Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

What is interesting regarding PF and White Nationalism (by which I mean either advocating for either your particular White ethnicity or the White race as a whole), is that thought and expression is now being prosecuted closer and closer to actual violent crime, sometimes worse.

Imagine a prison where cursing out a guard gets the same punishment as shivving them or another inmate. Why would they condescend to the less violent option?

We now have children being charged for making racist jokes online.
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This is intolerable. They are not providing us any means to petition grievances.

Correct, it is intolerable. This Gulluni dirtbag character is the one who is "vile, cruel and contemptible". The kids certainly were not as they were just joking around, much like how I and probably most of you joked around ALL DAY LONG from the ages of 10-18 while in the prison school system.

This war against White children must stop and Gulluni should be imprisoned FOR LIFE for perpetrating this outrage.
Brother I will pray for you, I have tried and failed many times to help you see a better path and mindset. I realize you're just not interested but I don't know it just doesn't sit well with me to have someone I interact with end up like this.
Do you honestly believe most White men in the west will get a fair shake and really have a chance to buy a home and start a family?

If you do, then you are both very wrong and about to be blindsided by the coming resentment and pushback. If you do, then I suggest you don't downplay when White men discuss these issues and why PF is growing by leaps and bounds.
As for me personally, you have now changed to this subject, and suffice to say, being the most successful person here or not, and it is very possible I am, doesn't make me comfortable having kids in this decrepit society that offers them no future. I have higher goals than what I have achieved if I were to bring kids into this disgusting and perverse society, so I can provide for them to not have to be involved in it.

You are rejecting the only *actual solution* to improve this world which is to have children and raise them to be courageous, righteous, moral, hardworking, Godfearing citizens. You sound like a soy reddit anti-natalist and you are willfully scorning God's commandment to be fruitful and multiply. You can go post here about how you're unwilling to bring children into this *~*horrible world*~*:
You are rejecting the only *actual solution* to improve this world which is to have children and raise them to be courageous, righteous, moral, hardworking, Godfearing citizens. You sound like a soy reddit anti-natalist and you are willfully scorning God's commandment to be fruitful and multiply. You can go post here about how you're unwilling to bring children into this *~*horrible world*~*:
Is this a reasonable solution to the problem? Just to have kids and teach them to do the right thing, which eventually will lead to their downfall? Or should there be more to it?
Many white men in the West HAVE done this.

PF may have some valid points... But I am not sure that I accept how dismal a painting some are making here.
Have, some have yes, and the numbers year over year are declining. Many who have done it have done so by taking on tremendous debt, v. previous generations, in a job market that is becoming more and more uncertain.

Unless there is a major shift in the rhetoric, there is no stopping this train now.
PF may have some valid points... But I am not sure that I accept how dismal a painting some are making here.
What evidence will it take for you to accept it?

We have our children getting beaten/comatosed going to schools. This did not happen with any frequency at all 50 years ago.

We have the elites literally bragging that they are not hiring White people.

We have media going after White boys for painting their faces at football games or smiling at someone who is in their face banging a drum trying to incite them.

We have people being held in government prison with no charges and no bail.

We have others being convicted of putting up stickers that say England will not be majority White in 40 years. The establishment agrees with that number, but a wrong-thinker said it and now has to face two years without his wife and two kids.

Do you think things get better from here with no one pushing back?
What evidence will it take for you to accept it?

We have our children getting beaten/comatosed going to schools. This did not happen with any frequency at all 50 years ago.

We have the elites literally bragging that they are not hiring White people.

We have media going after White boys for painting their faces at football games or smiling at someone who is in their face banging a drum trying to incite them.

We have people being held in government prison with no charges and no bail.

We have others being convicted of putting up stickers that say England will not be majority White in 40 years. The establishment agrees with that number, but a wrong-thinker said it and now has to face two years without his wife and two kids.

Do you think things get better from here with no one pushing back?
And you didn't even touch on the economic realities, which likely cannot be fixed due to the printing during covid, and drastic increase in crime.

