Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

One thing I am 99% certain of; this is not a natural "movement" or group.

It's either a 3-letter run honeypot, a perfect scapegoat (great for media blame purposes) or a total 3-letter org.

Anyhow a bunch of kids with shields and khakis.... 😂 really?

We just live in communism; 50% of all cash goes through this megalomanic organization, whatever we get shown somehow is manipulated.

Makes me think of Zundel and Rockwell and NJP; These weird media figures.

I can not imagine being in university and being asked: "You want to parade around in khakis and shields for a better country?"

And then thinking yes, sounds like a plan. This looks cool and smart to do.
Okay, you have repeated the Fox News talking points.

So, what do you suggest young men do? Voting isn't going to solve anything. Jobs and the pay from jobs, is less than decent. And it only gets worse every year.
One thing I am 99% certain of; this is not a natural "movement" or group.

It's either a 3-letter run honeypot, a perfect scapegoat (great for media blame purposes) or a total 3-letter org.

Anyhow a bunch of kids with shields and khakis.... 😂 really?

We just live in communism; 50% of all cash goes through this megalomanic organization, whatever we get shown somehow is manipulated.

Makes me think of Zundel and Rockwell and NJP; These weird media figures.

I can not imagine being in university and being asked: "You want to parade around in khakis and shields for a better country?"

And then thinking yes, sounds like a plan. This looks cool and smart to do.
That tends to be my sentiment.

In college... I was in the Corps of Cadets... That's about as close as this gets and that was a .mil recruiting organization.

There seems to be some level of inorganic funding to me...but I don't know that with certainty as I haven't seen those books.
So, what do you suggest young men do? Voting isn't going to solve anything. Jobs and the pay from jobs, is less than decent. And it only gets worse every year.
Haven't heard any suggestions!

Older guys here might not get it since they've gotten planted in their respective industries and have their comfortable salaries. Post George Floyd, Whites only made up 6% of new hires for the Fortune 100 companies. (And that's all Whites, how many of those were White men? How many of them are "White" but are really Central Asian or North African?)

What are young White men supposed to do? I have a friend a few years younger than me who is trying to get into law school. He just had his LSAT rescheduled for 3 months down the line because the African (not African American, AFRICAN) proctors had technical issues and couldn't accommodate him. Around the same time, as an intern at a local law firm, he was reported to HR by a Jewish clerk for moving boxes he was told to move and organize.

It's really bad for young White guys trying to accumulate assets and start families. Sure there's blue collar stuff, but anything advanced is almost completely walled off now. Don't you want White, Christian, American lawyers, doctors, engineers, generals, admirals, and scientists - especially working in the most powerful and influential corporations and institutions in the country? The "elites" don't care if White men get paid well to be electricians and plumbers. Those jobs don't change the tides of history, they're not educating the future generation, they're not threatening to the powers that be.

Young White men are desperate. It doesn't really matter if those of us who got their bread and their low interest rate pre-covid mortgage aren't motivated to join Patriot Front - a lot of young men who just got through the high school and college covid experience are dealing with inflation and hardships basically unprecedented in recent US history.
Haven't heard any suggestions!

Older guys here might not get it since they've gotten planted in their respective industries and have their comfortable salaries. Post George Floyd, Whites only made up 6% of new hires for the Fortune 100 companies. (And that's all Whites, how many of those were White men? How many of them are "White" but are really Central Asian or North African?)

What are young White men supposed to do? I have a friend a few years younger than me who is trying to get into law school. He just had his LSAT rescheduled for 3 months down the line because the African (not African American, AFRICAN) proctors had technical issues and couldn't accommodate him. Around the same time, as an intern at a local law firm, he was reported to HR by a Jewish clerk for moving boxes he was told to move and organize.

It's really bad for young White guys trying to accumulate assets and start families. Sure there's blue collar stuff, but anything advanced is almost completely walled off now. Don't you want White, Christian, American lawyers, doctors, engineers, generals, admirals, and scientists - especially working in the most powerful and influential corporations and institutions in the country? The "elites" don't care if White men get paid well to be electricians and plumbers. Those jobs don't change the tides of history, they're not educating the future generation, they're not threatening to the powers that be.

Young White men are desperate. It doesn't really matter if those of us who got their bread and their low interest rate pre-covid mortgage aren't motivated to join Patriot Front - a lot of young men who just got through the high school and college covid experience are dealing with inflation and hardships basically unprecedented in recent US history.
Cope is a sign of Ego, which is a sign of Pride. Admitting that things are as bad as they are, and that other men are getting off the couch and doing something is a big step. But it is a step everyone is going to have to take and it will come very soon. I am a Gen X'er, and I happily admit we have failed as men to provide a better country to the next generation. And I fully understand why Patriot Front would see me, and men my age, as failures. They are right, we failed at the most important job we have.

