The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

I just watched this sermon. It was made right after the November 2015 Paris attacks. Basically Pastor Anderson says France was invaded by Muslims for disobeying God.

View attachment 10235

Isaiah 1:4-7

View attachment 10231

I'm not sure about the credibility of that "unacceptable" rate chart. Cheating is pretty much commonplace in South American countries and they're generally way more sexually active from a young age than westerners.
Cheating in South America is common?
In Brazil it´s a sport.

France has the highest percentage of jews in Europe. But I doubt it´s more infidelity than nordic countries. From my empirical perception nordic countries are the most debauched. Followed by Eastern Europe.
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Find yourself some Latino friends and hang out with them and their group for a while. They (men and women) love to gossip and are very comfortable talking about sex. The type of stories they tell each other and the things you'll see every other week are absolutely mind-blowing.
In Brazil it´s a sport.

France has the highest percentage of jews in Europe. But I doubt it´s more infidelity than nordic countries. From my empirical perception nordic countries are the most debauched. Followed by Eastern Europe.
Eastern Europe seems conservative but sadly I’m guessing it’s not?
Find yourself some Latino friends and hang out with them and their group for a while. They (men and women) love to gossip and are very comfortable talking about sex. The type of stories they tell each other and the things you'll see every other week are absolutely mind-blowing.
There's only so many times I could listen to Latinas say "aiiiii, papi" to me, and I'd lose my mind.
Haven't been back to Europe for a decade now, is it worth moving back to her, with kids etc? I know I keep pestering you lot with these questions but I'm almost ready to go and I'm a little nervous to say the least. (Obviously not considering a major city)
Not a great idea to move you kids to a war zone. Rural areas are generally okay at the minute, but the speed of the immigration plan seems to be increasing, so I don't know how long you'd have. I'd rather be somewhere like USA where I can at least organise a gun wielding militia. Here, we are broadly defenceless.
Haven't been back to Europe for a decade now, is it worth moving back to her, with kids etc? I know I keep pestering you lot with these questions but I'm almost ready to go and I'm a little nervous to say the least. (Obviously not considering a major city)
Don't unless you have family in rural areas and know the others around you and can plan for any potential UN quota taking a literal dump in your area, which seems to be the name of the game now. Cities are lost and will come down to "might is right" but the towns, villages, and hamlets are not conquered yet.

I do have family in several countries outside of major cities, but still, wherever I could set up a permanent shop I would have to affix myself as part of the scenery, embedded in and willing to die on those hills to defend it.

The genocidal Kalergi plan won't succeed in Europe without major losses on both sides, this slow-cooker is not panning out how they have planned, unless you look at it from the point of view that all war is inevitable and everyone will die from it, which basically completes the Kalergi agenda and then some. I don't believe this. I believe that God's side will triumph.
Haven't been back to Europe for a decade now, is it worth moving back to her, with kids etc? I know I keep pestering you lot with these questions but I'm almost ready to go and I'm a little nervous to say the least. (Obviously not considering a major city)
By the way if you want a civilized area that is affordable to move to take a look at Lake Prespa in North Macedonia. I was there recently. Property is affordable there and there are not too many tourists visiting (yet) and its very safe. The water in the lake is reasonably clear and very warm during summer great for swimming. There are mountains nearby and a few very historic churches within a short driving distance. I was told by a few North Macedonians you can still buy a cottage a few kilometers from the lake for about 50,000 Euro. 1.5 hour drive from the lake is the historic and touristic small city of Bitola which is very lively. In lake Ohrid property prices have gone up a lot and its crowded, so I predict people will start buying properties in Lake Prespa (the second biggest lake in North Macedonia) and the price will be much higher in 5 years time. And from there you can drive to Greece, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria or Montenegro. They are all less than one day drive. The only downside is people in Macedonia are mostly racist and not accepting of outsiders so expect it to be a multi year journey to settle in and make local friends, connections etc.
Got to love democracy. You vote, the government does what it wants anyway, something bad happens that the government refuses to address, you take to the street and the government sends the goon squad with a truck of cattle fencing to make sure your rabid screaming in the street doesn't actually disturb anyone and you stay within a perimeter. It's kind of funny in a sad way.
Looks like things are starting to kick off in England. Tommy (Israel asset) Robinson will try to direct these attacks on Muslims only, and will fail. The people have simply had enough, and the behavior of the third worlders will never change, so it is only a matter of time until the tower of Babel that is the west falls upon itself.

Escalation is the only thing that will save Europe.
It will escalate, in both all the satanic tower of Babel countries of the west. There is no stopping it. Third world people will not change their behavior, and as they turn once nice/safe/peaceful areas into violent hellholes, and people can't move any further away, then they will have to stand up and fight.

I don't know who will win, but I know this will happen all across the west. If I was not from the west I would be looking to move back home, because this doesn't end well for anyone.

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It will escalate, in both all the satanic tower of Babel countries of the west. There is no stopping it. Third world people will not change their behavior, and as they turn once nice/safe/peaceful areas into violent hellholes, and people can't move any further away, then they will have to stand up and fight.

I don't know who will win, but I know this will happen all across the west. If I was not from the west I would be looking to move back home, because this doesn't end well for anyone.
There are so many questions, so little answers.

When the violence is ongoing and sustained, will the power of the state be enough to keep the citizens from removing the invaders?
When the violence doesn't stop with state intervention, then what?
Will the invading blacks and browns be able to put up organized resistance to the European patriots without state assistance?
How many people can a man kill before he goes insane, even if he is a righteous European defending his family? The number of invaders swell, especially in the men.
There may be no carpet-bombing or fire tornadoes, but this storm of death will be just as bad as WW2, the subhumans will not show mercy if they capture towns of all White Europeans. The people must be made to know that they all must rally and fight together or they will be overwhelmed little bit by little bit and their last moments on this earth will be hell in the hands of the savages, as is always the case when they murder Whites.

I pray that Christian casualties get less and less as time goes on and the people adapt to their new constant warfare existence. There's no stopping the beginning wave of death.