Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

I think assuming they are "feds" with no proof is dumbing down discourse.

I think there are feds in PF. When we talk about whether PF is "feds" the implication is that it was either setup by feds or is being run by feds.

There's no indication of that being the case now.

The Proud Boys certainly didn't start as a fed group, but of course they became infiltrated and their leadership compromised. This could happen to PF but I think it's a much harder road given the standards that the PF people hold themselves to.

The only proof I've seen that they're feds is that
  • They're fit
  • They use slacks as their uniform
  • They wear masks
  • Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, and Ian Miles-Chong suspect they're feds
  • Whites don't come together "organically"
Again, it really bothers me that these people are risking their necks counterprotesting drag queen trannies and there are people on this board that think that this is what a fed group would do.

It would be like people saying that The Boston Tea Party protesters who were dressed as native americans were British Feds.

If they're Feds, what's the point of the PF operation?

Presumably they have plans for another attempted kidnapping of Gretchen Whitmer(or the equivalent)
Presumably they have plans for another attempted kidnapping of Gretchen Whitmer(or the equivalent)
That sounds like a stretch and a projection, and it would go against the intellect of this guy Rousseau's beliefs. I believe that this would be true if the feds are tired of repeated unsuccessful attempts of infiltration and subversion of this group that they just copy their dress style in a few lowly 1811's and video tape them planning this, then use that as proof that the entire group of Patriot Front is out to kidnap the corrupt politicians and carte blanche shut the group down and arrest them all. This is the more likely route the federal authorities will take to swat what they perceive to be an annoying fly, through deception, trickery, deceit, and lies. It also wouldn't take much resources for them to do this, there are likely a hundred or more ways in which this scenario plays out, and one hundred of those times it will be beneficial for the jew-controlled hegelian dialectic than for the American people (whites).

Which again signifies the danger of shacking up with a group like this in a time like this when there are so many uncertainties, but plenty of guarantees when it comes from the federal juggernaut. Time must pass and things must occur that weaken this beast before any group like this is able to truly make a difference.
Presumably they have plans for another attempted kidnapping of Gretchen Whitmer(or the equivalent)
The group who was tried for the kidnapping of Whitmer never had plans of doing anything of the sort. It was complete entrapment and the FBI couldn't get convictions for everyone, making those who were convicted very sad stories.

Those who were convicted are trying to appeal and they are being moved right before their appeal to other prisons where they cannot speak to their attorneys.

These are real people who were damaged. They have families. And I can't think of anyone other than Christina Urso who has tried to put a spotlight onto what happened and keeps banging the drum.

What does a fish sandwich have to do with anything?
I was just trying to give an example of the church influencing the culture and larger society. What’s crazy is it wasn’t even that long ago in the grand scheme of things. It’s amazing to see how much influence the church lost in one lifetime. Some Protestant sects are backward and the culture influences them.

And I don’t eat McDonalds for fasting - usually a chickpea curry or shrimp stew / pasta haha.
Great video where Thomas himself answers the accusations of being a "Fed".

He's an articulate young man and I thought he made a good point in that video that because people are aware that the FBI uses false fronts conservatives are now suspicious of any and every group that springs up which, as he says, disrupts people's ability to organize. That being said, I understand why guys wouldn't want to join these groups regardless. Either way, whether or not it's an FBI honeypot the fact is if you work in the white collar world these days and your colleagues discover your involvement in a group like this you can kiss your professional life goodbye. Good luck explaining Patriot Front to the head of HR. That's why it appeals more to guys in their 20s than somebody older who's got a career / mortgage / family ie. a lot more to lose.
That's why it appeals more to guys in their 20s than somebody older who's got a career / mortgage / family ie. a lot more to lose.
I tell my kids that this is really the first generation in a while that has no positive outlook on the future.

