Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

Pagan Front has no chance without God. The reality is that Pagan Front isn't growing as fast as the Orthodox Church right now, which is growing by leaps and bounds. My Bishop is reporting exponential growth in Texas, for example. Some parishes are doubling in size in a single year!! There hasn't been this much growth in nearly a century. Ever since the COVID hoax, Orthodox Churches have been experiencing huge growth.

I don't think Pagan Front will be the winner of capturing America's disaffected and persecuted youth. Only a White movement that has God in it will truly explode. If Pagan Front was smart they'd put a cross in their logo.
I am glad to hear that the Orthodox Church is growing, this is great news.

But, unless the Orthodox Church draws up specific plans of how to protect Whites in the west, then it isn't going to be able to stop what is coming or fight back against it. Whereas White Nationalism already has this in place.
Now, this right here is the ultimate blackpill. This is the most blackpill post I probably have read on any forum.

I don't know if it is too late or not, but I refuse to just accept that it is too late and we should just give up.
Well then, I'll just have to give myself a medal for being the #1 blackpiller in the world.😇

The Truth shall set you free. The Truth is not a blackpill, it is a white pill. All I'm saying is that what's done is done. I believe I am analyzing the situation correctly... that is, I don't see smart phone use, porn, civil unrest, for-profit wars, government corruption, atheism, and tranny faggotry decreasing, but increasing. This will not change in my lifetime.

Jesus said something to the effect that if you believe everything you see/experience with your 5 senses then you will be deceived. The world is not as it appears, it is a time/space continuum illusion that many of us (myself included) are "falling for." Don't believe the hype. Jesus also said something to the effect that if you resist evil, you become evil. One must look evil right in the eye without tension, fear, or judgment, and allow it to pass through one's soul without allowing it to takeover. This approach is beautiful and hopeful, not ugly, "black," and filled with despair.

Patriot Front can try to stop what they are trying to stop (interracial breeding?) but their efforts will be futile... Especially without making Jesus Christ the known and proud center of their mission statement and movement.

No. Not too late. The Reconquista occurs over 500 years with varying levels of intensity.
Well, I've only got about 30 years of this life left so I'm basing my plans around an exponential growth in faggotry and civil unrest over this time, not less. And I'm not "bitching" about it, I'm merely calling it like I see it and making plans to completely avoid it so it is a non-issue in my life. Drag your four kids through all of this if you like, but if I had four kids I'd be going Robinson Crusoe ASAP. But to each his own.
This one dropped earlier today:

Again, PF is gaining notoriety/popularity/whatever you want to call it because of stuff like this. Just 20 years ago, if you talked about "White Supremacy", most people would envision KKK and Nazis and that sort of thing.

But they keep shifting the definition of White Supremacy. I'm trying to point this out to my normie friends. This really matters. It's how they operate. Today the idea of marriage being a foundational aspect of White Supremacy is as laughable as gay people getting legally married in 1992 or doctors giving kids puberty blockers routinely in 2011.

I guess it's funny until it isn't. If nothing changes, by 2040 Whites won't be legally allowed to marry in order to stop White Supremacy when we're a 40% minority (if that) in our own countries.

Wasn't sure if that was a chew at first, as the last name isn't obvious, however I looked at the picture and thought "she's so masculine she could be a tranny."

However, I found her CV:

"1998 Ruth Jewson Graduate Research Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Proposal in Family Studies, National Council on Family Relations"

Every time my friends. My chewdar was exploding here, and once again it is confirmed, because generally all women dream of marriage and love. Even the most liberal of women have the same sappy love and marriage fantasies. Typically, liberal women don't want kids, but they all love marriage.

Realistically, only a vile, God hating female chew could hate marriage. It's so contrary to female instincts that a woman must be demonic to hate marriage. Even ugly sow's like Victoria Nudelman is married, for heaven's sake. All women dream of their perfect marriage, unless they are possessed.

What is most interesting about all of this, however, is how chews have created groups dedicated to destroying gentile families, and give each other awards for "progress" in these fields.

