Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

Here's another example, and this one really concerns me. Please see the article below and watch the quick videos.

Kyle Rittenhouse apparently was invited by Turning Point USA to give a speech at the University of Memphis. Apparently a bunch of blacks showed up to protest a White supremacist. Rittenhouse was ushered in by police and when he start to gave his speech most of the crowd left and the rest yelled at him and wouldn't let him talk.

I'm going to take a wild guess, and I realize this is speculation, but these people who came to protest are not likely to have watched any of Rittenhouse's trial. If they had, they would know he was acting in self defense and did not harm a black person doing so. The above article ends by mentioning that everyone Rittenhouse killed was White, but no--they were Jewish (or maybe 2 of the 3). So even The Bee is not accurate above.

I remember seeing Reddit comments when Rittenhouse's trail was on. It was televised and some Redditors were commenting that they didn't know that Rittenhouse fired in self defense and that he didn't shoot a person of color. They were just told he was a White supremacist. And they wouldn't have known differently if not for watching the trial.

And if you did watch the trial, not only was the media against Rittenhouse, but the prosecution was nasty and underhanded. They did not act above board.

This is what I'm talking about with Patriot Front and it's why I am defending them here so hard. The other side -- the side who is against us, is done listening to us. They think we shouldn't be allowed to speak and if they are being honest, they also think we shouldn't be allowed to breathe.

And most of this is stoked by lies.
Here's another example, and this one really concerns me. Please see the article below and watch the quick videos.

Kyle Rittenhouse apparently was invited by Turning Point USA to give a speech at the University of Memphis. Apparently a bunch of blacks showed up to protest a White supremacist. Rittenhouse was ushered in by police and when he start to gave his speech most of the crowd left and the rest yelled at him and wouldn't let him talk.

I'm going to take a wild guess, and I realize this is speculation, but these people who came to protest are not likely to have watched any of Rittenhouse's trial. If they had, they would know he was acting in self defense and did not harm a black person doing so. The above article ends by mentioning that everyone Rittenhouse killed was White, but no--they were Jewish (or maybe 2 of the 3). So even The Bee is not accurate above.

I remember seeing Reddit comments when Rittenhouse's trail was on. It was televised and some Redditors were commenting that they didn't know that Rittenhouse fired in self defense and that he didn't shoot a person of color. They were just told he was a White supremacist. And they wouldn't have known differently if not for watching the trial.

And if you did watch the trial, not only was the media against Rittenhouse, but the prosecution was nasty and underhanded. They did not act above board.

This is what I'm talking about with Patriot Front and it's why I am defending them here so hard. The other side -- the side who is against us, is done listening to us. They think we shouldn't be allowed to speak and if they are being honest, they also think we shouldn't be allowed to breathe.

And most of this is stoked by lies.

Clearly, you aren't paying attention very well. Most of BLM's supporters are White. Although the guys who show up on the streets are mainly Black, the vast majority of supporters who give money and time are White.

This is why PF Is growing by leaps and bounds as are all WN groups across the west.

Got any proof for this? Or is this just more of your pathetic wish fulfillment? Can these groups even gather more than 100 people in a room together, lol? Growing? Where? What are you smoking dude, these groups are so fringe and 99% of the population has no idea who they are nor do they care.
Mods, IIMT is a good and honorable man, who has been contributing to these forums and its successors for many years. He's always been straight and true, even if his positions are controversial. Furthermore, by labelling him as a Pagan when he is a Christian, you are committing the sin of calumny. I formally request that you remove the "Pagan" tag off his bio.

OK, that's the last post I will make on this point. Sorry for the off-topic interruption.

I know this thread is huge, but if you read back to the start you can see why I changed IIMT to Pagan. He claims to be a Christian but refuses to believe that the Church will save. He continued to state that the Church isn't the answer, and would not save Whites, so I gave him a two-week blasphemy ban and changed his religion to pagan.

He's about as "Christian" as a Mormon.

If IIMT is ready to repent and profess his faith back in Christ's Church, I will change his tag back. But people aren't allowed to fake their religion on this forum.
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I notice this thread is full of low quality posts. I'm considering moving it to the troll lounge.

