Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

I also think you are too old. I think to join Patriot Front you have to be 25 and under. I had heard that before, which makes sense, they are doing their own thing for their own future.

Their goal isn't to win an election with a 50% vote. Their goal is to get the top 10% to 20% of men, which historically is always enough to push a change/revolution/create a new society. Most men don't matter, they are just followers. No women matter when it comes to these matters.

Again did not know any of this, thank you for the info.
The qualifications for being "White" are the same qualifications our govt. uses to discriminate against Whites.
I don't want to dodge too much off the topic, but does that just include Nordics? Say an around 80% 90% Spanish Mexican comes along. Does he join the party? Portuguese, Italians, Greeks?

I've also looked for citizenship on other countries, and the only one available is a native tribe in the same country I reside in.
I don't want to dodge too much off the topic, but does that just include Nordics? Say an around 80% 90% Spanish Mexican comes along. Does he join the party? Portuguese, Italians, Greeks?

I've also looked for citizenship on other countries, and the only one available is a native tribe in the same country I reside in.
I have heard podcasts talk about this, that as soon as there is a White political movement, the call as to "what is White" is asked. The definition for what is "White" is who is discriminated against in hiring practices, education opportunities and govt. contracts. The US govt. dictates what is and what is not White, so I assume Patriot Front uses the same criteria.
Not familiar with US government racial classification. Over here I can say I am a pure black straight out of the Congo and it would cause raging debates in public. Still, a law is a law.

The problem with racial classification is divide and conquer. Tends to be common in Jewish sites to accuse x of not being white just for the sake of it.
I don't want to dodge too much off the topic, but does that just include Nordics? Say an around 80% 90% Spanish Mexican comes along. Does he join the party? Portuguese, Italians, Greeks?

I've also looked for citizenship on other countries, and the only one available is a native tribe in the same country I reside in.

My greasy italian friends don't consider themselves "white", neither do my greek or eastern european friends. Not because there is anything wrong with being white, you should be proud of your culture, but they just don't because they didn't get off the mayflower I guess. Hell my polish friends who actually have 100% polish roots don't even call themselves "white" now that I think about it.....go figure that one. So I guess "white" doesn't have anything to do with what country you're originally from and more when your family immigrated over to the USA, or maybe what percentage or how removed your roots to your original culture are....if your skin is also pale???

I don't know, again to my point of not being a good move to shun people, shun Americans.....
My greasy italian friends don't consider themselves "white", neither do my greek or eastern european friends. Not because there is anything wrong with being white, you should be proud of your culture, but they just don't because they didn't get off the mayflower I guess. Hell my polish friends who actually have 100% polish roots don't even call themselves "white" now that I think about it.....go figure that one. So I guess "white" doesn't have anything to do with what country you're originally from and more when your family immigrated over to the USA, or maybe what percentage or how removed your roots to your original culture are....if your skin is also pale???

I don't know, again to my point of not being a good move to shun people, shun Americans.....
I wonder what these people put on census information and what is on official govt. documents. I am guessing they put "White" which makes them open to discrimination, but maybe not. Is there another category they use?
I wonder what these people put on census information and what is on official govt. documents. I am guessing they put "White" which makes them open to discrimination, but maybe not. Is there another category they use?

I always put white, I'm pretty sure they did too it's not as if there is a "Polish" or "Italian" box to check for them. I don't know what you guys think it's like in your heads but nobody gets special treatment unless they are really brown or black, maybe asian....maybe. If an eastern European or Mediterranean person immigrates here tomorrow they are going to get dumped on the same way white people are dumped on.....

The advantages are being given to the lowest denominators in order to use them as pawns, it's not if you came off the mayflower or not. Whatever crap sandwich you guys have to eat they are taking bites too, albeit smaller bites because they have specific communities to fall back on if needed.
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I don't want to dodge too much off the topic, but does that just include Nordics? Say an around 80% 90% Spanish Mexican comes along. Does he join the party? Portuguese, Italians, Greeks?

