Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

They don't look like Nazis but they certainly give off a martial/military type aesthetic which could be off putting to many people. People here may think they look cool or whatever, but the people here are not your average person.

The Boy Scouts of America objectively looks more militaristic.

It was said on this thread that PF were definitely a Fed psyop. Myself and others pointed out 30 of them were arrested and doxxed by local cops, and none turned out to be Feds, and that they've never committed an act of violence, nor do they advocate any violence. That was never addressed by the anti PF crowd.

It was said on this thread that PF look like nazis, I simply asked how, and nobody can explain how, yet still it is said they look militaristic, which is somehow off-putting, despite them looking less militaristic than the Boy Scouts.

There is a changing of the goalposts going on in this thread every time we bring something up. If it's an emotional thing, then there's no reason to continue discussing this matter. You either appreciate them and their message and tactics, or you don't. You don't need to branch out from that and accuse them of being Fed Nazis with no evidence.

Many think there is a better way to spend your time, or that there's a better group to be in. That's totally fine and valid. My only request is that people get a little bit of courage and organize, and actually address the issues that matter. You don't need to go out on the streets and march. Maybe you just go hiking and learn survival skills while being aware of the migrant crisis and the JQ. Again, that's fine. But it's an American tradition to go and protest, in person, and I will posit that considering the protestations of the anti-PF crowd here, there literally isn't an in person activist group that exists, or could be made, that is open about Zionist control and White genocide that would not be accused of being a Fed or Nazi psyop/honeypot.

That is how much of a mental prison we are all in after living through years of tyranny and subversion from this government which is oppressing us, that we, as Christian anti-Zionists against White genocide, do not think it is appropriate to have a group of people like us openly advocating for our beliefs, contrary to our Bill of Rights explicitly permitting open protest and organized, armed militias, and our forefathers participating in such groups. These same forefathers would be downright ashamed of us if they were to see us today.
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The Boy Scouts of America objectively looks more militaristic.
I was going to post these, decided not to, and then you made your what the heck.

Occupy Wall St:
Yellow Vests:

‘Yellow vest’ protesters turn out for fifth weekend in France

Candian Trucker:
Tea Party:


Now that I look at these, I can see it. These are all Feds.

In all seriousness, of all the above protests, only one met its actual objective. And it's the one that looks the scariest.

It's also interesting, looking back, that in all of the protests above, the discussion of "optics" NEVER HAPPENED. BLM doesn't give a crap about optics or normies. They don't have to.

And one day, PF may just be in the same exact position. We forget how quickly things can change.
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I'm watching the interview now.

Anyone who thinks these guys are led by feds really needs to hear from about 22:30 in. It's actually such an important point that Thomas Rousseau makes that I'm going to transcribe it. Emphasis mine.

It's common that you'll see ... White Nationalists in America just lambast The Constitution. And you have to stop and remind them that hey, however undefended The Constitution is nowadays that's the only reason why we're allowed to have the protests we are. Why Patriot Front you know 10 minutes into our demonstration in New York wasn't just told by the cops that hey, y'all gotta go it's not lawful. And it's why we don't have the Orwellian police state like they do in the United Kingdom. Now they're getting there and there's a lot of people that want America to be that but that's a big reason why we're exercising our rights to their legal limit and no more because every inch of ground you cede within the legal limit right and I don't advocate for breaking laws but you should exercise your rights to the full extent your able to without breaking laws because if you move back from that line an inch, they're going to make it illegal. Every time you step back you lose that ground to a tryannical government.
This is, quite simply, not how feds talk.
I'm watching the interview now.

Anyone who thinks these guys are led by feds really needs to hear from about 22:30 in. It's actually such an important point that Thomas Rousseau makes that I'm going to transcribe it. Emphasis mine.

This is, quite simply, not how feds talk.
The older I get, the more philosophical I become. In the past guys on here questioned how I could both be proud to work so many hours a week, but at the same time upset that I have to do so. These two things never seemed like a contradiction to me, you can both be proud you are able to rise above and put in long hours but at the same time be upset that the country you live in is so badly managed, that you are way too often forced to do so.

