The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

Asians have a unique temperament. One of my favourite wiki articles is:

Basically what got the Tiananmen Square ball rolling. They had Africans studying there because commies don’t believe in race. The Africans were finding chink whores to parade around town, as is the case till this day. The asians actually took offence unlike the retarded boomers who I can guarantee experienced the same thing. The asians actually chimped out.

That’s actually their strength. Their unique temperament that makes Asia seem better than the west, making all these travel-bro clowns claim that it’s actually a paradise of smiles, hard work and family values. It’s actually a paradise of elitism, corruption, passive-aggressiveness, bizarre behavior and a culture dialogue that focuses on things that cause them emotional turmoil. Aside from that obviously they love partying and all the other BS that happens in the west. One of the greatest cultural wars in Asia is the “be yourself” movement vs their traditional conformity.

If you come to Asia and tell them you want a woman to cover her hair and address you as mister they will look at you as a moron and will get hostile. Not only do they hate behaving like that but they want to be “free” from cultural constraints. Luckily for them due to their nature they still have a strong male vanguard that wants order in society, and women who actually not as quick to betray their own kind as is believed. You’re more likely to be scammed than taking one home. I’m not sure why Asian women are so sentimental about their own kind but it is what it is.

A lot of them like western culture , hate their government, think their culture is toxic, think they never victimized blacks and are actually in the same boat as them. The white colonialism concept is like music to their ears.

I hope the best for them because I don’t want people to suffer but the things arising in Asia are alarming. I don’t really see any Asian cultural movement towards nationalism. When people say asians are starting to stick together I would say more in a EU way, economic solidarity, rather than fighting western degeneracy. Most of them are normies and don’t really care about our culture war.
@It_Is_My_Time and @Sandalwood Peak

The Chinese are mutts and their conception of racial purity (if they even have one) won't save them.

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Here is a more thorough genetic explanation of the above:

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The fact that the Chinese have not become openly anti-jew is an indicator of the past present and future of unchanging variables. They won't. The more mixed a people become, the less immune they are to the enemy of all creation and its tribal descendants. The desire fades away like a mirage in the desert the deeper the generations become entwined in a helix of multitudinous sanguinity.

The mongoloid Chinese race will not stop them nor "become" the new Whites and Europeans if the jew has it's way and exhausts our blood. They come to America and Europe and pretend to be Christian and have pet dogs, but their kin across the Pacific pray to Buddhist concepts and eat dogs for appetizers. The huge Hapa epidemic that began last century is just a continuation of their mongrelization and the jews approve it one way or another because it dilutes Aryan blood all the same. They care not how based a mix becomes, a mix is still a mix and the jew can only retain mastery over a bastard but never a pure soul.

We know of the battle between the forces of evil through the devil against God, Our Father in Heaven, we know of the hatred the demons have for Christ, we know of the ways in which these traits manifest in humans who work against God's will. What many don't look at is the timeline from the beginning until now, and the foreseeable future.

The total war is between the seed of God through Adam and the serpent seed of Cain. Ultimately only two lineages, spread throughout the eons, matter for the turnout of eschatology. The Aryan and the Edomite. Two bloodlines, one perfectly crafted in the image of the Creator, the other misshapen like the betrayer inside and out, waging eternal warfare until one destroys the other completely. It was written in the beginning and this will continue between us and them until Kingdom Come if necessary. The other races are simply fodder used by the bad seed, unless they defend themselves they will always do the work of the enemy.

Everything I say may seem inflammatory to some of you here, especially if you're not White or European, but know that I bear no ill will to someone just because they are not pure. None of us chose to be born into this life where we are confronted with every misery known to the flesh and soul. Also know that everything I say is known by the jews and they would never deny what I say to you all in their private chambers to one another. I do not hate the Chinaman, nor the half-Chinaman, but I know that they collectively will not dethrone the serpentine race from its power trip.

What we are seeing in Europe, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa is the hopeful throes of gloating and the flourishes of the alien race before its supposed final victory. They can only have their antichrist new world order if we are all gone, this they believe and their "rabbis" have openly stated many times: "Moschiach will not come until Europe and Christianity is all but destroyed". And what a hellscape that world will be for the multitudes of mixed people. They will all live in ignorance, knowing not who their forefathers were nor which coordinates of soil they sprouted from, they will be guided by the hedonic whims of slaves to the whip for a fix, and the earth will become the opposite of the Eden it was in the beginning, were this to become the future. An empty wasteland, devoid of beauty and living creation, full of savage base desires and the neurotic degraded state of Talmudic genetics running free on what remains. Only in the mind of the psychotically insane and inbred tribe of snakes can this future world be called a paradise. Their souls are already in hell as they live and walk and blaspheme with every breath, and their hell they perpetuate as long as they exist. Their hell is their eternality, and it is the future they want to impose on all life until the last breath of the last living thing expires in beleaguered agony on the burning shores of some toxic coast crawling with nanotechnology and cancerous fumes. Visions of hell are not just in the hereafter, they are encompassing the future if our people fail to act and do God's will. To rid the earth of demons, they must be rid of.

