Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

I don't believe Patriot Front worships golden idols or ancient Norse gods; nor do I believe that any organization that doesn't explicitly include Christian practices is an anti-Christian or a bad group.

In fact, I believe the exact opposite, that everything I do, I do *implicitly* with God because God is omnipresent, everywhere, and always.

But it doesn't mean I can't study karate unless my instructor prays with me first.

Or I cannot join a cycling club unless we are all from the same church.

Or I cannot join the Audobon Society, Kiwanis Club, or local HAM radio group because it's not explicitly also a prayer group.

It doesn't make any of those activites "pagan" or even religious or non-religious.

But the thing I *REALLY* don't understand is why we have a 37 page thread about a small protest group that no one here is even acknowledging membership of. Why are we debating to death this dead horse of why one should or shouldn't join an obscure group? Is it a fear that members here are going to join said organization, so we must discourage them from doing so? Is that a real threat? Is this a discussion worth inflaming tempers and pushing out old members for?

I find the whole discussion odd.
There's a divide on this forum. That's why this thread won't die. I haven’t closely followed the arguments and directions the discussion has taken but it's clear to any casual observer that race is a divisive issue here. It was on RVF too. It's nuanced because everyone is redpilled and doesn't want white people to be replaced or disenfranchised, but there's a difference of opinion as to whether whiteness is the excellence of western civilization or whether Christ is.
I don't believe Patriot Front worships golden idols or ancient Norse gods; nor do I believe that any organization that doesn't explicitly include Christian practices is an anti-Christian or a bad group.

In fact, I believe the exact opposite, that everything I do, I do *implicitly* with God because God is omnipresent, everywhere, and always.

But it doesn't mean I can't study karate unless my instructor prays with me first.

Or I cannot join a cycling club unless we are all from the same church.

Or I cannot join the Audobon Society, Kiwanis Club, or local HAM radio group because it's not explicitly also a prayer group.

It doesn't make any of those activites "pagan" or even religious or non-religious.

But none of your mentioned hobby groups are promising to fix political issues or be something you need to risk your life over. It matters little if they are secular or not. Conversely Pagan Front advertises itself as a political solution to White problems when in fact it's just a bunch of Neo-Nazi LARP'ers who offer no real solutions at all.

They are race hustlers, Al Sharpton for Whites.
There's a divide on this forum. That's why this thread won't die. I haven’t closely followed the arguments and directions the discussion has taken but it's clear to any casual observer that race is a divisive issue here. It was on RVF too. It's nuanced because everyone is redpilled and doesn't want white people to be replaced or disenfranchised, but there's a difference of opinion as to whether whiteness is the excellence of western civilization or whether Christ is.

Good insight and you're probably right. I've wondered why this thread has generated so much heated discussion given that, to my knowledge, nobody here is actually affiliated with PF or has publicly stated their intention to join. It's surprising to me how much bickering there is over this group given that nobody here actually seems to be a member of PF anyway. So why are people so emotionally invested? It was more understandable when it was the Trump thread where you saw this kind of back and forth on the merits/criticisms of another Trump administration. But for PF? For perspective, I doubt the guys in PF are spending the equivalent amount of time discussing the merits of this forum.
I think a big part of why this thread generates so much activity is the same way a lot of the threads about how western women are trash also generates a lot of activity: because these sort of threads are pretty black-pilled and hence they serve as an outlet for people to vent and release their frustrations. It's why they are all extremely repetitive: there's only so many ways you can make your point how whites are doomed due to population change or complain about how white women don't want to stay virgins or get married when they are young and how you don't find women in their 30s or older to be attractive. If you continue to basically re-iterate the same point after they've been made, it's not because you are trying to advance an argument or discussion (because you have already made your argument without really adding anything new) but because you are getting some sort of catharsis from this being able to type these sort of posts over and over again and get an audience for them - something you might not be able to do in real life. I'm sure no one here is regularly talking to people they know in real life over and over again about the white race or about how there isn't enough women in their 20s to marry and how they just find women older than that to be repulsive as romantic prospects. This means this place instead becomes the dumping ground for people who have those sort of topics on their mind constantly but have no other place to bring them up.
. I'm sure no one here is regularly talking to people they know in real life over and over again about the white race
I have this conversation, with other young White men, in the real world quite often. Most young White men are both very aware of how bad things are for them, how no one is fighting for them, and how much worse it is getting year over year.