A Fed is someone who tells you to give up, move to the woods, and wait it out - Tucker Carlson
A Fed is someone who invites you to Washington DC, tells you go to the capitol, fight like hell, where Federal Agents are waiting to egg you on and take the first steps - Trump
A Fed is someone who literally has a banner of HIAS in support of illegal immigration and then blames the Chi-Coms - Alex Jones
Cope is a sign of Ego, which is a sign of Pride. Admitting that things are as bad as they are, and that other men are getting off the couch and doing something is a big step. But it is a step everyone is going to have to take and it will come very soon. I am a Gen X'er, and I happily admit we have failed as men to provide a better country to the next generation. And I fully understand why Patriot Front would see me, and men my age, as failures. They are right, we failed at the most important job we have.

A Fed is someone who tells you to give up, move to the woods, and wait it out - Tucker Carlson
A Fed is someone who invites you to Washington DC, tells you go to the capitol, fight like hell, where Federal Agents are waiting to egg you on and take the first steps - Trump
A Fed is someone who literally has a banner of HIAS in support of illegal immigration and then blames the Chi-Coms - Alex Jones
You're getting a little out there with calling Tucker a fed....

I'm not sure any of the people you are listing are telling you to give up. Quite the opposite.
You're getting a little out there with calling Tucker a fed....

I'm not sure any of the people you are listing are telling you to give up. Quite the opposite.
The son of a CIA agent, who grew up spoiled, made his way up pushing blue pilled liberal talking points, never interviews anyone who really challenges the system now going on close to a year of "freedom" from Fox News, and whose best advice is to run to the woods and let the left win the major population and power areas.

He is the definition of a gate keeper, just like Alex Jones. It was questionable in the past, now it is glaringly obvious they are paid very well to keep young men from organizing and naming the true enemy of the west.
The son of a CIA agent, who grew up spoiled, made his way up pushing blue pilled liberal talking points, never interviews anyone who really challenges the system now going on close to a year of "freedom" from Fox News, and whose best advice is to run to the woods and let the left win the major population and power areas.

He is the definition of a gate keeper, just like Alex Jones. It was questionable in the past, now it is glaringly obvious they are paid very well to keep young men from organizing and naming the true enemy of the west.
Yeah you're right.

Everyone who isn't the leader of Patriot Front is a Fed.

Thanks for helping me break down non-binary choices into black and white.
That is called a "strawman argument". You make a point, the person you are arguing with didn't make, and then knock it down.
My point, especially with Tucker, is that you're making a binary assertion that I disagree with...

You're making reductionist fallacies in your arguments for all 3 of these individuals in calling them feds.

There hence I'm demonstrating the same oversimplification you're doing.
My point, especially with Tucker, is that you're making a binary assertion that I disagree with...

You're making reductionist fallacies in your arguments for all 3 of these individuals in calling them feds.

There hence I'm demonstrating the same oversimplification you're doing.
Feds can be Gatekeepers. They work for the satanic elites and have a role to play. Their job is to keep young men from going too far right and to help run the clock out. Also to divert righteous anger into incorrect directions (lightening rod).

Tucker, Alex, Trump, all wake up every day and make a conscious decision to do the above. I pray for them to stop and start really putting out the red pill truth. But it is up to them to make the decision and it is up to us to point it out and put pressure on the system.
I think we need to take a step back and establish what a fed is. I don't think Tucker is a federal agent or on their payroll or an informant... but he definitely wants things kept within the bounds of polite discourse and turns a blind eye to the JQ. He's a mainstream pundit after all. I guess that's the distinction perhaps. There's an argument for him being a gatekeeper, which at some level could be assumed to be any educated person who ignores the JQ.
A building with a cross on it isn't going to save you. If there is anything illegal going on anywhere, you will get busted in the church or not. Like Thomas has talked about with Patriot Front, their focus is not breaking the laws and keeping their guys out of trouble and able to work and make money.

You think they are "feds" because they wear masks? Have you considered they would lose their jobs and any future employment if their identity is known?

As far as joining, I don't recommend it. Things are just not bad enough yet to join any group, Church or not. A lot of the guys joining are either autistic, aka the issues we face consume them to this level of anger OR they have nothing else going for them in their life. Things will get worse, better abled people will join or form their own groups, and then from there we will know more. For the time being, I would recommend any and all groups.

