The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

To stop new immigrants coming into a country is something I agree with. But what can you do about people that have been living for multiple generations in a country? Realistically there is nothing to be done about it. You cannot unscramble an egg. But you can stop new people on coming into the country and that is where the focus should be.
Yes that is one of my primary arguments. The egg cannot be unscrambled and the prior acts of scrambling are permanent and sends one's soul backwards. Therefore those who willingly commit said scrambling are willfully ignorant and willfully lost. Those who were born scrambled must face all the differences in blood thoughts that come into them from both parents, or if the dilution was from a generation prior, a multitude of muted thoughts.

Therefore it is imperative for those who are unscrambled to remain unscrambled, for those who are scrambled will themselves not fare well nor will they persist without jewish assistance in the future. The only thing that holds the entire anti-White agenda together, the lynchpin in the jew springboard of united hatred of Whites, is what material there is to be taken from White civilization, whether it is money, easy living, longer living (through European sanitation, hygiene, and medicine) or even these dark hominids with an inferiority complex who do everything they can to breed with Whites or rape their women outright in a trivial attempt to remove themselves from their accursed origins. When there is no more material to be taken, as we see happening in places now, the reality hits: how the relentless stream of orcs into the Shire have turned it into Mordor, the multicultural mode fails, and it simply create another Mordor, only one that is propped up by artificial means that has no chance of survival on its own.

Immigration didn't exist before America the way we understand it. Really not before the age of exploration to be more succinct. Migration patterns were exclusively tribal and the group leaving one area entering another either conquered the existing natives or were beaten by them. What semblances of multi-racial and multi-ethnic societies were held together by Roman, Byzantine, or Achaemenid rule, and even the different peoples in these regimes were kept to their own quarters and regions and this parallelism was able to work for some time.

In an ideal step forward, were immigration (invasion) into White nations as we know it to cease, then there would have to be strict enforced splintering along specific distinct genetic and racial profiling, with specific phrenological instrumentation to ensure that the mixed bags don't elude the watchful eyes of the vigilant, but to also ensure that there are no mistakes in classifications. Then, when separated, people stay separated. The best thing for someone who is mixed race to do, for the best health of the future genetics, is to adopt a racially pure child and raise it as their own.

If you are not White you can get by in these times because no one is looking to personally remove you out of the equation, but you will also be subject to the base desires of the non-Whites who have been built up around you. If there are no more White people to rob and stab and rape and kill, they will simply do it to you and your own if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The jew cannot be reached for comments on this reality, as in this case the non-Whites have served their purpose of ridding Whites from the jew's usurped domain and it doesn't matter what happens to the rest of them.

Stopping the invaders is only possible with armed conflict, meaning that the native heritage population must be able and willing to organize and commit offensive military action against the invaders and most importantly, the traitors. This is the only way. They must be willing to commit more violence than the state and they must break the system by engaging in a bitter war, protracted or extended if need be, to break down the system that allows for these travesties to occur. These are not highly trained armies invading USA and Europe, they are chattel and are designed to overwhelm the Whites by sheer numbers alone. They can give all the migrants AK-47's and cell phone jammers like Mandela did for the feral Zulu's in SA, and sick them on the rural Whites in each country, but the jews get what they pay for: lazy, stupid, hungry, high, horny joggers, and arab mixes, none of whom can function effectively as these kind of units.

The impetus on the system to "legalize" these hordes makes stopping immigration a moot point. The only thing that matters going forward is stopping the system, and the victors will sort out who belongs in their land and who doesn't, no matter how many of them they are or how outnumbered the Whites are. Without a suppressive force of system pigs and order takers, without a corrupt judicial entity, without the "power" of the jews above to control those with the guns and the armor, then everything they've planned becomes moot. Everything boils down to nature in the end, who is stronger, and who is going to use that strength to overpower their enemy. God did not mot make us sheep, there are already more than 200 breeds of this animal on the earth.