Beware of men with nothing to lose. You would think that our society, culture, and government would be looking out for them, because men with nothing to lose are very dangerous. Not everyone will be dulled by social media, VR, sports and video games. If I can get more help from PF than my neighbors, that's a bad situation for the power structure but a potentially great situation for me.
He's an articulate young man and I thought he made a good point in that video that because people are aware that the FBI uses false fronts conservatives are now suspicious of any and every group that springs up which, as he says, disrupts people's ability to organize. That being said, I understand why guys wouldn't want to join these groups regardless. Either way, whether or not it's an FBI honeypot the fact is if you work in the white collar world these days and your colleagues discover your involvement in a group like this you can kiss your professional life goodbye. Good luck explaining Patriot Front to the head of HR. That's why it appeals more to guys in their 20s than somebody older who's got a career / mortgage / family ie. a lot more to lose.
Exactly, which is what I have been saying since the beginning of this thread. For most guys the best strategy is to "fight behind enemy lines". Go get those big paychecks, invest them wisely, live cheap, don't live like a degenerate, and know that likely one day it will be your day to lose your job to a legal immigrant or H-1B visa worker. After you can no longer find other employment opportunities, then you can feel free to join a group like PF. Until then, stay away and build yourself up and make yourself more valuable to these groups when you do have to join.

It is funny when Thomas says that there is potential fed infiltration, but by the Feds infiltrating, for the first time ever the Feds are actually doing good for the country and actually doing the right thing, which they must hate because they are evil people with bad morals, LOL.
73K likes and counting. The narrative is breaking. This is why young people don't see Patriot Front as "feds", they see Patriot Front as the only group speaking the truth they have desired to hear.

I don't have a White European heritage but I come from a very rich heritage and I am a born and breed proud strong American Christian with strong conservative views who practices what he preaches.

Would Patriot Front welcome me?
I don't have a White European heritage but I come from a very rich heritage and I am a born and breed proud strong American Christian with strong conservative views who practices what he preaches.

Would Patriot Front welcome me?
No. You're not the one getting demographically replaced. You can advocate for your race openly without threat of repercussions. I have no ill will towards you, or any peaceful Christian out there, but don't try to guilt trip us Whites for trying to have the same rights and capabilities you have.

There is no country that would give me citizenship - I've looked. You do, presumably, if you don't already have citizenship with another country. We're on a sinking ship. You and your people have a liferaft. Mine do not. Don't try to stop us from building one, or from preventing more people from boarding the already sinking ship, further accelerating its demise.
No. You're not the one getting demographically replaced. You can advocate for your race openly without threat of repercussions. I have no ill will towards you, or any peaceful Christian out there, but don't try to guilt trip us Whites for trying to have the same rights and capabilities you have.

There is no country that would give me citizenship - I've looked. You do, presumably, if you don't already have citizenship with another country. We're on a sinking ship. You and your people have a liferaft. Mine do not. Don't try to stop us from building one, or from preventing more people from boarding the already sinking ship, further accelerating its demise.
And even demographic replacement isn't a big deal for most White people. I don't think most White people really care if there are White people on the plant or not in 150 years.

The big deal is the legal discrimination in every facet of life and nowhere for us to go to escape it. Whether it is college admission, job hiring, job promotion, small business loans, govt. contracts, the levels of discrimination Whites face is what is going to blow this all open. And I haven't heard one politician take up the mantle and try to right this wrong.

And this is spreading across Europe and into South America as well. Russia is probably the only country left, or soon will be the only country remaining, where Whites can get a fair shake. And as an American, I would never feel safe to move there because the people there would rightfully hate the USA and as an extension potentially me.
No. You're not the one getting demographically replaced. You can advocate for your race openly without threat of repercussions. I have no ill will towards you, or any peaceful Christian out there, but don't try to guilt trip us Whites for trying to have the same rights and capabilities you have.

There is no country that would give me citizenship - I've looked. You do, presumably, if you don't already have citizenship with another country. We're on a sinking ship. You and your people have a liferaft. Mine do not. Don't try to stop us from building one, or from preventing more people from boarding the already sinking ship, further accelerating its demise.