I've also looked for citizenship on other countries, and the only one available is a native tribe in the same country I reside in.
It is an interesting topic, and the truth of it is Whites are much more genetically similar than they'd like to think. I saw a DNA analysis which showed a Spaniard is far more closely genetically related to a Russian than the Moroccans just across the strait, which is relevant because a lot of people try to put “Mediterranean” in its own racial category, when there just isn't much justification for that. And that is even with Spain being occupied for centuries. I'd wager there's a lot more genetic variation within the Indian subcontinent than there is in Europe among Europeans.
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It is an interesting topic, and the truth of it is Whites are much more genetically similar than they'd like to think. I saw a DNA analysis which showed a Spaniard is far more closely genetically related to a Russian than the Moroccans just across the strait, which is relevant because a lot of people try to put “Mediterranean” in its own racial category, when there just isn't much justification for that. And that is even with Spain being occupied for centuries. I'd wager there's a lot more genetic variation within the Indian subcontinent than there is in Europe among Europeans.
Speaking of the potential for hope....and Spaniards/Portuguese (White People)

The Muslims controlled the Iberian Peninsula for nearly 700 years then poof the Reconquista took place over roughly 80 years and then rapid repopulation by Christian Spaniards and Portuguese occurred.

If you want to get into the Haplo-groups, and all of that... from what I can tell there are a lot of European variations in groups.... but they may all be more similar to each other than another group.

I'd have to brush up on my anthropology for that... its been a while.
Moors never had a significant relationship with the Spanish or Portuguese due to their religions not allowing the marriages and mixing. What fascinates me is that they built things such as the Alhambra and contributed to the great navigations, only to decline tremendously during their own rule. The fall from their golden age during their reign probably goes beyond mutting.
The Muslims controlled the Iberian Peninsula for nearly 700 years then poof the Reconquista took place over roughly 80 years and then rapid repopulation by Christian Spaniards and Portuguese occurred.
The Reconquista spanned most of the period of muslim presence in Spain. The last two centuries the muslims held only Grenada.
Moors never had a significant relationship with the Spanish or Portuguese due to their religions not allowing the marriages and mixing. What fascinates me is that they built things such as the Alhambra and contributed to the great navigations, only to decline tremendously during their own rule. The fall from their golden age during their reign probably goes beyond mutting.
Edward Dutton has a PHD in human biodiversity and he talks about this subject. I can't remember exactly what all he had to say on it, but he believes Islam has actually lowered the IQ of Middle Easterners, and even cites that the children of Muslims often have a higher IQ than when they become adults. But this might actually become a survival tactic, because of instead of being over virtuous, like Whites, they are protecting themselves and spreading across the globe.

Maybe this factors into their fall from advanced civilizations.
Edward Dutton has a PHD in human biodiversity and he talks about this subject. I can't remember exactly what all he had to say on it, but he believes Islam has actually lowered the IQ of Middle Easterners, and even cites that the children of Muslims often have a higher IQ than when they become adults. But this might actually become a survival tactic, because of instead of being over virtuous, like Whites, they are protecting themselves and spreading across the globe.

Maybe this factors into their fall from advanced civilizations.
Edward Dutton is awesome...on most things....
The Reconquista spanned most of the period of muslim presence in Spain. The last two centuries the muslims held only Grenada.
Your correct in that it occured most of the time of occupation.... but let me explain the nuance of what I meant and what I'm refering to. My point is that: this took a very long time, ultimately it was a series of incremental victories, and it took unity that developed after a series of internal strife among the Spanish.

In 711 to only a small kingdom of Asturias remained Christian. The rest was muslim.
Charles The Hammer, blunted the Moorish incursion in 732 at Tours.
Asturias gained some territory between 740 - 745 then no change for 50 more years when a Spanish March/Francia gained a little sliver around 800.
Then No significant movement till about 1000 and again in 1050 when Castile and later Leon-Castile merged and had a run of growth unitl about 1080.
Portugal wasnt established around 1130.
From around 1150-1250 was where was a whittling down until there was only Granada left.

Spain held 5 million muslims down to 1/10th of that. In 1493 they even kicked out all the Jews.
Great video where Thomas himself answers the accusations of being a "Fed".

He speaks a bit too fast but has good presentation. However, still smells like a con. "We're just out here doing peaceful community service masked up as the brown pants brigade." Uhhhh.... sure my dudes.
He speaks a bit too fast but has good presentation. However, still smells like a con. "We're just out here doing peaceful community service masked up as the brown pants brigade." Uhhhh.... sure my dudes.
What do you think would happen to them if they took off their masks? Would they lose their jobs? Would they be able to find employment or be allowed into a college?

I do like the line about that if any Feds infiltrate them, they will be helping the community and doing events like cleaning up roads and helping poor people, which would make the fed upset because they would finally have to do something good for the country.
What do you think would happen to them if they took off their masks? Would they lose their jobs? Would they be able to find employment or be allowed into a college?