I honestly bet everyone here, who is on "my side" of this discussion, has had many same real-world conversations. The woman situation is dire, but the lengths to which White men are attacked and discriminated against in the west is a whole different level and it is something that really cannot be ignored any longer.
Nothing I have posted is emotional, it is just a logical conclusion of where I see things going. I'm not upset or emotional at all, I have real world problems that I am concerned with, some banter on a forum isn't a big deal to me. Here, I am going to ask you a few questions and I think your answers will be very helpful for future conversation.

No, you are emotional because you deny basic reality no matter how much it is shown to you. That indicates you have an emotional attachment to a pre-determined conclusion.

Two established facts right now in the west...

#1) Whites are politically attacked on racial lines to the extreme level that many feel they will never be able to own a home or start a family. This is well established, and things are only getting worse year after year for Whites in the west. This is a racial political battle that can only be fought in the political world.

Your premise is wrong, this battle is fought in the spiritual world. So fact #1 isn't a fact. Politics is a result of people's spiritual beliefs. This is the umpteenth time I've explained to this you.

If you don't address the following point, you're gonna get banned from this thread:

Why are most anti-White people, White themselves? And how will politics change people from being haters of their own race?

Answer this or you're gone from this thread. I'm tired of repeating myself with an emotional poster who refuses to answer even the most basic criticisms. You're wasting everyone's time.

#2) So far, there has been little to no action by the man lead churches across the west to counter this political narrative. They have battled in the political world on subjects such as abortion or immigration, but they have done little to nothing to battle on the behalf of Whites, including their own members, who face extreme discrimination.

There is more action by the Churches on behalf of Whites than any other institution, but it is all done implicitly. The first reason it is done implicitly is because the Church focuses on the spirit, and once the spirit is fixed then everything else follows.

The second reason it is done implicitly is because our government will persecute anyone seen as being "pro-White," thus the Church is smart:

"Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves." (Matt 10:16)

So nothing "pro-White" is ever mentioned directly. On the contrary, the Church condemns all forms of "racism" because the Church has already condemned such heresies in the past, with much more thorough definitions. However, this is of course inherently pro-White because the Church isn't anti-White.

Thus the Church is attacked relentlessly by the usual suspects:

Therefore the Church becomes Pro-White just in virtue of not being Anti-White.

So, my questions for you are...

#1) Do you foresee the men who lead these churches ever getting politically involved in the battle against rampant anti-White discrimination?

Already is, because we are defending ourselves from the usual suspects constantly.

#2) If you answer "yes" to the above, do you have any predictions on how much worse it will get before the men who lead the churches will get active politically. And i don't mean a comment here or there, I mean organized protests and calling out members of congress, like they do on the abortion issue.

Being political active is pointless because this is a spiritual problem.

If you aren't capable of actually having an interesting, thoughtful discussion on these points (see bold above), then there won't be any more point to having a discussion with you, now is there?
No, you are emotional because you deny basic reality no matter how much it is shown to you. That indicates you have an emotional attachment to a pre-determined conclusion.

Your premise is wrong, this battle is fought in the spiritual world. So fact #1 isn't a fact. Politics is a result of people's spiritual beliefs. This is the umpteenth time I've explained to this you.

If you don't address the following point, you're gonna get banned from this thread:

Why are most anti-White people, White themselves? And how will politics change people from being haters of their own race?

Answer this or you're gone from this thread. I'm tired of repeating myself with an emotional poster who refuses to answer even the most basic criticisms. You're wasting everyone's time.

There is more action by the Churches on behalf of Whites than any other institution, but it is all done implicitly. The first reason it is done implicitly is because the Church focuses on the spirit, and once the spirit is fixed then everything else follows.

The second reason it is done implicitly is because our government will persecute anyone seen as being "pro-White," thus the Church is smart:

"Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves." (Matt 10:16)

So nothing "pro-White" is ever mentioned directly. On the contrary, the Church condemns all forms of "racism" because the Church has already condemned such heresies in the past, with much more thorough definitions. However, this is of course inherently pro-White because the Church isn't anti-White.

