Yes that is one of my primary arguments. The egg cannot be unscrambled and the prior acts of scrambling are permanent and sends one's soul backwards. Therefore those who willingly commit said scrambling are willfully ignorant and willfully lost. Those who were born scrambled must face all the differences in blood thoughts that come into them from both parents, or if the dilution was from a generation prior, a multitude of muted thoughts.To stop new immigrants coming into a country is something I agree with. But what can you do about people that have been living for multiple generations in a country? Realistically there is nothing to be done about it. You cannot unscramble an egg. But you can stop new people on coming into the country and that is where the focus should be.
Therefore it is imperative for those who are unscrambled to remain unscrambled, for those who are scrambled will themselves not fare well nor will they persist without jewish assistance in the future. The only thing that holds the entire anti-White agenda together, the lynchpin in the jew springboard of united hatred of Whites, is what material there is to be taken from White civilization, whether it is money, easy living, longer living (through European sanitation, hygiene, and medicine) or even these dark hominids with an inferiority complex who do everything they can to breed with Whites or rape their women outright in a trivial attempt to remove themselves from their accursed origins. When there is no more material to be taken, as we see happening in places now, the reality hits: how the relentless stream of orcs into the Shire have turned it into Mordor, the multicultural mode fails, and it simply create another Mordor, only one that is propped up by artificial means that has no chance of survival on its own.
Immigration didn't exist before America the way we understand it. Really not before the age of exploration to be more succinct. Migration patterns were exclusively tribal and the group leaving one area entering another either conquered the existing natives or were beaten by them. What semblances of multi-racial and multi-ethnic societies were held together by Roman, Byzantine, or Achaemenid rule, and even the different peoples in these regimes were kept to their own quarters and regions and this parallelism was able to work for some time.
In an ideal step forward, were immigration (invasion) into White nations as we know it to cease, then there would have to be strict enforced splintering along specific distinct genetic and racial profiling, with specific phrenological instrumentation to ensure that the mixed bags don't elude the watchful eyes of the vigilant, but to also ensure that there are no mistakes in classifications. Then, when separated, people stay separated. The best thing for someone who is mixed race to do, for the best health of the future genetics, is to adopt a racially pure child and raise it as their own.
If you are not White you can get by in these times because no one is looking to personally remove you out of the equation, but you will also be subject to the base desires of the non-Whites who have been built up around you. If there are no more White people to rob and stab and rape and kill, they will simply do it to you and your own if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The jew cannot be reached for comments on this reality, as in this case the non-Whites have served their purpose of ridding Whites from the jew's usurped domain and it doesn't matter what happens to the rest of them.
Stopping the invaders is only possible with armed conflict, meaning that the native heritage population must be able and willing to organize and commit offensive military action against the invaders and most importantly, the traitors. This is the only way. They must be willing to commit more violence than the state and they must break the system by engaging in a bitter war, protracted or extended if need be, to break down the system that allows for these travesties to occur. These are not highly trained armies invading USA and Europe, they are chattel and are designed to overwhelm the Whites by sheer numbers alone. They can give all the migrants AK-47's and cell phone jammers like Mandela did for the feral Zulu's in SA, and sick them on the rural Whites in each country, but the jews get what they pay for: lazy, stupid, hungry, high, horny joggers, and arab mixes, none of whom can function effectively as these kind of units.
The impetus on the system to "legalize" these hordes makes stopping immigration a moot point. The only thing that matters going forward is stopping the system, and the victors will sort out who belongs in their land and who doesn't, no matter how many of them they are or how outnumbered the Whites are. Without a suppressive force of system pigs and order takers, without a corrupt judicial entity, without the "power" of the jews above to control those with the guns and the armor, then everything they've planned becomes moot. Everything boils down to nature in the end, who is stronger, and who is going to use that strength to overpower their enemy. God did not mot make us sheep, there are already more than 200 breeds of this animal on the earth.
This is, as I have said it before, very simple. It is, for all intents and purposes, to be or not to be, and the jew thinks it has chosen for White Europeans, a majority who are Christian, that they are "not to be." Look at everything they've done to this world over the past century and a half to ensure this farcical scheme that was cooked up deep within their syphilitic shtetls comes to fruition? Only the soulless insane minds can continue to carry out this agenda, and it only behooved unscrupulous non-jews to partake in the complicity of it when there was money to be made in a dying society.
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