I would never recommend joining any group. Things have to get worse until joining a group is worth the risk. That is at least a few years away. Things just have to get so bad that these groups have literally millions of members and overwhelm the govt. resources. Until then, the best thing you can do is build your body, build your mind and build your resources through working hard and turning your money into valuable items.

A building with a cross on it will not save you, agreed, nor will belonging to a church save you. Focusing on yourself alone while ignoring everyone else around you. This is terrible advice, as you're not an eternal, immortal being. I don't care how strong you are as an individual, you will get old and frail, there will be times that you stumble, and you will perish along with your mind/body, alone. You need community of some sort.

Maybe some people find solace in PF as a way to deal with anger at the system, and as long as that's a stepping stone to something higher, great, they can learn about the JQ, then realize these types of groups tend to lack any reasonable ideal/vision about how they hope things will play out, and move on from there before they get caught in a bad situation.

The best way to subvert, is to change the way you, and others think, and that is what the church is for. It's in part a social club, but it's a social club that aims to help man to re-orient his vision to the highest ideal. If your church doesn't do that. Then it's not a church, and is truly just a social club. But as Orthodox, we have a vast multitude of examples of how people lived out their faith, which serves as a measuring rod to which we can compare ourselves, and this is also what young men need, they need positive influences from men around them, and ideals and things to strive towards.

Just remember, the pagans in Rome thought the Christians were lunatics for disdaining comfort/glorifying suffering and martyrdom, and we all know how that ended up, but had they just been alone, and focusing on themselves, it wouldn't have gained traction, because there would be no-one to remember the sufferings/martyrdom, and wouldn't have the examples to draw inspiration from, and it would just have lapsed and died into empty ideals in someone's head.
I think there should be another thread discussing what is a federal agent, a federal asset, a federal informant, and other types of people used to maintain the status quo under the dominion of Five Eyes. Patriot Front rarely gets any big coverage because they do not do much other than march around.

It would be virtually impossible for any group to revoke the anti-white hatred that has solidified like a tub of lard in the west the last 30 years other than by victory through strength of arms over Washington DC, especially after these jewish sentiments were fermenting the previous 50 years before that. Patriot Front does not have that capability, and neither does any state militia nor "constitutionalist" guard unit.

I don't see their numbers swelling in comparison to the millions of dark trash that has been forcefully imported. Demographics is the key to the future before any other item on the agenda can be accomplished.

A community is not tied together without a common racial and religious ground, and for that the old discussions which use to be commonplace even among the clergy need to be recontinued, both sides of the fight, for both the "right now" and the "hereafter" need to be attacking all the threats of the national rot, and the point of removing these talking heads like Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson from positions of authority in the non-mainstream spheres needs to be solidified, for neither of them would ever endorse a true changing of the guard for a better civilization. Comfort has addled their brains, and their refusal to speak on matters of the utmost truth verifies who their allegiance is to, whether openly or obscured.
What you're saying is like telling a rape victim they wouldn't have gotten beaten if they simply didn't resist. Of course the government and informants don't care about normal right wing protests. They don't care because the media simply won't show it. But when PF gets there with their banners and actual organization, then the people who hate us are upset, because that is akin to that rape victim starting to resist. Chews are actually afraid of PF and their tactics, because those tactics are the only ones that have ever worked against them before.

Telling Americans they can't organize while they are actively being genocided is malicious and unreasonable. There will be groups formed. It's a natural process because we are social creatures who hate being genocided and replaced. Nobody left of PF is using rhetoric anywhere close to accurately describing what is being done to us.

I'm being insistent on this because, to be clear, you couldn't make an organization that normiecons wouldn't say is Fed controlled. Every organization gets infiltrated, that's just the nature of the game. The Church has been infiltrated. Every government ever has been infiltrated. That doesn't mean you don't participate in them because of that.

I'm not telling people to join PF. By all means, go make a better group, or try to convince your pastors to be more vocal on these things. But for people to criticize PF when they look good, don't break the law, are ADVOCATING FOR YOU AND YOUR PROGENY, and are against sexual deviancy that could very well get us nuked from space by God Himself, all while you sit back, well that's just cowardice. It's sawing off your own legs. It's just laying back and accepting the rape.

Edit: Actually the rape scenario isn't quite accurate. It's more like you and your friends and family are all getting raped, and your niece starts resisting, and you tell her "Stop resisting or you're gonna get us all hurt!" (you're getting hurt anyways and there's no guarantee they're letting you live, in fact these rapists have a track record of not letting their victims live or reproduce...).
A lot to unpack here. This thread is becoming emotional, and I like you as a poster, so please take this in the spirit in which it is intended; good faith dialog.