I give detailed responses that refute 99% of the nonsense spouted by IIMT, Fokm, and others, and eventually they just stop replying to me and pick on weaker posters who don't post good arguments.

The amount of bad faith being posted is extremely high, so it's obvious there are just WN's who are trying to push an agenda and not debate with an open mind.

For example, just a few pages ago, I refuted IIMT's claim that the Feds would infiltrate the Orthodox Church, and got no response. Instead he picks on poor @PurpleUrkle who is still a bit in his boomer bubble.

If people here refuse to have a serious discussion, I'm going to nuke this gay thread because it is just wasting people's time.
I know this thread is huge, but if you read back to the start you can see why I changed IIMT to Pagan. He claims to be a Christian but refuses to believe that the Church will save. He continued to state that the Church isn't the answer, and would not save Whites, so I gave him a two-week blasphemy ban and changed his religion to pagan.

He's about as "Christian" as a Mormon.

If IIMT is ready to repent and profess his faith back in Christ's Church, I will change his tag back. But people aren't allowed to fake their religion on this forum.
I read the thread from the start. You aren’t using your mod powers in good faith. I won’t be making another post on this forum until you remove the Pagan tag from his account. It’s unfair and wrong.
Got any proof for this? Or is this just more of your pathetic wish fulfillment? Can these groups even gather more than 100 people in a room together, lol? Growing? Where? What are you smoking dude, these groups are so fringe and 99% of the population has no idea who they are nor do they care.
I have two reasons I say that PF is growing by leaps and bounds.

#1) They say so. They back this up with bigger marches, in locations across a very large country. We can see this throughout Europe as well. But maybe they are lying or using other means to make it seem that way, so...

#2) I have always said that the media isn't the source of truth, but to look in the comments under the article (which no longer exit) to get the truth. In the case of WN, I can look at Twitter. Ideas, beliefs, comments, that I almost didn't see in 2017, or got ratio'ed into nothing, are now very popular. They get thousands and sometimes 10's of thousands of likes. Those making the 2017 talking points of "as long as they come legally" now get ratio'ed. It is a growing movement, and unless someone corrals this growing energy, it will all go to WN groups. So far, no one is stepping up, they still have time, but time is fleeting.

As far as the Feds infiltrating the Orthodox church, I thought you admitting they tried was enough evidence to not bring it back up. That is how the Feds will infiltrate the church. They don't have to get behind closed doors or high up. All they have to do is get in on the ground level, gain trust, and then try to get the church members to do something that is illegal. This way they can keep the most headstrong and most willing to fight back, locked up and out of the way. This is a word of warning for everyone, no matter where you are, if you have someone trying to get you to do some questionable activity, separate from them and warn the others. They have a budget worth billions of dollars to perform this act. The Governor Whitmer case is a great example.

This thread is bringing out a lot of emotion. The weird thing is, no one on "my side" of this issue has every said you should join PF or any other WN group. I have never said it, neither has anyone else.

All we are saying is White men are getting such a bad deal in the west they cannot afford to buy a home and start a family. This is true for millions of young White men; I know many personally in this boat. They are not drug addicts or porn addicts or troublemakers. These are good young men, who come from good families, have always worked hard, done the right thing, follow the rules, stayed out of trouble, and still, they can't catch a break. And it is getting worse, it isn't getting better. Add in the serious economic issues we face and the number of White people who get personally affected by the increasing violent crime and see no justice, well, I think everyone here can figure out where this is heading.

You can come here and post they just need to go to church. I can come here and post the same thing, I agree with you, they need to bring Christ into their life. This isn't the debate we are trying to have with you. The debate is simply...

Do you believe White men are getting a raw deal in the west and are vastly discriminated against? If yes, do you think it will get better any time soon?

If you can see it is obvious Whites are vastly discriminated against and it isn't going to change, what do you think millions of 22 year old men who are getting screwed over by this system will do? Not, what do you want them to do, what do you realistically think they will do?

My guess is they go to the most righteous organization that will defend them politically based on their racial lines, because they are attacked on their racial lines. And if the church doesn't come out publicly and advocate for them, they will join the WN groups that will. If you disagree with this prediction, or that Whites face heavy discrimination, I think the rest of us would like to hear your comments on this. Not on what you want, and not on your personal beliefs or what you desire for these young men to do, but on this massive growing energy that no one is corralling other than WN organizations at this time. Do you think a some form of Christianity will reach out to them and try to advocate politcally on their rights? Do you think Churches will continue to not do so and they will turn to WN? Do you think White men just give up and allow themselves to be replaced and killed off peacefully?

