Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

I always put white, I'm pretty sure they did too it's not as if there is a "Polish" or "Italian" box to check for them. I don't know what you guys think it's like in your heads but nobody gets special treatment unless they are really brown or black, maybe asian....maybe. If an eastern European or Mediterranean person immigrates here tomorrow they are going to get dumped on the same way white people are dumped on.....

The advantages are being given to the lowest denominators in order to use them as pawns, it's not if you came off the mayflower or not. Whatever crap sandwich you guys have to eat they are taking bites too, albeit smaller bites because they have specific communities to fall back on if needed.
I understand your inquiries, as I also discuss this with other "non-white" Christians. For any other good Christians viewing who may also not be "white," the goal is not to turn away allies who are not genetically the same, and those who do this when there is a common universal foe out to get them all are short-sighted at best, and not cognizant of the bigger picture at worst (regardless of the order of destruction, we are all on their list of extermination) some of us just come first because the enemy views us as the greater threat to their ascension of absolute power and control. Their behavior towards non-whites indicates that they have no notions of elevating them to anything other than human cattle at best once all true European blood has been exhausted.

The goal is to preserve each and every aspect of our heritage, the same way you should be doing to yours, whatever nation or mix of nations it may be.

I can't speak for Patriot Front, it seems to be a New England Anglo-Saxon phenomena, they seem very vested in restoring the founding environment of America, including its demographics, but the rest of America was not so. There were French, Iberian (Spanish and Portuguese), and Nordic populations mixed in with the indigenous peoples, who were not "white" by any means.

The issue would not be a problem if our home countries in Europe were not completely corrupted from top to bottom, with royal families serving no functional purposes and intermarried with jews, and every politician in bed with jews who have a vengeful streak for European blood. The will to survive in our peoples is greater than the enemy anticipates, despite their 78 years and 9 months of propaganda to break that will.

The concept of race has been polarized to such an extreme that is difficult for most people to understand where they are sometimes without a thorough undertaking of the subject. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, racial awareness was commonplace in 1913 (years before any of the heated WW2 times) , and they released the following statistic, based on centuries of accumulated anthropological knowledge, describing who or what was a European:

"Under their topic of “Europe” and the subtitle Population, political divisions, and religions they write: The greater part of the population of Europe belongs to the European or Mediterranean race. The main race-groups are the Teutonic, Romanic, and Slavonic. To the Teutonic division belong: the Germans, Dutch, Flemish, English, and Scandinavians; it contains in all 127,800,000 souls, or 32.1 percent of the whole population; included in the Romanic group are: the French, Walloons, Italians, Friulians, natives of the Rhaetian Alps, Maltese, Spaniards, Portuguese, and Rumanians, in all 108,100,000, or 27.1 per cent; included in the Slavonic are: the Russians, Ruthenians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Wends, Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Bulgarians, Letts, and Lithuanians, in all 124,600,000, or 31.3 percent. A smaller number, about 9,500,000 souls, or 2.4 per cent is composed of other ARYAN RACES (emphasis added): Celts, Greeks, Albanians, Gypsies, Armenians, etc. There are also about 27,900,000, or some 7 per cent, of non-Aryan races: Basques, Magyars, Finns, the tribes of the Ural region, Turks, Kalmucks, and Jews. The total population of Europe amounts to about 420,000,000. Therefore Aryans represent the Teutonic group, Romanic and Slavonic groups.

Non-Aryans are the Basques, Magyars, Finns, Turks, Kalmucks and jews."

Here is a link to the page from the encyclopedia:

I have no idea why Basques are not considered the same as other European races, except for the fact that many of them have RH negative blood type, which is often associated with Ashkenazim genetics.

The concept of white, black, and red (and eventually yellow) truly arose in America, as opposed to this European and that European and African and Indigenous, and it did not arise organically. The removal of the national and ethnical identity to be supplanted by the American identity played a huge part in this erosion.

