Situation in the Red Sea (Houthi Thread)

Doubt it. It's not even about whether Houthis have the capabilities to shoot it down or not, but about the presence of F-22 over Yemen in the first place - after all cruise missiles are launched from a standoff distances. So maybe they shot down a drone, maybe a missile, but I can not imagine why would there be a F-22 in Yemeni air space.
F35 yes. F 22.... I don't see that.
New US airstrikes on Sanaa International Airport


In the Hamas-Israel thread someone recently mentioned that there are a lot of US aircraft accidents lately - implying that these events are staged/made up to to launder losses elsewhere. This sentiment is also beginning to spread elsewhere.

Today the US declared that two US servicemen went missing off the Somalian coast. Yesterday another helicopter crashed somewhere in Pacific.

Not saying there is truth to it but is starting to look like a pattern.

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In the Hamas-Israel thread someone recently mentioned that there are a lot of US aircraft accidents lately - implying that these events are staged/made up to to launder losses elsewhere. This sentiment is also beginning to spread elsewhere.

Today the US declared that two US servicemen drowned off the Somalian coast. Yesterday another helicopter crashed somewhere in Pacific.

Not saying there is truth to it but is starting to look like a pattern.

The US Navy and Marine Corps Air craft are all very old. It was my experience that many of these were one pin or screw or knob away from mechanical failure.

I am of the opinion that these deaths are legitimately due to poor aircraft maintenance.

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Last night, US Forces attacked targets in Yemen that the U.S. attacked a few years ago during Saudi Arabia’s conflict with the Houthis. In addition, we informed the Houthis that we were going to attack them before we did it. It seems the strike was primarily designed to pacify Netanyahu’s ceaseless demands for war with Iran and its regional allies. However, from the perspective of the Arabs, Turks, and Iranians Washington is now on the slippery slope to regional war against them on behalf of Israel.
"We informed the Houthis that we were going to attack them before we did it." I've never heard of this brilliant battle tactic? Is this from Sun Tzu's Art Of War?

Imagine if the Allied Forces would have notified Berlin an hour ahead of time on D-Day?

I haven't seen a single serious source reporting this besides debatable TG/ Twitter channels.

Ansarallah statement on the US-UK aggression.

Ansarallah published their next batch of martyrs a couple of hours ago.

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Id prefer meaningful strikes that actually end the threats to intl shipping.

I'm not expecting them with Biden however.

If we are gonna do it... We need to do it right and move on.

The US is not going to deter Ansarallah by escalatory pinpoint strikes. It's either brute force or handing the situation diplomatically (ie giving in to at least part of the demands).

The current situation requires a rapid solution which is where Ansarallah gets is leverage from. As long as they are able to choke that maritime corridor they have a very strong hand. And with its large missile and drone arsenal they can keep this up for a very long time. Those drones are cheap, easily produced and don't require complex infrastructure for launching.

For the US the long term best solution would be to gradually degrade Ansarallahs military capacities and couple it with a renewed ground offensive from its many potential allies in the region. The UAE backed Southern/Hirak separatists, the Saudi backed Hadi/al Alimi Government and Salah's Giant Brigade all want to stomp Ansarallah into the dirt. But they need air support and long term guarantees.

Right now there is no political will in Washington to get this done. The timing isn't right, and the current Administration is pivoting to the Indo-Pacific. Getting sucked into another Middle Eastern adventure is not on the books.

Which is what makes it so interesting, because at some point this entire thing starts harming US credibility. Imo their current strategy is to wait out the Israeli Gaza op - which is proceeding slowly but surely.
I just looked up Yemen's population, and it is actually the highest in the region. It is 34 million, slightly higher than Saudi Arabia at 32 million, and much higher than Oman, Somalia, or Eritrea.

Of course they are very poor compared to Saudi Arabia, or really compared to anyone. Their per capita income is only $617 nominal, or $2000 PPP. However, if Iran supplies them with weapons, they have a lot of people that seem willing to fight.

Yemen has been one continuous demographic explosion since modernity reached its shores. In 1990 they had the highest TFR in the world at 8.8. In 1950 its population was 4.3 million, in 2050 its projected to be around 60 million.

Yemen together with Afghanistan is the only country outside Africa with continuous high birthrates (above 4.5). Its current birthrate is 4.6 kids per woman. Interestingly the Zaydi Shia areas of Yemen have a much higher birthrate than the Sunni areas, meaning that over time the Shias will simply become dominant through sheer numbers.


Yemen also used to be a much larger country. Three of its Northern provinces were annexed by the Saudis under al Saud in the 1930s. Many of the people in the Najran and Jizan areas are still Shia (both Ismaeli and Zaydi). Not sure how much of an issue political irredentism still is though images - 2024-01-14T083515.796.webp

Yemeni nationalist poster including the lost provinces.

images - 2024-01-14T084459.049.webp
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@LaAguilaNegra I'd popped into this thread to make some Yemen 'demographics is destiny' comments when I saw your post, which is more informative than mine would have been.