Nature is unyielding and cruel to our human senses, and it will not concede to a master that is not in control of themselves. What the enemy cannot control through God's mandate from Eden of "care for all in this realm" they simply destroy, because they cannot obey God even if they tried.

The destruction of God's creation is solely due to the bad seed. Make no mistake, the only hope for this world is the Aryan race. The only hope for our souls in the hereafter is the Lord Jesus Christ, and He knows our hearts more than we know ourselves.
I had Chinese friends, I got to know them well enough to have this discussion with them.

A good comparison of a Chinese being "racially aware" would be like a White American in the 1950's. Yes, there is a mixture of different Europeans and some bad blood between the groups. But when push comes to shove, the differences in a mixed European and Indians or Mestizos or Africans is very large and very noticeable and very uncomfortable.

The difference in China in 2024 and Whites in the USA in the 1950's, is the Chinese are much more logical. I think it would be tougher to get them to give up their homelands for sports ball and rap songs, we will see. Also, the Chinese are very aware of the serious issues multi-culturalism has caused the west and they see it as a serious problem to avoid.

The weakness for the Chinese is they are much more likely to do as told, so if the satanic elites can strong arm their govt. one day again, then I don't see them really fighting back against it. So, the big question is... Can the Chinese govt. keep the influence of the satanic elites out over the next 50 to 100 years? That will remain to be seen.
Given how black-pilled the future is why do people even have kids? If the future is going to be full of low IQ third worlders overrunning most of the world, most people on Universal Basic Income, lab grown meat and insect powder in all our foods, everybody micro-chipped and having social credit scores, etc and everything you do being monitored and controlled in Brave New World style do you really want to bring your kids into such a world?
I have said here repeatedly that I am glad I don't have kids in the USA. I am trying to get to western Europe to have kids over there. Not because western Europe is better, it isn't much better, but because the men there have an identity they can rally around it gives hope. I don't believe that is possible in the USA any longer. And I am very serious about this, I have worked 7 days a week, for nearly 25 years straight, knowing the entire time something was wrong here and that I wanted out. Now I know specifically what is wrong and the best chance of where for me to go. I am very serious when I make these kind of comments, that kind of long term work has been both great but also very taxing.
Asians have a unique temperament. One of my favourite wiki articles is:

Basically what got the Tiananmen Square ball rolling. They had Africans studying there because commies don’t believe in race. The Africans were finding chink whores to parade around town, as is the case till this day. The asians actually took offence unlike the retarded boomers who I can guarantee experienced the same thing. The asians actually chimped out.

That’s actually their strength. Their unique temperament that makes Asia seem better than the west, making all these travel-bro clowns claim that it’s actually a paradise of smiles, hard work and family values. It’s actually a paradise of elitism, corruption, passive-aggressiveness, bizarre behavior and a culture dialogue that focuses on things that cause them emotional turmoil. Aside from that obviously they love partying and all the other BS that happens in the west. One of the greatest cultural wars in Asia is the “be yourself” movement vs their traditional conformity.

If you come to Asia and tell them you want a woman to cover her hair and address you as mister they will look at you as a moron and will get hostile. Not only do they hate behaving like that but they want to be “free” from cultural constraints. Luckily for them due to their nature they still have a strong male vanguard that wants order in society, and women who actually not as quick to betray their own kind as is believed. You’re more likely to be scammed than taking one home. I’m not sure why Asian women are so sentimental about their own kind but it is what it is.

A lot of them like western culture , hate their government, think their culture is toxic, think they never victimized blacks and are actually in the same boat as them. The white colonialism concept is like music to their ears.