The issue at hand is, if all of these races are removed, and make no mistake, this jewish transhumanist system is working towards this end, then the absence of Christendom will allow them to "rule" in the world over a mass of confused, miscegenated souls who have no strength in their history as it has all been taken from them and destroyed.

I don't think groups like Patriot Front see this far, but I think the leader is definitely socially and racially aware of this dilemma.

My best advice for anyone, no matter their race, is to advocate for the family and the community, the proper order of man and woman and child, in a stable family, under a spiritual authority (ideally Christian, but I can't convert billions of Hindus and Buddhists) and then the natural order of humanity will take shape along these lines. In my corner, I am fighting for this from a near 2000-year old Catholic European perspective. For your corner, you should be fighting for your lineage in the same manner that obeys God's natural laws, and find others who desire the same. They are out there.
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I can see the need for PF to wear masks. It is a valid argument. There has also been great points made about PF doing good work and being a legit organization that only has a "few" feds (because as IIMT correctly states all counter-government movements eventually get infiltrated). However, for me, it is Samseau's breakdown that is the most convincing (even if it's not 100% accurate). Maybe it's because of his absolute certainty or maybe he's better at persuasive writing, either way, I'm going with Samseau on this one.

I just think there are better, "safer," more effective ways to get The Message out these days. Namely, using the internet via podcasting, live streaming, and documentary filmmaking. Think of all the resources, time, and energy (not to mention safety concerns that require one to wear a mask) that goes into PF's "gatherings" and public square "speeches." Why would you go to all that effort and trouble to reach basically nobody while not moving the needle one inch when everybody at PF could just stay home and produce one viral clip that reaches millions of people (if it is produced well and scripted right)? For a bunch of young guys who won't let boomers join their ranks they sure do act like a bunch of low-tech boomers with their 1960's civil rights-style "marching" approach.

If they were serious people then they would be doing real things like meeting the cartels and smugglers at our border head on. Or helping others like the Guardian Angels did in the 70's by riding the subways and busses all night making sure passengers are safe. Either way, if you're going to be monitored and infiltrated by the feds and on occasion get arrested it may as well be for actually doing something besides "protesting." If these young, masked, "brown pants" men are to ever be taken seriously then they're going to have to get their hands dirty. Unfortunately this entails physical violence (even if it's just in self-defense). Anything else is just posing. Because if you're not willing to die for your cause then you will lose every battle, every time.
Kinda weird how you go from saying they'd be better off making podcasts at home to saying if you're not willing to die for your cause then you'll lose, as if people sitting at home making and consuming content are any better in that regard.

They're a social club and an activism group. Every. Single. Man. Should be involved in those sorts of groups, whether it's your church, veterans groups, or something else. We're social creatures, and Jews and capitalists want us to be individuals. Never forget that. They're a team, and we're an unaffiliated collection of individuals. As individuals we have no lobbying power. As individuals, we cannot resist.

I see what PF is doing as self sacrifice. They know it's risky better than anyone. Americans used to laud courage. Now apparently we laud playing it safe, being comfortable, and doing whatever the herd or our GOP puppetmasters tell us to do.

Anyways, it was only a tiny fraction of Americans who took up arms in our war for Independence. They don't need the masses to all join PF.
I can see the need for PF to wear masks. It is a valid argument. There has also been great points made about PF doing good work and being a legit organization that only has a "few" feds (because as IIMT correctly states all counter-government movements eventually get infiltrated). However, for me, it is Samseau's breakdown that is the most convincing (even if it's not 100% accurate). Maybe it's because of his absolute certainty or maybe he's better at persuasive writing, either way, I'm going with Samseau on this one.

I just think there are better, "safer," more effective ways to get The Message out these days. Namely, using the internet via podcasting, live streaming, and documentary filmmaking. Think of all the resources, time, and energy (not to mention safety concerns that require one to wear a mask) that goes into PF's "gatherings" and public square "speeches." Why would you go to all that effort and trouble to reach basically nobody while not moving the needle one inch when everybody at PF could just stay home and produce one viral clip that reaches millions of people (if it is produced well and scripted right)? For a bunch of young guys who won't let boomers join their ranks they sure do act like a bunch of low-tech boomers with their 1960's civil rights-style "marching" approach.