Thus the Church is attacked relentlessly by the usual suspects:

Therefore the Church becomes Pro-White just in virtue of not being Anti-White.

Already is, because we are defending ourselves from the usual suspects constantly.

Being political active is pointless because this is a spiritual problem.

If you aren't capable of actually having an interesting, thoughtful discussion on these points (see bold above), then there won't be any more point to having a discussion with you, now is there?

I'm honestly not emotional at all, in regards to this thread. This is just a way to pass time and have a good discussion and I have had some reach out to me regarding my views. If I had kids, I probably would be emotional about it. I am in a position where none of this really impacts me personally, I am just giving my views of what I see.

It appears, by your answer, that you don't foresee the church getting involved politically on the issue of the rampant anti-White discrimination in the west. That is fine, you are entitled to this belief, I honestly agree with you. I just wanted to see if you thought that eventually things would get dire enough that the church would step in or not.

Many young White men don't see this battle as "pointless". They see it as the biggest battle they will have. I'm just telling you this so you can see things from their point of view and reach out to them on a subject that they find of utmost importance.
I'm honestly not emotional at all, in regards to this thread. This is just a way to pass time and have a good discussion and I have had some reach out to me regarding my views. If I had kids, I probably would be emotional about it. I am in a position where none of this really impacts me personally, I am just giving my views of what I see.

It appears, by your answer, that you don't foresee the church getting involved politically on the issue of the rampant anti-White discrimination in the west. That is fine, you are entitled to this belief, I honestly agree with you. I just wanted to see if you thought that eventually things would get dire enough that the church would step in or not.

Many young White men don't see this battle as "pointless". They see it as the biggest battle they will have. I'm just telling you this so you can see things from their point of view and reach out to them on a subject that they find of utmost importance.

That's not what I said at all, I just told you the Church is already politically involved by virtue of having to defend themselves for not being "Anti-Racist" enough.

You also failed to answer the question I posed. I'm not fooled by you pretending to be disinterested. You won't be posting in here any longer, and if you try to push your WN nonsense in other threads in an off-topic fashion then you will receive penalties.
In fact, I believe the exact opposite, that everything I do, I do *implicitly* with God because God is omnipresent, everywhere, and always.
I find this to both be watery and problematic.

But the thing I *REALLY* don't understand is why we have a 37 page thread about a small protest group that no one here is even acknowledging membership of. Why are we debating to death this dead horse of why one should or shouldn't join an obscure group? Is it a fear that members here are going to join said organization, so we must discourage them from doing so? Is that a real threat? Is this a discussion worth inflaming tempers and pushing out old members for?
No one here who is actually sympathetic to PF will put their money where there mouth is and join them. Why? Because they know it's fed bait. They would just rather cowardly support them while the guys in PF march into the buzzsaw.

My critique of these groups is in their approach. The solutions they offer are bandaids compared to the medicine that is needed. I'm merely pointing out why these groups have a track record of failing, and why they will continue to fail.

Evidently, some don't like the idea that the Gospel is first and foremost in how you save a society. The fact that both WN and leftists don't believe in this, is more than adequate to explain why the west is doomed.
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Am I the only one here that believes in a reconciliation between the Churches with their predominant White and European congregations and the White Nationalist and Separationist types? What befalls one will affect the other. Instead of squabbling and arguing we should be exploring why there is no conversation between these people who can do much better with open dialogue than with solitary goals. There are some people who do not want Christians organizing along lines that resemble White / European interests being placed before that of others at a time when the Coundonhove-Kalergi plan is coming to fruition, along with all the other jewish wet dreams of annihilating the European peoples from the Earth like the Morgenthau plan and the U.S. Immigration Act of 1965.

Here is a summary of all the plans that have been schemed, written, and adopted into government policies since 1945 that have been carrying out both the violent and the silent erosion of God's creations:
"Europa the Last Battle Part 6: The Final Solution to the European Problem"

The quote by Baruch Levi is chilling and telling of their strategy. The Christian strategy must therefore be always in counter to the jewish one.

"The jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihiliation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In thi snew world order, the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without e ncountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the jews. It will then be possible for the jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled in which is said that when the Messianic time has come, the jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands."

