Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

That said, I don't think there is anything wrong with advocating for preserving Anglo-identity.
I don't think anyone here has said that this is wrong. I certainly don't fault people here for wanting to stand up for this, so long as it does not become an idol to them. But what will be more effective, marching right into the gulag or having lots of white kids and raising them in the faith so that they resist the culture of death?

And it's clear there is active discrimination against Whites at nearly all level in the media and government.
Sure, the strategy is to divide and conquer. They're not going after whitey because whitey has intrinsic magical powers, they're going after whitey because he is the majority.

Why would you make the mistake of ending discrimination against Whites? Is this what you meant? I can't imagine being in support of discrimination against Whites to start with. Why would a church not end a satanic attack on White people?
I defined what the mistake was, trading in the truth of God and following His ordinances for lesser secular means of accomplishing our goals.
I defined what the mistake was, trading in the truth of God and following His ordinances for lesser secular means of accomplishing our goals.
This is where you are conflating your opinion with what will happen. You are entitled to believe this; I am not going to debate you on
Here, two simple questions...

#1) Are White men violently and extremely discriminated against in the west, to the point many are checking out?

#2) IF you answer "yes" to #1, which is a pretty obvious "yes", then do you expect them to not fight back one day?
#1) Are White men violently and extremely discriminated against in the west, to the point many are checking out?

#2) IF you answer "yes" to #1, which is a pretty obvious "yes", then do you expect them to not fight back one day?
Maybe they will, maybe they won't. They've been discriminated against for a while now, and have even suicidally joined in on their own discrimination. Others have tuned out. What's left seems to want to fight back, whether they will be successful is doubtful, but that remains to be seen.

Now I get to ask you two questions,
1. Will God save the Whites who remain faithful and cling to Him?
2. If yes, then shouldn't we make that our first concern if we want the white race to be saved?

Maybe they will, maybe they won't. They've been discriminated against for a while now, and have even suicidally joined in on their own discrimination. Others have tuned out. What's left seems to want to fight back, whether they will be successful is doubtful, but that remains to be seen.

Now I get to ask you two questions,
1. Will God save the Whites who remain faithful and cling to Him?
2. If yes, then shouldn't we make that our first concern if we want the white race to be saved?
It isn't God's job to save people, it is his job to give us strength to save ourselves. We are not meant to sit and just wait for him to come save us.

So, to the first I say "no", God is saying "I gave you all you need, now you must act on it, but it is your decision to do so or not, with my blessing".
So, to the first I say "no", God is saying "I gave you all you need, now you must act on it, but it is your decision to do so or not, with my blessing".
This sounds more like Deism, and less like the God "who works all things according to the counsel of His Will."

Do you not believe in Divine Providence?

I appreciate the honesty in your answer but I have to say, it is not the worldview of the Bible. This is why I would rather see you grow closer to God by means of His Word than to see you spend your energy on things like this that are pulling you away from the truth of His Word. If you place your trust in secular things, then it is inevitable that you too will become secularized.
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This sounds more like Deism, and less like the God "who works all things according to the counsel of His Will."

Do you not believe in Divine Providence?

I appreciate the honesty in your answer but I have to say, it is not the worldview of the Bible. This is why I would rather see you grow closer to God by means of His Word than to see you spend your energy on things like this that are pulling you away from the truth of His Word. If you place your trust in secular things, then it is inevitable that you too will become secularized.
I just don't believe God does things for us, I believe he gives us the ability to do things, in accordance to his plan. If God did things, then you having to explain the millions of innocent Christians, starved to death over the course of months, under the reign of the Bolsheviks gets very uncomfortable. My belief is he gave them the ability to defend themselves and the choose not to do so and we must learn from that.
I just don't believe God does things for us, I believe he gives us the ability to do things, in accordance to his plan. If God did things, then you having to explain the millions of innocent Christians, starved to death over the course of months, under the reign of the Bolsheviks gets very uncomfortable. My belief is he gave them the ability to defend themselves and the choose not to do so and we must learn from that.
There are difficulties, sure, but we should never doubt that God has a purpose in all of these things, even if we cannot see what that purpose is. Moreover, we can take Him at His Word that his purposes are good for those who believe and bad for those who do not. We should praise God, not only in the good times, but especially in the bad times.
There are difficulties, sure, but we should never doubt that God has a purpose in all of these things, even if we cannot see what that purpose is. Moreover, we can take Him at His Word that his purposes are good for those who believe and bad for those who do not. We should praise God, not only in the good times, but especially in the bad times.
I never doubted God, in fact I praised God, for giving us the strength and tools needed to fight the evil in the west.
I’m glad to see the Pagan tag has been removed. That was the right thing to do.