If they were serious people then they would be doing real things like meeting the cartels and smugglers at our border head on. Or helping others like the Guardian Angels did in the 70's by riding the subways and busses all night making sure passengers are safe. Either way, if you're going to be monitored and infiltrated by the feds and on occasion get arrested it may as well be for actually doing something besides "protesting." If these young, masked, "brown pants" men are to ever be taken seriously then they're going to have to get their hands dirty. Unfortunately this entails physical violence (even if it's just in self-defense). Anything else is just posing. Because if you're not willing to die for your cause then you will lose every battle, every time.

One day you have to get off the internet and do something in the real world. And that takes time, energy, work, building relationships, etc. That doesn't all happen in a few days.

Do you honestly expect the Patriot Front, or any red pilled organization, to run off to the border and start a war with the cartels? Honestly? Daniel Penny already tried to make the subway safe, and he faces a long prison sentence. Are you willing to face decades in prison or getting killed to "get your hands dirty"? If not, why do you make such a requirement for Patriot Front?

This isn't the time for physical altercation. It is a time of real world organization.
This isn't the time for physical altercation. It is a time of real world organization
Much more succinct than what I said.

This is an unstable time. We need to be building the institutions that will either become our parallel society, something that can quickly organize should the time for physical action be necessary, or at least something that can persist through whatever chaos we will face in the next few decades or generations.
What do you think would happen to them if they took off their masks? Would they lose their jobs? Would they be able to find employment or be allowed into a college?

I do like the line about that if any Feds infiltrate them, they will be helping the community and doing events like cleaning up roads and helping poor people, which would make the fed upset because they would finally have to do something good for the country.

Not once did I say they should take off their masks, I have no idea why you or anyone else believes that. I have advocated for anonymity constantly. But here's the thing. You can be anonymous WITHOUT looking like a Nazi. Their outfits are deliberate, designed to trigger boomers into going "Oh muh gosh its teh Nazis!!" so that the Boomers can bequeath the knowledge onto the younger generations who have no idea what Nazi's are, but their grandparents say Patriot Front is bad because it is Nazi.

Patriot Front is obviously a way to use good men against their own interests, tying them up with imagery and symbolism that works tremendously against their interests. Their little brown-pants brigades are perfect for tiq-toq clips that can be used to indoctrinate the drooling hordes of zoomers being programmed by their phones.

It's so obvious too, I mean this is OBVIOUSLY social engineering, instead of "brown-shirts" it's "brown-pants," just different enough to give plausible deniability, but not different enough to avoid triggering Nazi reflexes programmed into anyone over the age of 30. It's dumb enough for the gullible American public to lap up some clips of muh Nazi's. You say there is no media coverage, that is because the Chews are wise to the game and do not want to discredit their little group. Instead this group will be promoted over the internet into various communities where the discussion becomes "look at how bad homegrown domestic terrorism is getting!!!"

And that's another fact, if this group keeps going it will just be used as a domestic terror example so they can crack down on even more people's rights. And it won't even be anyone at Patriot Front's fault. It will just be some random dude hired by the Feds to go shoot up a synagogue dressed up as Patriot Front, and then the hysteria will be blown full steam and chews will use the sob stories to regain public sympathy lost during the recent Gaza conflict.

That's the whole point of their psuedo-military Nazi-like imagery. It's so when .gov wants to create a false flag, there is already an image of "homegrown Nazi's" floating in the public subconscious, primed and ready for use.

This is Charlottesville all over again, 100% guaranteed, and this Rousseau guy is just the next Richard Spencer. Remember how fake that guy was? And yet everyone thought he was some revolutionary, hahahaha. Instead of holding a cross they held tiki torches while chanting nationalist slogans, they were nothing more than useful idiots to generate support for Democrats.

