Russia to offer sanctuary & residency to foreigners disgusted by the demonic globohomo clown world west

Here's one personal anecdote:

Haha, I like that guy. I am always curious why most people can't come clean about why that would be the case, and all their 40 year old daughers and old women at the church are still single. Hmmm (even Orthodox!)

Don't forget, people - I was thinking about this yesterday and part of it shows how tribal we can be - Jack Posobiec isn't young and he had to find a wife from ... Belarus. He's "Catholic" too, so that shows you a lot about the USA and even other denominations that are WAY bigger than EO. I wish he were Orthodox, but hey, at least he's a traditionalist.
Statue near Belgorod commemorating Rus prince Sviatoslav's defeat of the Khazar kaganate:


Coop doing the usual coopin', aka lying through his teeth to keep his kosher pet narratives from crumbling. This statue doesn't exist in this form and you are looking at a miniature figurine instead. Attempt #6578 by (foreign) propagandists to falsely build Jewed out Pootin/Russia up as some sort of fake savior.

Real story: in 2005 the Belgorod municipal administration decided it was time to commemorate the 1040th anniversary of the defeat of the Khazar Khanagate at the hands of the Kiev Prince Svyatoslav - father of Vladimir the Great who was the first Kiev Rus ruler to convert to Orthodoxy in the 980s (baptism happening in Crimea). Svyatoslav himself was a Tengrist aka a pagan.

To commemorate his victory over the Khazars the Belgorod municipal government contacted Vyacheslav Khykov - a famous Russian sculptor and political Monarchist to boot. With a sense of artistic freedom and probably JQ awareness in mind Khykov created the statue of the Vyacheslav trampling a Khazar warrior - with a symbolic Star of David/Remphan on the Khazar's shield. So far so good

Then the Jews found out what was going on and what happened next is exemplary for modern Russia. The Jewish organisations simply told the Belgorod municipal government that the whole project was unacceptable and it subsequently was shut down. The municipal government ordered Khykov to yank the Star of David of Vyatoslav's shield and have it replaced with something that is not anti-semitic aka a 12 pointed star. The 13 meter tall statues planned placement in Belgorod was equally overhauled - and instead of shining in prominent area of Belgorod it was dumped in Kholki, a hamlet (population 170) in the middle of nowhere.

Long story short: Jews decide where, how and when Russians commemorate their heros.


Talking about statues, there is a whole lot of Talmudic energy going on when it comes to Russia's heros and their public presence through statues and other modes of commemoration.

Lenin's Ziggurat on the Red Square and the thousands of Stalin bustes dotted throughout Russia are well known and at this point boring to talk about. What is not well known is the new 20+ meter tall statue dedicated to Felix Dzerzhinsky in front of the SVR's (Russia's main foreign intelligence agency) in Moscow.

Felix Dzerzhinsky, you know, the founder of the Cheka. The architect of the Red Terror. Main culprit in the murder of millions of ethnic Russians from 1918-1926. Iron Felix, known for his ruthlessness and bloodthirsty nature. ((Polish)) peasant who by sheer accident spoke fluent Yiddish and whose wife was from the Tribe. Confidante of Lenin. The Dzerzhinsky on who Trotsky once commented that he was going too far.

That Felix Dzerzhinsky? Yes, that Felix Dzerzhinsky.

A hero in Trad and Based Russia.

Photos made during the 2023 inauguration of Dzerzhinsky's statue in front of the SVR's HQ in Yasenevo District.

^They moved the statue of Sviatoslav, known as the Brave Conqueror of Khazaria to the countryside, OK, I'll give you that, you have to pick your wins wherever you can, blackbird, and at least you didn't try to post another weird convoluted Russian blackpill under your fake Russian handle, so I'll give you that as well.

Can you do Solzhenitsyn now?




Can you mention 25,000 new churches built and restored under Putin, alongside that one statue of the chekist?

Also, care to comment about your interesting take of Russia being defeated in a quagmire by your NATO Banderists in Ukraine?

"Russia’s Orthodox Church has opened 30,000 churches over the last 30 years, although it is expected to take until 2050 to return to what it was before the 1917 revolution, reported The Tablet.