I have always enjoyed listening to guys like Thomas Rousseau, and other guys like Mike Peinovich, or Keith Woods, because they break through the two-party mindset in so many ways. They will take something that is "common knowledge" and break the unfounded beliefs it is built upon.

This interview is giving me that good break again. He is saying so many things in the interview that has me thinking things through.

I think the big one is "Patriot Front will make Trump supporters look bad". His response "we are not Trump supporters ourselves, so how can we make you look bad? We don't wear red hats, we don't go out and push political candidates. If our guys want to vote, that is fine by me, but we don't officially support anyone running for office, unless that person in turn supports Patriot Front."

And this is really big, because so many conservatives calling Patriot Front Feds do it to appease the left. "Hey, my leftist friends, those guys are not us, they are feds". When instead the correct response would simply be "Hey, my leftist friends, those guys are not us". To which then they have to admit that the things they deep down support, secretly and quietly, they will never get by voting GOP, because that isn't the GOP.

Another big point he makes is that it is not time to even try to get political. The time right now is to change how people think. Most GOP voters deep down are White Nationalists. They may not want to admit it because they have non-White friends and the pressure to not support White Identity politics is huge., but all in all, they want the same country they had when the demographics were 90% White. They still think they can win over the other minority groups to agree with their perception of America First. It is a very sneaky/underhanded way to trying to accomplish what you want, and it will never work because these groups will continue to vote left wing, even as the GOP moves further and further left, because these groups realize it is a tribal war and the DNC represents their interests better. This conditioning has to be broken, which will take a lot of time, to get these people to admit to themselves that this multiculturalism experiment is a complete failure and that taking your own side is not an evil thing. This is a big step for a lot of conservatives, and it is simply going to take time and work to ever get there. But without getting it done, we will just become another Brazil with a few wealthy people and everyone else trying to avoid crime and ending up the favelas.
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I'm watching the interview now.

Anyone who thinks these guys are led by feds really needs to hear from about 22:30 in. It's actually such an important point that Thomas Rousseau makes that I'm going to transcribe it. Emphasis mine.

This is, quite simply, not how feds talk.
This doesn't mean the group isn't being infiltrated.

I think that's the point.

It will happen. Join at your own peril.
This doesn't mean the group isn't being infiltrated.

I think that's the point.

It will happen. Join at your own peril.
But that's not the argument @Get2choppaaa and you know it.

We've been over this. EVERY group is infiltrated by Feds. I posted proof pages back that the FBI was infilatrating Catholic churches and house churches.

Would you therefore recommend that people stop going to church?
But that's not the argument @Get2choppaaa and you know it.

We've been over this. EVERY group is infiltrated by Feds. I posted proof pages back that the FBI was infilatrating Catholic churches and house churches.

Would you therefore recommend that people stop going to church?
No I don't know it. It's been my argument. Go back and read what I've said.

It's a calculated risk to participate.

Do so at your own peril.

I think there's a big difference between street activism and church. Comparing the two is a little bit nonsensical.
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I’m convinced that the deep state, the zionists, and the alphabet organizations are run by the same zionists.

I’m not sure zionists want to infiltrate Christianity but want to subvert it instead.
I’m convinced that the deep state, the zionists, and the alphabet organizations are run by the same zionists.

I’m not sure zionists want to infiltrate Christianity but want to subvert it instead.
There are articles linked to this thread where the FBI proudly admits they have already infiltrated Catholic organizations.

The Zionists subverted Christianity in the early 1900's and stepped it up big time after WW2 and the Vatican 2.
No I don't know it. It's been my argument. Go back and read what I've said.
Earlier in this thread I said that I believe there are feds in Patriot Front. When someone accuses PF of being feds, they are stating that it is an organization set up and run by feds. I stated that the leader is saying things that a fed would not say and your response was that the group is being infiltrated. It's a safe assumption to make, sure, but so are churches.

It's a calculated risk to participate.

Do so at your own peril.
Therefore it's a risk to participate in church. And there are people who have gone to house churches that were infiltrated and then had federal charges against them.

