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The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

Superb interview with the most politically successful British nationalist in modern times, on a Muslim channel. They discuss race, the BNP, Hitler, Christianity, remigration, Tommy Robinson / Douglas Murray / ZioCons and a plethora of other topics.

Wasn't sure where to post since it tackles quite a few things we discuss on a multitude of threads. Stitched Nick up with that thumbnail pic, though he isn't exactly a looker at the best of times!
Remix News continues to post the things that the likes of the BBC won't:

We're creeping more and more towards vigilante justice. I think that we're all surprised at how long it takes, since most mafia type organizations (like the government) apparently will only respond to mafia like actions from the people to change. Most people don't talk about this but I think we're all wondering when someone will finally attack leaders, politicians, etc because that seemingly is the only way they'll finally start to change policies.
Imagine (it is not hard to do) if Germans were involved in corresponding gang rapes in Africa and Afghanistan.

There would be a UN conference, dinners and buffets all about it.

This is exactly what irks me the most in fact. The rapes are bad enough. What really makes my blood boil is the complete inaction on the parts of the fathers and the German public. Cowards the lot of them. Frankly speaking I have lost but all respect for the German people.