Collateral damage assessment and evaluation has an entire mathematical probability, approval process ECT...
These jokers are just firing off bad data and wreckless. They are using AIS...and the Iranians are spotting for them. Thats evident from what happened in the Jan 9th Battle.
Maersk Gibraltar
Indian tankers have also been hit.
These Houthis are bad for the world economy. There's a 3 way civil war going on in Yemen...their primarily support is from Iran and the tribal nature of the region. It's not like they're taking the money from Iran and feeding their people either is it?
And again... No comment about the innocent Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Filipino sailors on the Galaxy Leader.... So moral high ground goes to Houthis why?
This is not the US fault... This is a result of Saudi and Yemeni war and interaction between the two countries and Iran using the country as a proxy to weaken KSA and Sunni positions.