The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

not their own race girl over some landwhale who lazes at the Maccas most of the day.
I wouldn't but that's why I'm not married. There are barely 2% attractive women in the west at this point for anyone who does marginally well, and that's literally JUST physical attraction. It's really sad.
That's such a hokey site. The font and display is less than believable. I'm unsure there are even 1 billion whites in the world - if there are, that's all the "white" people.
Max percentage of white people is 10% (more likely closer to 6%). Out of a world population of roughly 8 billion people, 10% is only 800 million. 6% would make it 480 million. That is not very many whites.
That's such a hokey site. The font and display is less than believable. I'm unsure there are even 1 billion whites in the world - if there are, that's all the "white" people.
Max percentage of white people is 10% (more likely closer to 6%). Out of a world population of roughly 8 billion people, 10% is only 800 million. 6% would make it 480 million. That is not very many whites.


Straight Face Trying Not To Laugh GIF
The real big question is....

When White people virtually disappear, become less than 5% of the world's population in 50 to 100 years, who wins...

The satanic elite and they have their one world govt. where the laud over the mass of non-racial people, who are empty consumers with no ties to anything. Basically the entire planet becomes Brazil with more crime and hopelessness.

Or do the Chinese keep their racial ties strong, rise up, and conquer the rest of the world. If the Chinese do this, what would be their motivation to let Non Chinese exist? They have no need for them, and it is just a potential enemy down the road.

Or do Whites stop the destruction of their nations and take control of them again and run the others out and go back to growing in population again?

I don't know what will happen, but it will be one of these three things
And sadly lots of Daddy's (Even alleged Alpha examples) cheered/encouraged for and financed their Daughter's careerism the past 50 or 60 years. I guess that case of the Burbs Post WW2 had the 1st symptom of "Cucking" as a trait.

I got mines in a Homogeneous Society.
The real big question is....

When White people virtually disappear, become less than 5% of the world's population in 50 to 100 years, who wins...

Nothing about the current trajectory makes any sense so your zombie consumers hypothesis is a actually a good outcome.

First of all there’s no game, there’s a game on a micro level where certain individuals might want certain agendas, like more anal as an example, they might want you personally to experience anal and they won’t stop until they succeed. So in that sense I guess it is a game of protecting your anus while they try to penetrate. The elites are rich and their agendas are succeeding quite well. The forecast is either doom or our redemption as a race.

The issue is their agenda is insane. That’s why everyone says it will collapse. Birth rates are falling across the board and human beings can’t be forced to reproduce. I would love to see Christian/buddhist sharia but I’m pretty sure no country will be strong enough to even consider it before the collapse. So basically we have a situation where a time is coming where every developed country is going to start dying at an accelerated rate. The migrants that they think might save them are going to start causing so many problems that it’s going to become a world wide crisis. These middle easterners and Africans will not want to be a wagie to pay for some white/asian retiree. So the countries with the most migrants are guaranteed to have civil wars, with enormous tensions everywhere else. Almost every single country at the moment is importing migrants. It’s a ticking time bomb. The money is going to dry up. The system is designed for a plutocracy, so in its current form it’s impossible to redistribute everything so everyone has a basic income. Why would the rich agree to this?

At this point you need to find a way to live out your life with dignity.
Weekly summary of life in Germany.

On Monday a man, presumably of the bearded robe wearing type, stabbed two passerbys in Bonn. He was shot dead by police.

On Wednesday an Allahu akhbar shouting man living in Austria travelled to Munich to shoot up the Israeli consulate. He didn't manage to enter and was shot dead himself

On Friday an Allahu akhbar shouting man entered a police station in Linz with a machete shouting how he was intent on killing the police officers inside. He was subdued and arrested

Nothing about the current trajectory makes any sense so your zombie consumers hypothesis is a actually a good outcome.

First of all there’s no game, there’s a game on a micro level where certain individuals might want certain agendas, like more anal as an example, they might want you personally to experience anal and they won’t stop until they succeed. So in that sense I guess it is a game of protecting your anus while they try to penetrate. The elites are rich and their agendas are succeeding quite well. The forecast is either doom or our redemption as a race.

