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Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

Without a Church women are lost, look at how obvious it is... religious women outproduce secular women at least by 5 to 1.
If one were to seriously meditate on this, then the solution to the secular problem and the power of God would be revealed to him.

Because the left is contrary to God's ordinance of procreation, it is inevitable that they will die off. The reason that they persist is because they indoctrinate your kids. The reason that they are able to indoctrinate your kids is because you're not evangelizing your kids. The reason that you're not evangelizing your kids is because you have no faith. The nominalism starts with you, kill it.
If one were to seriously meditate on this, then the solution to the secular problem and the power of God would be revealed to him.

Because the left is contrary to God's ordinance of procreation, it is inevitable that they will die off. The reason that they persist is because they indoctrinate your kids. The reason that they are able to indoctrinate your kids is because you're not evangelizing your kids. The reason that you're not evangelizing your kids is because you have no faith. The nominalism starts with you, kill it.
Yes, and no one else here is disagreeing.

The problem is you have a real world problem and asking hundreds of millions to make the same individual decision isn't based in reality, especially as time is running out. The man made/man lead churches have a small amount of time left to get in front of this. If not White men will go on their own, and worse yet for the naysayers, the might create their own White Nationalist Christian church and do it through their own church. The only thing stopping them is the existing churches speaking out and doing something.
The problem is you have a real world problem and asking hundreds of millions to make the same individual decision isn't based in reality, especially as time is running out.
If you're the one doing the procreating, then time is on your side. Time is running out for the childless left.

If not White men will go on their own, and worse yet for the naysayers, the might create their own White Nationalist Christian church and do it through their own church. The only thing stopping them is the existing churches speaking out and doing something.
More churches need to get on the ball, I agree. Not with respect to becoming WN activists but with respect to carrying out God's works and trusting in His ways in order to defeat our societal evil.
If you're the one doing the procreating, then time is on your side. Time is running out for the childless left.

More churches need to get on the ball, I agree. Not with respect to becoming WN activists but with respect to carrying out God's works and trusting in His ways in order to defeat our societal evil.
The left isn't childless. See those millions streaming across the border? See the millions of legal immigrants flooding in? See the billions dreaming to come here? They are both a heavy majority of the world's population, they are having kids at 6, 7, 8 a clip and they are a heavy majority "leftists" or just simply they are low IQ and come for the gibs and the left is the gibs.

You can't out breed the low IQ/r-select type. It would be like thinking you can beat a leftist in a debate by calling them the "real racist".

The left has already defeated the west, without even a fight, the question is if the White men ever organize and fight back, and if not, it is over for the west and China will rule the world. What China will do will billions of unwanted and useless people is anyone's guess. As efficient and logical as the Chinese are, I think it isn't going to end well for these useless people.
The left isn't childless. See those millions streaming across the border? See the millions of legal immigrants flooding in? See the billions dreaming to come here? They are both a heavy majority of the world's population, they are having kids at 6, 7, 8 a clip and they are a heavy majority "leftists" or just simply they are low IQ and come for the gibs and the left is the gibs.
They're leftist because they see the right-wing as white supremacists.

You can't out breed the low IQ/r-select type. It would be like thinking you can beat a leftist in a debate by calling them the "real racist".
OK, so now we agree that whites will become a minority.

The left has already defeated the west, without even a fight, the question is if the White men ever organize and fight back, and if not, it is over for the west and China will rule the world. What China will do will billions of unwanted and useless people is anyone's guess. As efficient and logical as the Chinese are, I think it isn't going to end well for these useless people.
You can be frustrating to argue with because you have a tendency to obfuscate the issue and shift the subject. You do it so often that the counter-arguments you make refute prior arguments you've already made. Sometimes, it doesn't feel like even you know what you're arguing for.
They're leftist because they see the right-wing as white supremacists.

OK, so now we agree that whites will become a minority.

You can be frustrating to argue with because you have a tendency to obfuscate the issue and shift the subject. You do it so often that the counter-arguments you make refute prior arguments you've already made. Sometimes, it doesn't feel like even you know what you're arguing for.
No, LOL, they are leftist because they are paid by the DNC to vote for them. The same is true across Europe as well.

Whites are an extreme minority in the world. Around 10% of the global population, down from 30% in 1900.

Do you really think the west will survive without White men as the majority? The White male majority is still in tact in the USA, but slipped, and we already see everything collapsing. The same pattern is now occurring across Europe. Do you think the Chinese will be as kind hearted to what is left of the west when it can no longer defend itself? Why would it be kind when they have their own people to care about and we have the resources they need with no way to defend it. These are real world situations already taking place. Imagining it will not happen isn't going to make it not happen.
No, LOL, they are leftist because they are paid by the DNC to vote for them. The same is true across Europe as well.
In their mind, the right-wing are white supremacists because they're unwilling to pay them to vote for them. So naturally they go with the left. Why would they vote for someone who thinks that the solution to society's problems is to throw them out?