When I was young, I had an older friend who was in the SAS in Aden during the 1960s. This was during the time when the late QEII described Aden (I paraphrase) 'as a good example of the benefits of colonial rule.' The reality was a British garrison and some Europeans trying to hold back a tide of nut-case Yemenis who were fuelled by colonial era fertility rates of over eight children per woman. There is no holding back this tide despite these fertility rates declining since the late 1980s.

My friend told me that he made a suicide pact with a Scotsman who was also in the Regiment to avoid being taken prisoner by the Yemenis. From his descriptions of the Yemenis, they would make the Taliban look like the Salvation Army.

The Red Sea - The Bottleneck for Global Liberal Finance and the Achille's Heel for Globohomo

The Red Sea situation seems to be similar to the U-Boot blockade of the British Isles during WW1 and WW2. The Kriegsmarine knew and the intelligence behind Yemen know that the Anglo addiction to free trade consumption of imports is the weakness of Western economies. The weakness is more acute post-GATT Treaty now that productive industry and agriculture has been exported to SE Asia so that liberal finance can add obscene mark-ups to coolie-products. This liberal system has imported cheap migrant labour and developed globohomo liberal social mores among its young people.
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What credibility would that be?

You mean the credibility of threatening massive and disproportionate retaliations for any slight against the US/Israel Empire?

The credibility of being a world superpower and de facto guarantor of undisturbed international shipping.

For what it's worth, no other state actor would find a situation acceptable where it's naval assets located in international waters get subjected to barrages of missile and drone strikes basically every other day.
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@LaAguilaNegra I'd popped into this thread to make some Yemen 'demographics is destiny' comments when I saw your post, which is more informative than mine would have been.

When I was young, I had an older friend who was in the SAS in Aden during the 1960s. This was during the time when the late QEII described Aden (I paraphrase) 'as a good example of the benefits of colonial rule.' The reality was a British garrison and some Europeans trying to hold back a tide of nut-case Yemenis who were fuelled by colonial era fertility rates of over eight children per woman. There is no holding back this tide despite these fertility rates declining since the late 1980s.

My friend told me that he made a suicide pact with a Scotsman who was also in the Regiment to avoid being taken prisoner by the Yemenis. From his descriptions of the Yemenis, they would make the Taliban look like the Salvation Army.

The Red Sea - The Bottleneck for Global Liberal Finance and the Achille's Heel for Globohomo

The Red Sea situation seems to be similar to the U-Boot blockade of the British Isles during WW1 and WW2. The Kriegsmarine knew and the intelligence behind Yemen know that the Anglo addiction to free trade consumption of imports is the weakness of Western economies. The weakness is more acute post-GATT Treaty now that productive industry and agriculture has been exported to SE Asia so that liberal finance can add obscene mark-ups to coolie-products. This liberal system has imported cheap migrant labour and developed globohomo liberal social mores among its young people.

Yemen has a very interesting history. Your friend was fighting who exactly? Interestingly Tacitus had a similar quote on the virality and fighting spirit of the Germanic tribes up north. Tacitus said that whenever a Germanic warrior fell in battle ten others were ready to pick up the sword where the deceased had left it.

The current political situation in Yemen resembles the 1960s a lot. Back then the South was under heavy foreign influence - first the British and after 1967 the Soviets, whilst the North was a more insular tribal society. In those Northern Highlands there first was a monarchist theology (Mutawakillate Kingdom/ Imamate) and after a successful coup that became the secular Yemen Arab Republic.


Ansarallah resembles the Mutawakillite Kingdom more than anything else. Ansarallah controls the Zaydi populated Highlands whilst the desert and lowland areas are under the command of a slew of heavily foreign backed groups. The Hadi/al Alimi government (based in Aden) is backed by Saudi Arabia. The STC (Southern seccesionists) are controlled by the UAE, the Islamist Islah group and Salah's Giant Brigade have links to Turkey and Saudi Arabia and various tribal alliances are somewhere in the middle.


In addition to that the strategic island of Socotra has been de facto annexed by the UAE. Both the US and Israel allegedly have a base there too. It's the same in Hadramout where the UAE has kicked out the Saudis and where the US unofficially has at least one base in the coastal city of al Mukkala and allegedly more elsewhere.

images - 2024-01-14T225248.858.webp

In case Ansarallah can't get defeated militarily in the long term the US might start looking at a more permanent solution, ie. the permanent break up of Yemen along historical (1918-1990) lines. It would have the support of the Southerners and likely the Gulf States for such a move.
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The credibility of being a world superpower and de facto guarantor of undisturbed international shipping.

For what it's worth, no other state actor would find a situation acceptable where it's naval assets located in international waters get subjected to barrages of missile and drone strikes basically every other day.

OK, that's another way of putting it.

Just wanted to make sure you didn't mean credible in the sense of being consistent, sincere or principled.

But yeah, credible in the sense of "we will murder and enslave you if you make trouble for us".
OK, that's another way of putting it.

Just wanted to make sure you didn't mean credible in the sense of being consistent, sincere or principled.

But yeah, credible in the sense of "we will murder and enslave you if you make trouble for us".
That's every empire 101. We are the empire right now.

We can lament it... But I'm personally not excited about the idea of a higher cost of living due to some tribal Muslims shooting missles at US flagged ships.