This message says much more about you than it does me, and I think you know that.

As I mentioned, I read this entire thread last night, and Daniel H and It is my time are the clear winners of this debate. Any impassioned and objective observer would conclude the same.

With that said, Ive been wasting too much time here, and I’ll be taking an extended hiatus from this forum. DEO GRATIS

Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya
Thank you for your kinds words. I will be leaving the forum permanently after being accused of heresy by our resident moderator who is twisting my words and beliefs:

Patriot Front is not a pagan organization (Which pantheon do they follow? Which gods?), and regardless, I never "advocated" for them, I merely expressed sympathy with the members representing a persecuted people and their goal of ending that persecution.

I'm not going to participate in a forum where my words are twisted and I am repaid with insults and lied about. There's better ways for me to use my time. I might return if @Samseau apologizes to @It_Is_My_Time for how he has treated him throughout this thread and makes a commitment to no longer insult members or so readily publicly accuse them of heresy, blasphemy, or paganism.

@KomnenAl, wanting to preserve your nation has nothing to do with the heresy of Chiliasm. You might have been thinking of the heresy of ethnophyletism.

Goodbye everyone, good luck, and have a Blessed Great Lent and Easter/Pascha.

Wow Danny you're one to talk, didn't expect that level of hypocrisy from you. You once gave me a 3 day ban for using the word "crap" saying you were cracking down on bad language when really it was because I argued with you in the boomer thread. I got over it....I didn't leave the forum in protest. I even contacted you down the line to see how you were doing because you said you were in a rough patch.
What are the clear indications that PF are feds?
Pagan Front are getting busted in the back of Uhauls with kiddie porn on their phones before they get to the tranny march in Idaho (their supposed "home" turf), and then the FBI "loses" all their phones and then a year and a half later the charges get dropped. That, and they don't carry guns and none of them ever die in shoot outs with the feds. No martyrs, no progress, no organization, no mention of Jesus Christ. Everything about them is fake... or at bare minimum... "Dude, they're a bunch of f'ing amateurs." Either way, you, Daniel H, IIMT, and staddlelateen should join up (if you haven't already) and let us know how it goes.

You say all this without providing any evidence...


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It is sad to see the infighting here, especially since we are a relatively small group. I might as well repost this here as a recap of some thoughts on the topic, as escalating disagreements seem to be an ongoing issue on any online platform. There is a TLDR summary at the end.

Me when the CIK bros fight

Sad Spongebob Squarepants GIF


This post is not directed at any particular person, it's moreso a reflection of some concern about the infighting. As we have a relatively small base of core contributors, I hope we don't lose valuable present and future CIK members due to this.

The factors at play

I hope members can at least consider that we have and/or could have many things in common, otherwise we would not be involved here. Sometimes our differences in opinions rather than our commonalities get amplified, which exacerbates online grievances, even if people in real life would actually get along. I know this for a fact because I've scratched my head reading other's posts and had negative pictures of them in my mind. Yet when we met we actually got along fine.

This phenomenon of internet bickering is amplified by a few things such as the in-built negativity bias of humans; the anonymous, easy, and consequence-free nature of posting online; the tendency of conservatives to have stronger values of purity; and the willingness of 'lone wolf' men to disagree based on internal principles or simply, enjoyment.

Everyone has a fundamental need to be right. We all have a need to hold our worldview as stable, and congruent with our values and actions. Also, when people confront our attitudes or beliefs, our natural instinct is to resist and push back. So, insulting others will never work if one's goal is to share information and arguments that change minds.

My culpability

I recognise my own guilt here. I've had to mentally stop myself countless times from posting sarcastic GIFs, snarky one liner insults, or even "here is my 2,000 word essay for why you are wrong and I am right". I recognise that my pride often stems from a need to be smart. I have found relief in taking a breath, mentally reciting a phrase like "not my problem", and moving on.

Personally, I've concluded that except for the people whose wellbeing/behaviour impacts me directly AND for those within my direct sphere of influence (i.e., wife/kids/family), there is no real necessity for me to "teach" anyone. I feel a keen sense of meaning when helping out friends and colleagues, but try to only give advice when it is explicitly requested, or at least when I know I'm in a good position to confidently help through experience, skills, support etc. YMMV.

Some ideas

Considering the above, we may benefit from taking a conscious approach in online communication, as the rules of synchronised real-life conversation don't apply.

