Situation in the Red Sea (Houthi Thread)

Saudi is just a puppet of Israel, just like the USA. They all know the truth; they know we are all tied together. It is up to our people to demand we stop this nonsense.
Well for that to happen the Petro dollar will dial and the world economy will collapse.

I'm not interested in that happening. I'd rather we all speak English than Chinese.
Don't forget, due to the USA, thousands of Yemen children have literally starved to death. The evil of our country is beyond what most imagine.

So, if people starved one of your children to death, because you didn't want to allow neo-liberalism into your country, are you going to say "nah, you are fine, I don't hate you"?

Of course not. I think of it this way ,there are bad guys willing to do what it can to protect their kids v. the great satan pushing sodomy, pedophilia, and satanic values across the globe.

Have you ever heard of the Siege of Aden and Siege of Taiz? Especially the latter is a brutal 9 year long Ansarallah imposed siege on a Hadi controlled city.

Thousands of Yemeni either starved or died of starvation induced famine.

The point is that Ansarallah isn't morally superior to the US. They impose the same tactics and worse.

Collateral damage assessment and evaluation has an entire mathematical probability, approval process ECT...

These jokers are just firing off bad data and wreckless. They are using AIS...and the Iranians are spotting for them. Thats evident from what happened in the Jan 9th Battle.

Maersk Gibraltar

Indian tankers have also been hit.

These Houthis are bad for the world economy. There's a 3 way civil war going on in Yemen...their primarily support is from Iran and the tribal nature of the region. It's not like they're taking the money from Iran and feeding their people either is it?

And again... No comment about the innocent Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Filipino sailors on the Galaxy Leader.... So moral high ground goes to Houthis why?

This is not the US fault... This is a result of Saudi and Yemeni war and interaction between the two countries and Iran using the country as a proxy to weaken KSA and Sunni positions.

Ansarallah has fired twice at Russian tankers too

Have you ever heard of the Siege of Aden and Siege of Taiz? Especially the latter is a brutal 9 year long Ansarallah imposed siege on a Hadi controlled city.

Thousands of Yemeni either starved or died of starvation induced famine.

The point is that Ansarallah isn't morally superior to the US. They impose the same tactics and worse.

But we are the Great Satan. Of course these Tribal leaders would never kill their fellow Arabs!!!

All that needs to happen is for the US and Israel and KSA to fail, and the BRICS to take over and the world economy to collapse..

Then there will be peace in the middle east!!!!

Never mind the average IQ over in that region is 85.
So you think Israel could just bomb the entire middle east into nothing? They have dropped 65,000 tons on the tiny Gaza Strip and they are still getting their asses handed to them.

You have had great posts, but this "turn them to glass" 2003 talking point is proving quicker and quicker to be a cope.

The US could absolutely pulverize Ansarallah controlled territory if it wanted to. They have done so in many occasions in the recent past in air campaigns that were significantly larger in size. Iraq, Libya, etc. But Washington doesn't want to because they have little to gain from it.

For God's sake they have the combined 5th and 6th Fleet at their disposal, as well as a entire logistics network ready to go.
The US could absolutely pulverize Ansarallah controlled territory if it wanted to. They have done so in many occasions in the recent past in air campaigns that were significantly larger in size.

For God's sake they have the combined 5th and 6th Fleet at their disposal, as well as a entire logistics network ready to go.
Completely on point. UAE would probably be happy to support with Ground forces again if there was significant political capital for this.

If people don't know... Go look up what happened in Sirte as an example during Operation Odyssey Lightning.

And that was just 2 ships with Harriers and Drones over a couple of months.

We leveled that place. Used to be a really pretty area...was a tourism destination for N Africa. It got turned into a rubbage pile.

It wouldn't be hard to do that to 5 or six stronghold areas and wipe out the infrastructure, C2, POO sites...

But it would require political willpower. And we don't have that right now...because the Arab friendly Palestinian supporting left is a huge voting block in the democrat party and the Bidens can't afford to further alienate them.

Eventually the hand will be forced... If something doesn't let up soon... Likely with Israelis wrapping up.
Spreading freedom and democracy to the people of Libya.
The Ghadafi thing was before I was there. It was bad for is he was removed... But an African gold backed dinar was bound to have this result.

My experience was we were destroying the ISIL forces there.

We supported one group. The Russians supported another. Both sides together worked to defeat these forces... Then the aftermath I can't speak to.

It was actually not a bad deal. Some of these IS actors literally blew up their own kids when cynicism aside, you have to know what caliber of person you're talking about here.