This is, as I have said it before, very simple. It is, for all intents and purposes, to be or not to be, and the jew thinks it has chosen for White Europeans, a majority who are Christian, that they are "not to be." Look at everything they've done to this world over the past century and a half to ensure this farcical scheme that was cooked up deep within their syphilitic shtetls comes to fruition? Only the soulless insane minds can continue to carry out this agenda, and it only behooved unscrupulous non-jews to partake in the complicity of it when there was money to be made in a dying society.
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To stop new immigrants coming into a country is something I agree with. But what can you do about people that have been living for multiple generations in a country? Realistically there is nothing to be done about it. You cannot unscramble an egg. But you can stop new people on coming into the country and that is where the focus should be.

Well maybe the "government and church are separated" might have been the biggest psy op ever (that and emancipation).
I’m not sure what assimilation we can talk about without culture. Therefore @MusicForThePiano is right that we’re completely reduced to nature at the moment [vs nurture]. Are you French by blood? I know some people on this forum are not white or don’t consider themselves white and these hardline blood ancestry arguments might offend them.

The problem is white culture is disappearing. People need to have culture. White culture has lost all its dominance. On every level; sports, entertainment, music, is being dominated by non-whites. Even a lot of “white supremacists” are of mixed blood. So basically the whole fabric of what it means to be “French” is being shaped by foreigners essentially who are predisposed to very different behavior genetically. Everywhere I look white people in white countries are playing second fiddle to everyone else. The crazy thing is white people are the ones who have to assimilate into this new mishmash culture.

I think everyone feels this is true and now we’re starting to see arrogance from the blacks, asians, etc. “when a POC is speaking you listen”. They know white people don’t have the final say on social topics anymore and definitely no political power.

I know this is more black pilling for some but this is reality. The issue here is everyone on this planet is anti-white so we have a situation where we’re second class citizens when we join this multicultural soup and we’re hunted down when we try to be by ourselves.

What was once preached as assimilation has literally turned into dominance and replacement. So forgive me if I no longer understand how someone can preach about assimilation.
I have thought this through a lot and I will repeat it again. It isn't about "fair" it is about "might makes right", in other words, the victors write the books of history. It doesn't matter what is fair or just, it just matters who wins.

If Whites collectively decide to remain docile and eventually go extinct, then that will simply happen. It doesn't matter if it is fair or not, and most third world people would shrug their shoulders and not care one bit about it. And without home nations, White people will go extinct. All people have their own way of living and being, and without resources and self-determination, they go extinct. We have seen this throughout history, but this is on a much larger scale.

To the liberal (classical sense of the word) "everybody equal types" again they still see no harm done. They will think "who cares if Whites go extinct, Whites don't even exist, it is just a social structure". And I doubt my words wake up either the invading third world people nor the classical "everybody equal" types, but the fact of the matter is that if Whites cease to exist in the west, and this will happen in the next 100 years, then there is nothing to stop the Chinese from coming here and exterminating everyone and taking the land for themselves. While the future western society is ruled by 85 IQ people, the Chinese will have advanced so far beyond the west they would be able to exterminate everyone, take the land, and all without even leaving the comfort of their own bases on the other side of the globe.

Societies with average IQ's like this will not even put up a fight against the Chinese, so why would the Chinese let very valuable soil just remain in the hands of these kinds of people? And after they take the land, why would they want these people to remain?

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I have thought this through a lot and I will repeat it again. It isn't about "fair" it is about "might makes right", in other words, the victors write the books of history. It doesn't matter what is fair or just, it just matters who wins.

If Whites collectively decide to remain docile and eventually go extinct, then that will simply happen. It doesn't matter if it is fair or not, and most third world people would shrug their shoulders and not care one bit about it. And without home nations, White people will go extinct. All people have their own way of living and being, and without resources and self-determination, they go extinct. We have seen this throughout history, but this is on a much larger scale.

To the liberal (classical sense of the word) "everybody equal types" again they still see no harm done. They will think "who cares if Whites go extinct, Whites don't even exist, it is just a social structure". And I doubt my words wake up either the invading third world people nor the classical "everybody equal" types, but the fact of the matter is that if Whites cease to exist in the west, and this will happen in the next 100 years, then there is nothing to stop the Chinese from coming here and exterminating everyone and taking the land for themselves. While the future western society is ruled by 85 IQ people, the Chinese will have advanced so far beyond the west they would be able to exterminate everyone, take the land, and all without even leaving the comfort of their own bases on the other side of the globe.

