Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

This is delusional. You are living in a fantasy land because you have no faith in God, and somehow believe a random political group will save you.
Of course, I have faith in God, these political groups are rooted in real Christianity and not the subverted Scofiled Bible/Vatican 2 version of Christianity.

God gives us the strength to right the wrongs, God challenges us to become stronger and deeper in our faith, and with this God wants us to do the right thing and fight back against evil. And that is exactly what Patriot Front is doing. Until I see a Christian Group organize against the open borders, organize against anti-White policies, organize against the recreation of Babel, organize again fiat capitalism central banking theft, then Patriot Front is the best we have right now.
Of course, I have faith in God.
I'll take you at your word on this.

God wants us to do the right thing and fight back against evil. And that is exactly what Patriot Front is doing.
You seem to be more knowledgeable on PF than I am and and so I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this one (although you know I am highly skeptical of PF).

Until I see a Christian Group organize against the open borders, organize against anti-White policies, organize against the recreation of Babel, organize again fiat capitalism central banking theft, then Patriot Front is the best we have right now.
I agree with the former but question the latter.
Of course I will take this into consideration because I respect your opinion. In a certain sense this is apples and oranges because of time/space continuums, but what about Napoleon, and all civil and revolutionary wars? To say that "nothing" is accomplished by violence is at least slightly "false."
This is true. Look at the American Revolution.

Violence with political backing behind it and a motivated will.

But there needs to be a strong backing behind it that. We aren't remotely in a place where street violence will be accepted and the political backing is too easily accepted as extremists (rightfully or wrongfully so)
Political groups on the right or even the left are way too fragmented, disorganized to be able to pull something like this off. In local groups, we work the damndest to get professionals on board. It takes years. This however, just popped up out of nowhere and looks consistent and organized. Pardon me if I'm skeptical.
This is true. Look at the American Revolution.

Violence with political backing behind it and a motivated will.

But there needs to be a strong backing behind it that. We aren't remotely in a place where street violence will be accepted and the political backing is too easily accepted as extremists (rightfully or wrongfully so)
Predictable and low IQ "street violence" isn't the answer. I'm thinking more in terms of Sun Tzu''s 2000+ year old ART Of War and/or Augusto Sandino's genius invention of guerilla warfare in the early 20th Century against the US Marines in Nicaragua.

The ship has sailed. Gen Z''ers are incapable of real and intelligent violence due to globohomo public school indoctrination. Therfore, Patriot Front is null and void. I hate to be black pilled, but there is no reversing JQ globohomo, tranny acceptance, illegal immigration, porn/FAP addiction, masculine "feminist" women, and a preoccupation with atheistic "finances" and upward mobility. Whether ready or not, the "violence" needs to begin yesterday (or forever hold your "peace").
I hate to be black pilled, but there is no reversing JQ globohomo, tranny acceptance, illegal immigration, porn/FAP addiction, masculine "feminist" women, and a preoccupation with atheistic "finances" and upward mobility. Whether ready or not, the "violence" needs to begin yesterday (or forever hold your "peace").

So your message is that there's no hope and everyone should just give up. Globohomo is here to stay you say.

Weird that most people I talk to, including random people I meet on the street, are totally against it.

Another uplifting Urkel message.
So your message is that there's no hope and everyone should just give up. Globohomo is here to stay you say.

Weird that most people I talk to, including random people I meet on the street, are totally against it.