“Houses of worship aren’t built as architectural or artistic monuments – they’re there for the people,” Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, the Moscow Patriarchate’s external relations director told Rossiya-24 TV.

“And we don’t build churches to obtain impressive statistics, but because people want them. It shouldn’t be forgotten that the construction or renovation of most churches is financed by the faithful – both small people and big entrepreneurs.”

Metropolitan Hilarion said that the Orthodox Church has dedicated three churches a day since 1988, and now has 40,000."

This is pretty important in the contxt of this thread:

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for two monasteries and a church that were demolished during Soviet times to be rebuilt in the Kremlin, the largest overhaul of the site's architectural landscape in nearly a century.
Putin has cultivated strong ties with Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, adopting more conservative policies and prompting some critics to suggest the line separating state and church has become blurred.
@Cooper I'm quoting your post from climate delusion to here. It's interesting to see examples of this. In searching more about the video you posted I came across a Canadian farmer and his family who recently moved to Russia.

This is where Russia and other countries can scuttle their plans, they are actually increasing their farm production and becoming not just self-sufficient but starting to export. At this rate they will also host European and American farmers who will find refuge there with pro-farming policies, plentiful cheap land and low operating costs (energy, fertilizers, equipment etc), and pro-family/pro-freedom policies as the cherry on top, as farmers tend to be conservative Christians.

Russia will pick up market share from countries like Denmark and Holland, countries under the grip of globalists, that have been agricultural export powerhouses despite their small size.

@Cooper I'm quoting your post from climate delusion to here. It's interesting to see examples of this. In searching more about the video you posted I came across a Canadian farmer and his family who recently moved to Russia.

We'll have to check back in with him in 10 years to see if he's still married and to find out how many of his kids hate him and have moved back to Canada.
We'll have to check back in with him in 10 years to see if he's still married and to find out how many of his kids hate him and have moved back to Canada.
Don't wish ill. He's Christian, seems like a good guy, he's aware of globohomo, he has white children, he went rural and he stopped paying taxes in a western country.

Show some love for your white brother.
Don't wish ill. He's Christian, seems like a good guy, he's aware of globohomo, he has white children, he went rural and he stopped paying taxes in a western country.

Show some love for your white brother.
I don't wish him ill will. I'm concerned for his 8 young children and his marriage. To pick up your family's life and move them half way across the world because of your personal frustration with politics and the local homo bar up the street instead of moving your family deeper into the Canadian wilderness and fighting the good fight on your home turf is a questionable decision.

This man sells everything, packs 10 people into 28 suitcases, holes up in Georgia for 3 months waiting for the "easy" welcoming arms of mother Russia to green light his path to the no-homo land of JQ-free Christandom while they all scramble to learn to speak Russian. That, and he plans on being a farmer and starting a new business in a land where he doesn't fluently speak the language? Farming in and of itself is time consuming, demanding work. This, coupled with all his previous thoughts and obsessions about globohomo liberalism and "plans" to move, it is highly doubtful that any of his 8 children will get any of his undivided attention for the next several years. Modern young children are particularly susceptible to emotional "trauma." It doesn't take much to f*ck up their childhood and doom their adult life. This guy might be well on his way to doing just that. It's one thing for a man to gamble with his own life, but you don't have the right to take 9 other innocents with you.
I don't wish him ill will. I'm concerned for his 8 young children and his marriage. To pick up your family's life and move them half way across the world because of your personal frustration with politics and the local homo bar up the street instead of moving your family deeper into the Canadian wilderness and fighting the good fight on your home turf is a questionable decision.

This man sells everything, packs 10 people into 28 suitcases, holes up in Georgia for 3 months waiting for the "easy" welcoming arms of mother Russia to green light his path to the no-homo land of JQ-free Christandom while they all scramble to learn to speak Russian. That, and he plans on being a farmer and starting a new business in a land where he doesn't fluently speak the language? Farming in and of itself is time consuming, demanding work. This, coupled with all his previous thoughts and obsessions about globohomo liberalism and "plans" to move, it is highly doubtful that any of his 8 children will get any of his undivided attention for the next several years. Modern young children are particularly susceptible to emotional "trauma." It doesn't take much to f*ck up their childhood and doom their adult life. This guy might be well on his way to doing just that. It's one thing for a man to gamble with his own life, but you don't have the right to take 9 other innocents with you.
Fair points but what about all of the people who fled from that neck of the woods to the USA and Canada back around 100 years ago after the persecution ramped up? Many such cases...
I don't wish him ill will. I'm concerned for his 8 young children and his marriage. To pick up your family's life and move them half way across the world because of your personal frustration with politics and the local homo bar up the street instead of moving your family deeper into the Canadian wilderness and fighting the good fight on your home turf is a questionable decision.