There's barely any mention of God or Christian Imagery as well, another massive red flag.

I understand times are tough, and people want to take action. But it is precisely in times like these when discretion is most needed, since false prophets will try and cash in on your desperation. Guys are acting like they haven't touched a woman in 20 years, then see a fat land whale and propose marriage to her. The thirst for political vengeance is high but anything not founded on God is a guaranteed fail, which means Patriot Front is just yet another way to hurt Whites.
Not once did I say they should take off their masks, I have no idea why you or anyone else believes that. I have advocated for anonymity constantly. But here's the thing. You can be anonymous WITHOUT looking like a Nazi. Their outfits are deliberate, designed to trigger boomers into going "Oh muh gosh its teh Nazis!!" so that the Boomers can bequeath the knowledge onto the younger generations who have no idea what Nazi's are, but their grandparents say Patriot Front is bad because it is Nazi.

Patriot Front is obviously a way to use good men against their own interests, tying them up with imagery and symbolism that works tremendously against their interests. Their little brown-pants brigades are perfect for tiq-toq clips that can be used to indoctrinate the drooling hordes of zoomers being programmed by their phones.

It's so obvious too, I mean this is OBVIOUSLY social engineering, instead of "brown-shirts" it's "brown-pants," just different enough to give plausible deniability, but not different enough to avoid triggering Nazi reflexes programmed into anyone over the age of 30. It's dumb enough for the gullible American public to lap up some clips of muh Nazi's. You say there is no media coverage, that is because the Chews are wise to the game and do not want to discredit their little group. Instead this group will be promoted over the internet into various communities where the discussion becomes "look at how bad homegrown domestic terrorism is getting!!!"

And that's another fact, if this group keeps going it will just be used as a domestic terror example so they can crack down on even more people's rights. And it won't even be anyone at Patriot Front's fault. It will just be some random dude hired by the Feds to go shoot up a synagogue dressed up as Patriot Front, and then the hysteria will be blown full steam and chews will use the sob stories to regain public sympathy lost during the recent Gaza conflict.

That's the whole point of their psuedo-military Nazi-like imagery. It's so when .gov wants to create a false flag, there is already an image of "homegrown Nazi's" floating in the public subconscious, primed and ready for use.

This is Charlottesville all over again, 100% guaranteed, and this Rousseau guy is just the next Richard Spencer. Remember how fake that guy was? And yet everyone thought he was some revolutionary, hahahaha. Instead of holding a cross they held tiki torches while chanting nationalist slogans, they were nothing more than useful idiots to generate support for Democrats.

There's barely any mention of God or Christian Imagery as well, another massive red flag.

I understand times are tough, and people want to take action. But it is precisely in times like these when discretion is most needed, since false prophets will try and cash in on your desperation. Guys are acting like they haven't touched a woman in 20 years, then see a fat land whale and propose marriage to her. The thirst for political vengeance is high but anything not founded on God is a guaranteed fail, which means Patriot Front is just yet another way to hurt Whites.
I don't think their uniforms were designed with boomers in mind, mostly because they don't care what boomers think. I think they were designed to look like a fascist uniform with Americana appeal, to appear to young White men who will fit into their group.

The media doesn't interview them because if they hear Thomas Rousseau speak, the numbers of people who would wake up quickly would be overwhelming. It is why Tucker interviews clowns like Steven Bannon or Alex Jones, but never Nick Fuentes or Mike Peinovich or Keith Woods, or people who are real thinkers and real movement makers.

They are going to crack down anyway, because you can't vote your way out of this. Meaning things will get worse, and when they get worse they have to crack down more and more. That is where real world connections/organization will trump the online organization.

Spencer wasn't fake, he is incredibly intelligent. Spencer reminds me of one of those 150 IQ computer programmers who can think like a machine but cannot relate to or communicate with the common person. Rousseau is much better with communication and he had an advantage because guys like David Duke and Spencer did all the heavy lifting and research for him to learn from. But Rousseau is much better in talking to people than Spencer.