First off, the people here who are posting in full support of this particular group also say "I wouldn't recommend joining", "I'm not telling people to join" etc. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement. If this group is legit, shares your principles, and you think they are doing good, why wouldn't you recommend that people join? Why wouldn't you do it yourself? Calling people cowards for not supporting a group that you yourself wont join doesn't seem quite right to me.

Second, the "fed question" is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these types of groups. There are legitimate questions and concerns. Is what they're doing actually producing results? Do they have mass appeal? What are they doing differently, compared to other groups from the past that have failed? There have been many. It's easy enough to gather a small number of people from the internet to march around and demonstrate, but then what? I think they also have issues with presentation, ie the uniforms. Average people probably see it as intimidating and unrelatable. It creates a negative association. It appeals to certain people but I think it's a small pool. I understand they wear masks to protect their privacy but it also makes them seem untrustworthy to normies. Their presentation needs to be beyond reproach and relatable to the average person.

From what I've seen, they seem to be more divisive than uniting. Perhaps that's by design? The rhetoric from supporters and people from adjacent online circles is always about how they're so much better than "those dumb conservatives", which is a 100% losing strategy because in order to succeed and actually gain some degree of influence, you will need at least some of those very people that they love to talk down to, insult and alienate from their cause. This is a problem with all of these insular online right wing political factions. They gain enough of a following to be noticed and make some noise here and there, and then stagnate.

I have seen Patriot Front in the media, and it's always "look at this group of evil fascist/racist/whatever boogeymen, your family isn't safe, be very afraid, we need to do something about this". I don't for one second think that Jews/elites/three letter agencies are afraid of Patriot Front as an organization. They may be concerned about their message, and them speaking the truth out loud, but I think they have the confidence that they can control the narrative, whether that confidence is misguided or not.

Now, if I'm wrong about this and they manage to start waking up large numbers of people to the realties that we're all facing in America and the west, and start producing results like improving communities, I'll gladly eat my words. I'm just going off of my instinct here and past trends.
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One thing I am 99% certain of; this is not a natural "movement" or group.
How is it possible to even be 99% certain of anything in this day and age?

Again, please watch the Joe Prich video I posted earlier in the thread. Thomas Rousseau has been doing activism for 20 years. He has PF go on marches and basically say, “White people exist” and then certain people on the media and twitter (the former of which has the lowest trust rating it’s ever had) say these guys are feds and that’s all the proof you need?

Have you listened to Rousseau speak?

When people put up signs saying “All lives matter” it was called racist by leftists. Patriot Front existing is “White Lives Matter” for real.

Again, these guys protested a trans event in Idaho aimed at children and are went to prison for doing so. (Notice how the article shows a picture of these men not wearing a mask! I thought PFers always wore masks even when they were arrested!

And you say they’re feds. Because someone else told you. Guys who protested gay pride grooming events aimed at children and are went to jail for it, their pictures and names listed on the article above. These are your feds.

Not Ray Epps who got to attend his Jan 6 sentencing remotely (no one else got this treatment).

Not Alex Jones who got people whipped up to go into The Capital.

No. You are doubting the intentions of people who served jail time for protesting pedos.

And you are 99% sure you’re the good guy.

Perhaps the real Feds don’t want you to know that PF agrees with likely 90% of your political viewpoints, and likely 100% of the political views of the average American citizen from 100 years ago. Perhaps the real Feds don’t want Whites to start advocating for themselves the same way we’ve seen other groups do the same and make strong political gains.

All I know is that there is no other active group advocating for “heritage Americans” and the real Feds have a vested interest in keeping that from happening.

But sure, cheer for and help Goliath as he attacks David. That is the sure path to victory for us.
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Secondly, just because a group has bad optics (again, in your opinion) does not mean they are Feds. George Lincoln Rockwell ran the American Nazi party and was most definitely not a Fed, he was kicked out of the military for his beliefs, his personal life was ruthlessly attacked, and he was eventually assassinated. Him and his group dressed like actual Nazis, and this was really not that long after World War 2.