Here is an example. Anthony often gets around 500 to 1,000 likes on his tweets. This one got 12,000 and it is short and to the point.

I'm 99.9% sure he meant that as in the White race as a whole, not souls. As in, saving the body, which is not a bad thing, we're not gnostics who think the material is evil.
Yes. The church will save many things (your soul, your own personal life from hell on earth, relationships, etc.). I have had many good things come to me by being a Christian and fighting the spiritual warfare within me. The church may even save the White race at some point in time if things get bad enough. But as of right now, only the WN are politically organizing in support of Whites, who face massive discrimination, so that is why young White men are joining. Which is my only point in this entire thread.
#1) They say so. They back this up with bigger marches, in locations across a very large country. We can see this throughout Europe as well. But maybe they are lying or using other means to make it seem that way, so...

Marches being bigger isn't indicative of anything. So their membership goes up from 30 to 60 or whatever. They probably aren't any bigger than this forum!

#2) I have always said that the media isn't the source of truth, but to look in the comments under the article (which no longer exit) to get the truth. In the case of WN, I can look at Twitter. Ideas, beliefs, comments, that I almost didn't see in 2017, or got ratio'ed into nothing, are now very popular. They get thousands and sometimes 10's of thousands of likes. Those making the 2017 talking points of "as long as they come legally" now get ratio'ed. It is a growing movement, and unless someone corrals this growing energy, it will all go to WN groups. So far, no one is stepping up, they still have time, but time is fleeting.

That Whites are defending each other does not mean they are becoming WN's. It is good to see Whites love one another, but that does not make them race worshipping pagans.

As far as the Feds infiltrating the Orthodox church, I thought you admitting they tried was enough evidence to not bring it back up. That is how the Feds will infiltrate the church. They don't have to get behind closed doors or high up. All they have to do is get in on the ground level, gain trust, and then try to get the church members to do something that is illegal. This way they can keep the most headstrong and most willing to fight back, locked up and out of the way. This is a word of warning for everyone, no matter where you are, if you have someone trying to get you to do some questionable activity, separate from them and warn the others. They have a budget worth billions of dollars to perform this act. The Governor Whitmer case is a great example.

You must have not read me carefully. The Church is open to all. Therefore a Fed who joins a service on Sunday is not even close to infiltration. Infiltration can only occur at the top, since the Church is a top-down Aristocracy of Holy Men. What happens with the laity has nothing to do with the Church.

Just because a few Orthodox members may belong to WN groups means nothing. Likewise if an Orthodox man sins and commits murder, it says nothing about the Church. The Church's position on WN and murder has been clear for centuries. The Church belongs to the Bishops, who determine what is and is not correct doctrine.

If Feds aren't determining doctrine, then they haven't infiltrated anything. They can try, they can do their interviews and intimidate priests with gestapo tactics - no different than how it was in the Roman times or Communist times. That is just run of the mill persecution, not infiltration. What the Bishops plan, and discuss amongst each other, is done behind closed doors at various synods that are binding across each respective Church. The FBI has no part in that, and never will.

Conversely, we have no idea who is in the top ranks of various WN groups, and infiltration risks there are extremely high. Anyone can pretend to care about the White race, attend rallies, and make posts online.

By contrast, infiltration risks within the Orthodox Church are virtually impossible because of it's monastic tradition. You won't get FBI agents who stay at monasteries for 30 years, pretending to be Christian, so they can (maaaaybe) get nominated to the position of Bishop or Metropolitan. Laughable to even think such a thing is possible. No FBI agent will give up money, good food, or women for decades, absolutely none.

Thus the Orthodox Church is the most secure organization in the world, which is why it has stood the test of time against unbelievable odds. Hence why it is the best chance to save the White race - not that the Church will actually make it a mission to save the White race. It just saves the White race indirectly, by focusing on the Will of God.

