The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

It was at this point in the Diaries that the Organization started attacking the power plants, food supplies, and media broadcasting stations. Effectively ending the IV drip of the bread and circus into the normies veins that would prevent them from rioting and turning against the system harsher. This led to the actual revolution that eventually overthrew the corrupt, inept, and diversified "anti-racist" police state. If it's one thing that book is so prescient about, it's the emphasis that these governments place on "racism" as a crime above all others. This is the jews golden hedge fund, they bet everything on stoking the racial hatred in the darker races towards Whites and milking the artificial racial guilt of brainwashed Whites into the most formidable weapon. Without this, they literally have nothing.

This dilemma has always been on my mind, as a survivalist, if enough of us started destroying the infrastructure, and forcing discomfort onto the lives of normal Whites, the kind of discomfort that would make them step up or die, then, and only then, would the change occur. That was what life was like in Weimar, there were hundreds of thousands of deaths from starvation every year and tens of thousands of suicides at the despair, and out of it the solution rose, though they were not the cause of it. Only this time we have the gift of retrospective wisdom to know just how far the rot goes. We are seeing a zoo-like state White nations are put into today to ensure that there is no pressure relief valve option but a continue slow boil until situations like the present when they are disarmed and surrounded by aliens, then the system always reveals its true nature.

When it gets beyond guerilla warfare, to layers of counterintelligence, oaths of race, and deeds, and necklaces of cyanide capsules on top operatives, as vehemently as I as a Catholic am against such things on spiritual principal, I see how only a force with similar prerogatives and fanaticism can win in the complete and long term against the current system of globular homos serving the tiny racial alien jews, not just a Blitzkrieg style for short term gains.

It would have to be like the Early Christian zealots who overcame the weak and limp-wristed pagans who grew too soft in their heathen hedonism. The zeal of the early saints and martyrs is something that can be transmuted to our genetic lines, for a similar purpose.

Racial war is horrible. Once this truly ignites there will be little place for cool heads to prevail, it will be like the American frontier, the boundary of the Urals when the Rus held it against savages, the Spanish Reconquista, it will be a storm of blood beyond what any of us are prepared for. With the corrupted officials removed, either through capture or killed, and not enough diversity system intelligence assets on the ground to assassinate every White dissident, then the guerilla force become a series of corralling units, they would go door-to-door evicting and detaining every non-White, dispensing justice to the known rapists and murderers who were let off free by the system, or they would just kill every non-White in the area like the Organization eventually did in the Diaries. Compared to all the Whites who have been beaten, stabbed, raped, and murdered, there is no comparison for a righteous Anglo-Saxon justice on these throwbacks. They deserve every bit of rough-housing that's coming their way once the White traitors are gone, and the smart ones will jump ship when that writing is on the wall back to their garbage countries.

This is survival. To be or not to be. The race traitors in the UK government have chosen "not to be" against the will of their people and now the match escalates. Only a percent of a percent of the Whites will ever be the powder kegs that direct the force for their survival in the right direction, which is why we're seeing massive disappointment from a majority of them. That is to be expected.

In the Christian spirit I do forgive all our enemies, but only after they hang.
I thought of your post when this popped up...


This guy thinks he understands, in reality he doesn't offer the actual solution to Shabbos-goy which is Christianity.

Shabbos-goy are nothing more than ordinary Whites who will sell their souls for money. Whites today worship money, and not God. Talmudic Jews make sure they have the most money, and then it's easy to always buy Whites so there is an endless supply of "Shabbos-goy."

The term Shabbos-goy is really cringe, it reeks of stupidity: as if Whites just suddenly decided to become Talmud lovers one day.

No, Whites work for cash, and the Talmuds have the most of it. The problem is a love of money and an absence of God, no amount of political ranting will fix this situation. Only God can.

It was at this point in the Diaries that the Organization started attacking the power plants, food supplies, and media broadcasting stations. Effectively ending the IV drip of the bread and circus into the normies veins that would prevent them from rioting and turning against the system harsher. This led to the actual revolution that eventually overthrew the corrupt, inept, and diversified "anti-racist" police state. If it's one thing that book is so prescient about, it's the emphasis that these governments place on "racism" as a crime above all others. This is the jews golden hedge fund, they bet everything on stoking the racial hatred in the darker races towards Whites and milking the artificial racial guilt of brainwashed Whites into the most formidable weapon. Without this, they literally have nothing.