Societies with average IQ's like this will not even put up a fight against the Chinese, so why would the Chinese let very valuable soil just remain in the hands of these kinds of people? And after they take the land, why would they want these people to remain?

I wish these people would just say the truth...that it's also about race. We'll never get anywhere until people admit they want to live in a town whose majority population is of their own ethnicity.
Yes, but the money is running out and as I've said, the massive depopulation campaign is still largely unsuccessful. That means moving ahead most people's backs will be against the wall and only some, mostly those who are actually competent, will survive.

I think the sad reality for most around here is that we all know to some degree this didn't "have to happen" but if you think about it more, it's just theory, and the cycle of things in fact does have to have this turbulence. We lament that we understand these things and can't wake others up. But that's part of red pill in general - understanding finally that it doesn't matter what you tell or show most people, they are ultimately going to come to terms with things on their own - or not at all.

CEOWORLD magazine has ranked the world’s safest nations, and in 2024, Andorra, situated in the Pyrenees mountains between Spain and France, was named the world’s safest country. Despite being one of Europe’s smallest and least-populated countries, with only around 82,000 residents, it attracts over 3.5 million overseas visitors yearly, making it the country with the most tourists per capita.

Whether you’re planning a trip, considering relocating, or just curious, Andorra is worth checking out. The United Arab Emirates, Greenland, Liechtenstein, and San Marino are the next safest countries.

African countries are facing significant crime problems, which have impacted their global relations. For instance, in 2023, investment flows to African nations declined by $48 billion due to the high crime rate. Similarly, despite Africa boasting many iconic attractions, tourism is affected mainly due to internal conflict, political instability, and crime rates. Togo holds the first place in terms of its crime rate in Africa.

With international conflict causing chaos, determining the safest countries is now more important than ever. Six of the top 10 safest countries are in Europe. Only the United Arab Emirates, Greenland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong rank in the top 10 without being in Europe!

My guess is the women won't change their voting patterns and will still support immigration...

The beatings will continue until "voting" improves....
It really is remarkable. I understand women are not equal to men, and their job is to have and raise children. I understand from a biological standpoint, that having the female human willing to submit to a group of men who are stronger and kill out their own local men makes sense.

But to this level, the willingness of women to support a violent overthrow of their peaceful existence and allow their own children to be harmed, it is quite insane. Seems like women have two biological priorities...

1) Have and raise children
2) Constantly shit test their men to make them as strong as possible, at any cost necessary, including, if necessary, the death of their own children.
The real big question is....

When White people virtually disappear, become less than 5% of the world's population in 50 to 100 years, who wins...

The satanic elite and they have their one world govt. where the laud over the mass of non-racial people, who are empty consumers with no ties to anything. Basically the entire planet becomes Brazil with more crime and hopelessness.

Or do the Chinese keep their racial ties strong, rise up, and conquer the rest of the world. If the Chinese do this, what would be their motivation to let Non Chinese exist? They have no need for them, and it is just a potential enemy down the road.

Or do Whites stop the destruction of their nations and take control of them again and run the others out and go back to growing in population again?

I don't know what will happen, but it will be one of these three things
I remember reading a PDF report by the US military about the Chinese government where they stated that China deems an attack on the US unnecessary because they expect the country to self destruct due to political and ethnic tensions.

I think the Russian population is still too big and military still to strong for them to simply get obliterated. Yes, one can argue that if Russia were that strong, they would have already nuked the Ukraine, but I feel as though they prefer not to completely destroy a Slavic country with a delusional leader at the helm.

Anyway, over the course of the next 50-100 years, assuming things continue as they have so far, I could see many European Christians, the majority of which are White, moving to eastern Europe outside the EU. So, ultimately, places like Russia, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro (if they don't join the EU).

The threat of nuclear war and, of course, the simple benefit of having a based, conservative Christian ally in Russia and those other Orthodox nations would probably be enough of an incentive for China not to push for a complete takeover.

Poland would be in a tougher spot, given that they despise Russia, but also be neighboring a newly formed Islamic German state.

Also, why wouldn't China just wait and see if that Russo-European state doesn't start a new crusades mission and try to reconquer Europe against those politically states. Even if successful, there would be major casualties cause they'd be going up against NATO. Then China could sweep in and finish off whoever the winner might be.
I remember reading a PDF report by the US military about the Chinese government where they stated that China deems an attack on the US unnecessary because they expect the country to self destruct due to political and ethnic tensions.