I'm sure Pagan Front and many other WN groups use this as a powerful recruitment tool, and why wouldn't they? However the proper outlet is within the Orthodox Church, which has been calling out these servants of Satan for 2000 years.
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I am glad to hear that the Orthodox Church is growing, this is great news.

But, unless the Orthodox Church draws up specific plans of how to protect Whites in the west, then it isn't going to be able to stop what is coming or fight back against it. Whereas White Nationalism already has this in place.

You don't need a plan when you have God. Who do you think created every single White nation today? Christ created 100% of them, my God why are you so ignorant?

First, people need to go to God. THEN, God gives the people what they need to flourish and survive.
Everybody knows this already. Now what? Nothing that's what. It's done. White people (myself included) slept on the border and Christian values over the last 50 years and now the country that I grew up in is unrecognizable. There is nothing to be done about it at this point, we were outflanked by JQ Hollywoood forces which brainwashed us all into being selfish whores. Now we must repent, pray to God, and accept our fate. Anything Patriot Front is attempting to do is too little, too late.

You and I both know that if people turn to God, our fate's will be radically different than extinction. So I don't know how you arrive at the conclusion that it is too little, too late.

It's too late for America, 99% chance America is dead, but that doesn't mean it's too late to start something new. It is NEVER too late to repent.

Also, going monk mode is one of the most powerful things anyone can do for the salvation of mankind, as well as their race. Monk mode is what super Saiyan's do.
You don't need a plan when you have God. Who do you think created every single White nation today? Christ created 100% of them, my God why are you so ignorant?

First, people need to go to God. THEN, God gives the people what they need to flourish and survive.
I've talked about this before, and I will say it again.

When you have millions of righteously angry young White men, you are going to need a message that offers them real world results, IE, the end of White discrimination and the righteous movement of a White civil rights movement across the west. Anything short of this, and many, if not all, are not going to listen.

I agree with your points and your post, other than calling me "ignorant", but this is bigger than what I believe, this is millions of young men when only the White Nationalists representing them, and their backs up against the wall.
When you have millions of righteously angry young White men, you are going to need a message that offers them real world results, IE, the end of White discrimination and the righteous movement of a White civil rights movement across the west. Anything short of this, and many, if not all, are not going to listen.

And none of these real world results will occur without God. The #1 enemy of Whites right now are other Whites, who essentially sell their souls to chews, so yes, you are totally ignorant and oblivious to reality.

Without God, White men will have no higher calling than making money, or banging the hottest girl they can get. Only with God can the average White man see the big picture and act on it, which is why 100% of successful White civilizations had a powerful religion undergirding it, and the most successful of these White nations were all Christian.

Seriously brother - stop posting, read a history book.
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You and I both know that if people turn to God, our fate's will be radically different than extinction. So I don't know how you arrive at the conclusion that it is too little, too late.
True, but I'm just not seeing people turning to God. I think this may even be Biblical? Isn't it stated that in The End masses of people will turn from God towards satan? That is what I am seeing and experiencing. Patriot Front certainly doesn't seem to be turning to God, nor do many people I interact with. When I say something like "God bless you," or "I'll pray for you" to Gen Z normies a look of cringe and confusion usually befalls their face.
And none of these real world results will occur without God. The #1 enemy of Whites right now are other Whites, who essentially sell their souls to chews, so yes, you are totally ignorant and obvious to reality.

Without God, White men will have no higher calling than making money, or banging the hottest girl they can get. Only with God can the average White man see the big picture and act on it, which is why 100% of successful White civilizations had a powerful religion undergirding it, and the most successful of these White nations were all Christian.

Seriously brother - stop posting, read a history book.
I never said it would occur without God. I am making no predictions on where things will or will not go.

The issue is, and it seems many here can't help but make it personal, is that I don't care either way, because I cannot control what happens. If PF were to come to me and ask me my advice, I would advise them to put Christianity first and foremost and the #1 requirement for membership.

All I am saying is millions of young White men cannot get a fair shake in their home nations. This is a huge issue, because young men have a ton of energy and when it isn't pushed into having a family, they will get rowdy. Whomever controls this energy will control a very powerful force. These men want someone to lobby for them, to end the discrimination they face. I know a few here seem to deny this is the case, but the reality is, young White men are heavily discriminated against and the anger is growing by leaps and bounds.