This dilemma has always been on my mind, as a survivalist, if enough of us started destroying the infrastructure, and forcing discomfort onto the lives of normal Whites, the kind of discomfort that would make them step up or die, then, and only then, would the change occur. That was what life was like in Weimar, there were hundreds of thousands of deaths from starvation every year and tens of thousands of suicides at the despair, and out of it the solution rose, though they were not the cause of it. Only this time we have the gift of retrospective wisdom to know just how far the rot goes. We are seeing a zoo-like state White nations are put into today to ensure that there is no pressure relief valve option but a continue slow boil until situations like the present when they are disarmed and surrounded by aliens, then the system always reveals its true nature.

When it gets beyond guerilla warfare, to layers of counterintelligence, oaths of race, and deeds, and necklaces of cyanide capsules on top operatives, as vehemently as I as a Catholic am against such things on spiritual principal, I see how only a force with similar prerogatives and fanaticism can win in the complete and long term against the current system of globular homos serving the tiny racial alien jews, not just a Blitzkrieg style for short term gains.

It would have to be like the Early Christian zealots who overcame the weak and limp-wristed pagans who grew too soft in their heathen hedonism. The zeal of the early saints and martyrs is something that can be transmuted to our genetic lines, for a similar purpose.

Racial war is horrible. Once this truly ignites there will be little place for cool heads to prevail, it will be like the American frontier, the boundary of the Urals when the Rus held it against savages, the Spanish Reconquista, it will be a storm of blood beyond what any of us are prepared for. With the corrupted officials removed, either through capture or killed, and not enough diversity system intelligence assets on the ground to assassinate every White dissident, then the guerilla force become a series of corralling units, they would go door-to-door evicting and detaining every non-White, dispensing justice to the known rapists and murderers who were let off free by the system, or they would just kill every non-White in the area like the Organization eventually did in the Diaries. Compared to all the Whites who have been beaten, stabbed, raped, and murdered, there is no comparison for a righteous Anglo-Saxon justice on these throwbacks. They deserve every bit of rough-housing that's coming their way once the White traitors are gone, and the smart ones will jump ship when that writing is on the wall back to their garbage countries.

This is survival. To be or not to be. The race traitors in the UK government have chosen "not to be" against the will of their people and now the match escalates. Only a percent of a percent of the Whites will ever be the powder kegs that direct the force for their survival in the right direction, which is why we're seeing massive disappointment from a majority of them. That is to be expected.

In the Christian spirit I do forgive all our enemies, but only after they hang.

This is just fantasizing, and you've got serious spiritual issues to be fantasizing like this. I will pray for you, as I have been in your place before. The people aren't going to "rise up," the people have no faith and no leadership.

You, and others, who cheer on the random violent acts of men rebeling against the system are actually cheering on the death of your own race, since these isolated acts of violence are exactly what the Talmuds want, as it gives them justification for more control. There is no way to beat this system without mass conversions to Christ. Your ideas of revolution are silly fantasies from people with sick souls, dreaming of revenge, but offer nothing to replace the sickness in the soul.

Since they aren't positively for something, all the violence will end in failure since there is no leadership. Real revolution on the streets would involve men marching around with Crosses knocking on their Neighbor's doors asking them to join the Church so that they may be saved. Burning down power plants and torching food silos would ensure the White race is completely eradicated as it will give carte blanche to the Talmuds to institute martial law.

Once marital law is instituted, since they have all the money, most Whites will be happy to kill the rebel Whites, and then the White race will kill itself in the name of money.
This guy thinks he understands, in reality he doesn't offer the actual solution to Shabbos-goy which is Christianity.

Shabbos-goy are nothing more than ordinary Whites who will sell their souls for money. Whites today worship money, and not God. Talmudic Jews make sure they have the most money, and then it's easy to always buy Whites so there is an endless supply of "Shabbos-goy."

The term Shabbos-goy is really cringe, it reeks of stupidity: as if Whites just suddenly decided to become Talmud lovers one day.

No, Whites work for cash, and the Talmuds have the most of it. The problem is a love of money and an absence of God, no amount of political ranting will fix this situation. Only God can.

This is just fantasizing, and you've got serious spiritual issues to be fantasizing like this. I will pray for you, as I have been in your place before. The people aren't going to "rise up," the people have no faith and no leadership.

You, and others, who cheer on the random violent acts of men rebeling against the system are actually cheering on the death of your own race, since these isolated acts of violence are exactly what the Talmuds want, as it gives them justification for more control. There is no way to beat this system without mass conversions to Christ. Your ideas of revolution are silly fantasies from people with sick souls, dreaming of revenge, but offer nothing to replace the sickness in the soul.