This man sells everything, packs 10 people into 28 suitcases, holes up in Georgia for 3 months waiting for the "easy" welcoming arms of mother Russia to green light his path to the no-homo land of JQ-free Christandom while they all scramble to learn to speak Russian. That, and he plans on being a farmer and starting a new business in a land where he doesn't fluently speak the language? Farming in and of itself is time consuming, demanding work. This, coupled with all his previous thoughts and obsessions about globohomo liberalism and "plans" to move, it is highly doubtful that any of his 8 children will get any of his undivided attention for the next several years. Modern young children are particularly susceptible to emotional "trauma." It doesn't take much to f*ck up their childhood and doom their adult life. This guy might be well on his way to doing just that. It's one thing for a man to gamble with his own life, but you don't have the right to take 9 other innocents with you.

Culture shock is more prominent as a teenager, but as a small child it's really negligible.
In reality a pre-teen age is the best time to move to a foreign unknown country, because young children adapt and learn new languages much more easily and quickly, than at any other age. All his children under age 10 will be writing and speaking perfect fluent Russian (without any accent) within 5 years.
I don't wish him ill will. I'm concerned for his 8 young children and his marriage. To pick up your family's life and move them half way across the world because of your personal frustration with politics and the local homo bar up the street instead of moving your family deeper into the Canadian wilderness and fighting the good fight on your home turf is a questionable decision.

This man sells everything, packs 10 people into 28 suitcases, holes up in Georgia for 3 months waiting for the "easy" welcoming arms of mother Russia to green light his path to the no-homo land of JQ-free Christandom while they all scramble to learn to speak Russian. That, and he plans on being a farmer and starting a new business in a land where he doesn't fluently speak the language? Farming in and of itself is time consuming, demanding work. This, coupled with all his previous thoughts and obsessions about globohomo liberalism and "plans" to move, it is highly doubtful that any of his 8 children will get any of his undivided attention for the next several years. Modern young children are particularly susceptible to emotional "trauma." It doesn't take much to f*ck up their childhood and doom their adult life. This guy might be well on his way to doing just that. It's one thing for a man to gamble with his own life, but you don't have the right to take 9 other innocents with you.

Do you have children? For a supposed (purple) Christian you sure are quick to judge. Just before somewhere you said you just want to be hermit in the woods well this Canadian father you're talking about wants none of that. His wife and children seem happy he's building his own house and farm for his children not just some shack in Appalachia.

Aren't these the Christian values we all share?

They're welcomed there as brothers and sisters, something I can't say for many Western nations... unless of course you're not white.
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Culture shock is more prominent as a teenager, but as a small child it's really negligible.
In reality a pre-teen age is the best time to move to a foreign unknown country, because young children adapt and learn new languages much more easily and quickly, than at any other age. All his children under age 10 will be writing and speaking perfect fluent Russian (without any accent) within 5 years.

A large, tight family will dampen any culture shock. As well, the landscapes and small town environments between rural western Canada and rural Russia aren't that different.

The father moved to Russia because he is anticipating that things will get much worse for him both as a farmer and as a father of many small children growing up in an increasingly hostile cultural environment.
Unpopular opinion alert:

I think it's a smart move by Russians to promote the discord in the West.

I have zero belief that me as a former Marine, regardless of my genuine Orthodox faith, would not be servailed and viewed as a likely spy over there.
It's just the opposite.

In Russia we escape the domestic illegal survaillance. Here in the US we have the Stasi all up in our business, daily.

Illegale domestic surveillance is spying on you and your children, in your homes, schools, workplace, even church.

I've dealt with this since 4th grade. They never let up.