There is NO WAY to bring democracy to these people. They are tribal and barbaric, and Ghadafi was the good guy in that one compared to the alternative.
Well for that to happen the Petro dollar will dial and the world economy will collapse.

I'm not interested in that happening. I'd rather we all speak English than Chinese.
If speaking English means kids being abducted and God knows what, kids being transitioned, my entire family and people's history being written out of history books, and the world being handed over to satan v. the Chinese, and yes the Chinese are different and alien to us, I choose the Chinese every single day.
The US could absolutely pulverize Ansarallah controlled territory if it wanted to. They have done so in many occasions in the recent past in air campaigns that were significantly larger in size. Iraq, Libya, etc. But Washington doesn't want to because they have little to gain from it.

For God's sake they have the combined 5th and 6th Fleet at their disposal, as well as a entire logistics network ready to go.
Can the US afford this right now? Can the US keep this up, when the bodies start coming back in flag draped caskets? Can the US even find the support this action within its own country?

And even if the USA could do all of this, what then? It opens up a whole new front to attack us from. China and Russia just sit there and grow stronger and easier to sell how evil the USA is to their citizens, while the USA squanders more for Israel.

As an American, if flag draped caskets start coming home, our border is already destroyed, life is hopeless, the last thing these elites want is to have to have a military draft. Because at that point forget the Houthi's or the Russians or the Chinese, you now have to worry about your own people saying "no".

I'm not sure if you are in the USA, but I can tell you, by having a unique situation where I talk to a lot of people from a lot of walks of life, everyone is frustrated, struggling and not far from throwing in the towel.

Add to all this, and not one person here knows if this is true or not, I did read the USA is having a lot of problems finding where the Houthi's are operating from, because the Houthi's have been preparing and for the USA to just fly over and bomb the right targets is already becoming a lot more work and cost than expected.
Can the US afford this right now? Can the US keep this up, when the bodies start coming back in flag draped caskets? Can the US even find the support this action within its own country?

And even if the USA could do all of this, what then? It opens up a whole new front to attack us from. China and Russia just sit there and grow stronger and easier to sell how evil the USA is to their citizens, while the USA squanders more for Israel.

As an American, if flag draped caskets start coming home, our border is already destroyed, life is hopeless, the last thing these elites want is to have to have a military draft. Because at that point forget the Houthi's or the Russians or the Chinese, you now have to worry about your own people saying "no".

I'm not sure if you are in the USA, but I can tell you, by having a unique situation where I talk to a lot of people from a lot of walks of life, everyone is frustrated, struggling and not far from throwing in the towel.

Add to all this, and not one person here knows if this is true or not, I did read the USA is having a lot of problems finding where the Houthi's are operating from, because the Houthi's have been preparing and for the USA to just fly over and bomb the right targets is already becoming a lot more work and cost than expected.

The scenario would be a Libya tier US bombing campaign, or the first stage of the Afghanistan and Iraq (both 1991 and 2003) campaigns. All those were successful from a military point of view. Any ground offensive would have to be done by local militias, the de facto government in Aden and possibly the Gulf States armies. The US usually has no problem having their golem do the dirty work - point in case being Ukraine and a whole lot of non state militias and warlords all around the planet.

Don't know the answer to all your other questions. Ansarallah is most definitely military beatable if the political willpower is there. If not the security situation in the Red Sea will just gradually deteriorate.

But I will give you that the US is not in a good spot right now, not in the Middle East at least. There aren't any good options to pick from. Only bad and worse.
The scenario would be a Libya tier US bombing campaign, or the first stage of the Afghanistan and Iraq (both 1991 and 2003) campaigns. All those were successful from a military point of view. Any ground offensive would have to be done by local militias, the de facto government in Aden and possibly the Gulf States armies. The US usually has no problem having their golem do the dirty work - point in case being Ukraine and a whole lot of non state militias and warlords all around the planet.

Don't know the answer to all your other questions. Ansarallah is most definitely military beatable if the political willpower is there. If not the security situation in the Red Sea will just gradually deteriorate.

But I will give you that the US is not in a good spot right now, not in the Middle East at least. There aren't any good options to pick from. Only bad and worse.
You are aware they have been getting bombed for years on end. Also, the Houthi's are not Libya or Afghanistan, they have a much more advanced military, there will be American soldiers killed, and the USA is not in a position to absorb these loses. The people, frankly, are sick of the BS and at their breaking point.