Whites are an extreme minority in the world. Around 10% of the global population, down from 30% in 1900.
More useless obfuscation. You know what I meant in my post, but you throw up stuff like this as if it's a counter-argument. Your next paragraph wouldn't even be worth reading if this was your point.

Do you really think the west will survive without White men as the majority? The White male majority is still in tact in the USA, but slipped, and we already see everything collapsing. The same pattern is now occurring across Europe. Do you think the Chinese will be as kind hearted to what is left of the west when it can no longer defend itself? Why would it be kind when they have their own people to care about and we have the resources they need with no way to defend it. These are real world situations already taking place. Imagining it will not happen isn't going to make it not happen.
Pure word-salad.
In their mind, the right-wing are white supremacists because they're unwilling to pay them to vote for them. So naturally they go with the left. Why would they vote for someone who thinks that the solution to society's problems is to throw them out?

More useless obfuscation. You know what I meant in my post, but you throw up stuff like this as if it's a counter-argument. Your next paragraph wouldn't even be worth reading if this was your point.

Pure word-salad.
Okay, same difference, they are brought here, legally or illegally, to attack and kill out the Whites. One side pays them and the other side does nothing to stop them. No one in the GOP wants to throw them out, and they still don't vote for them. But your question just solved the problem for you. If they only desire to come here to harm us, then anything short of throwing them out isn't going to fix the issue. And that is where this energy will end up going if the man lead church doesn't step in, and so far they are absent.

LOL, "word salad'. Yes, the Chinese will be very kind to the low IQ foreigners who cannot defend themselves and hold resources they deem precious.
I see where the young men who are joining the Patriotic Front are coming from.

Whites under 25 are probably a minority group but without the diversity privileges.

That's quite damning when one considers that within the last century the US absorbed the collective power of the British, French and Japanese empires and the Third Reich (which was a consolidation of the Prussian Second Reich and the Austro-Hungarian Empire).

A White man in the US without a trust fund should naturally ask himself, "How did it come to this?"

My advice to them is to never put their real names onto membership lists and to use the system against itself.
The problem is you have a real world problem and asking hundreds of millions to make the same individual decision isn't based in reality, especially as time is running out. The man made/man lead churches have a small amount of time left to get in front of this. If not White men will go on their own, and worse yet for the naysayers, the might create their own White Nationalist Christian church and do it through their own church. The only thing stopping them is the existing churches speaking out and doing something.
This is, again, completely false and contradicted by history. There has NEVER been a case of White guys "rising up" and doing something. All revolutions are centered around rich elites leading, OR around a group of Holy figures and men (i.e. The Church).

White men who don't join the Church will go extinct. That's all. They won't be making any WN Church because they won't know how to. They will need an existing based Church to show them the way. And personally, I don't see how anything less than Orthodox will survive the great flood that is coming.

You are in dream land, you've never opened a history book beyond some false Hitler lesson. And the rise of Hitler was almost entirely financed by Talmudic Jews, he was designed to lead Germany to it's ruin while making lots of regular bagel shop chews flee to Israel so they could boost the numbers in Israel.

You aren't honest enough to admit this. The last thing you will ever do, it seems, is step foot in a based Church, especially an Orthodox one. You'll just keep believing in lies and pushing your agenda here because apparently you think that will somehow change anything.

The left isn't childless. See those millions streaming across the border? See the millions of legal immigrants flooding in? See the billions dreaming to come here? They are both a heavy majority of the world's population, they are having kids at 6, 7, 8 a clip and they are a heavy majority "leftists" or just simply they are low IQ and come for the gibs and the left is the gibs.

You can't out breed the low IQ/r-select type. It would be like thinking you can beat a leftist in a debate by calling them the "real racist".

This is also completely false, any honest examination of r-type breeders know they have huge die-off's once their food source disappears. In this case, as Whites go extinct, Blacks and Browns numbers will drop off a cliff due to starvation.

The left has already defeated the west, without even a fight, the question is if the White men ever organize and fight back, and if not, it is over for the west and China will rule the world. What China will do will billions of unwanted and useless people is anyone's guess. As efficient and logical as the Chinese are, I think it isn't going to end well for these useless people.

This is completely false - a 5 second Google search shows the Chinese are dying off much faster than Whites. From 1 billion Chinese to less than 250 million by the end of this century. An incredible die-off. Afterwards, they will drop below 50 million by 2150. Meanwhile there will still be around 100 million Whites left (down from 1 billion), worldwide, at current birth rates, at the same time frame.