Since they aren't positively for something, all the violence will end in failure since there is no leadership. Real revolution on the streets would involve men marching around with Crosses knocking on their Neighbor's doors asking them to join the Church so that they may be saved. Burning down power plants and torching food silos would ensure the White race is completely eradicated as it will give carte blanche to the Talmuds to institute martial law.

Once marital law is instituted, since they have all the money, most Whites will be happy to kill the rebel Whites, and then the White race will kill itself in the name of money.
I think you are largely correct but for order there will be force involved, if there were to be a Christian society after "mass conversion" to God. I say that because that's what happened in the Byzantine Empire, and something I didn't know about I found out about recently, which was a jewish ransom purchase of 10s of thousands of Christians when the Persians defeated the Byzantines at Jerusalem, only to slaughter them until the Persians said, no, you can't continue doing that it's so bad - sorta amazing. It was in 614 during the Persian sack of Jerusalem, and the massacre was at the Mamilla pool. I was shocked to see a jew post on this historical event even at the jerusalem post, which had no comments on it, not surprisingly. The prominent historians guess that 60k were killed and thrown into the pool of blood. The reason I brought it up was that this was said to be revenge for how the Byzantines had treated the jews. Interesting history that of course you don't ever hear about.
I think you are largely correct but for order there will be force involved, if there were to be a Christian society after "mass conversion" to God. I say that because that's what happened in the Byzantine Empire, and something I didn't know about I found out about recently, which was a jewish ransom purchase of 10s of thousands of Christians when the Persians defeated the Byzantines at Jerusalem, only to slaughter them until the Persians said, no, you can't continue doing that it's so bad - sorta amazing. It was in 614 during the Persian sack of Jerusalem, and the massacre was at the Mamilla pool. I was shocked to see a jew post on this historical event even at the jerusalem post, which had no comments on it, not surprisingly. The prominent historians guess that 60k were killed and thrown into the pool of blood. The reason I brought it up was that this was said to be revenge for how the Byzantines had treated the jews. Interesting history that of course you don't ever hear about.

Yes - I have always said that Christians will always be forced to use violence is self-defense, especially against Talmuds. They cannot help themselves and always become more and more unhinged the more Christian a society becomes. Even if you do not want to harm them, you will be left with no choice at some point.

Case in point, in that 614 massacre at the Mamilla pool, this was during the time that the Talmuds had fully betrayed the Byzantine empire, and thrown open the gates of Jerusalem to Persia:

Heraclius was forced to launch a nationwide expulsion and persecution of Talmuds in response, and I believe it was during this time (although I cannot find definitive proof yet) many Talmudic Jews fled into Prussia and Khazaria, thus giving birth to European Jewry.

Regardless, the point of history stands - the only reason a concentrated effort could be meaningfully launched was the presence of a strong Christian society. It unified people in the face of Persia/Talmudic aggression, and without that faith Byzantium probably would have been wiped off the face of the map.
I wonder I at some point we might see something similar to Kosovo where for example an Islamic German, French etc. states are created within existing countries. It would hurt for Germany to lose a place Bavaria entirely, but if the current development continues, it might be considered a viable solution.
This guy thinks he understands, in reality he doesn't offer the actual solution to Shabbos-goy which is Christianity.

Shabbos-goy are nothing more than ordinary Whites who will sell their souls for money. Whites today worship money, and not God. Talmudic Jews make sure they have the most money, and then it's easy to always buy Whites so there is an endless supply of "Shabbos-goy."

The term Shabbos-goy is really cringe, it reeks of stupidity: as if Whites just suddenly decided to become Talmud lovers one day.

No, Whites work for cash, and the Talmuds have the most of it. The problem is a love of money and an absence of God, no amount of political ranting will fix this situation. Only God can.

This is just fantasizing, and you've got serious spiritual issues to be fantasizing like this. I will pray for you, as I have been in your place before. The people aren't going to "rise up," the people have no faith and no leadership.

You, and others, who cheer on the random violent acts of men rebeling against the system are actually cheering on the death of your own race, since these isolated acts of violence are exactly what the Talmuds want, as it gives them justification for more control. There is no way to beat this system without mass conversions to Christ. Your ideas of revolution are silly fantasies from people with sick souls, dreaming of revenge, but offer nothing to replace the sickness in the soul.