This isn't about political vengeance, you are trying to paint them as violent. This is about an organization, that allows them to find jobs and allows them to help other White people in a country where everyone in power discriminates against them. I am sure they hope their peaceful message is enough to get the elites to stop attacking Whites. But we all know that is unlikely.
I don't think their uniforms were designed with boomers in mind, mostly because they don't care what boomers think.

So then it's not a serious movement that actually cares about the country. Yeah, I'm sure lots of guys will be ready to sign up when it means being disowned by their family. Or, they could join the Church, be loved, and save the country.

If Patriot Front actually wanted to win public appeal and save America, they would understand that needlessly provoking Nazi imagery is only going to alienate potential allies with literally no upshot. There are so many other effective disguises that could be used, only an autist could think this would be effective at anything except going to jail. Because it takes autism not to understand what the reactions of something so obvious would be.
So then it's not a serious movement that actually cares about the country. Yeah, I'm sure lots of guys will be ready to sign up when it means being disowned by their family. Or, they could join the Church, be loved, and save the country.

If Patriot Front actually wanted to win public appeal and save America, they would understand that needlessly provoking Nazi imagery is only going to alienate potential allies with literally no upshot. There are so many other effective disguises that could be used, only an autist could think this would be effective at anything except going to jail. Because it takes autism not to understand what the reactions of something so obvious would be.
Is there a Church organization that talks about the impacts of feminism or mass immigration on the west and how both must be stopped, and the damage reversed by getting rid of it? Is there a Church that is standing up for Whites being killed off in racial crimes, discriminated against in schooling and employment, and disappearing off the planet? These are all Christian virtues, so Christianity is important, but I don't know of a Church organization taking up the mantra on these very big issues, at least not in the west. Do you know of one? I am sincerely asking, because if you do, let me know and I will research it and have a group I can join and feel comfortable within.

If not, if we were to organize one, like the Patriot Front, but with the symbol of a cross and including scripture to support our cause, would any Church welcome us, or would they all shun us and say we are committing blasphemy.

Patriot Front doesn't want to win public appeal. They are not trying to win an election. They are trying to organize the top 20% of men, and historically that is enough to enact large change. They see boomers and even x'ers as failed men who let their home nations be destroyed and they don't want their input or support, unless they are okay with their movement, they way they want to do it. They are trying to appeal to young men who will fit in with their stated goals.

I agree with you on the autism comment. I heard Sven from TRS talk about White Nationalist movements and how they are full of anti-social autists right now, because things are not bad enough for the average guy to take a risk and join. Things will get worse, and when they get worse, more men will have less to lose and join in. That is why I don't recommend anyone to join. At the same time, gaslighting the right wing into taking their own side and not going for the traitor GOP talking points isn't the right move either.
Kinda weird how you go from saying they'd be better off making podcasts at home to saying if you're not willing to die for your cause then you'll lose
What's weird about it? You've got to be willing to die for your cause and you can use the internet and audio/visual technology to avoid dying unnecessarily. Going out and parading around in Nazi-esque brown pants is what seems weird.

If I was actually motivated to get involved in any of this (which I'm not) I could think of dozens of ways to anonymously hurt my enemies. Eventually I'd get caught and killed, but I could inflict a lot of damage before that happened. But you've got to be motivated for guerilla warfare and I just don't see that level of motivation or b*lls ever coming from an American Gen Z'er.

We're social creatures, and Jews and capitalists want us to be individuals.
The jew thing is true, but not everyone is a social creature. There have always been happy and "successful" solo-artists throughout history that have contributed to society by being apart from society. It's called "the monastic option."

A tiny fraction of Americans who took up arms in our war for Independence. They don't need the masses to all join PF.
This is also true. Augusto Sandino in Nicaragua wreaked havoc on the US military and the elites of Nicaragua at the turn of the 20th century with a small force. However, Sandino and his men came from extreme poverty and were highly motivated with almost zero fear of death. Men like this in the US don't exist anymore, and you certainly aren't going to find them in the ranks of Patriot Front.
One day you have to get off the internet and do something in the real world. And that takes time, energy, work, building relationships, etc. That doesn't all happen in a few days.
Good point(s).