Israel Zangwill coined the term "The Melting Pot" in 1908 when he wrote the famous play that premiered in Washington D.C. in the heart of American political culture. The well-known term melting pot means the mixing of different races and cultures into one monolithic group, forming the new world and the new man, the play described in America in which all races and cultures are blended into a new people, but of course Zangwill was an ardent zionist and disapproved of jewish intermarriage. The more blended everyone else is, the less organized and ethnocentric and anti-semitic they will be, thus no one would notice the ethnocentric jews. Blending all people into a giant mish-mash in all White countries was the idea planted by this play, that appealed to many influential persons. When the Melting Pot opened on Broadway, it was critically praised by the globalist press, and publicly praised by Teddy Roosevelt and Churchill. In reality, it is what multiculturalism was intended to be
, the mixing of non-European populations with Europeans in European nations with the intention of mixing the Europeans out of existence. It means the final solution for the White European people.

Count Richard Von-Coudenhove Kalergi wrote "Das Pan-Europaische Manifest" which became the groundwork for the European Union. He explicitly designed the genocide of Europeans through flooding Europe with migrants, his goal was to create a Europe without ethnic Europeans. Just like the bolshevik revolution his movement also was financially backed by the zionist jewish capitalist bankers Rothschild, Baruch, and Warburg.

I know its difficult for American bravado to sympathize with Europeans, but those of you who are Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Romanic, you are of the same stock of the Europeans, and their intended fate is the same one that is befalling America. The point of this is not to exclude all non-European descendants from a future America in every way possible, but to prevent the destruction of one group which is the prime target of the jews and their sellouts in positions of authority. The last part of the video goes into Dennis Lawrence, a right-wing intellectual from the 1920s and 1930s who advocated for a Fascistic and Authoritarian government in America to root out the same problem as the European nations were having. Lawrence himself was half-black, but he understood the implications of the weak and immoral democracies imposing these ideas on people would have destroyed everything, as we are seeing today.

As a Christian, I cannot stand by and let one of God's creations be destroyed so that another can simply take their place and hope that the Gospel will make them resistant to the same wiles that destroyed the first. There is room for every race in this world, and the reason why there is such a vehement reaction to this that we see manifested as White Nationalists is because it is a just and natural reaction to an unnatural and vile jewish goal. Of course some clergy in the Catholic Church would object to this sentiment, but this is why I would seek an open discourse with them to prevent this from falling into assumptions and false ideas of "race-worship," which is only an existing and provable phenomena within the jews.

Even if you don't like Patriot Front and its members, you should not wish harm nor suffering upon them. I pray for the leaders of Patriot Front to reach out to the Churches and begin this reconciliation, as all other White Nationalist groups should do. What would come after would be what has always been, Christians organizing along racial lines under a time when they are attacked on those racial lines. When the Church is strong, the jew is not in a position of power, and when the jew is strong, the Church suffers.

I pose this question to all who are interested or aggravated by this, why would Christians organizing along ethnocentric lines be problematic? What ill omen does it spell for those of us who are not jewish and not part of the elite who have sold out their people? If I was a black man in America and I saw this phenomena happening, I would instinctively know that my people would be safer under a country run by Christian Whites who do not peddle drugs to my neighborhoods and push for abortion and the dissolution of the family. If I was a mixed-race man and not completely White does this mean that I will suddenly be excluded from society because I am not pure? No, it does not. The desire to protect and allow White Europeans to maintain their histories, communities, and their own destinies does not diminish the ability of others to also seek the same for their own, no matter their pedigree.
There's a divide on this forum. That's why this thread won't die. I haven’t closely followed the arguments and directions the discussion has taken but it's clear to any casual observer that race is a divisive issue here. It was on RVF too. It's nuanced because everyone is redpilled and doesn't want white people to be replaced or disenfranchised, but there's a difference of opinion as to whether whiteness is the excellence of western civilization or whether Christ is.

You're right but I don't think it's necessarily a racial divide, I think it's a divide as to why specific people are here in the first place.

For me specifically if you're a God fearing Christian who is a righteous man with strong morals then I am on your side no matter what, we march together for the same goal and I would never shun you. For some here that description needs to also include "white" otherwise it is void, to me those people are not here for the right reasons.