Since they aren't positively for something, all the violence will end in failure since there is no leadership. Real revolution on the streets would involve men marching around with Crosses knocking on their Neighbor's doors asking them to join the Church so that they may be saved. Burning down power plants and torching food silos would ensure the White race is completely eradicated as it will give carte blanche to the Talmuds to institute martial law.

Once marital law is instituted, since they have all the money, most Whites will be happy to kill the rebel Whites, and then the White race will kill itself in the name of money.
I don't believe that little random acts of violence against the system will achieve anything good in the long term. You are too quick to judge the nature of one's soul. We are not priests, even in my near four-decades of time spent in the Church, I am but a mere layman. I would not cast such a condemnation. Nowhere have I recommended that the solution is violence without faith. I do cheer on escalation, because I know how that will turn out for the system in the long term from the blood perspective. Faith without violence also will not work. Both are required.

Race realism will be the only metric that prevails if a total societal collapse occurred. In the context, yes, the Turner Diaries are a fantasy, as it is not based on an exact real-life equivalent. But I can bring up several equivalencies for reference that are inherent in nature and irrefutable. Haiti, Rhodesia, South Africa, Detroit, Cabrini Green, East LA, many major cities in England, France, and west Germany, all devoid of White life, are a decayed ruin at best, where the impulsivities of savages is the law of the land, and the ignorance of the heathens knows not the beauty and truth of the Gospel, which created moral western civilization. Without functioning White civilization and its infrastructure, there is nothing that our enemies can usurp to defeat us. If the infrastructure collapses, the jews cannot maintain martial law, and that option would fail.

We have given them the power to do so, and that power can be easily taken away.

"There is no such thing as black power, there never has been. There is only White weakness. For where there is White strength there can be no black power. There is no such thing as jewish domination, there is only White submissiveness. Refuse to submit and there is no longer domination." - Louis Beam 1994.

All of our racial enemies are living and conquering us using weapons and infrastructures that our ancestors created, including subverting our Churches for their universalist trite that only behooves a veneer of moral and spiritual excuse to allow passivity in the minds of some Christians against the face of annihilation. For as much as random acts of violence against the anti-White system only beget harsher punishment for the White race, so too does the corruption of the Churches to pan-racialist ideologies, all jewish.

The jews have stated their goals in so many documents, we are all well aware of this. Their entire modus operandi is to exterminate the White Races to the last child. Every European, American, Australian, Canadian, New Zealander, and South Afrikaaner, are all tallied for in the jewish books to be deleted.

When it comes down to resources and fighting for survival, Whites will excel over any other race period. The flabby liberal office types will all die, the limp-wristed baristas, the homosexuals, the race traitors, and unfortunately, many good Whites who are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. There will be blood, but dumping the excess flotilla of vestigial genetics only benefits the strong. You should spend more time around the rural types, and the truly crazy ones. Half-ass conservatives and urbanites are weak, they don't understand the blood, the sweat, the toil, and the struggle inherent in our genetics. No other race in the history of the world has produced as many survivors of harrowing situations as the European races and their American and Australian descendants. No amount of jewish paper fiat will be able to give the willpower and the skills and the abilities to spiritually-bankrupt "rich" shabbos goys to ever overpower these types. The amount of Whites who will actually sell their pound of flesh for jewish comfort is not enough to doom the race.

Going into detail in martial law, look at every instance of martial law in our known recent history. Look specifically at the ones where severe racial tensions existed, if not open race war. Look further than martial law at previous resource wars, and who secured the resources, look at the Whites who prevailed against the traitor Whites (our biggest problem):

-the Black War of Tasmania in 1828 saw martial law declared against the feral violence of the Abos, to which the British settlers were easily able to overcome. Only now do jews attempt to guilt-trip Whites for this victory which secured Australia and Tasmania and turned them into a civilization.

-The "Trail of Tears" in the USA in the 1830s basically allowed for the completion of Manifest Destiny and the establishment of a continental superpower. This force was authorized at the highest military powers in Washington to move those savages out. There would be no America today as we know (or as we knew it a few decades ago without the gays stuff everywhere) without this event. There would be no "flyover country" or Bible Belt without the supplanting of the heathens by the Christians. The most Christian lands in the USA presently were achieved with immense blood.

-In the Anglo-Zulu War, the British Empire (though run by jews at the top) saw the Dutch Boers as racial traitors for wanting to live side-by-side with the Zulu. The British ultimately prevailed, preserving the right for White Settlers that was only undone in the wake of jews meddling with Apartheid a century later.