I hope the best for them because I don’t want people to suffer but the things arising in Asia are alarming. I don’t really see any Asian cultural movement towards nationalism. When people say asians are starting to stick together I would say more in a EU way, economic solidarity, rather than fighting western degeneracy. Most of them are normies and don’t really care about our culture war.
One of my Chinese friends was telling me about how they had let a lot of Africans move to Guangzhou, due to China basically colonizing a lot of Africa for the resources and the belt and road initiative. And the local Chinese were getting very upset because the Africans were impregnating the women and leaving them, in a country that used to have a one child policy. They were also selling drugs and mugging people. So, there was a big backlash and resentment and a lot of them got kicked out and sent back to Africa.
One of my Chinese friends was telling me about how they had let a lot of Africans move to Guangzhou, due to China basically colonizing a lot of Africa for the resources and the belt and road initiative. And the local Chinese were getting very upset because the Africans were impregnating the women and leaving them, in a country that used to have a one child policy. They were also selling drugs and mugging people. So, there was a big backlash and resentment and a lot of them got kicked out and sent back to Africa.
Interesting. I know the Chinese have ended the one child policy, and when it was in place, I think it was very oppressive. However, I am realizing that if you can only have one child, you'd better not waste your chance having one out of wedlock. The one child policy must have encouraged men and women to be conservative and think in terms of getting married and making sure they were prepared as well as possible to raise their one and only child.

Of course I know that abortion was (and is) common in China, even forced abortion. So, people could sleep around and abort any unintended babies. Still, it seems to me that the one child policy may have still helped to produce conservative attitudes towards marriage.

Does anyone know if this was actually the case?
Interesting. I know the Chinese have ended the one child policy, and when it was in place, I think it was very oppressive. However, I am realizing that if you can only have one child, you'd better not waste your chance having one out of wedlock. The one child policy must have encouraged men and women to be conservative and think in terms of getting married and making sure they were prepared as well as possible to raise their one and only child.

Of course I know that abortion was (and is) common in China, even forced abortion. So, people could sleep around and abort any unintended babies. Still, it seems to me that the one child policy may have still helped to produce conservative attitudes towards marriage.

Does anyone know if this was actually the case?
China is super conservative v. the USA when it comes to culture/social. Traditional gender roles are much in place, despite women working. The Chinse govt. tells the women to get married and have kids by 30 or they will be unwanted old maids. They also don't have all the filth on their TV or their movies.
I have said here repeatedly that I am glad I don't have kids in the USA. I am trying to get to western Europe to have kids over there. Not because western Europe is better, it isn't much better, but because the men there have an identity they can rally around it gives hope. I don't believe that is possible in the USA any longer. And I am very serious about this, I have worked 7 days a week, for nearly 25 years straight, knowing the entire time something was wrong here and that I wanted out. Now I know specifically what is wrong and the best chance of where for me to go. I am very serious when I make these kind of comments, that kind of long term work has been both great but also very taxing.
Western Europe? Like France?

Western Europe? Like France?

France has never been on my short list. I have some French ancestry, but the country itself seems to be the worst in Europe. Even 100 years ago the Germans were talking about how the French had a weird situation of allowing Africans into their country, as to "what is the point of doing this to your home land".

Though, at least the French do go out and protest hard. Maybe they will change their ways and be one of the first to take their country back.
To be fair a lot of the black people in France have been there as long as blacks have been living in U.S.A. so they are just as French as Black Americans are Americans.
What is meant by "a lot?" Does that mean more than one? A thousand? What is meant by "blacks living in U.S.A.?" A descendant of enslaved Africans? A Nigerian or Senegalese immigrant?