Are you willing to face decades in prison or getting killed to "get your hands dirty"? If not, why do you make such a requirement for Patriot Front?
Absolutely not. But then again, I'm not the one out there marching around in khakis and running my mouth in public. This game of change is a young man's game filled with testosterone and hate. I don't require anything of Patriot Front or its members, I'm simply stating that to do anything meaningful they're going to have to change tactics, get physical, and possibly die for their cause. Only when hundreds of Patriot Front members start getting killed by the feds will people really start listening to them. They're going to need some martyrs... who's going first? You?

This isn't the time for physical altercation. It is a time of real world organization.
I agree with you on this.
Good point(s).

Absolutely not. But then again, I'm not the one out there marching around in khakis and running my mouth in public. This game of change is a young man's game filled with testosterone and hate. I don't require anything of Patriot Front or its members, I'm simply stating that to do anything meaningful they're going to have to change tactics, get physical, and possibly die for their cause. Only when hundreds of Patriot Front members start getting killed by the feds will people really start listening to them. They're going to need some martyrs... who's going first? You?

I agree with you on this.
Patriot Front committing domestic terrorism and getting "hundreds" of there members killed isn't going to win them popularity.

What is going to make them popular is already going to happen...

- When young white men get perfect grades and are not accepted to medical school.
- When young white men can't get a job, but immigrants get to come here and get preferential hiring practices and do get the job, despite being less qualified.
- When people lose family members due to DEI hires doing terrible engineering jobs.
- When more and more DEI hires can afford to live in former "White" neighborhoods and bring their behavior and cousins with them and are enrolled in their schools. Soon drive-bys in upper middle class neighborhoods and violence at their schools.
- When the economy gets worse and the noticing of how much we pay in taxes and get nothing in return boils over.
- As society devolves and becomes more ugly, more perverted, and more violent.

All these things either already are starting to happen or will happen soon. And this is what will make groups like Patriot Front grow.
I think I already made a similar post, but just in case I didn’t…

With the caveat that I would never join a “group” in general (and I don’t think PF would allow me in anyway), they have by far the best optics and propaganda of any right-wing organization in America. I’m not even weighing in on my agreement (or lack thereof) with it; I am simply pointing out that there is a genius-level propaganda campaign going on there and their messaging is immeasurably more competent than what the Republican campaign machine can manage.

I do wonder what their end-goal is, however, and I’m not inclined to believe Rousseau when he claims they haven’t thought that far ahead yet.
But here's the thing. You can be anonymous WITHOUT looking like a Nazi. Their outfits are deliberate, designed to trigger boomers into going "Oh muh gosh its teh Nazis!!" so that the Boomers can bequeath the knowledge onto the younger generations who have no idea what Nazi's are, but their grandparents say Patriot Front is bad because it is Nazi.

Patriot Front is obviously a way to use good men against their own interests, tying them up with imagery and symbolism that works tremendously against their interests. Their little brown-pants brigades are perfect for tiq-toq clips that can be used to indoctrinate the drooling hordes of zoomers being programmed by their phones.

It's so obvious too, I mean this is OBVIOUSLY social engineering, instead of "brown-shirts" it's "brown-pants," just different enough to give plausible deniability, but not different enough to avoid triggering Nazi reflexes programmed into anyone over the age of 30. It's dumb enough for the gullible American public to lap up some clips of muh Nazi's. You say there is no media coverage, that is because the Chews are wise to the game and do not want to discredit their little group. Instead this group will be promoted over the internet into various communities where the discussion becomes "look at how bad homegrown domestic terrorism is getting!!!"
Sounds pretty emotional, let's try to stay dispassionate on this topic. I'm going to ask you to do something for me, since I don't have to prove a negative, my position being they don't look like Nazis.


