Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

The Church should be the one "inflitrating" (so to speak) political organizations. St. Paul wished to appear before Caligula in order to convert him, so don't tell me we shouldn't wish to convert today's political activist groups.
Interesting point. Consider McDonalds filet-o-fish. This exists because of the church infiltrating the culture. The iconic fish slider would never come into existence today.
What does a fish sandwich have to do with anything?

The story begins back in the 1960s when a McDonald’s franchisee in Cincinnati named Lou Groen faced a pressing dilemma. Each week, his heavily Catholic consumer base would customarily abstain from eating meat on Fridays, leaving him with little foot traffic one day a week and jeopardizing his business. To find an alternative that would keep his store afloat, Groen took inspiration from a fish sandwich at a nearby restaurant and created his own battered version with tartar sauce
So, what do you suggest young men do? Voting isn't going to solve anything. Jobs and the pay from jobs, is less than decent. And it only gets worse every year.
Turn to Christ.

Pray. Learn to love and repent your sins.

Get out of communist education camp.

Get a wife, build a family, or become a priest.

Grow your own food. Learn skills. Make friends. Laugh. Drink. Eat. Dance.

The problems is not society, but that we think that if we fix society we will fix ourselves. That's communism.

Society over God.

Society is nothing. Just a mental construct. And many seem to think that if we "fix" society we will fix ourselves.
That's Marxism.

I hope it gets worse and it wakes up some souls, otherwise these kids are on a one way trip to hell.

The answer is not in the world.

It's our own fallen nature and our inability to see and cut out our own sins.

Running around in khakis and shields role playing "300" won't do a thing.
Historically, the price of fish fell pretty hard once the reformation entrenched in their adherent countries. The price of sausages and meat might have increased, but I doubt it was substantial. The point of the affair of the sausages was on Christian liberty.

Using textbook goyslop to exemplify this is the most American thing ever.
Turn to Christ.

Pray. Learn to love and repent your sins.

Get out of communist education camp.

Get a wife, build a family, or become a priest.

Grow your own food. Learn skills. Make friends. Laugh. Drink. Eat. Dance.

The problems is not society, but that we think that if we fix society we will fix ourselves. That's communism.

Society over God.

Society is nothing. Just a mental construct. And many seem to think that if we "fix" society we will fix ourselves.
That's Marxism.

I hope it gets worse and it wakes up some souls, otherwise these kids are on a one way trip to hell.

The answer is not in the world.

It's our own fallen nature and our inability to see and cut out our own sins.
Excellent Post. totally on point. 100%
First off, the people here who are posting in full support of this particular group also say "I wouldn't recommend joining", "I'm not telling people to join" etc. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement. If this group is legit, shares your principles, and you think they are doing good, why wouldn't you recommend that people join? Why wouldn't you do it yourself? Calling people cowards for not supporting a group that you yourself wont join doesn't seem quite right to me.
On RVF forum for this thread's equivalent I suggested we start men's groups at our churches. That's something I actually did since then (not solo, we had a founding group). We're aware of the same issues PF talks about, but it's more about the faith. We follow much the same blueprint of the St. Paisios Brotherhood, which you can look up.

My point is not that it's cowardice not to join PF, but it is a level of cowardice to not join any sort of groups or perform any sort of activism, which I've also done - without a mask, although that may have been a mistake. It's cowardice to sit at home and pray over it and hope everyone else is alright. Christianity is all about community and what the right is doing today is leaving their wounded brother on the side of the road, passing by (PF did do on the ground charity work in Palestine Ohio and other places). You can't be a passive Christian, which is my issue because I haven't heard anyone give any concrete answer on how to help normal Americans, what they should actually do, besides stay at home, and work on yourself and family, again, something I reject as selfish.

Feds exist and there's a 100% chance they're infiltrated by them, to what extent, no one knows. It's just the situation as it stands and it has to be acknowledged.
Well 30 of them got arrested by local cops and doxxed in Idaho and none were feds.

After sleeping on it, I think we all can agree there's a risk-reward spectrum that makes joining PF a very dangerous proposition to the average right winger. My request is that everyone at least join some sort of group for the community and an opportunity to spread the faith (and some redpills).That group can be the St. Paisios Brotherhood, if you're Roman Catholic, the Knights of Columbus or equivalent, maybe the American Legion, but something. The elites want us isolated. Don't let that happen, find a network.
I would like to know why PF has no women or children in any of their marches (that I've seen). An organic movement and home-grown protests would have a mixed demographic. That being said, I haven't lived in the US since Obomination's time in office, so I don't get all the details of stuff like this.
I would like to know why PF has no women or children in any of their marches (that I've seen). An organic movement and home-grown protests would have a mixed demographic. That being said, I haven't lived in the US since Obomination's time in office, so I don't get all the details of stuff like this.
They just don't accept female members. Men's groups have always been a thing which has been disappearing since the 60s or 70s... men's groups, just like churches, are a threat to the powers that be. It's not the main reason they don't like PF but it's a solid secondary reason.