If politicians refuse to address this major issue, and almost every single one is doing so. And the churches will not lobby on their behest, then they will turn to White Nationalism. Whether they win or lose, I have no idea, I am just stating an obvious path they will follow. And like I have said, many times in this thread, if you are uncomfortable with this fact, I recommend you try to start another movement to draw this energy into something more Christian.
I'm sure Pagan Front and many other WN groups use this as a powerful recruitment tool, and why wouldn't they? However the proper outlet is within the Orthodox Church, which has been calling out these servants of Satan for 2000 years.
I said earlier in this thread that I've never seen Orthodox outreach offline. Again, I'm sure it happens, but I've never seen it.

It'd be interesting if Orthodox people started marching in a manner similar to Patriot Front. I wonder how people would react if media figures like Joe Rogan and Elon Musk then started calling them feds.

If the Orthodox Church has indeed been fighting the servants of Satan for 2000 years, then they have quite the opportunity these days to get out there and protest drag queen story hours and other types of debauchery -- it would attract the exact type of men that @It_Is_My_Time is talking about and it'd be fascinating to see where it goes. Until this happens, you'll have secular groups like Patriot Front taking the lead on this issue...and is that what you want?
True, but I'm just not seeing people turning to God. I think this may even be Biblical? Isn't it stated that in The End masses of people will turn from God towards satan? That is what I am seeing and experiencing. Patriot Front certainly doesn't seem to be turning to God, nor do many people I interact with. When I say something like "God bless you," or "I'll pray for you" to Gen Z normies a look of cringe and confusion usually befalls their face.

From the Catholic perspective I can see why it looks like the end times. But from the Orthodox perspective, we had brothers announcing the end times back in 1200 AD when the Catholics backstabbed us in the 4th Crusade and allowed us to be raped and conquered by the Muslims.

They were wrong then, and the demise of the Catholic Church isn't the end times now either. The Lord said his gospel needs to spread to all nations, and while a lot of progress has been made on that front, there is still a ton of work to do. So I don't foresee any End Times.

Conversely, while the Catholic Church is undergoing harsh tribulation and judgement, the Orthodox Church is experiencing a renaissance after nearly 1000 years of persecution.

Will there be a huge mass of humanity that goes extinct because they turned away from God? Certainly, but those who are still faithful will be the mustard seed that spawns 10,000x fold it's original size in the future. So there is no need to despair.

As for Gen-Z'ers, they are young. They have plenty of time to repent, so don't worry about them. Keep sending them your blessings, you have a impact on their subconscious even if it takes them 30 more years to wake up.

You should be far more concerned for the Baby Boomers, who are going to hell in massive numbers right now because of their lack of repentance and having turned away from Christ. Gen-Z'ers have plenty of time by comparison.
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I said earlier in this thread that I've never seen Orthodox outreach offline. Again, I'm sure it happens, but I've never seen it.

It'd be interesting if Orthodox people started marching in a manner similar to Patriot Front. I wonder how people would react if media figures like Joe Rogan and Elon Musk then started calling them feds.

If the Orthodox Church has indeed been fighting the servants of Satan for 2000 years, then they have quite the opportunity these days to get out there and protest drag queen story hours and other types of debauchery -- it would attract the exact type of men that @It_Is_My_Time is talking about and it'd be fascinating to see where it goes. Until this happens, you'll have secular groups like Patriot Front taking the lead on this issue...and is that what you want?
Well, that isn't far enough.

Certainly, if they protest drag queen story hour, many young White men would support them and probably show up to help them protest.

But for what these young men face, drag queen story hour isn't even a 1 out of 10. To really win them over, you will need to attack the anti-White rhetoric, the anti-White discrimination, and remove all quotas and DEI in every aspect of our life. And if no organization is willing to do this, then they will form their own (PF is an example) and try themselves.

Getting rid of drag queen story hour isn't going to improve the lives of men who can't get an opportunity to start their life. They would support this protest, but it will not quell the anger.
I never said it would occur without God. I am making no predictions on where things will or will not go.