The issue is their agenda is insane. That’s why everyone says it will collapse. Birth rates are falling across the board and human beings can’t be forced to reproduce. I would love to see Christian/buddhist sharia but I’m pretty sure no country will be strong enough to even consider it before the collapse. So basically we have a situation where a time is coming where every developed country is going to start dying at an accelerated rate. The migrants that they think might save them are going to start causing so many problems that it’s going to become a world wide crisis. These middle easterners and Africans will not want to be a wagie to pay for some white/asian retiree. So the countries with the most migrants are guaranteed to have civil wars, with enormous tensions everywhere else. Almost every single country at the moment is importing migrants. It’s a ticking time bomb. The money is going to dry up. The system is designed for a plutocracy, so in its current form it’s impossible to redistribute everything so everyone has a basic income. Why would the rich agree to this?

At this point you need to find a way to live out your life with dignity.
I think the Chinese have a real chance to take over the world, and TBH, it would allow at least the Chinese humans to thrive, rather than having the satanic elites destroy the globe with their 80 IQ pets.

The Chinese pass three giant tests, at least for right now.

#1) The people there are against immigration. They see both how bad immigration is for the west, but also realize they have struggled too long, worked too hard, to let a bunch of low IQ foreigners into their country. Yes, they have had some African immigrants, but they caused so much trouble that the people had large protests and they were mostly kicked back out of the country.

#2) The Chinese are racially aware. Especially after working in Africa. From what I understand, their newest constitution declares that China is to remain majority Han.

#3) The Chinese don't coddle their women. The Chinese so far don't let their women destroy everything good. They call their women "shameful old maids" if they are not married with kids by 30. They don't give women special quota jobs. And it keeps their women in check and their society much stronger.

And this isn't "black pilled" this is just my analytical brain looking at things. I simply don't see White people in the west taking their countries back. They are already outnumbered in the child generation and they have no racial awareness, and they have no organization. The mountain of changes that would need to be made for this to happen is extremely overwhelming. White people will survive in Russia, I don't see China trying to take Russia's land, simply because Russia will get stronger and make it too costly for China. So, White people will not be extinct, they will just be in a small area v. the rest of the globe and very low in numbers while China runs things.

The $64,000 question is "can China keep the satanic elites from taking over their country?". I think they can, mostly because they are aware of this issue and their people don't want to go through another opioid epidemic. So, my bet is on the Chinese taking over in about 50 years. Will they let the people here live? I don't see why they would, maybe they do, but the Chinese are pretty hardcore and wouldn't blink an eye at clearing this land so their logical people can have it. There is no way, the way the west is going, importing 80 IQ people, falling behind China in tech, that we will even mount a fight in 50 years.

I will not be here in 50 years, or if I am, I will be far too old to really care. So, for me it is all analytical composition of what we can all see is coming. Import the third world, become the third world, but there is no longer a good cop to protect the third world from more logical and ruthless foreign powers.
Given how black-pilled the future is why do people even have kids? If the future is going to be full of low IQ third worlders overrunning most of the world, most people on Universal Basic Income, lab grown meat and insect powder in all our foods, everybody micro-chipped and having social credit scores, etc and everything you do being monitored and controlled in Brave New World style do you really want to bring your kids into such a world?
Given how black-pilled the future is why do people even have kids? If the future is going to be full of low IQ third worlders overrunning most of the world, most people on Universal Basic Income, lab grown meat and insect powder in all our foods, everybody micro-chipped and having social credit scores, etc and everything you do being monitored and controlled in Brave New World style do you really want to bring your kids into such a world?
Because that’s what God has ordained of us (having children). You must stop thinking that you know better than God, that’s what got satan cast out of Gods kingdom. We are NOT called upon to throw our hands in the air and give in. We are NOT called upon to leave the battlefield and seek refuge where it might be more comfortable for a season or two. We ARE told to stand our ground and be the salt of the earth.
Given how black-pilled the future is why do people even have kids? If the future is going to be full of low IQ third worlders overrunning most of the world, most people on Universal Basic Income, lab grown meat and insect powder in all our foods, everybody micro-chipped and having social credit scores, etc and everything you do being monitored and controlled in Brave New World style do you really want to bring your kids into such a world?
What you call the black pill is just a manifestation of feelings of powerlessness. When people talk about the black pill, how terrible it is, they’re basically talking about feefees. Self-identifying “Incels” say lookmaxing or what ever they call it is a black pill. It’s not a black pill for me, I don’t spend my time feeling worthless when women ignore me. I’m not special, it just no longer part of my mentality.

The whole point of talking about immigration and other white problems is not to black pill but as an early warning system. You ever watch those disaster movies where some “scientist” says the volcano is going to blow or whatever and they need to evacuate? Is that a black pill? Shouldn’t people be grateful for getting a head start? If you’re a white moron who for some reason is determined to continue living in London then you get what you deserve. Everyone else who tried to flee bought themselves time. Soon another opportunity is going to present itself. As long you stay active you can always survive and be one step ahead.