-Bleeding Kansas in the Antebellum South is another example. The Border Ruffians of Missouri held off the Kansas Red Legs (who were true traitorous whites) who were known for guerilla rape and murder fests on White towns, their own people. Quantrill's Raiders finally metered out justice to them in Lawrence in 1863. All traitors are eventually caught and will face their punishment, from the worst of violent guerillas to the mealy-mouthed sympathizing front-men.

For every ten thousand White peons who serve the jew cause, there is only one Bloody Bill Anderson required to clean up the job, like he did with the Red Legs at Centralia. The argument in response to this might be that Whites lost the ensuing Civil War, but we have the beautiful gift of retrospect to pinpoint the jewish manipulations of that conflict, something that more and more Whites are absolving themselves of in the present going forward, and will not allow to happen again.

-The Taranaki Wars of New Zealand 1860-1863, similar to Tasmania, the White settlers faced overwhelming violence and with martial law instituted to allow the British military to overrun the Maori tribes. New Zealand would be a beautiful empty country today with nothing but cannibals killing and eating each other. The Maori still do this from time to time when there's a murder in South Auckland. The Whites securing resources here built one of the most first-world countries ever, whose sole fault in the present is its low-testosterone naivete allowing liberal thoughts to flourish.

-The Tulsa "riots" of 1921, the jews propped up their blacks in pre-depression America, and these blacks decided to attack White woman and children while their men were at work, in the usual cowardly fashion of the negro race. They got punished severely. Totally justified on behalf of the White men who defended their land and kin. This is what the jews in power are so afraid of: racially aware White men.

-The Rhodesian Bush War, it only failed eventually because of western military support. Ian Smith's government had a minority of highly-trained Tommies who embarrassed the "best" soldiers of the dark continent until the jews had enough and coerced them under Mugabe with the Lancaster House Agreement after isolating them whilst the jews in the USSR and China gave the rebels all kinds of weapons.

It's the same story over and over again, the jews literally have to unite every single shabbos goy, every single horde of aliens, every single racial puppet, every single sellout prostituting themselves to secure a victory against Whites and White interests. If just one of these elements is missing, the jew does not have his victory. In the situations where Whites prevailed against traitors and aliens, it is because of how bare the conflict became. There was no comfort in it.

All of these Whites were Christian, and they all overcame every harsh obstacle in a much more violent world, which we are slowly returning to. Frontier living.

How much time have you spent on the ground with violence around you? Living in eastern USA as an adult White male you surely must have been exposed to a lot if you spend any significant time in an urban environment. It is no different in other parts of the world. The only thing that has kept me sane is my fanatical devout faith. No amount of race-first logic could ever do that. The men in Ireland and England fighting back, even against overwhelming odds, are not heathens. They are fighting the heathens invading their lands. These Europeans are genetically, ancestrally, and culturally Christian. So if they're not out there waving crosses at the cops and the muds that doesn't mean they are mislead. These men have no breathing room, no respite, dwindling resources, their only option is to retaliate or die. That's how far it has come for some of us.

The most Christian heroes of our history were also the most violent, otherwise there would have been no Christian civilization. Heraclius too, though we have discussed his problems in later life, knew violence was the only option against the enemy. So did Charlemagne, so did Richard the Lionheart, so did Alfonso VI of Leon and Castile, so did Pope Urban II, so did Godfrey of Bouillon, Ignatius of Loyola, Friar John of Capistrano, Louis IX, and lest we forget, the most notable Orthodox Christian destroyer of heathens, Vlad III of Wallachia.

To say that these little isolated people in the present have no faith is ignorance, and disrespectful. The racial realities have been acknowledged by the Church for ages, and only recently forgotten because of clever jewish manipulation. Do you know the individual faith of each man who throws a molotov against a police motorcade or burns an invader nest down? Do we hear their prayers at night when they are surrounded by inevitable death? Pray for them too, don't put them down because of the optics we see from a distance.

Pray to God in the morning, at midday, in the evening, and before bed. Pray while you walk, pray while you work, pray in your dreams if you can. Never stop praying, but never stop acting either. Never stop escalating against the devil system. Only this synthesis of faith and coordinated escalation can improve our lot. I won't be pushy and turn away Whites by telling them that they must become a Catholic. I will expand if asked, but the first thing I ever tell any White dissident about is the importance of faith in a crusade like this. This is why the Protestants and the Catholics are putting aside their theological differences to come together for this struggle.