Another uplifting Urkel message.
Yes, a lot of people are against it and so why is it increasing? Because everyone is weak and afraid to do anything (myself included due to age and other interests). You call facts anti-"uplifting"? You can talk to all the people you want but Eddie is dead, and he's the first to acknowledge that Hendrix was the precursor to everything he did. Maybe consider not idolizing false idols into your moniker and acknowledging that I've acknowledged many of your great posts. Not sure why you're coming at me personally when I've put you mostly in high reverence and defended you on at least one occasion. All I can think of is that I criticized either Trump or Putin while acknowledging there are things I like about them. What is "weird" is defending strangers whom you'll never meet and know the truth about while attacking a known entity in which you have daily contact with.
Yes, a lot of people are against it and so why is it increasing? Because everyone is weak and afraid to do anything (myself included due to age and other interests). You call facts anti-"uplifting"? You can talk to all the people you want but Eddie is dead, and he's the first to acknowledge that Hendrix was the precursor to everything he did. Maybe consider not idolizing false idols into your moniker and acknowledging that I've acknowledged many of your great posts. Not sure why you're coming at me personally when I've put you mostly in high reverence and defended you on at least one occasion. All I can think of is that I criticized either Trump or Putin while acknowledging there are things I like about them. What is "weird" is defending strangers whom you'll never meet and know the truth about while attacking a known entity in which you have daily contact with.

No, I'm not against you personally and thanks for your support on posts.

Nothing to do with Trump or Putin, some of your posts have seemed like dangerous black pilling to me so I called them out. The reason that globohomo increases in power in legal matters and in the propaganda media is because Jews control them. The average person is sick of it though and learning more about who is responsible for it so that's a good thing.

Not sure why you brought Eddie into this :D, kinda funny though. I don't look to him or any other celebrity for spiritual guidance, I just celebrate his mind-blowing guitar playing and great influence in the electric arena. It's true that he and Hendrix are the two greatest electric guitar innovators of rock history.

I'll try not to personalize it next time because you seem like a good guy but if a post is too dark and not the whole story, I might comment on it.
There is no point in arguing when we haven't seen much of them. Everything they are doing is legit legally, I'm guessing Rousseau has decent legal counsel, he knows the boundaries he is pushing, but when he tries to reverse the demographics, encourage a boom in White / European-descendant babies being born and the formation of families, and the numbers even tick slightly in the positive, the feds will stop wasting time and make their move to take him out on some bogus charge, and then use it in a RICO-type case to prevent the ideas they are talking about from being pushed, therefore there is an argument to be made both ways, that PF is good and that PF could be used for bad:

PF is good argument: They actually gain substantial membership, improve their speeches and optics, intertwine themselves in all the local New England small businesses and Church communities, raise awareness of the demographic threat and the jewish problem, push for their goals peacefully, and the number of Whites being born increases in the next 5-10 years despite the overwhelming influx of orcs, interracial violence and murders, and sudden vax deaths. The more ethno-centric Whites of the near future form stronger conclaves endowed with a national identity tied to a specific ethnic root that is shared among the community, and it is no longer merely surviving in a jewish dystopia, New England will become a better society to live and raise children in, and the cold winters will keep the swine away. This same phenomena, if successful, should be adapted by numerous other like-minded and like-blooded groups all over America to begin remaking a successful civilization that is rooted in Christian mores. The only thing next to do would be to institute a synthesis with these groups and a united church that is not pozzed. The freedom of religion and freedom of speech (barring satanists and jews from holding power) must be amended to prevent the slow re-takeover of America by these aliens, heretics, and sub-humans. They also are doing an interesting job of reclassifying White along its proper vernacular as the descendants of Europeans and specifically harp on this for membership requirements. It is the basis of a cooperative society founded first on shared blood, and then on shared faith.

PF can be used for bad: If the dice rolls differently and this cat-and-mouse game Rousseau is playing with the FBI eventually goes south, then they will run the typical formula over everything he tried to create. The leaders will be jailed or shot, the mid-level guys will be tortured and flipped, and the low-level guys will be dispersed where, without proper leadership, they may succumb to the temptations to not be so peaceful. I don't know his long-term plans for bringing back the White population, but this is the key element he seems to be pushing for. Just this expression alone will be linked with a very nasty series of cases involving the FEDs and they will recirculate the "White bad" memetic throughout all their institutions (yes, even to their many White employees) ad nauseum. It will make future groups with these noble intentions much harder to form, let alone pursue and achieve. This potential conclusion will only solidify alien control over the east coast DC area. I don't know how he intends to deal with the foreign federal reserve, but no one is making America "great" until that problem is dealt with. If someone like him secured a presidency or dictatorship and made good use of JFK's Executive Order 11110 then and only then can America begin to truly be liberated from jewish ownership. They are fighting a massive uphill battle indeed and this is why I am not inclined to believe they will win, but perhaps they can open the door for others to make more potentially fatal blows to the system, others with the logistical readiness to re-build in the aftermath of the inevitable storm of blood required to remove the parasites.