The issue is, and it seems many here can't help but make it personal, is that I don't care either way, because I cannot control what happens. If PF were to come to me and ask me my advice, I would advise them to put Christianity first and foremost and the #1 requirement for membership.

All I am saying is millions of young White men cannot get a fair shake in their home nations. This is a huge issue, because young men have a ton of energy and when it isn't pushed into having a family, they will get rowdy. Whomever controls this energy will control a very powerful force. These men want someone to lobby for them, to end the discrimination they face. I know a few here seem to deny this is the case, but the reality is, young White men are heavily discriminated against and the anger is growing by leaps and bounds.

If politicians refuse to address this major issue, and almost every single one is doing so. And the churches will not lobby on their behest, then they will turn to White Nationalism. Whether they win or lose, I have no idea, I am just stating an obvious path they will follow. And like I have said, many times in this thread, if you are uncomfortable with this fact, I recommend you try to start another movement to draw this energy into something more Christian.

Now you are speaking a bit more sense, but you are wrong at the end here:

And the churches will not lobby on their behest, then they will turn to White Nationalism.

Go watch some Texas Orthodox sermons. They have been doing these things, although not quite as explicit as WN's, for decades. That is WHY they are growing.

There are many Orthodox Priests who call out the broken state of our families, the hoarding of wealth, the obsession with money, the destruction of women, the evil nature of Israel, among many other evils.

There were Orthodox priests who attending the J6 protests, because they knew that election fraud is a massive danger. Only some other Protestant priests attended, as far as I am aware. No Catholics I can think of.

Here's my challenge for you - attend some Orthodox services. EDUCATE yourself.

The Orthodox are away ahead of you or Pagan Front, but they don't march around acting cool and edgy because we understand humility is the proper way to build a brotherhood, not pride.
Now you are speaking a bit more sense, but you are wrong at the end here:

Go watch some Texas Orthodox sermons. They have been doing these things, although not quite as explicit as WN's, for decades. That is WHY they are growing.

There are many Orthodox Priests who call out the broken state of our families, the hoarding of wealth, the obsession with money, the destruction of women, the evil nature of Israel, among many other evils.

There were Orthodox priests who attending the J6 protests, because they knew that election fraud is a massive danger. Only some other Protestant priests attended, as far as I am aware. No Catholics I can think of.

Here's my challenge for you - attend some Orthodox services. EDUCATE yourself.

The Orthodox are away ahead of you or Pagan Front, but they don't march around acting cool and edgy because we understand humility is the proper way to build a brotherhood, not pride.
This is great news. If the Orthodox church is willing to fight for White rights, even without demanding a White majority remains in place, I personally think they can win over this energy coming from young White men. Of course, what I think or do not think, doesn't matter, but this is my belief.

I believe most Whites are designed to be accepting of others and sharing with others as long as they get a fair shake. And if they can just get this fair shake, they will quell their anger and go back to life as before. I just don't see the satanic elites allowing it, it seems their only real agenda is to wipe out White people first and foremost. But anyone willing to advocate for Whites, on racial lines, will inherit this energy and where it ends up, I have absolutely no prediction.
I said earlier in this thread that I've never seen Orthodox outreach offline. Again, I'm sure it happens, but I've never seen it.

It'd be interesting if Orthodox people started marching in a manner similar to Patriot Front. I wonder how people would react if media figures like Joe Rogan and Elon Musk then started calling them feds.

If the Orthodox Church has indeed been fighting the servants of Satan for 2000 years, then they have quite the opportunity these days to get out there and protest drag queen story hours and other types of debauchery -- it would attract the exact type of men that @It_Is_My_Time is talking about and it'd be fascinating to see where it goes. Until this happens, you'll have secular groups like Patriot Front taking the lead on this issue...and is that what you want?

Why go out and march, when we have our own private forums (aka our Churches) to talk freely and organize without being fed-infiltrated?

Orthodox do occasionally have marches, however, such as being at the March For Life, or standing up to persecution. But going around marching for "White Rights" is nonsense, won't accomplish anything because the people you are trying to reach (your fellow Whites) aren't listening due to having hard hearts and a poisoned soul.