I think there's a big difference between street activism and church. Comparing the two is a little bit nonsensical.
We live in 2024. Our entire world is non-sensical

Our country was founded because people were brave enough to make calculated risks. You're basically saying not to do that no matter what. I understand the sentiment, but things will only then continue to get worse. I want to encourage and support people who hold banners talking about strong men and families, and protesting literal tranny groomer events.

I happen to know that one of the guys who was arrested in the Idaho thing had a baby on the way and due to the disruption in his life couldn't afford to repair his family's car. He goes and does that, taking a calculated risk, gets arrested on BS charges and gets doxxed, and then people like you call him and his kind "feds."

You simply do not know what you are talking about, and offer no proof behind what you say.

These guys are actually doing something, and until you or anyone else has actual proof of Rousseau being an asset or the group being a honeypot operation, we should encourage these people instead of giving them reasons to give up.
Earlier in this thread I said that I believe there are feds in Patriot Front. When someone accuses PF of being feds, they are stating that it is an organization set up and run by feds. I stated that the leader is saying things that a fed would not say and your response was that the group is being infiltrated. It's a safe assumption to make, sure, but so are churches.

Therefore it's a risk to participate in church. And there are people who have gone to house churches that were infiltrated and then had federal charges against them.

We live in 2024. Our entire world is non-sensical

Our country was founded because people were brave enough to make calculated risks. You're basically saying not to do that no matter what. I understand the sentiment, but things will only then continue to get worse. I want to encourage and support people who hold banners talking about strong men and families, and protesting literal tranny groomer events.

I happen to know that one of the guys who was arrested in the Idaho thing had a baby on the way and due to the disruption in his life couldn't afford to repair his family's car. He goes and does that, taking a calculated risk, gets arrested on BS charges and gets doxxed, and then people like you call him and his kind "feds."

You simply do not know what you are talking about, and offer no proof behind what you say.

These guys are actually doing something, and until you or anyone else has actual proof of Rousseau being an asset or the group being a honeypot operation, we should encourage these people instead of giving them reasons to give up.
Ok man. No idea what you're talking about on the Idaho thing... Or why you're saying I called him a fed. Frankly if your anecdotal connection couldn't afford to fix his car or whatever he should have been focusing on getting his house in order before street activism... so sounds like he calculated incorrectly.

I posted on RVF about a fell Marine and rural east Texan that got arrested Jan 6. He clearly wasn't a fed... But we saw how that Fedsurection played out.

Encourage all you want. I suggest people form communities where they don't have to wear makes for fear of doxing over street activism.
Ok man. No idea what you're talking about on the Idaho thing... Or why you're saying I called him a fed. Frankly if your anecdotal connection couldn't afford to fix his car or whatever he should have been focusing on getting his house in order before street activism... so sounds like he calculated incorrectly.

I posted on RVF about a fell Marine and rural east Texan that got arrested Jan 6. He clearly wasn't a fed... But we saw how that Fedsurection played out.

Encourage all you want. I suggest people form communities where they don't have to wear makes for fear of doxing over street activism.
There is never enough financing, in this satanic system, to be free from repercussions. We have seen plenty of wealthy men forced to bend the knee.

Idaho is when Patriot Front followed the laws and had a peaceful protest, all of it caught on video and the police made up fake charges and arrested them. 5 of like 30 of them walked with nothing, the other 5 panicked and took a plea deal for a misdemeanor. There was video evidence of their innocence but the DA refused to turn it over, pressure was turned up on the DA, and the charged dropped. They were arrested so that they could be doxxed and have their lives ruined, not so they would go to jail.

If your movement doesn't need masks, either you are self-sufficient from the system (no group I know of) or you are not a threat to the system and the top is compromised by the satanic elites and your message is calculated and pointless.
A while back in this thread people were talking about PF members looking fit as a point counting towards them being Feds. I was just that reading how their chat logs were hacked by leftist groups a while back and that each cell actually has a fitness coordinator that makes sure members stay in good physical condition. One the leaders had typed "It’s important to be fit and healthy, he will call out men who are not following the routine in front of everybody" in the logs
A while back in this thread people were talking about PF members looking fit as a point counting towards them being Feds. I was just that reading how their chat logs were hacked by leftist groups a while back and that each cell actually has a fitness coordinator that makes sure members stay in good physical condition. One the leaders had typed "It’s important to be fit and healthy, he will call out men who are not following the routine in front of everybody" in the logs
I've heard rumors there is a fitness test to be able to even join.
We live in 2024. Our entire world is non-sensical.
This is obviously your "frame" and so this is what you're experiencing. For others, the world makes plenty of sense. That is, if you dress up in a costume, cover your face, and start talking in public about "white survival" and "jews" then you will get doxxed and arrested.