Accepting female members inherently moves an organization to the left. Maybe they could establish a parallel organization with no actual power, like the Sisterhood of Patriot Front - the American Legion essentially does this.
An organic movement and home-grown protests would have a mixed demographic.
White men are being demonized, not going to college, not getting hired, and even risk going to prison for murder for literally doing the right thing and defending people from a psychopath (Daniel Penny) and you think it’s inorganic that they would form a White men only club to advocate for themselves?


The people on this thread who think it’s a fed operation keep providing no proof. While my side of this can’t provide proof (you can’t prove a negative) it’s interesting how the Idaho arrests and doxxing is ignored.

Maybe all you anti-PF guys are Feds.
A lot to unpack here. This thread is becoming emotional, and I like you as a poster, so please take this in the spirit in which it is intended; good faith dialog.

First off, the people here who are posting in full support of this particular group also say "I wouldn't recommend joining", "I'm not telling people to join" etc. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement. If this group is legit, shares your principles, and you think they are doing good, why wouldn't you recommend that people join? Why wouldn't you do it yourself? Calling people cowards for not supporting a group that you yourself wont join doesn't seem quite right to me.

Second, the "fed question" is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these types of groups. There are legitimate questions and concerns. Is what they're doing actually producing results? Do they have mass appeal? What are they doing differently, compared to other groups from the past that have failed? There have been many. It's easy enough to gather a small number of people from the internet to march around and demonstrate, but then what? I think they also have issues with presentation, ie the uniforms. Average people probably see it as intimidating and unrelatable. It creates a negative association. It appeals to certain people but I think it's a small pool. I understand they wear masks to protect their privacy but it also makes them seem untrustworthy to normies. Their presentation needs to be beyond reproach and relatable to the average person.

From what I've seen, they seem to be more divisive than uniting. Perhaps that's by design? The rhetoric from supporters and people from adjacent online circles is always about how they're so much better than "those dumb conservatives", which is a 100% losing strategy because in order to succeed and actually gain some degree of influence, you will need at least some of those very people that they love to talk down to, insult and alienate from their cause. This is a problem with all of these insular online right wing political factions. They gain enough of a following to be noticed and make some noise here and there, and then stagnate.

I have seen Patriot Front in the media, and it's always "look at this group of evil fascist/racist/whatever boogeymen, your family isn't safe, be very afraid, we need to do something about this". I don't for one second think that Jews/elites/three letter agencies are afraid of Patriot Front as an organization. They may be concerned about their message, and them speaking the truth out loud, but I think they have the confidence that they can control the narrative, whether that confidence is misguided or not.

Now, if I'm wrong about this and they manage to start waking up large numbers of people to the realties that we're all facing in America and the west, and start producing results like improving communities, I'll gladly eat my words. I'm just going off of my instinct here and past trends.
We are saying "don't join" not because we think they are "feds" but because putting a giant target on your back, if you have things to lose, isn't a good move right now. Things will eventually get bad enough that making the move to join will be of little risk. Right now, things are still good enough to make hay while the sun is shining (work 2 or 3 jobs and build your nest egg).

Most young white men have no future in the west at all and joining these groups is of little to no risk for them.

Of course they are divisive. Old blue pilled conservatives don't want to rock the boat because they have done okay in this system. The old conservatives are as big of a problem to young white men as left wing satanic supporters are. If you are not willing to name the enemy, it doesn't matter what side you vote for, you are of no help to them. They welcome your support, but if you want to sit there and call them "feds" they don't care, you are of no use to them.

Sure, the media uses them as a boogie man, but notice the media never interviews them. This is how you know they are legit, their message isn't allowed on TV. And they do work to improve their community, a community being an extension of the family, which for them is young White Men. They are training, they work together for job opportunities, they find support and brotherhood with each other. For them, it is a life saving practice.
I think the important point is that Rockwell ultimately failed in his objective. You can be right about everything, but if you cannot package and present it in a way that reaches the masses, it doesn't work. It's like having a car with a powerful engine and no transmission. I see these new groups as modern re-skins of failed organizations and strategies.
Rockwell didn't fail, his message and wisdom carries on to this day.

Rockwell was just way ahead of his time. When people can live easy comfortable lives they are not going to rock the boat and go to war against their govt., even if they know their govt. is doing evil and wrong things.
Turn to Christ.

Pray. Learn to love and repent your sins.

Get out of communist education camp.

Get a wife, build a family, or become a priest.

Grow your own food. Learn skills. Make friends. Laugh. Drink. Eat. Dance.

The problems is not society, but that we think that if we fix society we will fix ourselves. That's communism.

Society over God.

Society is nothing. Just a mental construct. And many seem to think that if we "fix" society we will fix ourselves.
That's Marxism.

I hope it gets worse and it wakes up some souls, otherwise these kids are on a one way trip to hell.

The answer is not in the world.

It's our own fallen nature and our inability to see and cut out our own sins.

Running around in khakis and shields role playing "300" won't do a thing.
Getting a wife and having kids requires money, and quite a lot of it. Many jobs out there will not pay enough to have a wife and kids. And more and more of these good paying jobs are cut off to White Men.