If the future you want is being teleported into the movie Braveheart or Pride and Prejudice then you should kill yourself now. If the future you want is Mad Max then I have some good news, the party is getting started.

How come Africans and Arabs aren’t black pilled? The Arabs are not living a fun, free, adventurous life. The Africans are living life of constant losing and problems. So isn’t it counterproductive for them to reproduce? Do they all look miserable to you? I would rather be alive than aborted.
@It_Is_My_Time and @Sandalwood Peak

The Chinese are mutts and their conception of racial purity (if they even have one) won't save them.



Here is a more thorough genetic explanation of the above:


The fact that the Chinese have not become openly anti-jew is an indicator of the past present and future of unchanging variables. They won't. The more mixed a people become, the less immune they are to the enemy of all creation and its tribal descendants. The desire fades away like a mirage in the desert the deeper the generations become entwined in a helix of multitudinous sanguinity.

The mongoloid Chinese race will not stop them nor "become" the new Whites and Europeans if the jew has it's way and exhausts our blood. They come to America and Europe and pretend to be Christian and have pet dogs, but their kin across the Pacific pray to Buddhist concepts and eat dogs for appetizers. The huge Hapa epidemic that began last century is just a continuation of their mongrelization and the jews approve it one way or another because it dilutes Aryan blood all the same. They care not how based a mix becomes, a mix is still a mix and the jew can only retain mastery over a bastard but never a pure soul.

We know of the battle between the forces of evil through the devil against God, Our Father in Heaven, we know of the hatred the demons have for Christ, we know of the ways in which these traits manifest in humans who work against God's will. What many don't look at is the timeline from the beginning until now, and the foreseeable future.

The total war is between the seed of God through Adam and the serpent seed of Cain. Ultimately only two lineages, spread throughout the eons, matter for the turnout of eschatology. The Aryan and the Edomite. Two bloodlines, one perfectly crafted in the image of the Creator, the other misshapen like the betrayer inside and out, waging eternal warfare until one destroys the other completely. It was written in the beginning and this will continue between us and them until Kingdom Come if necessary. The other races are simply fodder used by the bad seed, unless they defend themselves they will always do the work of the enemy.

Everything I say may seem inflammatory to some of you here, especially if you're not White or European, but know that I bear no ill will to someone just because they are not pure. None of us chose to be born into this life where we are confronted with every misery known to the flesh and soul. Also know that everything I say is known by the jews and they would never deny what I say to you all in their private chambers to one another. I do not hate the Chinaman, nor the half-Chinaman, but I know that they collectively will not dethrone the serpentine race from its power trip.

What we are seeing in Europe, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa is the hopeful throes of gloating and the flourishes of the alien race before its supposed final victory. They can only have their antichrist new world order if we are all gone, this they believe and their "rabbis" have openly stated many times: "Moschiach will not come until Europe and Christianity is all but destroyed". And what a hellscape that world will be for the multitudes of mixed people. They will all live in ignorance, knowing not who their forefathers were nor which coordinates of soil they sprouted from, they will be guided by the hedonic whims of slaves to the whip for a fix, and the earth will become the opposite of the Eden it was in the beginning, were this to become the future. An empty wasteland, devoid of beauty and living creation, full of savage base desires and the neurotic degraded state of Talmudic genetics running free on what remains. Only in the mind of the psychotically insane and inbred tribe of snakes can this future world be called a paradise. Their souls are already in hell as they live and walk and blaspheme with every breath, and their hell they perpetuate as long as they exist. Their hell is their eternality, and it is the future they want to impose on all life until the last breath of the last living thing expires in beleaguered agony on the burning shores of some toxic coast crawling with nanotechnology and cancerous fumes. Visions of hell are not just in the hereafter, they are encompassing the future if our people fail to act and do God's will. To rid the earth of demons, they must be rid of.

Nature is unyielding and cruel to our human senses, and it will not concede to a master that is not in control of themselves. What the enemy cannot control through God's mandate from Eden of "care for all in this realm" they simply destroy, because they cannot obey God even if they tried.

The destruction of God's creation is solely due to the bad seed. Make no mistake, the only hope for this world is the Aryan race. The only hope for our souls in the hereafter is the Lord Jesus Christ, and He knows our hearts more than we know ourselves.
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