I can't imagine still not thinking that things are reaching a drastic point. I live in a very red/conservative area, and it doesn't matter the person, I can pretty much strike up a conversation and talk about the economy being a disaster and the infrastructure crumbling and have made a new friend in 2 to 3 minutes.

Where else do you expect young White men to turn, other than PF?
Whenever anyone says that they're all for immigration, it just has to be done legally (like Trump), my retort is that I'm all for slavery, so long as it's done legally.
There was a good podcast back in 2018 or so, that talked about legal v. illegal immigration and broke down the numbers and results.

If you are in the lower class, work a lower class/low skill job, illegal immigration is a greater threat to you than legal immigration.

If you are in the middle class, then legal immigration is a bigger threat to you.

But at the end of the day, both have destroyed our once nice/safe countries and are turning them into violent third world hellholes, with no end of slide within sight.
The solution is two-fold, Europeans and their descendants in the Americas and Oceania (forget South Africa) must all have at least 4 or more children, and expel the parasites, race traitors, and dark multitudes from their nations, and remove their taint all aspect of our societies, starting with the Churches, then art, literature, theater, music, and every other vestibule of culture. Because of our pathological altruism, which is the weakness the jew exploits, this will not be easy. However, as long as these types are not in charge of our societies the situation can be reversed. All these prostitute jew-first race traitors evangelical cucks and the pozzed Churches need to be exorcised from every fiber of our existence, and replaced with those who fear God first, and don't give a hoot about whether some hebraic gremlin's feelings are hurt, or who won't look at the masses of cannibal filth frothing at the mouth to get into White nations and take pity on them.

Anyone who takes pity on these heathens before their own people is simply warming up for their stay in the ninth circle.
What is interesting regarding PF and White Nationalism (by which I mean either advocating for either your particular White ethnicity or the White race as a whole), is that thought and expression is now being prosecuted closer and closer to actual violent crime, sometimes worse.
Like what? People are getting the death penalty for "thought and expression" crimes? Please provide examples. Some people are getting all worked up here about perceived "realities" that others aren't experiencing. And when others say "I'm not experiencing that in America," the nay sayers say, "Maybe you're not now because you're deaf, dumb, and blind, but you will soon!" Okay, fair enough, but when? Please give me the date and time when all my assets are going to be confiscated, white people are going to be disappeared, the US dollar is going to collapse, and all of the electricity will cease to flow in The Big Bad Evil West? Hogwash.

This is intolerable. They are not providing us any means to petition grievances.
Wrong. It's completely tolerable. Sh*t happens, sometimes good things happen to white kids, sometimes bad things happen to white kids. There is too much extrapolation from random events because people are too plugged into technology and immediate gratification "news." Go off-grid for 6 months in the US wilderness, don't once log onto the internet or read a news source, watch squirrels bury nuts, read the Bible and pray, and limit your interactions with humans, and I guarantee you'll experience heaven on earth. Until then, don't believe everything you read/hear/watch, no matter if the source is Patriot Front or CNN.
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Imagine your country being overrun by foreign savages, legal and illegal, at the behest of your own government and still thinking it's not a big deal and everything will just work out.

Who thinks that? Are you implying that people like me, who are optimistic by nature and have put our money where our mouth is by being successful and having many children are unaware of the challenges or in denial that we have Jewish money powers attempting to hurt us?

I am not saying there is no agenda against Whites. Of course there is.

You are rejecting the only *actual solution* to improve this world which is to have children and raise them to be courageous, righteous, moral, hardworking, Godfearing citizens. You sound like a soy reddit anti-natalist and you are willfully scorning God's commandment to be fruitful and multiply. You can go post here about how you're unwilling to bring children into this *~*horrible world*~*:
100 percent correct.

Procreation is required for this action to manifest.

If you're bitching and not breeding, I'm not interested in hearing it.

It all becomes academic when the people don't manifest these things in their own lives and yet complain about white genocide while having zero kids.
Do you honestly believe most White men in the west will get a fair shake and really have a chance to buy a home and start a family?

If you do, then you are both very wrong and about to be blindsided by the coming resentment and pushback. If you do, then I suggest you don't downplay when White men discuss these issues and why PF is growing by leaps and bounds.