I think the Russian population is still too big and military still to strong for them to simply get obliterated. Yes, one can argue that if Russia were that strong, they would have already nuked the Ukraine, but I feel as though they prefer not to completely destroy a Slavic country with a delusional leader at the helm.

Anyway, over the course of the next 50-100 years, assuming things continue as they have so far, I could see many European Christians, the majority of which are White, moving to eastern Europe outside the EU. So, ultimately, places like Russia, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro (if they don't join the EU).

The threat of nuclear war and, of course, the simple benefit of having a based, conservative Christian ally in Russia and those other Orthodox nations would probably be enough of an incentive for China not to push for a complete takeover.

Poland would be in a tougher spot, given that they despise Russia, but also be neighboring a newly formed Islamic German state.

Also, why wouldn't China just wait and see if that Russo-European state doesn't start a new crusades mission and try to reconquer Europe against those politically states. Even if successful, there would be major casualties cause they'd be going up against NATO. Then China could sweep in and finish off whoever the winner might be.
Great post, lots of things to consider.

If Whites are replaced in the west, especially if most leave for Russia, then the technology and the first world quality of life would disappear quickly. It would soon be an army of sticks and arrows v. an army with advanced drones. Maybe Russia can reconquer Europe from the invaders, but the USA is a long reach. I think China would both have more motivation, resources, and technology to reach across the ocean and take it from the invading third world people. That is my prediction anyway.

I think the main take away is that NATO/USA will cease to be a power, or even a threat, once White men are gone. And that can already be seen in how pathetic our military and equipment has been performing recently in Ukraine and in the Middle East.
I remember reading a PDF report by the US military about the Chinese government where they stated that China deems an attack on the US unnecessary because they expect the country to self destruct due to political and ethnic tensions.
Yes, I never could guy into a country who is so savvy at playing the long game, would lash out "just because" when things are already going in their direction. It would be like the elites "crashing the system" right now when inflation and the jabs are killing nearly everyone, and plans are going perfectly. Just sit back and enjoy having more real assets while it all inflates and you're part of an increasingly smaller elite group.

Droughtmeat, I think we see eye to eye - nearly 100% - when you post on Russia and geopolitics.

If we are going to lose standard of living in general, and hordes of 3rd worlders who are low IQ and don't look anything like us, are around and are threatening or worse, why would anyone of european descent bother sticking around? Just like our ancestors came here from Europe, we could go back (eastern europe and Russia). Then see how things shake out, and talk to the Chinese about what they are going to do, and want to do, to "figure out" the US situation. Seems obvious.
If we are going to lose standard of living in general, and hordes of 3rd worlders who are low IQ and don't look anything like us, are around and are threatening or worse, why would anyone of european descent bother sticking around?
Yes, I completely agree with the post. But people will stick around for the same reason white Brits are still in Birmingham or, way more extreme, Serbs are still in Kosovo. There's always that hope for improvement or reluctance to accept the harsh truth and move on. Pride also plays a role. It's difficult to simply cede centuries or even millenia of history and culture.

People can even accept diminished rights, however, when violence and fear of being persecuted in broad daylight, while the perpetrators act with impunity, begins, most people finally accept reality and move on. Until that happens, I expect a significant amount of people to stay.
Yes, I completely agree with the post. But people will stick around for the same reason white Brits are still in Birmingham or, way more extreme, Serbs are still in Kosovo. There's always that hope for improvement or reluctance to accept the harsh truth and move on. Pride also plays a role. It's difficult to simply cede centuries or even millenia of history and culture.

People can even accept diminished rights, however, when violence and fear of being persecuted in broad daylight, while the perpetrators act with impunity, begins, most people finally accept reality and move on. Until that happens, I expect a significant amount of people to stay.
I've always said, inertia is a heckuva strong reality for most people. Most people tend towards sheep and going with the status quo, so it fits overall with generalized human behavior.

Germany has had enough of migrants.

Germany starts deporting anti-semites.

Immediately imports quarter million Africans legally to offset the 50 Arabs they deported.

Funny GIF