That is why the White race grew to the extent that it did, because Whites put their faith in Christ and his Church, and they were rewarded handsomely even though your ancestors weren't trying to build up some kind of race project.

First you turn to God, then God will give you what you need. You don't need to worry about the details - you just need to have faith. Do you think, 1700 years ago, when Whites were converting to Christ, under Constantine, they understood how God worked? They had no idea - they just had faith.

If you can see it is obvious Whites are vastly discriminated against and it isn't going to change, what do you think millions of 22 year old men who are getting screwed over by this system will do? Not, what do you want them to do, what do you realistically think they will do?

Realistically, they won't do anything. This is because 22 year old White men are young and dumb, strong but powerless, as it always has been. There has to be a powerful leader capable of rallying and commanding them. No revolution is led by the young, but always by the older and more experienced.

Furthermore, any such revolution not based in God will fail, or fail in the long run, just like America has. Secular organizations always get corrupted in the long run, infiltrated, subverted, and destroyed from within. The idea that man can do it on his own has been disproven again and again by the historical record.

Therefore, the young men getting screwed over are turning to God, since none of their leaders are doing anything. I see it at my Church, and across Orthodox Churches everywhere - tons of young White men looking for direction, finding God in the only Church left standing that is true to the Word and rejects the World.

The White men who join the Church are the future of the White race. Those who do not will die off. That is what will happen, not what I want, but what has happened in the past and what is happening now.

The first political movement that strongly aligns itself with the Orthodox Church in America will be the most successful one - in fact we already see it in Russia. Putin, even if you think his Christianity is questionable, still aligns himself with the Church and is crushing the enemies of the White man everyday in Ukraine and elsewhere. This is in spite of the fact that Putin completely disavows all forms of WN and "Nazism," - just the fact he is going with the Orthodox Church is doing wonders for the Whites of Russia, whose birthrates and culture are rebounding.
Marches being bigger isn't indicative of anything. So their membership goes up from 30 to 60 or whatever. They probably aren't any bigger than this forum!

That Whites are defending each other does not mean they are becoming WN's. It is good to see Whites love one another, but that does not make them race worshipping pagans.

You must have not read me carefully. The Church is open to all. Therefore a Fed who joins a service on Sunday is not even close to infiltration. Infiltration can only occur at the top, since the Church is a top-down Aristocracy of Holy Men. What happens with the laity has nothing to do with the Church.

Just because a few Orthodox members may belong to WN groups means nothing. Likewise if an Orthodox man sins and commits murder, it says nothing about the Church. The Church's position on WN and murder has been clear for centuries. The Church belongs to the Bishops, who determine what is and is not correct doctrine.

If Feds aren't determining doctrine, then they haven't infiltrated anything. They can try, they can do their interviews and intimidate priests with gestapo tactics - no different than how it was in the Roman times or Communist times. That is just run of the mill persecution, not infiltration. What the Bishops plan, and discuss amongst each other, is done behind closed doors at various synods that are binding across each respective Church. The FBI has no part in that, and never will.

Conversely, we have no idea who is in the top ranks of various WN groups, and infiltration risks there are extremely high. Anyone can pretend to care about the White race, attend rallies, and make posts online.

By contrast, infiltration risks within the Orthodox Church are virtually impossible because of it's monastic tradition. You won't get FBI agents who stay at monasteries for 30 years, pretending to be Christian, so they can (maaaaybe) get nominated to the position of Bishop or Metropolitan. Laughable to even think such a thing is possible. No FBI agent will give up money, good food, or women for decades, absolutely none.

Thus the Orthodox Church is the most secure organization in the world, which is why it has stood the test of time against unbelievable odds. Hence why it is the best chance to save the White race - not that the Church will actually make it a mission to save the White race. It just saves the White race indirectly, by focusing on the Will of God.

That is why the White race grew to the extent that it did, because Whites put their faith in Christ and his Church, and they were rewarded handsomely even though your ancestors weren't trying to build up some kind of race project.

First you turn to God, then God will give you what you need. You don't need to worry about the details - you just need to have faith. Do you think, 1700 years ago, when Whites were converting to Christ, under Constantine, they understood how God worked? They had no idea - they just had faith.