View attachment 4225

I'd say that's pretty darn bad optics but he was absolutely, 100% right that this country would be taken over by Jews and third worlders, while being pillaged through usury and a lack of morals, and there is no evidence he was a "Fed" in the sense we mean with regards to PF.
I think the important point is that Rockwell ultimately failed in his objective. You can be right about everything, but if you cannot package and present it in a way that reaches the masses, it doesn't work. It's like having a car with a powerful engine and no transmission. I see these new groups as modern re-skins of failed organizations and strategies.
A lot to unpack here. This thread is becoming emotional, and I like you as a poster, so please take this in the spirit in which it is intended; good faith dialog.

First off, the people here who are posting in full support of this particular group also say "I wouldn't recommend joining", "I'm not telling people to join" etc. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement. If this group is legit, shares your principles, and you think they are doing good, why wouldn't you recommend that people join? Why wouldn't you do it yourself? Calling people cowards for not supporting a group that you yourself wont join doesn't seem quite right to me.
you don’t know whether the people on this board or in PF or not.
Average people probably see it as intimidating and unrelatable.
I doubt you’ve heard Rousseau speak.

It creates a negative association. It appeals to certain people but I think it's a small pool. I understand they wear masks to protect their privacy but it also makes them seem untrustworthy to normies. Their presentation needs to be beyond reproach and relatable to the average person.
The riots of 2020 seemed negative and off putting to me and many average people. Funny how that didn’t matter at the time and still doesn’t.

From what I've seen, they seem to be more divisive than uniting. Perhaps that's by design?
Saying “all lives matter” is divisive.

Voting Biden is divisive.

My existence is divisive.

I have seen Patriot Front in the media, and it's always "look at this group of evil fascist/racist/whatever boogeymen, your family isn't safe, be very afraid, we need to do something about this". I don't for one second think that Jews/elites/three letter agencies are afraid of Patriot Front as an organization. They may be concerned about their message, and them speaking the truth out loud, but I think they have the confidence that they can control the narrative, whether that confidence is misguided or not.

You underestimate their paranoia and neuroticism.

Now, if I'm wrong about this and they manage to start waking up large numbers of people to the realties that we're all facing in America and the west, and start producing results like improving communities, I'll gladly eat my words. I'm just going off of my instinct here and past trends.
I think PF could do many things better. However the point of this thread is “are they Feds?”

This group is pro American, anti pedo groomer, and have been willing to stand up to the system since Charlottesville. And standing up to people who literally want to genocide White Americans, and we are debating whether or not they’re Feds.

Just as the people in power would prefer.
I think the important point is that Rockwell ultimately failed in his objective. You can be right about everything, but if you cannot package and present it in a way that reaches the masses, it doesn't work. It's like having a car with a powerful engine and no transmission. I see these new groups as modern re-skins of failed organizations and strategies.
Rockwell was also assassinated. Perhaps if he wasn’t he would have figured out solutions to the above problems.
you don’t know whether the people on this board or in PF or not.
Indeed. But I'll take them at their word, and so far the word has been no.
I doubt you’ve heard Rousseau speak.
I've seen a few interviews. Not "speeches" per se.
The riots of 2020 seemed negative and off putting to me and many average people. Funny how that didn’t matter at the time and still doesn’t.
Yes, many normal everyday people I run into have signaled to me that they know more than they're supposed to.
Saying “all lives matter” is divisive.

Voting Biden is divisive.

My existence is divisive.
When you're struggling with numbers doubling down on alienating average people is not a winning move.
You underestimate their paranoia and neuroticism.

I think PF could do many things better. However the point of this thread is “are they Feds?”

This group is pro American, anti pedo groomer, and have been willing to stand up to the system since Charlottesville. And standing up to people who literally want to genocide White Americans, and we are debating whether or not they’re Feds.

Just as the people in power would prefer.
Feds exist and there's a 100% chance they're infiltrated by them, to what extent, no one knows. It's just the situation as it stands and it has to be acknowledged.
Can't depend on the Church, because the Church supports the satanic regime or at best, is quiet about it.

Using capital "Church" in this discussion implies all of the Church, including the parts that Christ has promised us would survive and carry the faithful to heaven.

Denying the promise of Christ is denying the Holy Spirit, i.e. Blasphemy. This is the second time I've had to publicly warn you about blasphemy. Do not post blasphemy again or I will be handing huge bans onto your account. I strongly recommend reading up on blasphemy if you want to keep posting here.

Saying "I don't believe the Church will save us because I do not believe in Christ," is fine, everyone can see you for who you are. Confessions are both tolerated and encouraged to some degree!

But saying, "The Church won't save us," - like you actually know anything - is an attempt to convince and persuade (i.e. polemic) others away from joining the Church of God, which is 100% a bannable offense on Christ's forum.

Clean up your act, follow the rules, I won't be warning you again.