If anything, the racial struggle will reunite the Church from the many fractures it had been dealt over the past millennia. The amount of violence our Christian ancestors had to engage in to overcome the heathens makes what we must do now pale in comparison. Don't ever underestimate violence, and do not assume that it only plays into the jews hands in their favor. There is a formula, a recipe, a long-term strategy, and it can and will be disrupted out of their favor.
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Very quickly, what I see you two arguing is slightly different: the "why" vs the "when", since we know who the "who" is.

I can tell you basically what will happen because it's not only what always happens, but has to happen: the swamp goes bankrupt. Only after that happens will a rebuild happen, and the most competent, though diminished in numbers (Music stated why that will happen), will come out on the other side. I've explained it slightly differently, which is that it's just a population boom and effect, and none of us like the fact that a big population dip has to occur since it seems like a sacrifice, but it really isn't. It's what Music is saying, the chaff will be discarded. The sad part is that there are good people who are collateral damage in this era, but many more are indifferent status quo types that won't last because they can't.

Their attempt will be of course to try to catch people in a surveillance matrix, but I don't think this will be achieved. I think you two are in a sense saying the same thing, as I don't see Music promoting violence. Just as I pointed it out to Samseau, I think the issue at hand is when the central power breaks, the resulting chaos, then order, will be required via some force. Some might call actions during that time violence, but that also will just be a point of view.
Blasphemy: Evil speaking about Christianity, 5-points
I came to the conclusion that Christianity is Judea-installed religion to keep the goy under control and docile, make him into a weak submissive cheek-turning cuckold.

Nordic Whites need to go back to their original roots and true Ancestral beliefs, as Christianity got the Whites into current open replacement and conquest by non-whites situation.

All the race mixing cucks won't get that. They are gonna preach how one should go overseas and breed mongrels finishing off their race while stacking jew-coin and "rentals" to get rich and turning the other cheek.
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Hate to say it but this is another example of a trend I mentioned here before that I think you'll see happen more in the next few years: people being drawn to Christianity for "based" reasons are going to start leaving once they start seeing that being based isn't the main point of Christianity. I believe this is the second apostasy from Orthodoxy we've already seen this year on the forum. Another member left a few months ago and as a send-off middle finger put in his profile the Twitter handle of Adam Green (Know More News), one of the more prominent Twitter anti-Christian Pagan LARPers that expresses similar sentiments as what jaguarcat just did in the above post.
I came to the conclusion that Christianity is Judea-installed religion to keep the goy under control and docile, make him into a weak submissive cheek-turning cuckold.

Nordic Whites need to go back to their original roots and true Ancestral beliefs, as Christianity got the Whites into current open replacement and conquest by non-whites situation.

All the race mixing cucks won't get that. They are gonna preach how one should go overseas and breed mongrels finishing off their race while stacking jew-coin and "rentals" to get rich and turning the other cheek.
Do not be fooled by this, I see it on some gab pages and other pro-White sites. It is flawed, and their anger at the Church is irrational. They are blaming the victim not the perpetrator.

It is not the true Christian faith, but corrupted a misleading of Christianity that purports this race-mixing.

For the entirety of 1900 years that the Church operated in Europe, race-mixing was never encouraged, never from a theological standpoint, nor from a legal point, and not from a social point. It was known to be a vile act. If Christianity brought race-mixing with it to Europe, there would have been no Whites left for the jews to kill the last several centuries, they'd be all gone, because of how far Christianity spread. The bastion of the Church was the opposite.

I've studied pagan and heathen cultures, which for the European are not their root but only a lapse in their own genetic timeline from knowing God, forgetting God and embracing "gods" and "spirits," then remembering God when the Gospels arrived, nearly instantaneously. On the other hand, many pagan values in pre-Christian Europe included wife sharing, fratricide, and other violent reasons to break familial relations, something Christianity does not encourage but has strict laws against.

Pagans generally had less hate on other beliefs. They were very individualistic. Then, as before, Whites could never overcome jewish supremacy with a pagan mindset of dealing with enemies. Only Christianity, from the words of Our Lord Himself to the very visible history of our past rulers, has a verifiable detestation of jews and their lying talmudic filth. Only the hatred that we have for Gods enemies at the front, coupled with the extreme love for our own people at the rear, will allow us as a force to defeat this evil.