Realistically, they won't do anything. This is because 22 year old White men are young and dumb, strong but powerless, as it always has been. There has to be a powerful leader capable of rallying and commanding them. No revolution is led by the young, but always by the older and more experienced.

Furthermore, any such revolution not based in God will fail, or fail in the long run, just like America has. Secular organizations always get corrupted in the long run, infiltrated, subverted, and destroyed from within. The idea that man can do it on his own has been disproven again and again by the historical record.

Therefore, the young men getting screwed over are turning to God, since none of their leaders are doing anything. I see it at my Church, and across Orthodox Churches everywhere - tons of young White men looking for direction, finding God in the only Church left standing that is true to the Word and rejects the World.

The White men who join the Church are the future of the White race. Those who do not will die off. That is what will happen, not what I want, but what has happened in the past and what is happening now.

The first political movement that strongly aligns itself with the Orthodox Church in America will be the most successful one - in fact we already see it in Russia. Putin, even if you think his Christianity is questionable, still aligns himself with the Church and is crushing the enemies of the White man everyday in Ukraine and elsewhere. This is in spite of the fact that Putin completely disavows all forms of WN and "Nazism," - just the fact he is going with the Orthodox Church is doing wonders for the Whites of Russia, whose birthrates and culture are rebounding.
I have no idea how big PF is. I can only go by what I see, especially the reaction on Twitter where we can see the numbers.

Whites defending each other can be Pagans or Christians or whatever. Many in PF are Christians, they are organizing along the lines they are being attacked, which is racially.

You don't seem to understand what the term "infiltration" means. It doesn't mean change the structure/doctrine, that would be reorganization. Infiltration just means they get a toe hold at the bottom and the FBI's desire would be to try to entrap members into committing crimes. As long as the members are aware this is a possibility and steer clear of trouble, they will be fine. The FBI only wants to get a few to commit to a terrorist plan to push their agenda.

So, your prediction is young White men will do nothing and just go extinct. TBH, that was my prediction earlier in this thread as well. I stand by it. I think maybe a few million young White men do something, but it will be too little, too late, the system will either crack down seriously hard, like Bolshevik days, or the system will collapse and we see chaos. That is what I expect to happen.

I see you think White men joining the Orthodox Church is the big move in the west, but until the Orthodox church comes out publicly and with big money, to stop the anti-White discrimination, then the trajectory will remain the same. The extreme discrimination will only come to an end with a political battle, and no one is taking a step in this direction, other than WN, at this time. If the Orthodox church gets seriously involved in stopping anti-White discrimination, I will put my full support behind getting young White men into if. Until then, I am sitting on the sidelines in this political battle and letting the chips fall where they may.
I'm 99.9% sure he meant that as in the White race as a whole, not souls. As in, saving the body, which is not a bad thing, we're not gnostics who think the material is evil.

But the Lord is the only thing that can save either. Even secular promises that appear to save the body in the short run, always end up in destruction in the long run.

Yes. The church will save many things (your soul, your own personal life from hell on earth, relationships, etc.). I have had many good things come to me by being a Christian and fighting the spiritual warfare within me. The church may even save the White race at some point in time if things get bad enough.

Not can, but will! That said, this confession is good enough for me. Although your faith is weak, you still have some, and as the Lord said,

"He who is faithful in the least, [is] also faithful in much;" (Lk 16:10) therefore I will restore your tag back to Protestantism.

But as of right now, only the WN are politically organizing in support of Whites, who face massive discrimination, so that is why young White men are joining. Which is my only point in this entire thread.

Their political efforts are futile for most of the White race is cucked. The White race needs a spiritual revival first before anything political is possible, otherwise they will sabotage each other and nothing will be accomplished.
But the Lord is the only thing that can save either. Even secular promises that appear to save the body in the short run, always end up in destruction in the long run.

Not can, but will! That said, this confession is good enough for me. Although your faith is weak, you still have some, and as the Lord said,

"He who is faithful in the least, [is] also faithful in much;" (Lk 16:10) therefore I will restore your tag back to Protestantism.

Their political efforts are futile for most of the White race is cucked. The White race needs a spiritual revival first before anything political is possible, otherwise they will sabotage each other and nothing will be accomplished.

