marriageable" is just all young women anyway. As you get older and you see fewer young women (you aren't around them in school, grad school, etc) you realize that they were more attractive in ways that you took for granted/didn't know. Occasionally I see girls who are teenagers who are actually good looking and innocent by definition, and they are actually some of the only attractive women left in America, big picture. I hesitate to even post this as somoene from the west because the culture is so shot even talking about how ahistoric times are regarding women and marriage/family can get you the equivalent of being outcast or thrown in prison.
most of them have been poisoned with various modern ideas including feminism and good luck finding a girl in Spain worth marrying.
I've been there many times. They are a populous mediterranean country that has good looking women like many, but it is a smaller percentage overall. I liked them but a few decades ago I saw the feminism in the university regions and big cities. I had a friend that spoke about the girls in coastal towns because he realized the university students were all loudmouth socialist types. It's not poor enough overall either to find a high number of above average girls that are actually attainable. The locals will get that small % of women, which is what always happens in marxist influenced countries, which is all of Euro but EE and all the 5 eyes. Sad.
I can't see this but anyone who chooses Phil is just choosing lifestyle/WGF. That's fine, just be honest about it.

edit - I see it now lol

What is WGF? Women and girls first?

Yeah, only reason I bring up Phils is because Southeast Asia is very close to my heart having spent 7 years there, and when I was in Phils, at 30ish years old, I was passively making more money online than ever before.

I was living what I considered the dream for myself. I really thought it was all going to work out, and I feel cheated because not long after my Philippines excursion began, covid hit and threw a major curve ball into my plans. I lost all my clients and then I was stuck with a dystopian lockdown.

When I arrived in Philippines, I absolutely loved it. It was my favorite country in Southeast Asia and that is after having lived in ALL of them for 3-6 months minimum. I will admit that some places suck really bad there, but I was determined to keep trying cities and towns until I found the place I liked the most, which ended up being a very rural island town, not a big city.

Most of the things people complain about from there, I just find it funny or it doesn't bother me. I just know how to make the best of it after being there so long. In my opinion the pros outweigh the cons. I totally understand how some people don't vibe with their culture. I absolutely get it. So no need to harp on that.

Basically all the things people love about Thailand, I felt like Philippines was that for me, except it was just an upgrade of Thailand. English-speaking, Christian, better women, cheaper etc. Keep in mind I isolated myself on a teeny tiny traditional island and lived like a local. I also have the same complaints as others about the big cities, as I would pretty much anywhere really.

Filipino big cities are truly terrible. Somewhere like Indonesia has an even worse contrast. Bali is a lovely place, but go to Jakarta. It's hell. But if you go to somewhere Thailand, Bangkok is still a really cool major big city.

Let's look at one example of a negative we hear about the Philippines. Many say Filipino food is awful, but traditional Filipino islander food is actually quite healthy and good. Seafood soups, broiled/grilled fish, unique egg dishes, fresh/raw seaweed salad, steamed greens, rice, exotic fruit and veg. Things like this. Compare that with the creepy Jollibee-style spots in Manila and other bigger cities, yeah, of course the food scene sucks if that's the standard. And that creepy Jollibee crap all started from the Great Satan of USA spreading the fast food industry virus there years ago.

The ladies were the most feminine, caring, and beautiful I'd ever witnessed, personally. I really felt like I had struck gold there. It was easier than anywhere for me to pull, and then attention I got was unlike anywhere else. It was palpable. My girlfriend at the time, who I had met online while in Phils, was the only thing that made it worth the covid clown show. The issue now for me is I have this mantra going of "how on earth will you ever top that?" 21 year old Filipina virgin dimepiece that treats me like a king. We were both nature lovers and spent a lot of time outdoors. No drama. It was just bliss.

I had asked her to leave with me, and to my surprise she said no. She didn't want to leave her tiny island town. She wanted to stay with her family and friends there. So despite the opportunity to 'escape to the big and better life in America', she declined. She wanted a simple life. She didn't have materialistic dreams or disgruntled complaints about her living standards. She has a great attitude about life.