Therefore I don't think we should condemn them, but perhaps reach out to them and debate with them. I'd be willing to sit down and debate with Rousseau had I the opportunity to see where his mind is really going, none of these simple street-churnalist questions, but a real philosophical interaction between potential equals. It is rare to find such fascinating and controversial minds these days and I wish there were more people like him, fed involvement or not.
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Predictable and low IQ "street violence" isn't the answer. I'm thinking more in terms of Sun Tzu''s 2000+ year old ART Of War and/or Augusto Sandino's genius invention of guerilla warfare in the early 20th Century against the US Marines in Nicaragua.

The ship has sailed. Gen Z''ers are incapable of real and intelligent violence due to globohomo public school indoctrination. Therfore, Patriot Front is null and void. I hate to be black pilled, but there is no reversing JQ globohomo, tranny acceptance, illegal immigration, porn/FAP addiction, masculine "feminist" women, and a preoccupation with atheistic "finances" and upward mobility. Whether ready or not, the "violence" needs to begin yesterday (or forever hold your "peace").
Get to a good church. Talk to a priest. Go on a retreat in a monastery. Pray the rosary. Walk in nature. Work out. Whatever.

It seems you have watched too much propaganda on the internet. I think the "violence" should be to yourself to cut yourself off that crap. Lent is coming.

Fast on the news. You'll your "globohomos","trannies", "immigrants", "femininists" largely live on the internet. As long as you don't work in a government "NGO" supporting cultural change it is largely non-existent.

The most radical act you can do is turn to God, turn away from the worldly power, a serve the divine. Instead of worrying "the world goes down'
The "world" has always been bad; they hung the Son of God to the Cross and mocked him. Nothing different today.

Social activism leads nowhere, Patriot Front at best are the same as the losers that sit glued on the streets at worst a federal honeypot.
Slightly OT rant here... People want to do "pro-white activism"? How about supporting each other more in real life instead of larping and talking about it on the internet.

Support/hire/network/do business with white people who are:

Real estate agents
Auto mechaincs
Financial planners
Contractors (who don't bring in an army of mexicans to do the job for them after bidding on it)
Restaurant owners
and literally everything else

Anything you need to get through your daily life, there's a white person out there who's probably toiling under the burden of taxes, inflation, govt red tape, flooding of the labor market with immigrants, who can provide that thing/service and would greatly appreciate your patronage. I know a guy who hires white people to paint his house. Let me tell you white house painters aren't exactly common around here but he managed to find some and he sticks with them. It all adds up and makes a difference.

Other groups stick together. Jews, Mexicans, Arabs, Koreans, they all stick together, they all work together, they all hire their cousins. White people do not. They're going to have to, imo.

These are all things everyone can do, that make a real quantifiable difference in the world. People talk about setting up a parallel economy when they don't even support each other in this economy.
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Slightly OT rant here... People want to do "pro-white activism"? How about supporting each other more in real life instead of larping and talking about it on the internet.

Support/hire/network/do business with white people who are:

Real estate agents
Auto mechaincs
Financial planners
Contractors (who don't bring in an army of mexicans to do the job for them after bidding on it)
Restaurant owners
and literally everything else

Anything you need to get through your daily life, there's a white person out there who's probably toiling under the burden of taxes, inflation, govt red tape, flooding of the labor market with immigrants, who can provide that thing/service and would greatly appreciate your patronage. I know a guy who hires white people to paint his house. Let me tell you white house painters aren't exactly common around here but he managed to find some and he sticks with them. It all adds up and makes a difference.