It might be easy for you to save political means are futile or they just need to go to church. It is another thing when you are 22 and can't get hired or get promoted or afford to buy a home. Or you have a family member killed and the killer is let off with a slap on the wrist. Or you have a relative go away for a long time for protected political speech. Or you can't get into the school you want, because of your race and your race alone. And you watch your neighborhood turn from a nice quiet place where your parents raised you, into a violent hellhole, where there are shootings, crime, and loud music at 3 AM. Women are no longer safe to leave their house alone, a few women you know were raped, their lives are destroyed and the rapist gets 18 months in prison only.

And when you rightfully complain to your local politicians about this, you are ignored, while the other side calls you privileged and puts a target on your back.

My point in this thread has never been "this is the right path for these young men" or to debate going to church or not. My point is really simple. It is millions, ten's of millions, young White men across the west face the things I listed above. And going to a church will not fix these realities they face. It might make them deal with the rage, or hopelessness, but it doesn't change the reality on the ground. And this only continues to get worse, day by day. And eventually they will have to face up to it and fight it (politically God willing) or they will disappear. If any church wants to take a lead on anti-White discrimination, I both think this would be incredibly wise and the right move. Until then, young White men are going to go to WN. It is up to the church, any church, to make that move. I can't do it for them.
My point in this thread has never been "this is the right path for these young men" or to debate going to church or not. My point is really simple. It is millions, ten's of millions, young White men across the west face the things I listed above. And going to a church will not fix these realities they face. It might make them deal with the rage, or hopelessness, but it doesn't change the reality on the ground. And this only continues to get worse, day by day. And eventually they will have to face up to it and fight it (politically God willing) or they will disappear. If any church wants to take a lead on anti-White discrimination, I both think this would be incredibly wise and the right move. Until then, young White men are going to go to WN. It is up to the church, any church, to make that move. I can't do it for them.

You have it completely backwards, and are not reading anything I am saying.

The Church doesn't need to go to the Whites. It is the Whites who must repent and return to the Church if they want to be saved. The Church raised them, clothed them, built them, and then when the Whites were successful, they left the Church and thought they could do it on their own. Now they are dying, and they think the Church needs to come back?

Other way around - the prodigal son must return back to his Father before anything can be fixed. The Father cannot save those who do not want to be saved.

Hence, like I've said 100 times already in this thread (in various forms):

The White race is cucked. The White race needs a spiritual revival first before anything political is possible, otherwise they will sabotage each other and nothing will be accomplished.
You have it completely backwards, and are not reading anything I am saying.

The Church doesn't need to go to the Whites. It is the Whites who must repent and return to the Church if they want to be saved. The Church raised them, clothed them, built them, and then when the Whites were successful, they left the Church and thought they could do it on their own. Now they are dying, and they think the Church needs to come back?

Other way around - the prodigal son must return back to his Father before anything can be fixed. The Father cannot save those who do not want to be saved.

Hence, like I've said 100 times already in this thread (in various forms):

The White race is cucked. The White race needs a spiritual revival first before anything political is possible, otherwise they will sabotage each other and nothing will be accomplished.

Is the entire issue not simply because we as society have lost our morals, lost our accountability to God and shunned the teachings of Christ? All the groups and individual men are secondary to fixing the issue, we have the solution to the problem we've always had it. No group or one man that comes along will override the beginning principle and path.
The White race is cucked. The White race needs a spiritual revival first before anything political is possible, otherwise they will sabotage each other and nothing will be accomplished.
Is anyone saying anything otherwise? All we have been saying in this thread is that there is nothing wrong with both. You do both the physical and spiritual things needed. We live in the world, unfortunately. Not a monastery. Nowhere is IIMT or anyone else saying Whites don't need to repent. You're projecting that.

As I said in another thread I started in an attempt to keep things on topic, if someone has osteoporosis, they should lift heavy weights to regain bone density, AND pray. If I am obese, I diet, AND pray AND repent for gluttony. If I have cataracts, I go to an eye doctor, AND pray in advance that everything goes well.