Here is a photo of them recently in New York. So I'm not accused of being disingenuous, they did have at least one flag with a fasces on it, not pictured. Please identify the commonalities their uniforms or symbology has with the 1930s and 40s Nationalsozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiter Partei, and be specific, such as “their baseball caps were worn by Oberstürmführer Judenhautlampenmacher, head of the Judenkörperanteilefabrikamt.”

I'm not saying there are no commonalities, I just want you to list out all the ones you can think of. I'm also attaching photos of a Schutzstaffel officer and the Sturmabteilung. Feel free to use other photos for reference, but these are the two most iconic Nazi uniforms in my opinion, given that the Wehrmacht was not a Nazi party organization (and they look even less like PF anyways).


  • Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-2008-0276,_Hans_Heinrich_Lammers.webp
    116.7 KB · Views: 42
  • 041920-20-History-Hitler-Nazi-Germany-Sturmabteilung-2609123149.webp
    488.3 KB · Views: 39
On Nick Fuentes' show last night he stated in depth his thoughts on PF. Starts around 1:08 in the link below: (warning language)

He initially goes off on an anecdote about the White nat community for a couple minutes, but eventually gets back to the PF subject. Entire segment is about 20 min.

The long and short of it is he reccomends staying away from any such group that protests in masks and costumes. He furthermore states all the other justifications for the group (fitness, camaraderie, career network, male spaces, etc) can be found without the legally suspect protest element. He makes some assumptions about the psychology of the group, and also lists alternative ways that young men can help and/or dedicate themselves to the cause. Worth the watch.
@DanielH @Samseau @It_Is_My_Time @BrotherAugustine and others who have an intellectual interest in this subject,

It would seem that Patriot Front advocates a form of government that is synonymous with a fascistic nationalism. I believe that this concept of fascism needs to be discussed further, and desensitized from the alarming signals it has been neuro-linguistically programmed to ring when we hear it's utterance. For more of this I would discuss it in another thread, but because I think it may shed some light on their mindset, I find it relevant to be here.

Fascism gets such a bad rap, but without delving into Hitler's NSDAP, Mussolini's PNF or Codreanu's Iron Guard (as well as Metaxas 4th of August Regime or Pavelic's Ustase) let's look at some real American examples of this alternative to democracy, and parts of Historia Americana that have been conveniently removed from the books by the powers that be. Although there was never any actual authoritative state that took power in America, the sentiment was growing and swelling, and would have overwhelmed Washington had they not "shut it down" before the tide reached the shore. Around the time of the new deal (new steal) there was a significant number of intellectuals who saw the cracks in the façade of democracy. Many of them expressed admiration for the new authoritative governments in Europe, but they sought to figure out a way to make it work on the homefront in America. One such man was Lawrence Dennis, a man who was actually half black. This goes to show that the solution to a decaying moral society does indeed go beyond racial stereotypes by those who are willing to pursue them, albeit these occurrences are rare. I doubt this Rousseau guy would mention this man in his movements, but after reading Lawrence's works like "The Coming American Fascism" it would seem he certainly took inspiration from this man. This docu-brief is worth a watch when you have a half hour of free time:

"Lawrence Dennis charted a singular course within Depression-era American proto-fascism. A veteran of the foreign service and an Ivy League graduate, Dennis stood as a respectable and dignified intellectual in the midst of frothing anti-semites such as William Dudley Pelley and James True. His respectability resulted in Dennis being taken seriously in broad circles, and he gained a reputation as the “theoretician” of American fascism. Dennis managed to survive the mass sedition trial of 1944 debacle with his status intact, emerging in the postwar period as an influential Cold War spokesperson for noninterventionist conservatives. Dennis's supporters, however, did not know that the same man who met with Charles Lindbergh and Adolf Hitler began his life as a “famed, globe-trotting Negro child preacher” (p. xxii). Before entering Phillips Exeter Academy, Dennis began “passing” for white—a façade he maintained until his death. Gerald Horne places that racial conversion at the heart of The Color of Fascism, the first full-length biography of Dennis."