Doesn't make much sense to me considering what this forum is meant to be and also considering we all here because of the Daryush Valizadeh forum.
I pray for the leaders of Patriot Front to reach out to the Churches and begin this reconciliation,

I pray for all to come to the Lord's Church, just as Christ instructed us to. It matters not what their politics are, what their race is, or how much money they have.

Yet, He warned, "Many are called, but few are chosen."

So among those who show up, among the Chosen, something new can be built. If most Whites aren't a part of it, it's a pity as much as it is to see any group go to hell in large numbers, including Talmudic Jews.

People have free will. We cannot control it if people choose hell.
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Why are most anti-White people, White themselves? And how will politics change people from being haters of their own race?
This is the question I want to see answered. I wish IIMT would've responded to it, but his lack of response highlights a few things;
He is not really reading the posts of those whom he is arguing with (which would explain why arguing with him can feel so cumbersome).
And/or White Nationalists in general don't have an answer for this and can't really go here because it undoes their half-baked narrative.

Everytime I have brought this up, I just get the word "Jews" parroted back at me. You're going to have to do better than that. We already know about the Jews. How do we get Whites to stop being such willing sell-outs to the Jews?

Pretty much everyone here is sympathetic to the wignat cause, I haven't seen anyone explicitly condemn it. But if your rhetoric is alienating even those closest to you politically, then you can rest assured that your message is DOA. Instead of throwing snowballs back, think about these kinds of questions that go deeper than surface level.
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This is the question I want to see answered. I wish IIMT would've responded to it, but his lack of response highlights a few things;
He is not really reading the posts of those whom he is arguing with (which would explain why arguing with him can feel so cumbersome).
And/or White Nationalists in general don't have an answer for this and can't really go here because it undoes their half-baked narrative.

Everytime I have brought this up, I just get the word "Jews" parroted back at me. You're going to have to do better than that. We already know about the Jews. How do we get Whites to stop being such willing sell-outs to the Jews?

Pretty much everyone here is sympathetic to the wignat cause, I haven't seen anyone explicitly condemn it. But if your rhetoric is alienating even those closest to you politically, then you can rest assured that your message is DOA. Instead of throwing snowballs back, think about these kinds of questions that go deeper than surface level.

Let me give it a try.

I think if you call yourself white, you have internalized the globalist propaganda.

As said in this thread, the Spanish man (mixed Morish), differs from the Italian, the Swede or the German. There is no white, no white identity, it's a modernist, globalist, jewish invention. There is no white race, there is a whiter skin color at max.

I have no sympathy with "white" identity folks as they push Jewish globalist propaganda.

The only aim of "white" propaganda is to enforce the narrative of "black vs white". An artificial fake divide of the people. This divide is anti-Christian.

It's dialectics, to be seduced to think either black or white.

To this question:

Why are most anti-White people, White themselves? And how will politics change people from being haters of their own race?

Then the question is actually, why do people choose a side in propaganda?

The answer is that people are extremely vulnerable to narratives. Extremely. I know this from working in marketing.

People rarely challenge the frame that is introduced.

For example soap, Men vs Women soap, there is no difference. We have learned that some smells are male and some are female. That's the frame. And almost unconsciously we buy male soap, we feel it would be weird to use female soap, because we would smell like a girl. The same goes for cars, 90% of the people owning a pickup never use the trunk. An even better example are sports teams owned by billionaires and supporting those.

We are all, all humans are sensitive to propaganda. And divisive propaganda is the best. Black vs White. Socialist vs Liberal. etc etc

Black people are sensitive to propaganda, just as white people. We are all the same. Very easily influenced.

The leaders have learned we love to pick sides. And blacks white is great for that.
  1. They created a propaganda, that makes it hard for black people to pick the white side. They would be a betrayer.
  2. They created propaganda, that makes a white person supporting blacks a hero rewarding them with money and political positions.

This is not real these are marketing plays, just propaganda. Matters of the mind.

And more or less all people / nations / races are extremely responsive to it.

If the leaders would want it they could twist it around. They could invite a black person to one of their talk shows, and champion him when he says "I feel bad when I see white people have been discriminated against in the workplace." I wouldn't be surprised to see this in 5 years.

But the paradigm would be these same: There is "white" and "black"

I'm from Europe and we used to have a lot of local squabbles. City A vs city B.
This has left the mind, now the divide is "racial". Black/migrants vs White.