Likewise, to save the White race (really I mean the individual nationalities within), we need to organize on a national basis and protect each other as an extended family, AND repent and pray and go to Church. It's not entirely one or the other. I agree with you that the White nationalities will not be saved simply through collectivized, secular means, and that it is all in God's hands, but that doesn't mean we don't stand up for ourselves in this fallen world that we are in.
Is anyone saying anything otherwise? All we have been saying in this thread is that there is nothing wrong with both. You do both the physical and spiritual things needed. We live in the world, unfortunately. Not a monastery. Nowhere is IIMT or anyone else saying Whites don't need to repent. You're projecting that.

As I said in another thread I started in an attempt to keep things on topic, if someone has osteoporosis, they should lift heavy weights to regain bone density, AND pray. If I am obese, I diet, AND pray AND repent for gluttony. If I have cataracts, I go to an eye doctor, AND pray in advance that everything goes well.

Likewise, to save the White race (really I mean the individual nationalities within), we need to organize on a national basis and protect each other as an extended family, AND repent and pray and go to Church. It's not entirely one or the other. I agree with you that the White nationalities will not be saved simply through collectivized, secular means, and that it is all in God's hands, but that doesn't mean we don't stand up for ourselves in this fallen world that we are in.

Well said and agreed but Danny brother you do realize there are others in this thread who are not interested in Christ and PF for a better life as you are for your family, they are interested only in excuses and enabling as to why they are unhappy within their own lives. That is where the debate is stemming from.
Well said and agreed but Danny brother you do realize there are others in this thread who are not interested in Christ and PF for a better life as you are for your family, they are interested only in excuses and enabling as to why they are unhappy within their own lives. That is where the debate is stemming from.
This does exist, but I think it's currently rare. To be very clear and specific, I disagree with @MusicForThePiano that the White race is to whom the promises given to Abraham were transferred, and I think that's very clear in the NT. That's a theological disagreement I have with him, but that doesn't mean he's not interested in Christ. Likewise with @It_Is_My_Time, I disagree with him simply because he's not Orthodox and naturally we are going to have different ecclesiological beliefs as well as soteriological and theological ones. But that doesn't mean he is disinterested in Christ.

Luke 9:50, "And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us."

As I've said before, I think there is a risk in pushing those interested in saving their ethnic nation/race away from Christianity. Those aren't mutually exclusive concepts, yet there are people here, such as @KomnenAl, an Orthodox member, who has told them it is, despite not being able to cite any councils or saints. I don't want to be the thorns that choke the plants as they sprout.

I'm not here to judge anyone's spiritual state. There's a really good chance @It_Is_My_Time, @MusicForThePiano, @KomnenAl, yourself, and @Samseau all pray more than me, give charity in secret, and are even praying for me.

Clearly there's a 34 page miscommunication going on.

From a starting point for further discussion, can we all agree to the following:

That there are physical things that we can and should do for those of us living in the world for the benefit of our health and for the wellbeing of our children and families, and that cannot be separated from actively participating in the Church and Christ's salvation?
You have it completely backwards, and are not reading anything I am saying.

The Church doesn't need to go to the Whites. It is the Whites who must repent and return to the Church if they want to be saved. The Church raised them, clothed them, built them, and then when the Whites were successful, they left the Church and thought they could do it on their own. Now they are dying, and they think the Church needs to come back?

Other way around - the prodigal son must return back to his Father before anything can be fixed. The Father cannot save those who do not want to be saved.

Hence, like I've said 100 times already in this thread (in various forms):

The White race is cucked. The White race needs a spiritual revival first before anything political is possible, otherwise they will sabotage each other and nothing will be accomplished.

Well, you are not correct. The church depends upon the people, and the people depend on the church. It is a two way relationship. IF the church doesn't inspire people to join/donate, the church will cease to exist.

The church doesn't have to get ahead of the WN movement, that is their choice. But if they don't, this energy will go some where. You are free to predict they will lose, those young White men don't care what you think. They don't get a fair shake and if the church will not fight for them, then they will go to whom will fight for them.

You keep conflating your personal beliefs and opinions with what is reality. I am not saying Whites will or will not rejoin the church or do or do not need the church. I am simply saying Whites don't get a fair shake in the west to such drastic measures that they are dropping out and whomever embraces this righteous anger will control it. The church doesn't have to do so, but if they don't, it will go elsewhere.

It seems like those who are so strongly opposed to PF don't fully realize the dire situation young White men are in. I suggest you read up on it, it will be very important to you as well.