I would suggest that if a particular person is not interested in your position, consider adjusting your way of communicating, or move on to engaging someone or something else. If someone isn't "listening" to you after say 2 attempts (or 3 or more!), it is probably time to try a new approach or let it go. Skipping over certain threads or posts is a great way to stay engaged elsewhere.

Another approach could be to use humour and try to reduce the seriousness. This light-hearted approach is my preferred choice these days. Although there is a risk that others won't get the playful intent and/or don't get the joke, and may feel alienated.

Additionally, consider holding off or reframing the direct "you should do this" kind of advice unless someone explicitly asks for it. Keep in mind that even when people ASK for advice, they often do not want to consider it, let alone DO anything with it. This could be because they just want emotional/social support not problem-solving; they only want ideas that are aligned with their existing worldview; they are contemplating change but not ready to take first steps in changing behaviours, etc.

(For outright trolls or bad actors I'd just hit the report button and/or have some fun with it.)

⌚️ TLDR - issues and solutions ⌚

- We have a lot in common however online chats can amplify differences.
- This conflict is par for course based on human nature including our need to be right and defend our beliefs.
- Some potential answers include options like:
  • reflecting on commonalities over differences.
  • remembering we can't insult anyone to change their mind.
  • if someone is not hearing you, considering changing your communication, or simply move on. Letting things go is mentally freeing.
  • if you know a certain topic/poster irritates you, trying to avoid them, hit 'ignore', or quickly scroll on.
  • using humour and playfulness as an alternative approach.
I hope this helps.
It is sad to see the infighting here, especially since we are a relatively small group. I might as well repost this here as a recap of some thoughts on the topic, as escalating disagreements seem to be an ongoing issue on any online platform. There is a TLDR summary at the end.

Me when the CIK bros fight

Sad Spongebob Squarepants GIF


This post is not directed at any particular person, it's moreso a reflection of some concern about the infighting. As we have a relatively small base of core contributors, I hope we don't lose valuable present and future CIK members due to this.

The factors at play

I hope members can at least consider that we have and/or could have many things in common, otherwise we would not be involved here. Sometimes our differences in opinions rather than our commonalities get amplified, which exacerbates online grievances, even if people in real life would actually get along. I know this for a fact because I've scratched my head reading other's posts and had negative pictures of them in my mind. Yet when we met we actually got along fine.

This phenomenon of internet bickering is amplified by a few things such as the in-built negativity bias of humans; the anonymous, easy, and consequence-free nature of posting online; the tendency of conservatives to have stronger values of purity; and the willingness of 'lone wolf' men to disagree based on internal principles or simply, enjoyment.

Everyone has a fundamental need to be right. We all have a need to hold our worldview as stable, and congruent with our values and actions. Also, when people confront our attitudes or beliefs, our natural instinct is to resist and push back. So, insulting others will never work if one's goal is to share information and arguments that change minds.

My culpability

I recognise my own guilt here. I've had to mentally stop myself countless times from posting sarcastic GIFs, snarky one liner insults, or even "here is my 2,000 word essay for why you are wrong and I am right". I recognise that my pride often stems from a need to be smart. I have found relief in taking a breath, mentally reciting a phrase like "not my problem", and moving on.

Personally, I've concluded that except for the people whose wellbeing/behaviour impacts me directly AND for those within my direct sphere of influence (i.e., wife/kids/family), there is no real necessity for me to "teach" anyone. I feel a keen sense of meaning when helping out friends and colleagues, but try to only give advice when it is explicitly requested, or at least when I know I'm in a good position to confidently help through experience, skills, support etc. YMMV.

Some ideas

Considering the above, we may benefit from taking a conscious approach in online communication, as the rules of synchronised real-life conversation don't apply.

I would suggest that if a particular person is not interested in your position, consider adjusting your way of communicating, or move on to engaging someone or something else. If someone isn't "listening" to you after say 2 attempts (or 3 or more!), it is probably time to try a new approach or let it go. Skipping over certain threads or posts is a great way to stay engaged elsewhere.

Another approach could be to use humour and try to reduce the seriousness. This light-hearted approach is my preferred choice these days. Although there is a risk that others won't get the playful intent and/or don't get the joke, and may feel alienated.

Additionally, consider holding off or reframing the direct "you should do this" kind of advice unless someone explicitly asks for it. Keep in mind that even when people ASK for advice, they often do not want to consider it, let alone DO anything with it. This could be because they just want emotional/social support not problem-solving; they only want ideas that are aligned with their existing worldview; they are contemplating change but not ready to take first steps in changing behaviours, etc.