Quite a defensive stance there wasn't guilt tripping anyone I asked an honest question because I did not know the answer. This is my country I don't have any other citizenship nor would I want one or be offered one. Also I am indeed being replaced because my skin isn't black or brown while also being a Christian conservative.

So Patriot Front is whites only, actually European heritage whites it. Sorry but shunning allies when you're vastly outnumbered even by your own kind probably isn't the smartest tactic.
Quite a defensive stance there wasn't guilt tripping anyone I asked an honest question because I did not know the answer. This is my country I don't have any other citizenship nor would I want one or be offered one. Also I am indeed being replaced because my skin isn't black or brown while also being a Christian conservative.

So Patriot Front is whites only, actually European heritage whites it. Sorry but shunning allies when you're vastly outnumbered even by your own kind probably isn't the smartest tactic.
I see what you're saying. Which group are you saying you're a part of? A subset of Europeans?

I mean what about Hispanics that are actually White Spanish? Many of the Spanish (actual spanish not meztizos) are very pale with blond hair.... so do they count?

See to me, when I hear white, I think English/Brittish/Scottish/Irish/German/Dutch ect... I also think of actual Spanyard descent is in that catagory.

What about Italians? Are Southern Eurpoeans White? What about Eastern Europeans.

Are we making a distinction with out a real difference here?
I see what you're saying. Which group are you saying you're a part of? A subset of Europeans?

I mean what about Hispanics that are actually White Spanish? Many of the Spanish (actual spanish not meztizos) are very pale with blond hair.... so do they count?

See to me, when I hear white, I think English/Brittish/Scottish/Irish/German/Dutch ect... I also think of actual Spanyard descent is in that catagory.

What about Italians? Are Southern Eurpoeans White? What about Eastern Europeans.

Are we making a distinction with out a real difference here?
The qualifications for being "White" are the same qualifications our govt. uses to discriminate against Whites.
Quite a defensive stance there wasn't guilt tripping anyone I asked an honest question because I did not know the answer
Perhaps if Whites weren’t guilt tripped all the time the reply would have been nicer.

We Whites are in the mess precisely because we didn’t discriminate hard enough. And now you want to join and help us?

If you want to help there are plenty of other ways besides joining PF. So do them. But your question itself seemed like a setup.
Perhaps if Whites weren’t guilt tripped all the time the reply would have been nicer.

We Whites are in the mess precisely because we didn’t discriminate hard enough. And now you want to join and help us?

If you want to help there are plenty of other ways besides joining PF. So do them. But your question itself seemed like a setup.

No it was genuine, I know nothing about Patriot Front other than you guys calling them feds on the old forum, it was not myself or my culture that guilt tripped you into anything that was actually done by a group with nefarious intentions then ran with by the losers who decided they were victims along with men and women of your own kind who enabled it. I also suffer because of that with the difference being that my culture is unified by way of religion and conservatism whereas yours is not which is the larger issue for you in my opinion and why I say you will not do well shunning people.

I did not know they were a white only club, I would support them in what they're trying to do assuming they're not actually feds because I consider myself an American Patriot but I suppose I'm not welcome in doing so.
Quite a defensive stance there wasn't guilt tripping anyone I asked an honest question because I did not know the answer. This is my country I don't have any other citizenship nor would I want one or be offered one. Also I am indeed being replaced because my skin isn't black or brown while also being a Christian conservative.

So Patriot Front is whites only, actually European heritage whites it. Sorry but shunning allies when you're vastly outnumbered even by your own kind probably isn't the smartest tactic.
I also think you are too old. I think to join Patriot Front you have to be 25 and under. I had heard that before, which makes sense, they are doing their own thing for their own future.

Their goal isn't to win an election with a 50% vote. Their goal is to get the top 10% to 20% of men, which historically is always enough to push a change/revolution/create a new society. Most men don't matter, they are just followers. No women matter when it comes to these matters.