Interesting that this is your reaction to someone saying they will pray for you and saying they have concern for you, seems maybe you have some issues within yourself you need to sort out before you try to sort out society's issues.

Do you think every "white" man thinks the way you do? Not everyone has a defeatist black cloud mentality, some "white men" on this earth are actually happy and live good lives, some members of PF might even be happy and live good lives....shocking to consider I know, not everyone stuck themselves and blames it on anyone or anything else like you do.

Crazy right?

You're getting high off of all this because you have a few people giving you a positive reaction and enabling you, a stark contrast from your usual conduct and reactions around here, it's kinda sad.

Don't worry i won't tell you that I'm going to pray for you again, don't want to offend you again.
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Who thinks that? Are you implying that people like me, who are optimistic by nature and have put our money where our mouth is by being successful and having many children are unaware of the challenges or in denial that we have Jewish money powers attempting to hurt us?
Normiecons think that.
Who thinks that? Are you implying that people like me, who are optimistic by nature and have put our money where our mouth is by being successful and having many children are unaware of the challenges or in denial that we have Jewish money powers attempting to hurt us?

No, not at all, didn't have you in mind when I made that post. Was thinking about the general attitude of many people in this country not necessarily anyone on this board though some are more adamant than others.
Interesting that this is your reaction to someone saying they will pray for you and wishing you well, seems maybe you have some issues within yourself you need to sort out before you try to sort out society's issues.

Do you think every "white" man thinks the way you do? Not everyone has a defeatist black cloud mentality, some "white men" on this earth are actually happy and live good lives, some members of PF might even be happy and live good lives....shocking to consider I know, not everyone stuck themselves and blames it on anyone or anything else like you do.

Crazy right?

You're getting high off of all this because you have a few people giving you a positive reaction and enabling you, a stark contrast from your usual conduct and reactions around here, it's kinda sad.

Don't worry i won't tell you that I'm going to pray for you again, don't want to offend you again.
My reaction was pretty straight and the point. If you think White men are not discriminated against, that is your choice. If you want to call me and the other men here speaking out about it "defeatists" who "just blame others", you are free to do that. I'm not here to convince you of anything, so call us "defeatists" and people who "just blame others", and we will see where the chips fall one day.

Do I think most White men think this way, or at least White men under 40? Yes, certainly. Have I had this conversation, too many times to count with other White men, none of which I know their political affiliation? Yes. It is only getting worse, so it is only getting more noticeable. If I had to guess, probably 80%+ of young White men would agree with my assessment that they are getting a raw deal and no one other than White Nationalists are speaking up for them. Will this entire 80% join WN groups? I don't know, if the satanic elites don't come up with a plan and one pretty quickly, I would guess so.

I more enjoy watching men reaffirm their entire world views. The days of calling Patriot Front "Feds" are disappearing. The days of conservative men relying on "based" politicians, boycotting of a Wall Street funded mega-corporation, and thinking a peaceful protest will change anything, are coming to a quick end. It is a fun process to sit and watch. Who takes that righteous anger and corrals it will win. Right now, PF and other White Nationalist groups are running away with it and if you, or anyone else here doesn't like it, I suggest you get busy building another outlet for them.
Like what? People are getting the death penalty for "thought and expression" crimes? Please provide examples. Some people are getting all worked up here about perceived "realities" that others aren't experiencing. And when others say "I'm not experiencing that in America," the nay sayers say, "Maybe you're not now because you're deaf, dumb, and blind, but you will soon!" Okay, fair enough, but when? Please give me the date and time when all my assets are going to be confiscated, white people are going to be disappeared, the US dollar is going to collapse, and all of the electricity will cease to flow in The Big Bad Evil West? Hogwash.
Whites are getting months and years in prison for things like burning gay flags or putting up White nationalist stickers, while muslims and blacks can rape, murder and steal, and get off on probation. Christians are being arrested and imprisoned for praying in front of abortion clinics.

This has all happened, if you're not paying attention then I envy you. You're coming here just to argue. I don't appreciate that. Feel free to put me and others on ignore.