I do like the line about that if any Feds infiltrate them, they will be helping the community and doing events like cleaning up roads and helping poor people, which would make the fed upset because they would finally have to do something good for the country.
The mask argument is dishonest to me. The march of Rome had similar attire, but they did not have autism, so remove some of PF's attire. The mask part is because we're in the year of our Lord 2024. If even a shithole like Rio de Janegro has on the point tech for facial IDs, then I am not sure who has opsec of the no mask tier.
And even demographic replacement isn't a big deal for most White people. I don't think most White people really care if there are White people on the plant or not in 150 years.
I'm not so sure this is true. People may say one thing publicly, but deep down they still have their hard wired instincts inside of them. I've known dyed in the wool liberals who have complained to me in confidence about "too many damned Mexicans at grocery store". I think deep down most people do care no matter how eager they are to say the socially acceptable thing in public.

Another thing about demographic replacement, in the next few generations whites will undergo a "burning off of the dead wood" so to speak, as it's mainly decent men with good wives having larger families in the white communities. The freak show liberals aren't having hardly any kids to pass their rotten beliefs down to.

So while in the future, whites will be a smaller group, they will also be a stronger and more cohesive group and that will have advantages.
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My greasy italian friends don't consider themselves "white", neither do my greek or eastern european friends. Not because there is anything wrong with being white, you should be proud of your culture, but they just don't because they didn't get off the mayflower I guess. Hell my polish friends who actually have 100% polish roots don't even call themselves "white" now that I think about it.....go figure that one. So I guess "white" doesn't have anything to do with what country you're originally from and more when your family immigrated over to the USA, or maybe what percentage or how removed your roots to your original culture are....if your skin is also pale???

I don't know, again to my point of not being a good move to shun people, shun Americans.....
I think a lot of this is because what’s called the “flight from white.” Back when hardcore racism was a thing they classified humans into 4 races. Caucasoid (West Eurasians), Australoid (Aborigines and Melanesians), Mongoloid (East Eurasians), Negroid (Black). Back in the 1900s you were white if you weren’t Black, Asian, American Indian, or an Australian aboriginals. About 1/3 of the people on the planet are Caucasian. But everyone hates whites, now so nobody wants to be white.
I'm not so sure this is true. People may say one thing publicly, but deep down they still have their hard wired instincts inside of them. I've known dyed in the wool liberals who have complained to me in confidence about "too many damned Mexicans at grocery store". I think deep down most people do care no matter how eager they are to say the socially acceptable thing in public.

Another thing about demographic replacement, in the next few generations whites will undergo a "burning off of the dead wood" so to speak, as it's mainly decent men with good wives having larger families in the white communities. The freak show liberals aren't having hardly any kids to pass their rotten beliefs down to.

So while in the future, whites will be a smaller group, they will also be a stronger and more cohesive group and that will have advantages.
It will be a natural removal of the weaker genetics from the Whites, I agree with you there. The problem is globally Whites have gone from 30% of the population in 1900 to about 9% right now. If this keeps up, it might be a great group of White people, but they will be less than 5% of the world's population.
I can see the need for PF to wear masks. It is a valid argument. There has also been great points made about PF doing good work and being a legit organization that only has a "few" feds (because as IIMT correctly states all counter-government movements eventually get infiltrated). However, for me, it is Samseau's breakdown that is the most convincing (even if it's not 100% accurate). Maybe it's because of his absolute certainty or maybe he's better at persuasive writing, either way, I'm going with Samseau on this one.

I just think there are better, "safer," more effective ways to get The Message out these days. Namely, using the internet via podcasting, live streaming, and documentary filmmaking. Think of all the resources, time, and energy (not to mention safety concerns that require one to wear a mask) that goes into PF's "gatherings" and public square "speeches." Why would you go to all that effort and trouble to reach basically nobody while not moving the needle one inch when everybody at PF could just stay home and produce one viral clip that reaches millions of people (if it is produced well and scripted right)? For a bunch of young guys who won't let boomers join their ranks they sure do act like a bunch of low-tech boomers with their 1960's civil rights-style "marching" approach.

If they were serious people then they would be doing real things like meeting the cartels and smugglers at our border head on. Or helping others like the Guardian Angels did in the 70's by riding the subways and busses all night making sure passengers are safe. Either way, if you're going to be monitored and infiltrated by the feds and on occasion get arrested it may as well be for actually doing something besides "protesting." If these young, masked, "brown pants" men are to ever be taken seriously then they're going to have to get their hands dirty. Unfortunately this entails physical violence (even if it's just in self-defense). Anything else is just posing. Because if you're not willing to die for your cause then you will lose every battle, every time.