The want a global set of ideas. Not a local set of ideas.

To summarize, I think we all are vulnerable to propaganda. Which "side" we pick is dependent on our friends, emotional association, this is very fluid. Some "white" people feel more association with the dead migrant boy on the beach, some white people feel more association with the boys in khakis and shields.

We need to learn to understand that this is just as fake as getting all riled up over whoever wins the superbowl.

Identity is trap. And when you pick a side, you are stuck in it. And with cognitive dissonance we dehumanize the other side. The wignats find BLM inhuman. And BLM find the wignats inhuman.

Dehumanization is a source of evil.

It makes us forget we are all brothers. And make us forget Jesus' most important commandments.

Jesus declared, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Those that read their own racial propaganda is this commandment need our prayers and help.

I think with your racialism, you are rebelling against God, and you might pay an extremely high price for it.
This is the question I want to see answered. I wish IIMT would've responded to it, but his lack of response highlights a few things;
He is not really reading the posts of those whom he is arguing with (which would explain why arguing with him can feel so cumbersome).
And/or White Nationalists in general don't have an answer for this and can't really go here because it undoes their half-baked narrative.

Everytime I have brought this up, I just get the word "Jews" parroted back at me. You're going to have to do better than that. We already know about the Jews. How do we get Whites to stop being such willing sell-outs to the Jews?

Pretty much everyone here is sympathetic to the wignat cause, I haven't seen anyone explicitly condemn it. But if your rhetoric is alienating even those closest to you politically, then you can rest assured that your message is DOA. Instead of throwing snowballs back, think about these kinds of questions that go deeper than surface level.
There are many reasons for this. It's not just "jews," but it is a multivariable answer that took around four generations to completely manifest as a mind virus and embed itself in the psyche of Whites. For starters you have to factor in the first three waves of feminism, the Bolshevik invention of the word "racist," which did not exist before Trotsky had the freedom to create marxist buzzwords meant for deceptive infiltration into the west as he was nesting on the corpses of millions of Russian Christians.

It goes back to the Renaissance I believe, at least, the beginnings of this self-loathing ideology. "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite," was the first domino in a long series of events and social shifts in European societies that would eventually lead to the individualistic taking over, a mindset which often discards histories, traditions, rituals, legacy of faith, and so on. I could blame the French as they were the first European society to aggressively race-mix for their own and not for their slaves (the English would purposefully breed Irish slaves with Africans as a psychological tactic to dumb them down and keep them controllable, which basically spawned the mulatto race), but it would be spiteful for me to blame them for everything we are dealing with today. These alien ideas of hating one's self do not come from the European mind, it is an alien tactic that is pushed by an alien tribe the same way they get Christians to doubt their faith if one spends too much time talking to one of them.

The "long march through the institutions" was the time in which this was pushed by agents of the east working in conjunction with traitors in the west. It was always two-fold. Freemasonry and other Templar-derived Babylonian mystery schools are the executive branch for world jewry, and these are mainly comprised of Whites and Europeans who have committed an unforgivable sin, blaspheming the Holy Spirit for Luciferian promises which puts them on par with the jews, who carry the blood of Christ on their generations for eternity. Together, these esoteric allies have slowly eroded the Monarchic Empires of Christendom to bring the world enlightenment on a silver platter that happens to be laced with a slow-acting curare. Hatred for one's own race is mostly only exhibited by Whites, with some East Asians being harped at for "Asian privilege," however this never picked up enough steam as it did as a tactic in the completely controlled universities of the west.

Couple that with the growing materialism, cosmopolitanism, consumerism, hedonism, and everything else that offers an ingratiating immediate relief to the easily-manipulated human brain from the stresses of this ugly existence, and it's easy for many to forget who they really are. The history textbooks lie about everything when it comes to western civilization, reducing it to oppression, tyranny, slavery, and other fictitious sleights.

Again, I've also said that white / non-white is an identity mechanic of modernity. We should call ourselves from where our genes (generations) descended from. I am essentially a Gallic Dane with a few Nordic, Celtic, and Teutonic ancestors. This is how people would identify themselves before the 20th century outside the USA, and England. Central Europe was very tribal, even after WW2 some of it remained. The Serbs to this day keep their identity almost virtually intact and they are a good example of a people to understand and do the same with one's own kind. To understand the origin of our identities as they were for over a millennia without change, we must literally tick back the tock on how we address ourselves and use this historical lens to understand who we are in this hodgepodge of disconnected self-recognition.