That is where the rubber meets the road and the real discussion begins.
White men are being demonized, not going to college, not getting hired, and even risk going to prison for murder for literally doing the right thing and defending people from a psychopath (Daniel Penny) and you think it’s inorganic that they would form a White men only club to advocate for themselves?


The people on this thread who think it’s a fed operation keep providing no proof. While my side of this can’t provide proof (you can’t prove a negative) it’s interesting how the Idaho arrests and doxxing is ignored.

Maybe all you anti-PF guys are Feds.

This is completely backwards. We don't need to prove they aren't feds. No one owes the Patriot Front a thing. Trust is earned, why should we trust the Nazi Larpers?

It's Fed until proven otherwise, the White Nationlist controlled opposition groups are dime a dozen, Richard Spencer, Proud Boys, literally hundreds of them, all fed controlled, all designed to get suckers who are dumb enough to fall for it.

I would recommend you also smarten up, lest you become victim to these chew ploys as well. It's so obvious, I think the chews might be doing the White race a favor by culling out the dumb and weak with these patently fake groups.

High IQ Whites are joining the Church, because they know it's the only way forward.
This is completely backwards. We don't need to prove they aren't feds. No one owes the Patriot Front a thing. Trust is earned, why should we trust the Nazi Larpers?

It's Fed until proven otherwise, the White Nationlist controlled opposition groups are dime a dozen, Richard Spencer, Proud Boys, literally hundreds of them, all fed controlled, all designed to get suckers who are dumb enough to fall for it.

I would recommend you also smarten up, lest you become victim to these chew ploys as well. It's so obvious, I think the chews might be doing the White race a favor by culling out the dumb and weak with these patently fake groups.

High IQ Whites are joining the Church, because they know it's the only way forward.
Call them "Feds" they don't care. You don't have to prove they are Feds and they don't have to prove they are not Feds. The cards are going to fall where they may. And historically speaking, it will be one of these fascist groups that will lead the charge, after they converge and work out all the details of the movement.

Calling them "low IQ" or "Feds" only entices more young White Men to join them. If you want to stop them, the best you can do is not talk about them, and push the GOP WAY to the right of Trump in 2016.
High IQ Whites are joining the Church, because they know it's the only way forward.
You're saying that like it's a mutually exclusive thing. I shared the example of Saint John of Kronstadt endorsing several Russian ethnocentric right wing groups, and I'll point out this was at a time where there was no threat of Russians being genetically eliminated from Russia. There's many Greek Saints who supported the Greek ethnicity in particular. That's a normal thing in Orthodoxy, because your race is literally nothing more than an extended family.
You're saying that like it's a mutually exclusive thing. I shared the example of Saint John of Kronstadt endorsing several Russian ethnocentric right wing groups, and I'll point out this was at a time where there was no threat of Russians being genetically eliminated from Russia. There's many Greek Saints who supported the Greek ethnicity in particular. That's a normal thing in Orthodoxy, because your race is literally nothing more than an extended family.
And none of this would be an issue, or the central issue, if millions of non-Whites were not moving to White countries, driving down the standard of living, stealing from the tax payers, and voting nearly lock step with anti-White racist policies that shut Whites out of more and more opportunities in their own countries.

Most Whites would shrug their shoulders and look the other way, if they could get a fair shake on getting into college or getting a good job and raising a family in a safe neighborhood. In fact, most Whites support this, even if it slowly destroys their own race, because that is how Whites are wired. But these options are quickly being removed as an opportunity for young White people and the noticing and reaction will only grow.

Until this is stopped, Patriot Front will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. I don't see it being stopped because the current system, both parties, all people in positions of power, support it.
I think assuming they are "feds" with no proof is dumbing down discourse.

I think there are feds in PF. When we talk about whether PF is "feds" the implication is that it was either setup by feds or is being run by feds.

There's no indication of that being the case now.

The Proud Boys certainly didn't start as a fed group, but of course they became infiltrated and their leadership compromised. This could happen to PF but I think it's a much harder road given the standards that the PF people hold themselves to.

The only proof I've seen that they're feds is that
  • They're fit
  • They use slacks as their uniform
  • They wear masks
  • Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, and Ian Miles-Chong suspect they're feds
  • Whites don't come together "organically"
Again, it really bothers me that these people are risking their necks counterprotesting drag queen trannies and there are people on this board that think that this is what a fed group would do.

It would be like people saying that The Boston Tea Party protesters who were dressed as native americans were British Feds.

If they're Feds, what's the point of the PF operation? The only thing I can see is an artifical bogeyman propped up. But all they do is march, hold some signs, give a speech or two, then leave. They don't block bridges and only act in self defense...and say that the nation is being run by zionists. So yeah, I'm not seeing the point.

Most churches are completely pozzed these days too, and have been infiltrated by feds as well. So have small house churches. So I fail to see the point of accusing PF of being fed run/infiltrated as if they are somehow unique.
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