Other groups stick together. Jews, Mexicans, Arabs, Koreans, they all stick together, they all work together, they all hire their cousins. White people do not. They're going to have to, imo.

These are all things everyone can do, that make a real quantifiable difference in the world. People talk about setting up a parallel economy when they don't even support each other in this economy.
That is one thing Patriot Front talks about. They network like this in the real world and make sure to take care of each other as much as they can. Thomas Rousseau talks about this when he gets interviewed.

The NJP/TRS guys have a White Toy Drive during Christmas, which drives libtards insane with rage. They too have networking like this as well for professionals I have heard.

Personally, I am going to take as much as I can out of this economic system, and if I do have kids, help set them up to keep passing it one and moving it into a White community. If not, I will leave it behind for some White organization. You are correct, every other ethnic group has special organizations/congressional groups, etc., and take care of each other. Now we have to play the same game, so our kids have some kind of chance in this satanic system.
The NJP/TRS guys have a White Toy Drive during Christmas, which drives libtards insane with rage. They too have networking like this as well for professionals I have heard.
Mark Collette does something similar in England with Patriotic Alternative.

He basically got an NGO "Cease and Desist".

We aren't allowed to even have our own toy drives. Think of how petty that is.
Some of your posts have seemed like dangerous black pilling to me so I called them out.
"Dangerous"? Facts are dangerous? The world can be a dark, black place. Indeed, call ideas and opinions out but refute them with detail instead of quick personal slights. Explain it to me like I'm five how we are winning the non-violent war against globohomo and how there are less faggots than ever because normies are starting to turn back to God and realize faggotry is a sin. If you call that truth then I will have no option but to label that hypothesis as magical thinking. Truth is not "black." You can't solve problems without first defining them in realistic terms. The truth should not be "depressing," simply look at it and then let it go. It is dwelling on the blackness of the world that is dangerous.

I'll try not to personalize it next time because you seem like a good guy but if a post is too dark and not the whole story, I might comment on it.
Thank you. I'm running into a problem here where counter arguments to my ideas and opinions aren't being addressed with statistics or indepth philosophy, it's just a quick thumbs down and "You're wrong, violence/war doesn't work and history proves this, there are less homosexuals and trannies than ever and we will soon win the war against globohomo through peaceful talks and negotiations with the JQ owner of Pornhub, Putin is actually a very misunderstood guy and you are too dumb to understand what he is saying and he mentions Jesus as being his Saviour often, Trump is actually super intelligent with a great sense of style and this is proven by January 6th and his marble living room designs and gold plated toilets, and there are no UFO's and I have proof Urkle that you didn't telepathically communicate with them because what you really saw was a demon (or Project Blue Beam)."
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Get to a good church. Talk to a priest. Go on a retreat in a monastery. Pray the rosary. Walk in nature. Work out. Whatever.

It seems you have watched too much propaganda on the internet. I think the "violence" should be to yourself to cut yourself off that crap. Lent is coming.
Why are you talking about me personally and giving me personal advice? Is it because you truly care about me or because you dont like my opinions? Please refute my written opinions with statistics and facts and counter arguments and not personal attacks and advice.
The most radical act you can do is turn to God,

Social activism leads nowhere, Patriot Front at best are the same as the losers that sit glued on the streets at worst a federal honhoneypot.
The most radical act you can do is turn to God, turn away from the worldly power, a serve the divine. Instead of worrying "the world goes down'
The "world" has always been bad; they hung the Son of God to the Cross and mocked him. Nothing different today.

Social activism leads nowhere, Patriot Front at best are the same as the losers that sit glued on the streets at worst a federal honeypot.
Turn to God? Yes, 100%. That is how you save your soul.