I think it's important to note here that the advantage in Philippines is for white American men. Their culture is somewhat Americanized due to former colonization. If you are a troglodyte like no neck Ed above, then yeah, you are most likely going to get a gold digging hooker type. If you are relatively young and good looking, in good shape, not a weirdo, know the ropes of Southeast Asia, AND you have more money than Ed, you have a better chance of striking gold. And I say this based on knowing many personally who have done and are doing exactly that, and I did it many times myself, it's just that I was too much of a drunk monging idiot at the time to make anything last.

Please don't take this the wrong way guys, but I have a lot of experience with women, a lot that I'm not proud of so I'm not advocating that anyone replicate my sins, but super high body count/girlfriend count has at least taught me what I like and don't like. Nothing comes close to Filipinas in my experience. And I understand this also depends on our personality. I'm not saying this is going to be the same for everyone. I'm not just talking about intimate things. I mean the way that they treat you. They respect their man. They are extremely tender, affectionate, hospitable, etc.

I guess my whole thing with Philippines is, if you can hack living like a local in a rural island town, I think it can be incredible place. But you have to really love that kind of lifestyle, as I did. You have to love riding a scooter shirtless, wearing flip flops, snorkeling, chilling at the beach, fishing, nature activities, etc. You have to be comfortable having little to no access to western amenities, shopping malls, wifi and phone signals, etc etc. I'd also say you have to just not be a pu**y about stuff, like Ed above.

Now I'm making more money than I've ever made in my life. Peak SMV. But I'm living in the USA, which very much does not vibe with my personality, and the cons outweigh the pros.

I'm just watching the clock tick until it's time for me to grow my neck out, become a troll, put mayonaise in my hair, and find a girl in the Philippines that will let me take cold scoop showers with her and her dad.

But this time around, I need a small Orthodox church community, marriage with a wife and kids, a house, and to settle down there. Maybe it could work. I might have to give it another shot.

I think an example of a good girl is a Filipina elementary school teacher, childcare worker, or someone akin to this. That way she can be a key asset for homeschooling my kids.

America just ain't it. Just gotta figure out what my financial expat lean fire number is before I leave it forever.

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I have been receiving accelerating contact over the last two or three years from women I had previous romances with. It actually started before these several years but escalated during them. I presume there are others who wish to contact but have not, based on the sorts of things the ones who did have said (“I was thinking about messaging you for [x period of time, usually at least several years] but was frightened because I thought you hated me/would laugh at me/reject me” etc).

I believe I am on the higher end in receiving this sort of contact but other men do as well, and our shared experiences in that sense point to some healthy and not so healthy social developments.

The good first: women want men with traditional/conservative values and a firm personality to match.

I am very social but am told I am not easily approachable (especially by interested women) and am quite intimidating as I’m known for speaking my mind and being stubborn. “Hypermasculine” has been used to describe me a few times, sometimes pejoratively by those with dissimilar views, other times favorably.

A number have openly said they have told their current partners they’ve been having dreams about me and thinking of me for long periods of time. I was taken aback. Privately telling me is one thing, but admissions to partners is patently absurd (or perhaps they are lying to look like better people).

This forum has started with a particular ethos, just as RVF (for the better) went for the same ethos towards the latter half of its existence. I am not condoning hook-up culture, PUA and what not. I will say “romances” means an emotional connection with these women, and you’ll have to excuse any physical follies I engaged in prior to our shared changes in recent years. When RVF made the (correct) decision to change the forum’s focus, I agreed it was time to fall in line behind that.

But what I am saying about this contact I have received is applicable to even our changed circumstances as an online community, regardless of which period of my life I knew these women from.

One of the common themes has been these women needed more attention than I could or (usually) would give them. Even when I was talking with them a lot it did not satisfy them. The insecurity was palpable.

Their behavior became increasingly histrionic and imaginative (“He doesn’t want time with me or have a place for me in his life”).

Some time passes, they have their relationships, I have mine, and then I’m contacted.

The issue and explanation in my mind is that these women are not being adequately guided by the society. Our dilemma is not just absent sexual mores, but also the idea that any kind of doubt in these women’s minds is sufficient for overly needy outbursts. These outbursts are not accompanied by any real sense of what they are offering the man. Even if they can offer something or claim they do, he does not have to accept that. This bamboozles them.