The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

It will escalate, in both all the satanic tower of Babel countries of the west. There is no stopping it. Third world people will not change their behavior, and as they turn once nice/safe/peaceful areas into violent hellholes, and people can't move any further away, then they will have to stand up and fight.

I don't know who will win, but I know this will happen all across the west. If I was not from the west I would be looking to move back home, because this doesn't end well for anyone.

That's a lot of Um Bongo.

Agreed that action will only happen when people experience the violence and chaos that the PTB are setting us up for, not reading statistics about demographics. Stabbing little girls to death in the street won't quite break the camel's back, but we're getting there.
Behavior of groups is largely predicated on thousands of years of selective breeding for the climate and in group preference. What will lead to a survival rate in the warm region v. the cold region, is very different. A majority of the third world citizens can never adapt to a first world civilization. Reality is coming together in western Europe.

The Muslims are the best thing to happen to white nationalism. The blacks are actually sympathetic at times.

These clowns are just unapologetically assholes all the time. Their absolute obsession with domination and asserting it doesn’t do them any favors.

The blacks sing and dance, the blacks can sometimes show empathy to people down on their luck since that’s what they identify with. Some blacks enjoy being pampered by whites and like the surrogate relationship.

These morons are not going to stop until people hate them. I checked twitter and even their muzzie influencers are like “guys let’s not enflame this anti-migrant thing, if you think about it they kind of have a right to feel… we just got to protect the mosques guys”.
My sympathy is waning and I’ll just watch and see what happens. It’s not rocket science. Our ancestors would laught at the morons walking around now. The solution is so simple. It’s like watching some puppy dog scared to go down the stairs, just whimpering.

First you can burn down all these hotels and centers, especially in the sticks. That’s one thing they can do and not go home and cry into the pillow if they’re so afraid of hurting others through violence. Like what is the government going to do? The “democratic” government is going to send death squads to protect Ireland from the Irish? That would literally be best case scenario for the cause. It would be a recruitment extravaganza.

What else is there? The state is going to find the perpetrators by torturing the locals to give up information? If that happens then you’ll know who needs to be approached in a dark alley.

If white people can’t deal with these weakling cops who don’t even shoot live rounds at you like they do in Islamabad then there is no hope. I don’t want to live in an ethnostate that’s full of white homos suckling on the tit of the reich either.
Yeah, not directly related to Europe, but Canada...

In 2004 I was taking Sociology 101 in college; the prof was South African and a 4-way racial cross, and lost no chance to tell you how superior she was because of it. Dad was half White Dutch Protestant, half Portuguese Sephardic Jew. Mom was half Indian Hindu, half Malay Muslim.

Anyway, more than once she stated to the class that because White people are a minority worldwide, White majority nation-states have no right to exist and should be demographically transformed using non-White immigration. Needless to say, I dropped this evil woman's course and reported her to the administration for racist speech but nothing was done.

So yeah, no surprise here, I've personally heard people with influence flogging White replacement doctrine for more than 20 years...
If you see her again remind her it only took a boat of 500 straight white Christian men to conquer all of Mexico
My sympathy is waning and I’ll just watch and see what happens. It’s not rocket science. Our ancestors would laught at the morons walking around now. The solution is so simple. It’s like watching some puppy dog scared to go down the stairs, just whimpering.

First you can burn down all these hotels and centers, especially in the sticks. That’s one thing they can do and not go home and cry into the pillow if they’re so afraid of hurting others through violence. Like what is the government going to do? The “democratic” government is going to send death squads to protect Ireland from the Irish? That would literally be best case scenario for the cause. It would be a recruitment extravaganza.

What else is there? The state is going to find the perpetrators by torturing the locals to give up information? If that happens then you’ll know who needs to be approached in a dark alley.

If white people can’t deal with these weakling cops who don’t even shoot live rounds at you like they do in Islamabad then there is no hope. I don’t want to live in an ethnostate that’s full of white homos suckling on the tit of the reich either.
It was at this point in the Diaries that the Organization started attacking the power plants, food supplies, and media broadcasting stations. Effectively ending the IV drip of the bread and circus into the normies veins that would prevent them from rioting and turning against the system harsher. This led to the actual revolution that eventually overthrew the corrupt, inept, and diversified "anti-racist" police state. If it's one thing that book is so prescient about, it's the emphasis that these governments place on "racism" as a crime above all others. This is the jews golden hedge fund, they bet everything on stoking the racial hatred in the darker races towards Whites and milking the artificial racial guilt of brainwashed Whites into the most formidable weapon. Without this, they literally have nothing.

This dilemma has always been on my mind, as a survivalist, if enough of us started destroying the infrastructure, and forcing discomfort onto the lives of normal Whites, the kind of discomfort that would make them step up or die, then, and only then, would the change occur. That was what life was like in Weimar, there were hundreds of thousands of deaths from starvation every year and tens of thousands of suicides at the despair, and out of it the solution rose, though they were not the cause of it. Only this time we have the gift of retrospective wisdom to know just how far the rot goes. We are seeing a zoo-like state White nations are put into today to ensure that there is no pressure relief valve option but a continue slow boil until situations like the present when they are disarmed and surrounded by aliens, then the system always reveals its true nature.

When it gets beyond guerilla warfare, to layers of counterintelligence, oaths of race, and deeds, and necklaces of cyanide capsules on top operatives, as vehemently as I as a Catholic am against such things on spiritual principal, I see how only a force with similar prerogatives and fanaticism can win in the complete and long term against the current system of globular homos serving the tiny racial alien jews, not just a Blitzkrieg style for short term gains.

It would have to be like the Early Christian zealots who overcame the weak and limp-wristed pagans who grew too soft in their heathen hedonism. The zeal of the early saints and martyrs is something that can be transmuted to our genetic lines, for a similar purpose.

Racial war is horrible. Once this truly ignites there will be little place for cool heads to prevail, it will be like the American frontier, the boundary of the Urals when the Rus held it against savages, the Spanish Reconquista, it will be a storm of blood beyond what any of us are prepared for. With the corrupted officials removed, either through capture or killed, and not enough diversity system intelligence assets on the ground to assassinate every White dissident, then the guerilla force become a series of corralling units, they would go door-to-door evicting and detaining every non-White, dispensing justice to the known rapists and murderers who were let off free by the system, or they would just kill every non-White in the area like the Organization eventually did in the Diaries. Compared to all the Whites who have been beaten, stabbed, raped, and murdered, there is no comparison for a righteous Anglo-Saxon justice on these throwbacks. They deserve every bit of rough-housing that's coming their way once the White traitors are gone, and the smart ones will jump ship when that writing is on the wall back to their garbage countries.

This is survival. To be or not to be. The race traitors in the UK government have chosen "not to be" against the will of their people and now the match escalates. Only a percent of a percent of the Whites will ever be the powder kegs that direct the force for their survival in the right direction, which is why we're seeing massive disappointment from a majority of them. That is to be expected.

In the Christian spirit I do forgive all our enemies, but only after they hang.
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