The Church's job isn't politics, it is far more important than politics. The Church focuses on the soul, and without the proper orientation of man's soul there isn't any chance for a successful political movement.

The Church focuses on the hard part, politics is the easy part. Politics is "doWnStReAm oF cUlTure", which is another way of saying that all political movements are essentially hostage to whatever the prevailing cultural zeitgeist is at the moment.

Pagan Front won't capture more than 2-3% of Whites and will be a fringe movement without God, it has no chance against the prevailing cultural headwinds making Whites kill themselves. Pagan Front has 0 women and will attract 0 women, as women are entirely sensitive to cultural and spiritual things, of which Pagan Front has none.
Why go out and march, when we have our own private forums (aka our Churches) to talk freely and organize without being fed-infiltrated?

Orthodox do occasionally have marches, however, such as being at the March For Life, or standing up to persecution. But going around marching for "White Rights" is nonsense, won't accomplish anything because the people you are trying to reach (your fellow Whites) aren't listening due to having hard hearts and a poisoned soul.

The Church's job isn't politics, it is far more important than politics. The Church focuses on the soul, and without the proper orientation of man's soul there isn't any chance for a successful political movement.

The Church focuses on the hard part, politics is the easy part. Politics is "doWnStReAm oF cUlTure", which is another way of saying that all political movements are essentially hostage to whatever the prevailing cultural zeitgeist is at the moment.

Pagan Front won't capture more than 2-3% of Whites and will be a fringe movement without God, it has no chance against the prevailing cultural headwinds making Whites kill themselves. Pagan Front has 0 women and will attract 0 women, as women are entirely sensitive to cultural and spiritual things, of which Pagan Front has none.
Anything and everything is Fed infiltrated. The FBI admitted they have heavily infiltrated churches in the west. It is just a part of life, unfortunately, that our tax dollars go to pay people to spy on us, and something we have to be aware of.

As far as your opinion on if a march for White rights is "nonsense" or not, you are entitled to this opinion. As far as your estimate on how big PF will grow, that is your opinion. I cannot say you are wrong, I can say I disagree with you, but maybe you will end up correct and I will end up incorrect. I am humble enough to admit this.

I can only say White men are angry and discriminated against due to being White, and no other reason. And it is only getting worse. And thus, whomever will defend them along these lines will corral the energy. For good or for evil, it will be corralled based on these lines simply because that is where the battle line is drawn as far as the young White men are concerned.
The church has always been involved in and affected by politics. King wants a divorce?

Jesus literally said, "Give unto Caesar."

And so if the church's job is the soul and politics is "the easy part," why do you seem to be so belittling of Patriot Front trying to improve things for their people, Samseau? Why does it matter to you? You don't seem to be in this thread simply disagreeing with us, but there's something about them particularly that you don't like other than their secularism.
Why go out and march, when we have our own private forums (aka our Churches) to talk freely and organize without being fed-infiltrated?
Also, why NOT go out and march?

While online activity can help, their hasn't been a single uprising in history that occurred online. The Arab Spring in Egypt leveraged social media, but people went out and protested and ultimately got rid of their Egyptian dictator.

Jesus didn't post on message boards or do the equivalent of his time: write books. Jesus went out and traveled and did outreach.

Anyone can stay here and be a keyboard warrior, but it's the people who go out and act who are actually more likely to succeed. I think a combination of doing both is what's needed, but the real life portion is much, much more important.
Also, why NOT go out and march?

While online activity can help, their hasn't been a single uprising in history that occurred online. The Arab Spring in Egypt leveraged social media, but people went out and protested and ultimately got rid of their Egyptian dictator.

Jesus didn't post on message boards or do the equivalent of his time: write books. Jesus went out and traveled and did outreach.

Anyone can stay here and be a keyboard warrior, but it's the people who go out and act who are actually more likely to succeed. I think a combination of doing both is what's needed, but the real life portion is much, much more important.
Certainly. It is going to take real world activity and real world organization. So far, Whites are discriminated on racial lines, so the battle will be on racial lines, and only PF and other WN groups across Europe are organizing in the real world on these racial lines.