People will read about Chinese in history books the same way they read about Atlantis, the way things are going right now.

I urge anyone debating IIMT to actually check his empirical claims - almost always false I've noticed.
This is, again, completely false and contradicted by history. There has NEVER been a case of White guys "rising up" and doing something. All revolutions are centered around rich elites leading, OR around a group of Holy figures and men (i.e. The Church).

White men who don't join the Church will go extinct. That's all. They won't be making any WN Church because they won't know how to. They will need an existing based Church to show them the way. And personally, I don't see how anything less than Orthodox will survive the great flood that is coming.

You are in dream land, you've never opened a history book beyond some false Hitler lesson. And the rise of Hitler was almost entirely financed by Talmudic Jews, he was designed to lead Germany to it's ruin while making lots of regular bagel shop chews flee to Israel so they could boost the numbers in Israel.

You aren't honest enough to admit this. The last thing you will ever do, it seems, is step foot in a based Church, especially an Orthodox one. You'll just keep believing in lies and pushing your agenda here because apparently you think that will somehow change anything.

This is also completely false, any honest examination of r-type breeders know they have huge die-off's once their food source disappears. In this case, as Whites go extinct, Blacks and Browns numbers will drop off a cliff due to starvation.

This is completely false - a 5 second Google search shows the Chinese are dying off much faster than Whites. From 1 billion Chinese to less than 250 million by the end of this century. An incredible die-off. Afterwards, they will drop below 50 million by 2150. Meanwhile there will still be around 100 million Whites left (down from 1 billion), worldwide, at current birth rates, at the same time frame.

People will read about Chinese in history books the same way they read about Atlantis, the way things are going right now.

I urge anyone debating IIMT to actually check his empirical claims - almost always false I've noticed.
That isn't historically true at all. There have been many revolutions either without backing of the elites and without a center around Christianity.

You keep making these predictions, it seems like you don't really read what is posted here that you oppose. No one here is making a prediction that the WN will win or lose, and we don't care if they do win or lose, just that they will grow and eventually push will come to shove. If you think they will lose, fine, no one here is arguing against that, just that it will happen and the fallout will be brutal for everyone else, if they win or lose.

We have learned that it isn't just the numbers, it is the quality, you need a happy medium of both. Without White men to defend the west, hell, as we are seeing everywhere now, without White men around to maintain the west and keep the system moving, there will be nothing to stop the Chinese, unless the Indians try, and they might, but the remaining people in the west will be used and tossed aside.
That isn't historically true at all. There have been many revolutions either without backing of the elites and without a center around Christianity.

This is a lie. Prove it otherwise.

You keep making these predictions, it seems like you don't really read what is posted here that you oppose. No one here is making a prediction that the WN will win or lose, and we don't care if they do win or lose, just that they will grow and eventually push will come to shove. If you think they will lose, fine, no one here is arguing against that, just that it will happen and the fallout will be brutal for everyone else, if they win or lose.

I'm not making any predictions, I'm watching secular people go extinct in real time.

We have learned that it isn't just the numbers, it is the quality, you need a happy medium of both. Without White men to defend the west, hell, as we are seeing everywhere now, without White men around to maintain the west and keep the system moving, there will be nothing to stop the Chinese, unless the Indians try, and they might, but the remaining people in the west will be used and tossed aside.

You completely ignored the real evidence I spoke about - the massive die-offs of Chinese (and other Asians). Indians can't even feed themselves.

You aren't posting in good faith, and if you persist then I will be forced to add more points to your account, or ban you from this thread. Denying reality is against the rules. Either post hard facts and arguments, or don't post at all.
This is a lie. Prove it otherwise.

I'm not making any predictions, I'm watching secular people go extinct in real time.

You completely ignored the real evidence I spoke about - the massive die-offs of Chinese (and other Asians). Indians can't even feed themselves.

You aren't posting in good faith, and if you persist then I will be forced to add more points to your account, or ban you from this thread. Denying reality is against the rules. Either post hard facts and arguments, or don't post at all.
I don't even have to Google it. Haiti is a great example of a non-Christian/non-Elite backed revolution. There are many more in the 6,000 years of human civilized history.

Cool, and without White men the west will collapse. So, it is a two way street. The men who run the churches have a choice to make, not making a choice is making a choice. And if they wait too long, it is all over for them too.

The Chinese can feed themselves, especially when they come and take the fertile land in the west and do away with whomever is left over here squatting on it.
I see where the young men who are joining the Patriotic Front are coming from.

Whites under 25 are probably a minority group but without the diversity privileges.

That's quite damning when one considers that within the last century the US absorbed the collective power of the British, French and Japanese empires and the Third Reich (which was a consolidation of the Prussian Second Reich and the Austro-Hungarian Empire).

