The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

Germany already has huge official unemployment of 6% (unofficially it is much higher) why on earth would they need to import 250,000 African workers? Of course the reason is obvious to everyone in this thread but amazing that normies in Germany can't put two and two together.
People should check out the PBD interview with Douglas Murray where the latter acts like he doesn't know what the "establishment" is and why nations have coups, why migrant invasions happen (as in the UK and EU), etc. He actually thinks they are all just the result of random, natural phenomenon or happenstance - and then they just persist for other reasons like laziness. Or at least he says that's what he thinks. It's funny to me because Bet David actually dances around a lot of the hard questions and some people call Patrick controlled op, but it's clear that Murray, if anyone is controlled, it's him even if he's unaware (nice lifestyle, speaking gigs, you know).
Italian politician Matteo Salvini is facing potential jail over preventing an NGO ship full of potential migrants from docking :
They don't like it when anyone tries to interfere with the destruction of Europe..
Italian politician Matteo Salvini is facing potential jail over preventing an NGO ship full of potential migrants from docking :
They don't like it when anyone tries to interfere with the destruction of Europe..
He's the prime minister. I would think that no one would have any power over what he says. :confused:
My guess is that it's a member of the English branch of the Rothschild family, whose Talmudic kikery is so unchallenged that he can physically poke a European royal in the chest with impunity and tell him what's what.
The funny thing is that recently I saw a clip where Alex Jones was talking about how Charles is related to Vlad Tepes. I know Charles went to a summer home in Transylvania when he grew up. I even visited the place last time I was in Romania. I think it was Andrew Schultz that was talking to him and laughing, since Jones called him "Dracula". Obviously, neither knows the real history of Tepes, which is far more complicated than some silly folklore or Bram Stoker fiction.
Good point.
Jake Gyllenhaal Reaction GIF