The issue is two-fold:

1. Corrupting the Churches from within, which schism after schism had been pushed by jewish interests operating in Christian territories, and overseas colonies including the new world. Most of the Church's presence in Mexico, Central America, South America, and the West Indies was largely interrupted by marranos and conversos under Columbus' successors led to a bastardized growth in the Americas and its surrounding islands that made the Church look very racially-ambiguous there, whilst in Europe remained pure.

2. Deracinating the White Europeans and making them forget both who they are and who the jews really are.

If paganism offered a stronger solution to the White Race, out of desperation, Whites would have embraced it already. It does not. No Pharoah or Caesar or Hun King could ever have routed the jews the way Byzantine Emperors and Militant Popes have (Titus may have been the only exception). The bastardized forms of Christianity that preach "save the refugees, *bless* the refugees, love is love, racism is evil" are weaker than the pagans their mighty ancestral theologians conquered.

Even the Nords in the NRM right now, were they to successfully create a Nordic bloc of nations and throw off the yoke of the jewish UN and NATO and the traitors in their own government, and mass deport or execute their invader orcs, their society would not flourish without a strict coordinated organized religion. I suppose they could try it with Wotanism or Odinism, but I doubt it. As I said above, these religions are not organized. Only the Apostolic Church, could provide them with that stability that would make them last a thousand years. The old ways are called that for a reason, it is merely a blood memory, a chapter of their history, but not the beginning, and not the end.

Hate to say it but this is another example of a trend I mentioned here before that I think you'll see happen more in the next few years: people being drawn to Christianity for "based" reasons are going to start leaving once they start seeing that being based isn't the main point of Christianity. I believe this is the second apostasy from Orthodoxy we've already seen this year on the forum. Another member left a few months ago and as a send-off middle finger put in his profile the Twitter handle of Adam Green (Know More News), one of the more prominent Twitter anti-Christian Pagan LARPers that expresses similar sentiments as what jaguarcat just did in the above post.
Adam Green is an instigator, and perhaps even partially jewish himself. His complaints about Christendom are like most of these people who never do any due diligence with the racial composition of Europe from the time the Gospels entered until the World Wars of the 20th century. You couldn't bleach a bed sheet Whiter than that map.

The irony here is that paganism has been pushed relentlessly by the usual suspects for well over a century now.
Because they know it's weak, and it would never offer a united front against their schemes the way a Fascistic and Ultranationalist force embedded with Christian morality would. It picked up a lot of steam post WW2, redirecting White dissidents into this special niche where they could express their rage and let their spiritual mana shoot off into no direction rather than focusing their racial animus in pleas to God, which would then reflect back in actions taking place in the physical in their favor.

People from both sides hate what I say. "Universalist" Christians think I am some kind of hootin-tootin racemonger, and pagan pretenders (let's be real there are no pagan temples or "faiths" left) don't like that I call their 50,000 bronze age jewish anthropology spectrum a phony history. Well I am guilty on both of these accounts, and proudly so!

The jews do not want spiritual Whites to align themselves along a unified theological/racial front. They fear this more than any gathering of angry White men. If there were ten thousand White men praying to Christ then going out fighting against the multi-racial forces of the jew-controlled state day after day, they would do everything in their kvetching power to end it. This is why you don't see them going all out on a bunch of Whites who just march to pray, or a bunch of Whites who just march for race. They are so afraid of the singularity of these two forces meeting that they will push all kinds of distractions and divisions to prevent this holy union.
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For the entirety of 1900 years that the Church operated in Europe, race-mixing was never encouraged, never from a theological standpoint, nor from a legal point, and not from a social point. It was known to be a vile act. If Christianity brought race-mixing with it to Europe, there would have been no Whites left for the jews to kill the last several centuries, they'd be all gone, because of how far Christianity spread. The bastion of the Church was the opposite.
I am not a Christian so I could be wrong but can you point out to me specifically where the bible explicitly tells people not to race mix? My understanding is that basically Christianity tells people to marry with other Christians it mentions nothing about marrying or not marrying people from other races.

2 Corinthians 6:14
"Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?"

But I haven't seen or heard anything similarly clear in regards to race mixing. Though I admit I am not a Christian and do not read the bible so I am happy to be corrected here if I am indeed wrong.