When African-American Josephine Baker was headlining the Folies Bergère, a black person in Paris, on French soil, was seen as a curiosity. That was less than a century ago. By that point, blacks had been living in the United States for centuries.
To be fair a lot of the black people in France have been there as long as blacks have been living in U.S.A. so they are just as French as Black Americans are Americans.
They do not have French blood and do not have the natural connection to the soil that indigenous Europeans have who have lived there for thousands of years. Even the mixed ones are not French. A half-jogger is still a jogger and not a Frenchman. Quadroons and octoroons aren't either. Therefore these african blacks are only "French" in jewish terms of modern-day civnat mentality. They are not French, and the blacks in the USA are not "American" as defined by its founding fathers. They were jewish-imported slaves and they were all supposed to be sent back to Africa after emancipation. Today's conception of what an American is, is just as bad, if not worse, than these africans pretending to be European because they live there. These millions of dark swine in the present that take away from the Godly civilization the Europeans built are rootless like their jewish masters,and have no country, they are just biological weapons used to destroy White civilization, nothing more.
They do not have French blood and do not have the natural connection to the soil that indigenous Europeans have who have lived there for thousands of years. Even the mixed ones are not French. A half-jogger is still a jogger and not a Frenchman. Quadroons and octoroons aren't either. Therefore these african blacks are only "French" in jewish terms of modern-day civnat mentality. They are not French, and the blacks in the USA are not "American" as defined by its founding fathers. They were jewish-imported slaves and they were all supposed to be sent back to Africa after emancipation. Today's conception of what an American is, is just as bad, if not worse, than these africans pretending to be European because they live there. These millions of dark swine in the present that take away from the Godly civilization the Europeans built are rootless like their jewish masters,and have no country, they are just biological weapons used to destroy White civilization, nothing more.
If things don't change, IE if the Chinese don't decide to take over the west and/or White men go extinct, they will be over half the world's population in only 200 years. From less than 10% of the global population to 50% in 300 years. The Chinese know about this serious issue, I assume they will act not only to take more land for their people but also for human civilization preservation if the Whites decide to go extinct.
They do not have French blood and do not have the natural connection to the soil that indigenous Europeans have who have lived there for thousands of years. Even the mixed ones are not French. A half-jogger is still a jogger and not a Frenchman. Quadroons and octoroons aren't either. Therefore these african blacks are only "French" in jewish terms of modern-day civnat mentality. They are not French, and the blacks in the USA are not "American" as defined by its founding fathers. They were jewish-imported slaves and they were all supposed to be sent back to Africa after emancipation. Today's conception of what an American is, is just as bad, if not worse, than these africans pretending to be European because they live there. These millions of dark swine in the present that take away from the Godly civilization the Europeans built are rootless like their jewish masters,and have no country, they are just biological weapons used to destroy White civilization, nothing more.
To stop new immigrants coming into a country is something I agree with. But what can you do about people that have been living for multiple generations in a country? Realistically there is nothing to be done about it. You cannot unscramble an egg. But you can stop new people on coming into the country and that is where the focus should be.
To stop new immigrants coming into a country is something I agree with. But what can you do about people that have been living for multiple generations in a country? Realistically there is nothing to be done about it. You cannot unscramble an egg. But you can stop new people on coming into the country and that is where the focus should be.
In America abortion has slowed down the blacks a good amount, but the Hispanics keep growing as well as keep entering.
To stop new immigrants coming into a country is something I agree with. But what can you do about people that have been living for multiple generations in a country? Realistically there is nothing to be done about it. You cannot unscramble an egg. But you can stop new people on coming into the country and that is where the focus should be.
Make them second class citizens, they shouldn't be there helping the genocide of the native people. If they want to remain as a non-voting citizens, then that is on them. I imagine most would still remain, but at least they would be off in their ghettos and out of sight and mind for most French while they rebuild their great civilization and honor our lord Jesus Christ.
To stop new immigrants coming into a country is something I agree with. But what can you do about people that have been living for multiple generations in a country? Realistically there is nothing to be done about it. You cannot unscramble an egg. But you can stop new people on coming into the country and that is where the focus should be.
A Balkanization is the most reasonable compromise.
I’m not sure what assimilation we can talk about without culture. Therefore @MusicForThePiano is right that we’re completely reduced to nature at the moment [vs nurture]. Are you French by blood? I know some people on this forum are not white or don’t consider themselves white and these hardline blood ancestry arguments might offend them.

The problem is white culture is disappearing. People need to have culture. White culture has lost all its dominance. On every level; sports, entertainment, music, is being dominated by non-whites. Even a lot of “white supremacists” are of mixed blood. So basically the whole fabric of what it means to be “French” is being shaped by foreigners essentially who are predisposed to very different behavior genetically. Everywhere I look white people in white countries are playing second fiddle to everyone else. The crazy thing is white people are the ones who have to assimilate into this new mishmash culture.

I think everyone feels this is true and now we’re starting to see arrogance from the blacks, asians, etc. “when a POC is speaking you listen”. They know white people don’t have the final say on social topics anymore and definitely no political power.

I know this is more black pilling for some but this is reality. The issue here is everyone on this planet is anti-white so we have a situation where we’re second class citizens when we join this multicultural soup and we’re hunted down when we try to be by ourselves.

What was once preached as assimilation has literally turned into dominance and replacement. So forgive me if I no longer understand how someone can preach about assimilation.
To stop new immigrants coming into a country is something I agree with. But what can you do about people that have been living for multiple generations in a country? Realistically there is nothing to be done about it. You cannot unscramble an egg. But you can stop new people on coming into the country and that is where the focus should be.
You are right that it's hard to deal with people who have been there for generations. Still, they are not French, just like Welsh are not English, and aborigines are not Australian. They have rights as citizens under the government, but their nationality will always be different.