Our country was founded because people were brave enough to make calculated risks.
Yes, but comparing the men of 1776 to the men of 2024 is comparing apples to oranges.

I happen to know that one of the guys who was arrested in the Idaho thing had a baby on the way. He goes and does that, taking a calculated risk, gets arrested, gets doxxed, and then people like you call him and his kind "feds."
Not smart to join PF and go out on a public march with this group when you have a baby on the way. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

You simply do not know what you are talking about.
And this is where you go off the rails and show your over-emotional connection to PF (which explains your constant "yeah, but" defensive posture on the subject). Choppa was out there putting his life on the line in theater, weapon in hand, watching (or hearing of) his buddies getting their legs blown off and you, a proud supporter and cheerleader of the "non-violent" Patriot Front have the gall to say to him "you simply do not know what you're talking about"?

These guys are actually doing something.
No, they've done nothing except get arrested and doxxed for no reason. They have not (and will not) move the needle one inch until they man up, arm up, and start falling on their swords. Normies understand nothing but death and violence. When PF members start dying for their cause it is then, and only then, that people will start saying, "Wait, who exactly are these guys and what is their objective?". Until then, they are nobodies accomplishing nothing.
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No, they've done nothing except get arrested and doxxed for no reason. They have not (and will not) move the needle one inch until they man up, arm up, and start falling on their swords. Normies understand nothing but death and violence. When PF members start dying for their cause it is then, and only then, that people will start saying, "Wait, who exactly are these guys and what is their objective?". Until then, they are nobodies accomplishing nothing.
This makes no sense at all, and you had stated something similar earlier in this thread.

I would say, going forward, as things get worse, a majority of young White men will agree with Patriot Front. As White men are discriminated at every turn. As young White men cannot escape the violence and crime of the results of left wing politics. As young Whie men cannot afford to have families and wives of their own, that energy will go somewhere.

The weaker White men will turn to porn or video games. The stronger White men will look for answers and find them with Patriot Front.

That is when Patriot Front will grow from an organization of a few thousand to a few million and probably soon after 10's of millions. When you have numbers like that, you don't need to be violent to enact change.
No, they've done nothing except get arrested and doxxed for no reason. They have not (and will not) move the needle one inch until they man up, arm up, and start falling on their swords. Normies understand nothing but death and violence. When PF members start dying for their cause it is then, and only then, that people will start saying, "Wait, who exactly are these guys and what is their objective?". Until then, they are nobodies accomplishing nothing.

Total Fed post. Not cool.
No, they've done nothing except get arrested and doxxed for no reason. They have not (and will not) move the needle one inch until they man up, arm up, and start falling on their swords. Normies understand nothing but death and violence. When PF members start dying for their cause it is then, and only then, that people will start saying, "Wait, who exactly are these guys and what is their objective?". Until then, they are nobodies accomplishing nothing.

This is just false. Nothing has ever worked this way.
This makes no sense at all, and you had stated something similar earlier in this thread.

I would say, going forward, as things get worse, a majority of young White men will agree with Patriot Front. As White men are discriminated at every turn. As young White men cannot escape the violence and crime of the results of left wing politics. As young Whie men cannot afford to have families and wives of their own, that energy will go somewhere.

The weaker White men will turn to porn or video games. The stronger White men will look for answers and find them with Patriot Front.

That is when Patriot Front will grow from an organization of a few thousand to a few million and probably soon after 10's of millions. When you have numbers like that, you don't need to be violent to enact change.

This is delusional. You are living in a fantasy land because you have no faith in God, and somehow believe a random political group will save you.