For your second point, I would say that to get Whites to stop selling out to the jews, like the politicians in the USA and western Europe, people should make use of the lampposts that are on every corner. Maybe some of that White altruism will kick in and the traitors won't be killed but at least have the fear of justice delivered to them so they will snap out of their sinful treachery, and then they can have the fear of God righteously put back into them for prostituting themselves to the Sanhedrin of modernity through the punishment of exile. In the USA, UK/AUS/NZ, The judeo-Christian lobby and the televangelists must be disassembled, and all judaized infiltration and ongoing subversion of the Churches must be undone. All this can be done without harming a single hair on the head of the world's jews. This is a huge ordeal to overcome. I don't wish harm upon anyone, especially one made in the image of God, but if they are betraying their own kind, they must be punished. If something harsh isn't done to them, then what will stop people later on who have no patience whatsoever from killing them? For example the US governors who have allowed these new "anti-jew" laws to be put in place are basically protected by the feds 24/7 now, but they would be the first ones to make examples of were the system to crash. Since we can't do anything about these types, at least for now, the focus should be on rekindling the true history to everyday Whites and try to save as many of them as possible who have not been infected with the spiritual mind virus.

Many are already lost and unsalvageable, but many more still are not lost. Fighting censorship, fighting unjust laws, being civilly disobedient, these are small steps to helping one's people from suffering more harm by a nefarious system. Preaching the Word of God to them all is the first and most necessary step, but WITH that should be historians and theologians and men with experience teaching the flocks of lost people right from wrong in every situation. If more Whites had not lost their faith, they would not have begun to act rebellious in such a self-destructive manner. The destruction of the White race is on par with the destruction of it's historical Churches, mores, and intertwined ethos that came from returning to God. When the tribes were lost and forgot their identity for centuries, they descended to behavior which we would call "pagan" nowadays. Upon their return, almost all of these behaviors were discarded.

@paternos what you decipher as racialism is an ancient way of living that everyone in Biblical times practiced, the preservation of their seed, which is a Holy Seed. There is no denying that the Scripture is very specific and commanding when examining the lineage of the Israelites. To confuse this for modern-day race-worship is folly, this sort of phenomena is only in certain real Pagan beliefs like Odinism, Wotanism, and Wiccanism who are for the most part jewish-inspired groups or lost people who believe a fake history. The bloodlines of the Bible are not divided into our modern conceptions of white / black / jew / other, they are specific tribes from specific regions that kept a lineage and track of that lineage in their histories.

TL;DR version (without just saying "jews"):

-Renaissance individualistic culture
-Secular revolutions inspired by esoteric cults
-Every wave of feminism
-Leon Trotsky's propaganda trickling through western institutions
-Judaized Christianity
-incredible toxins in food, water, and air destroying everyone's minds and thinking (not just Whites)
-Empty modern material world
-Moral inversions (good is bad, beautiful is ugly, right is wrong, kind is cruel, freedom is oppression, etc)

Addendum point: Self-loathing is a side effect of hating everything beautiful, naturally Whites infected with this will hate themselves more because they are considered more physically beautiful and capable of creating great beauty in their own endeavors, be it architecture, art, poetry, gardening, engineering, music, or large families.
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Again, I've also said that white / non-white is an identity mechanic of modernity. We should call ourselves from where our genes (generations) descended from. I am essentially a Gallic Dane with a few Nordic, Celtic, and Teutonic ancestors. This is how people would identify themselves before the 20th century outside the USA, and England. Central Europe was very tribal, even after WW2 some of it remained. The Serbs to this day keep their identity almost virtually intact and they are a good example of a people to understand and do the same with one's own kind. To understand the origin of our identities as they were for over a millennia without change, we must literally tick back the tock on how we address ourselves and use this historical lens to understand who we are in this hodgepodge of disconnected self-recognition.
For your second point, I would say that to get Whites to stop selling out to the jews, like the politicians in the USA and western Europe, people should make use of the lampposts that are on every corner.
@paternos what you decipher as racialism is an ancient way of living that everyone in Biblical times practiced, the preservation of their seed, which is a Holy Seed. There is no denying that the Scripture is very specific and commanding when examining the lineage of the Israelites.
Jesus came to save all. What you call biblical are old testament wars. And we have to not mistake lineage with modern "race". Lineage is is specific and says something about you. And most often lineage said something on believe system / family as well. Not just seed and egg and atomized life as we see today. It had a true meaning beyong color of hair and skin.