"Dennis Lawrence: The Father of American Fascism

There were many other fascistic groups and movements in the 1920s and 1930s America, some with upward of 20,000 members who would regularly hold rallies (The American Bund) but like Mosley's organization in Britain, they were all cracked down on by the government (UK in 1939 and the US groups in 1941-42). Those groups are a subject for another thread.

Another figure is Francis Bellamy, the man who penned "The Pledge of Allegiance," whom many fascistic elements have drawn inspiration from. The Bellamy Salute was the original salute to the flag which changed from an extended arm raised forwards with palms facing outwards (similar to a Roman salute) to the hand over the heart salute in 1942 after WW2 began in earnest for the United States. Americans were saluting like gladiators to their Emperors long before any Germans were using it as a follow-up gesture for a victorious rebirth of their nation.

"The Bellamy Salute"

The best thing Rousseau can do now is write a book that would be considered revolutionary, if he truly wishes to win hearts and minds beyond the snowy hamlets of New England.

The only thing missing, is a direct accordance with the major churches. If a form of government contracts that in absolute honor, then there is very little standing in the way of a nation's moral and physical resurrection. The spiritual matters must always be parallel to the legalistic ones, as they were in the HRE, Byzantium, and Tsarism.
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Sounds pretty emotional, let's try to stay dispassionate on this topic. I'm going to ask you to do something for me, since I don't have to prove a negative, my position being they don't look like Nazis.

View attachment 4337

Here is a photo of them recently in New York. So I'm not accused of being disingenuous, they did have at least one flag with a fasces on it, not pictured. Please identify the commonalities their uniforms or symbology has with the 1930s and 40s Nationalsozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiter Partei, and be specific, such as “their baseball caps were worn by Oberstürmführer Judenhautlampenmacher, head of the Judenkörperanteilefabrikamt.”

I'm not saying there are no commonalities, I just want you to list out all the ones you can think of. I'm also attaching photos of a Schutzstaffel officer and the Sturmabteilung. Feel free to use other photos for reference, but these are the two most iconic Nazi uniforms in my opinion, given that the Wehrmacht was not a Nazi party organization (and they look even less like PF anyways).
They don't look like Nazis but they certainly give off a martial/military type aesthetic which could be off putting to many people. People here may think they look cool or whatever, but the people here are not your average person.

I'm imagining what a normie would think of a bunch of non uniformed regular looking people holding this same banner vs matching combat boots, balaclavas, and tactical pants.

I think attaching this message to something that "looks extreme" is a huge mistake. I think the opposite needs to happen, where people won't associate a common sense idea like "lets run our own nations please" with extremism.
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They don't look like Nazis but they certainly give off a martial/military type aesthetic which could be off putting to many people. People here may think they look cool or whatever, but the people here are not your average person.

I'm imagining what a normie would think of a bunch of non uniformed regular looking people holding this same banner vs matching combat boots, balaclavas, and tactical pants.

I think attaching this message to something that "looks extreme" is a huge mistake. I think the opposite needs to happen, where people won't associate a common sense idea like "lets run our own nations please" with extremism.
They are unique in that instead of thinking democratically and trying to win over normies, they think like fascists. Which means they don’t care about the majority, they care only about the best of the best and that this minority ascends to their correct position over society and runs it like every human tribe did for thousands of years.

They believe the average normie who still watches sportsball and eats junk food and thinks they can vote their way out isn’t worthy of a voice over society. And looking around at what has become of the once great USA, it is hard to call them “wrong”.
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Other than the fascist facile in their flag, I don't really get a fascist aesthetic from them. Outside of the masks the way they dress seem more similar to normie back the blue type conservative groups. I'm assuming this look was chosen purposely to resemble that since it doesn't look outlandish in the way a KKK robe or brown shirt Nazi uniform would.