And here is a question for you if you were forced to choose between marrying a devout Christian from another race or a woman from the same race as you who is a non-Christian which would you rather choose?
It would hurt for Germany to lose a place Bavaria entirely, but if the current development continues, it might be considered a viable solution.
Bavaria is thankfully safe for some time yet, of the 16 states, NRW, North Rhine-Westphalia will go first.
Bavaria is thankfully safe for some time yet, of the 16 states, NRW, North Rhine-Westphalia will go first.
More important would be the percentage of the population they now represent in each state. 1.4% in the Saarland can look dense, considering the very small size of the state and the small native population.
Do not be fooled by this, I see it on some gab pages and other pro-White sites. It is flawed, and their anger at the Church is irrational. They are blaming the victim not the perpetrator.
It literally makes no sense. What is the case for paganism? If pagan beliefs are so magical that they turn white men strong and white women into virgins why hasn’t it exploded in popularity?
If Christianity preaches weakness and being a pussy, then why aren’t atheists super based?

The problem with white people is extremely simple. White people voluntarily turned themselves into a flock of sheep. You can see it with their unapologetic devotion to democracy, laws, and other BS. How come I never hear of any white vigilantism? Some of us, like me, realized that the shepherd is an imposter and there’s wolves circling the flock. So now we have a situation where the sheep are looking at each other and saying “why did you let this happen?”. The issue is white people continue to feel like they’re in the middle of the flock and they’ll be eaten last. At the current rate eventually the flock will start running but what benefit will that be?

The solution is pretty simple. We need to break up the flock and ditch the shepherd. We need to sacrifice the weak, we need to become the hunter, and not the hunted operating in strict hierarchal packs. Any sheep that got left behind that’s not retarded can then try to pledge allegiance.

Yes, uncle Adolf rising from the grave with a shepherd dog would be good too but we can’t engage in idealism and wishful thinking. The only way to minimize the damage is to force a survival of the fittest situation on white people. I’m perfectly fine with collateral damage.
I came to the conclusion that Christianity is Judea-installed religion to keep the goy under control and docile, make him into a weak submissive cheek-turning cuckold.
I don't think Christianity necessarily has to be the cheek-turning white-flag waving variant. Medieval crusader knights were faithful, fierce and militant. European nations united to go to war into the muslim-infested Holy Land, and also repeatedly kicked the Jews out of their own countries.

It's only the late antiquity Roman degenerate pagans turned into jewified Christians who were already weak and exhausted, as well as many modern Christians (notice the parallels between the Fall of Rome and the Fall of Europe). This has nothing to do with Christianity in itself, though.​
I came to the conclusion that Christianity is Judea-installed religion to keep the goy under control and docile, make him into a weak submissive cheek-turning cuckold.

Nordic Whites need to go back to their original roots and true Ancestral beliefs, as Christianity got the Whites into current open replacement and conquest by non-whites situation.

All the race mixing cucks won't get that. They are gonna preach how one should go overseas and breed mongrels finishing off their race while stacking jew-coin and "rentals" to get rich and turning the other cheek.
It is now and you are not alone with the frustration about how humiliating it is. but it does not have to be. Medieval europe was one of the most violent periods in history and being a knight is still the mental image of what an ideal warrior is for most men.
It is now and you are not alone with the frustration about how humiliating it is. but it does not have to be. Medieval europe was one of the most violent periods in history and being a knight is still the mental image of what an ideal warrior is for most men.

Also think about the Spanish conquistadors and other Europeans who subdued the Indians in the Americas in mid 2nd millenium AD - just like the crusader knights they were real heroes. They didn't go to new lands to make teary-eyed "love" and assimilate into primitive pagan societies, but for military conquest and imposing their own values on these people, building their own colonies with high civilization standards. They spread Christianity onto other continents, raising the savages to a higher level by force. It's the same story with Sub Saharan Africans.​
I am not a Christian so I could be wrong but can you point out to me specifically where the bible explicitly tells people not to race mix? My understanding is that basically Christianity tells people to marry with other Christians it mentions nothing about marrying or not marrying people from other races.

2 Corinthians 6:14
"Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?"

But I haven't seen or heard anything similarly clear in regards to race mixing. Though I admit I am not a Christian and do not read the bible so I am happy to be corrected here if I am indeed wrong.

And here is a question for you if you were forced to choose between marrying a devout Christian from another race or a woman from the same race as you who is a non-Christian which would you rather choose?

Same race obviously.

Problem is that the world (and thereby women) is so corrupted that many men will gladly choose a non-christian not their own race girl over some landwhale who lazes at the Maccas most of the day.

So this race mixing has nothing to do with Christianity but everything to do with the corruption of our societies steered by the usual suspects.

* Green is a Jewish surname btw for the few that actually listen to that LARPer

"The meaning of Gruen Jewish (Ashkenazic; Grün): artificial name from German grün 'green'."
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