In the end we all descended from Eve and Adam. Hence I like your first message I quoted. It's more accurate on the last few generations which formed you.

To confuse this for modern-day race-worship is folly, this sort of phenomena is only in certain real Pagan beliefs like Odinism, Wotanism, and Wiccanism who are for the most part jewish-inspired groups or lost people who believe a fake history. The bloodlines of the Bible are not divided into our modern conceptions of white / black / jew / other, they are specific tribes from specific regions that kept a lineage and track of that lineage in their histories.
Exactly, keep your lineage, as you describe yourself. It says a lot about you.

Black vs White is also an attack on lineage. Your family tree. Tribe of your grandfather and great grandfather.
This thread is just a thread. If one thinks it is a waste of time then don't read it. The reason I come here is because, with all our faults, this little group of men provides me with entertainment and valuable information on an array of topics. Whenever I'm tempted to watch FOX News or porn I come here instead. Also, because I'm basically unhappy, I like to argue, and so CIK does in fact act as a "safe" (for lack of a better word) pressure release valve where I can take intellectual/emotional risks without deeply hurting others or myself (though some may rightfully debate this).

With regards to Pagan Front specifically, it is an interesting topic with many crossover-socio-political layers and themes, and that is one reason why this thread is growing (racial strife being another).

The biggest weakness I see in PF is that it is comprised mainly of Gen Zers. Gen Zers have received the full brunt of an unregulated JQ attack on childhood and innocence in which parents, society, and teachers have made children their "friends." This lack of boundaries between adults and children has exposed children to the adult themes of politics, sexuality, and money at increasingly younger and younger ages. This breeds weakness, fear, dependency, and addiction. And having worked closely over the last several years with Gen Z I can honestly say that we are in trouble.

There is a reason that in world military history 18-year-old grunts have been directed by 50-year-old generals. Pagan Front needs to stop with their gay racial purity spiral (a losing issue as the majority of Americans are now mixed race or have mixed race family members), pick up arms (something a soft, over-parented man-child would be scared to do), go underground (an impossibility for Gen Zers because they must be seen at all times), mention Christianity as part of their mission statement (a more unifying theme than race, but part of JQ Gen Z programming was to make them sex-addicted atheists, so no surprise there), and allow older men to join their ranks (but they love the "OK Boomer" meme too much to do that). Without these adjustments in structure, this "organization" is DOA.
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I think if you call yourself white, you have internalized the globalist propaganda.

As said in this thread, the Spanish man (mixed Morish), differs from the Italian, the Swede or the German. There is no white, no white identity, it's a modernist, globalist, jewish invention. There is no white race, there is a whiter skin color at max.

I have no sympathy with "white" identity folks as they push Jewish globalist propaganda.

The only aim of "white" propaganda is to enforce the narrative of "black vs white". An artificial fake divide of the people. This divide is anti-Christian.

It's dialectics, to be seduced to think either black or white.

Trick question: Should this man here be considered as "white" or as "black"?


You can immediately see from his facial features that this guy is not European. Albinism shows that human races differ in more things than just pigmentation.

White nationalism is kinda silly if you just base it on superficial "whiteness" of skin color. If you're willing to fixate on pigmentation, you have to at least consider hair and eyes too, otherwise your picture of light vs. dark will remain incomplete. Most people in the world were created with brown/black hair and brown/black eyes, even if they happen to have palish skin... like East Asians, which get fetishized by some weebos who caught "yellow fever".

I agree that it's better to focus on spirit first and not to glorify physical features too much. Though, there might be a metaphysical connection between race and religion. Christianity can be considered a majority white religion - especially Protestantism, which historically spread in Northern Europe where there are lots of blonde and blue-eyed, Aryan people.​