(For outright trolls or bad actors I'd just hit the report button and/or have some fun with it.)

⌚️ TLDR - issues and solutions ⌚

- We have a lot in common however online chats can amplify differences.
- This conflict is par for course based on human nature including our need to be right and defend our beliefs.
- Some potential answers include options like:
  • reflecting on commonalities over differences.
  • remembering we can't insult anyone to change their mind.
  • if someone is not hearing you, considering changing your communication, or simply move on. Letting things go is mentally freeing.
  • if you know a certain topic/poster irritates you, trying to avoid them, hit 'ignore', or quickly scroll on.
  • using humour and playfulness as an alternative approach.
I hope this helps.
It's the format. I'd bet ten bucks that if we were all sitting around a fire shootin' the sh*t and arguing about all this stuff in person that things would be a lot more civil (and funny).
Pagan Front are getting busted in the back of Uhauls with kiddie porn on their phones before they get to the tranny march in Idaho (their supposed "home" turf), and then the FBI "loses" all their phones and then a year and a half later the charges get dropped. That, and they don't carry guns and none of them ever die in shoot outs with the feds. No martyrs, no progress, no organization, no mention of Jesus Christ. Everything about them is fake... or at bare minimum... "Dude, they're a bunch of f'ing amateurs." Either way, you, Daniel H, IIMT, and staddlelateen should join up (if you haven't already) and let us know how it goes.
Most of the times when the feds charge someone they don't like with kiddie porn, it was a planted on a phone they put on the suspected perp or it was planted ahead of time on a ringleader's home PC by an infiltration job on the property. Then they can monitor the web traffic and/or do an rcon insert to get their "proof" and have a judge to sign off on a warrant for a raid. Then they can usually arrest other members of a group if they compromise the leader's legal standing or at least control the groups behavior by making it a non-entity. It's pretty standard procedure for them to have stockpiles of kiddie porn ready to plant on their adversaries as well as their informants and assets that get out of hand. I wouldn't be surprised if there are undercover agents who buy it from actual pedophiles and never arrest these guys, it may be too dirty for them to make it themselves but they keep an open line to every kind of merchant out there if it helps them in their RICO cases and "national security" endeavors to be the biggest gang on the block. I seriously doubt most people who stand against the feds are pedophiles. Every time you see one of those lineups where a multi-agency task force busts dozens of men for "online solicitation of a minor," most of them are old, fat, and Black, Mexican, Indian, something in between, with a few Sons of Anarchy types and the occasional college student.

Who knows what's going on with Patriot Front's legal battles with the feds. Whatever the case may be, they are only just beginning.
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Most of the times when the feds charge someone they don't like with kiddie porn, it was a planted on a phone they put on the suspected perp.
Only one guy out of 31 in the back of the Uhaul had kiddie porn on his phone. The point being that this is either a Three Stooges/Keystone Cop enterprise, a fed run enterprise, or a combination of both. The whole operation stinks to high heaven and is literally achieving nothing except the ruining of members lives. The only question is, is the arresting and ruining of members lives real, fake, or a combination of both? The more you look into PF and the series of unfortunate events that are befalling them the more one realizes that they are either comprised of inept leadership or "other forces" that are designing spectacles of bafoonery and failure in order to discourage the rest of us from getting any bright ideas.

I seriously doubt most people who stand against the feds are pedophiles.
Is a pedophile someone who watches teenage (under 18) porn? I'd bet that 50% of American men do that, including those that are against the feds.

Who knows what's going on with Patriot Front's legal battles with the feds. Whatever the case may be, they are only just beginning.
Exactly. They have done a horrible job with their strategy. A serious group would remain anonymous and strike intelligently with asymmetrical warfare. Gen Z attention whoring is the downfall of PF. That, and their refusal to put Jesus Christ at the center of their organization instead of race bate politicking.
Hey! I'm not a boomer! Poor yes, but not a boomer.
Haha, my apologies, Gen X. I think you still have some boomer biases, but it's all good. The way guys dogpile you for not taking the destruction of the White race seriously enough is way over the top, and you know I am ultimately defending you. I find your errors far less serious than those who are throwing their hat into the ring for secular empty promises.

Seriously, to everyone here:

Look at how much our women are skanks and whores today. Does anyone seriously think a bunch of dudes marching around is going to change their behavior? Without a Church women are lost, look at how obvious it is... religious women outproduce secular women at least by 5 to 1.