This isn't about "could the USA bomb the Houthi's into the ground", I assume most likely we could do so, though our weapons in Ukraine have looked pretty subpar. This is about "can the USA afford to bomb the Houthi's into the ground" and the fact we haven't done it yet tells me that this is a huge concern for our political elites and they are hoping to not have to find out. And these political elites are still very out of touch with how bad things are, to give you an idea.
You are aware they have been getting bombed for years on end. Also, the Houthi's are not Libya or Afghanistan, they have a much more advanced military, there will be American soldiers killed, and the USA is not in a position to absorb these loses. The people, frankly, are sick of the BS and at their breaking point.

This isn't about "could the USA bomb the Houthi's into the ground", I assume most likely we could do so, though our weapons in Ukraine have looked pretty subpar. This is about "can the USA afford to bomb the Houthi's into the ground" and the fact we haven't done it yet tells me that this is a huge concern for our political elites and they are hoping to not have to find out. And these political elites are still very out of touch with how bad things are, to give you an idea.

The initial point was on a potential outcome of a US air campaign in Yemen. The US still has the most advanced military on the planet, and their land and aerial warfare capacities are unrivaled. Comparing the Saudi military to the US military is like comparing Manchester City to a regional Sunday League third divisonist.

As for the current situation in the Red Sea, again, we agree on that. The US seems indecisive and not sure how to properly respond to the threats, because there is no good option available.
The initial point was on a potential outcome of a US air campaign in Yemen. The US still has the most advanced military on the planet, and their land and aerial warfare capacities are unrivaled. Comparing the Saudi military to the US military is like comparing Manchester City to a regional Sunday League third divisonist.

As for the current situation in the Red Sea, again, we agree on that. The US seems indecisive and not sure how to properly respond to the threats, because there is no good option available.
I honestly have no idea if we have the most advanced military in the world or not. I hear things about China having technology and satellite abilities that we don't have. I just read about how our Minute Man Nuclear weapons are nearly unusable because we don't have the knowledge to properly maintain them and the men who did this in the past are long gone. It doesn't surprise me, when you stop promoting and support your best and brightest and try to replace them with double digit IQ lackies, things don't work out well.

Most of our military seems like outdated for profit junk. Giant aircraft carriers that become large targets sitting in the ocean for hypersonic missiles, all to launch over priced fighter jets, who have no one else to fight.

The good option is to tell Israel to knock it off, retreat, give land back to the Palestinian people, and pay to rebuild the damage they have done. Then after that, we can start to talk about proper punishment for the genocide you attempted and the 12,000+ children you have killed. But that isn't allowed, so outside of that, there isn't a good option, you are correct. The fact the USA hasn't already hit the Houthi's really hard tells me that we are pretty limited in what we can do, due to the serious problems we are facing in the USA and the anger about to boil over.
The sheer Logistical capability the US has is why we are the major military superpower. The Navy is a big part of that. Power projection from the Sea via the US Marine Corps is another unique capability that no other country remotely has right now.

While MANY of our stocks are low from sending them to Ukraine.... the amount of stuff we have will eventually be replenished. What do you think all this money to Ukraine is really for? It's .mil slush money for major contracts for new weapons systems.

The Hypersonic missiles are a legitimate threat to an aircraft carrier. I am sure DARPA has a plan and strategy to neutralize them....but I doubt we will be made aware of what that is until such a thing occurs.

I have friends who are .mil still who suggest that the Patriots are able to shoot them down. I don't know about that.... but they may have access to information I do not. I am skeptical, but I've not spent any time in a Patriot missile battery.

Houthi leader:


“The more dangerous thing is what the Americans did in the Red Sea will harm the security of all maritime navigation, even the ships that are not going to Palestine, even the ships which are not Israeli, even the ships that have nothing to do with the matter, because the sea has become a theater of fighting, missiles, drones and war ships,” he said.

End quote

So looks like it's not just Israeli destined ships as I've said multiple times.

I doubt we are going to reach a "diplomatic" solution soon.

Puts Biden in a catch 22.

Messes with the economy but also alienates his pro Palestinians muzzie crowd if he does much.

People underestimate the influence of the left wing arab support group in the Dem party.
Houthi leader:


“The more dangerous thing is what the Americans did in the Red Sea will harm the security of all maritime navigation, even the ships that are not going to Palestine, even the ships which are not Israeli, even the ships that have nothing to do with the matter, because the sea has become a theater of fighting, missiles, drones and war ships,” he said.

End quote

So looks like it's not just Israeli destined ships as I've said multiple times.

1. It's a Hezbollah leader, not Houthi.

2. He is in fact confirming that the target is Israeli ships only, but that the US intervention is now making the theatre dangerous for all other shipping as well. Maybe you shoud re-read the quote.

Again, all this is caused by the evil entity of Israel. I hope you are aware of that.
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