But what should be done to save your people/your children when they face extreme high crime rates in every corner of the planet (yes even the rural areas will be plagued by it) and pack of wild teens running around killing for fun? You say social activism leads nowhere, to which I strongly disagree. So, then, do you have any advice as what to do?
Slightly OT rant here... People want to do "pro-white activism"? How about supporting each other more in real life instead of larping and talking about it on the internet.

Support/hire/network/do business with white people who are:

Real estate agents
Auto mechaincs
Financial planners
Contractors (who don't bring in an army of mexicans to do the job for them after bidding on it)
Restaurant owners
and literally everything else

Anything you need to get through your daily life, there's a white person out there who's probably toiling under the burden of taxes, inflation, govt red tape, flooding of the labor market with immigrants, who can provide that thing/service and would greatly appreciate your patronage. I know a guy who hires white people to paint his house. Let me tell you white house painters aren't exactly common around here but he managed to find some and he sticks with them. It all adds up and makes a difference.

Other groups stick together. Jews, Mexicans, Arabs, Koreans, they all stick together, they all work together, they all hire their cousins. White people do not. They're going to have to, imo.

These are all things everyone can do, that make a real quantifiable difference in the world. People talk about setting up a parallel economy when they don't even support each other in this economy.
As a non-white, non-Christian dude, I agree with you. I've said so many times on the forum and in real life. White folks don't owe anyone anything as a group. No group with their own accomplishments does.

Ironically, many times they have come together to criticize me for that criticism, at which point, I tear into them more for their inaction and inability to save themselves from cannibalizing their own. Some are actually wising up, but it is a slow process. To save America, it is absolutely necessary!
Turn to God? Yes, 100%. That is how you save your soul.

But what should be done to save your people/your children when they face extreme high crime rates in every corner of the planet (yes even the rural areas will be plagued by it) and pack of wild teens running around killing for fun? You say social activism leads nowhere, to which I strongly disagree. So, then, do you have any advice as what to do?
Chanting "tuuuurrrrnnn tahh gahhhhh" like a zombie and other empty religious statements, on a forum almost entirely compromised of practicing Christians, should just not be a thing or addressed in the rules.

In religious terms, this is pretty much just assuming the other poster is a worse Christian than you, and secularly, this is a low hanging fruit crutch for every political thread.

Why bother arguing politics on a political thread of a political discussion forum, when you will have members breathing down your neck like a zombie chanting these keywords about your religion and practice of it?
"I think this politician sucks."
"brrraaaiiiinzzzz.... joooinnnnn a chuuuurcccchhhh eeeeveeerrtrtyyy saaannnndaaayyyy... becommmmmeee a meeeeembeeer offf [my church]"

Yeah alright my man, I'll go to church every Sunday during the newest Floyd riots destroying every bit of civilization and slowly killing half the whitey members. I'll see you guys on my local parish/mosque/church/temple/ in the middle of Detroit!
Chanting "tuuuurrrrnnn tahh gahhhhh" like a zombie and other empty religious statements, on a forum almost entirely compromised of practicing Christians, should just not be a thing or addressed in the rules.

In religious terms, this is pretty much just assuming the other poster is a worse Christian than you, and secularly, this is a low hanging fruit crutch for every political thread.

Why bother arguing politics on a political thread of a political discussion forum, when you will have members breathing down your neck like a zombie chanting these keywords about your religion and practice of it?
"I think this politician sucks."
"brrraaaiiiinzzzz.... joooinnnnn a chuuuurcccchhhh eeeeveeerrtrtyyy saaannnndaaayyyy... becommmmmeee a meeeeembeeer offf [my church]"

Yeah alright my man, I'll go to church every Sunday during the newest Floyd riots destroying every bit of civilization and slowly killing half the whitey members. I'll see you guys on my local parish/mosque/church/temple/ in the middle of Detroit!
Worse yet, how many Churches would throw you out for saying "Derick Chavin is a political prisoner, BLM is a terrorist organization, and Whites deserve their own homelands and self-governance just as much as any other group on the plant" in the west? 80%+?