A White man in the US without a trust fund should naturally ask himself, "How did it come to this?"

My advice to them is to never put their real names onto membership lists and to use the system against itself.
I go to a community college for a construction degree and in many classes whites are less than half of the class
I don't even have to Google it. Haiti is a great example of a non-Christian/non-Elite backed revolution. There are many more in the 6,000 years of human civilized history.

We're talking about Whites, remember? But even in this case, you are wrong - Haiti's revolt was supported by wealthy French Revolutionaries of the French Revolution in order to strike back against the Aristocrats who relied on slavery for their wealth.

And Haiti literally descended into starvation and chaos, and would have died out completely if not for the usual suspects saving them in the turn of the century. Whites provided them with everything they had, and would have gone extinct if not for various Whites controlled by various (((interests))) supporting them.

This is basic Wikipedia stuff (which isn't very good): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti#Haitian_Revolution_(1791–1804)

Wikipedia also shows their demographics were abysmal if not for White support. Haiti is entirely a White man's creation. I'm disappointed you don't know this.

Again, can you actually name a revolution that wasn't sponsored by the wealthy? So far you're 0 for 1.

Cool, and without White men the west will collapse.

A whole lot more than the West will die without Whites. Probably 80% of the World would starve out.

The Chinese can feed themselves, especially when they come and take the fertile land in the west and do away with whomever is left over here squatting on it.

How will they do that when they will still be numerically, and militarily inferior, to the Whites who remain in America? They are dying out way faster than we are. All East Asian cultures are dying out at breakneck speed.

Moreover - I never claimed the Chinese would starve. Their population decline means they will be able to feed themselves in the future. I said Indians would.

There are literally thousands of articles talking about this phenomenon. This is my last warning, you are looking at a ban from this thread. Low quality posts with nothing more than your emotion posting is wasting everyone's time.
I see where the young men who are joining the Patriotic Front are coming from.

Whites under 25 are probably a minority group but without the diversity privileges.

Whites under the age of 15 are already a minority and they're growing up in a culture that teaches them that they're everything that's wrong with the world and that society needs DEI and CRT to remedy the problems their people have caused.


That's quite damning when one considers that within the last century the US absorbed the collective power of the British, French and Japanese empires and the Third Reich (which was a consolidation of the Prussian Second Reich and the Austro-Hungarian Empire).

A White man in the US without a trust fund should naturally ask himself, "How did it come to this?"

My advice to them is to never put their real names onto membership lists and to use the system against itself.

As the under 18 cohort of whites, who are growing up in what has become a blatantly anti-white culture, reach maturity I think we'll see more groups like Patriot Front start to form. These groups will likely draw young men from various backgrounds. The one thing they'll have in common is the unwillingness to accept the racial dhimmitude the Left has planned for them where they get treated as America's scapegoats while being expected to accept diminishing prospects for their future simply because they were born white and male.
As the under 18 cohort of whites, who are growing up in what has become a blatantly anti-white culture, reach maturity I think we'll see more groups like Patriot Front start to form.

Nope, because the vast majority of the Whites being born today come from religious families and and they believe this stuff is secular nonsense.

Meanwhile the secular Whites are dying out. I predict all WN groups will stay irrelevant, dwindle, and then cease to exist after 40 years. The WN movement was much bigger in the 80's and 90's with William Pierce and such.
There are literally thousands of articles talking about this phenomenon. This is my last warning, you are looking at a ban from this thread. Low quality posts with nothing more than your emotion posting is wasting everyone's time.
Nothing I have posted is emotional, it is just a logical conclusion of where I see things going. I'm not upset or emotional at all, I have real world problems that I am concerned with, some banter on a forum isn't a big deal to me. Here, I am going to ask you a few questions and I think your answers will be very helpful for future conversation.

Two established facts right now in the west...

#1) Whites are politically attacked on racial lines to the extreme level that many feel they will never be able to own a home or start a family. This is well established, and things are only getting worse year after year for Whites in the west. This is a racial political battle that can only be fought in the political world.

#2) So far, there has been little to no action by the man lead churches across the west to counter this political narrative. They have battled in the political world on subjects such as abortion or immigration, but they have done little to nothing to battle on the behalf of Whites, including their own members, who face extreme discrimination.

So, my questions for you are...

#1) Do you foresee the men who lead these churches ever getting politically involved in the battle against rampant anti-White discrimination?

#2) If you answer "yes" to the above, do you have any predictions on how much worse it will get before the men who lead the churches will get active politically. And i don't mean a comment here or there, I mean organized protests and calling out members of congress, like they do on the abortion issue.

There are no wrong answers, I am just curious as to your opinions on these questions, and I think a lot of other members will be as well. And I think establishing your opinions on these questions will do a great job in helping future communication on this forum.