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Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

I take it this is something that will happen in the future? There's a saying: Predictions are hard, especially about the future.

I'm not convinced that PF will harness massive energy from White men, the likes the world has never seen. I don't even think it will be as big as the MAGA wave that Trump started, or the million man march. Even if you agree with PF's positions in a secular sense, I don't see any evidence they are building this kind of momentum. I see people being largely put off by their approach, even if they do agree with some PF positions.
Then where will White men go? Just give up, turn to video games and porn? That is a very likely possibility as well. I just see the top 20% of White men not doing this, it isn't in their nature, and that is the energy I am talking about. Most likely the majority of the rest of young White men will follow their lead.
Your personal attacks are getting old. If you can't answer my question, then just ignore it. Just saying "uniting under Christ" is very generic. There would have to be strict terms as to what this means specifically, and then what action to take.

You didn't ask me a question!

It's not a personal attack, you quote me and then talk about things that I don't say while referring to me every time trying to make a random point that doesn't apply. Learn how to have a conversation, you do it constantly.
The church has always been involved in and affected by politics. King wants a divorce?

Jesus literally said, "Give unto Caesar."

And so if the church's job is the soul and politics is "the easy part," why do you seem to be so belittling of Patriot Front trying to improve things for their people, Samseau? Why does it matter to you? You don't seem to be in this thread simply disagreeing with us, but there's something about them particularly that you don't like other than their secularism.

Finish the quote. "Give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's, and Give unto God's what is God's."

The logical implication here is that God is far, far, far more important than politics. Who cares what the current leader is doing? Leaders come and go, politics change with the seasons. Politics is trivial compared to the staying power and enternity of God.

The Church has been around for thousands of years, meanwhile your average political movement won't survive more than 2 generations. Give me a break, politics are so small compared to God it's not even a comparison.

Politics are indeed part of human life, but they are just one part. And it is a part handled easily when people follow the Christ and His Church.

My #1 problem with Pagan Front is entirely religious; these secular organizations are trash and just lead more men to their doom. My second problem with Pagan Front is their strategy, but this is only 5% of the problem I have with them. 95% is that they are pagan.
You didn't ask me a question!

It's not a personal attack, you quote me and then talk about things that I don't say while referring to me every time trying to make a random point that doesn't apply. Learn how to have a conversation, you do it constantly.
The post you quoted had a question in it. Asking "how will you unite under Christ?". There is more than just saying "yea, we will have to unite under Christ" and the problem is solved. It doesn't even scratch the surface of the problem, there has to be organization, strategy, real world work, etc.
You don't think the Feds have infiltrated the Orthodox Churches? How would the Orthodox church prevent this? Heavy screening and background checks on everyone who joins their service?

It isn't about corrupting leaders, it is about them spying, recording and looking for reasons to try to entrap members or as more anti-semtic laws are passed, eventually charge people with "hate speech" charges.

It doesn't matter if they join the ranks of the laity, or "spy" on services because it is all public. The real discussions of the Church occur within the upper ranks of the clergy behind closed doors and there is ZERO chew or FBI involvement, for reasons already mentioned. You can't make that guarantee with Pagan Front, or any non-Orthodox Church.

What happens with the little people doesn't matter at all - no offense to the little people. But the Church is 100% anti-Democratic. It is a Aristocracy of Holy men.
Then where will White men go? Just give up, turn to video games and porn? That is a very likely possibility as well. I just see the top 20% of White men not doing this, it isn't in their nature, and that is the energy I am talking about. Most likely the majority of the rest of young White men will follow their lead.
This is the whole point. The white men are going to video games and porn, because they aren't focused on Christ. This is the leftist strategy. Make people dysfunctional, and they will be in favor of leftist government handouts. It is not "most likely" that 80% of men will follow PF's lead. It is most likely they will do what they have already done.

Our strategy has to be to make men (and women) functional, and overcome their dysfunction. This takes Christ, not only in individuals' hearts, but in his power to change nations.

Ordinary secular political activity can't win unless it is in God's will. The current state of America and Western culture generally is the fruit of generations turning away from God. We're not going to continue turning away from God but otherwise get our act together and restore a healthy society.

Direct action within an explicitly Christian framework is the answer, with individuals being led by God and changing lives and whole communities.
Looks like Fr. John has been actively calling out the liberal writer's article directly to her as well. From what he wrote on X seems like she was asking leading questions to get him to start talking about controversial topics since she had already decided beforehand that she wanted to do an article about "extreme right-wing Orthobros" and she wanted to harvest some juicy quotes for it. She was also trying to make it sound like Confederacy and moncharism advocacy was some sort of regular topic of discussion in the parish when it isn't.

One of the parishioners that was interviewed for the hit-piece (the guy with the large family who didn't want to talk politics) chimed in as well

From looking into the reporter's background, she seems to be based out of New York City and is a "Religion Reporter" for Dallas News, Dallas Monthly, Washington Post, etc. She claimed to call herself "Orthodox", which is used as a clever way to infiltrate the Orthodox Church community. Without a doubt, she is likely a radical Liberal pretending to be "Orthodox" with a mission to divide the Orthodox Church community from the inside-out. Note the Liberals' talking points - LGBQT, immigrants, etc.

This is the whole point. The white men are going to video games and porn, because they aren't focused on Christ. This is the leftist strategy. Make people dysfunctional, and they will be in favor of leftist government handouts. It is not "most likely" that 80% of men will follow PF's lead. It is most likely they will do what they have already done.

Our strategy has to be to make men (and women) functional, and overcome their dysfunction. This takes Christ, not only in individuals' hearts, but in his power to change nations.

Ordinary secular political activity can't win unless it is in God's will. The current state of America and Western culture generally is the fruit of generations turning away from God. We're not going to continue turning away from God but otherwise get our act together and restore a healthy society.

Direct action within an explicitly Christian framework is the answer, with individuals being led by God and changing lives and whole communities.
White men are going in all directions. You have the TRS guys, you have the Nick Fuentes guys, you have the PF guys, you have the WLM movement, you have the GDL guys, you have all sorts of things. Right now, PR Is the largest, but White men are already getting active. I wish a church would see these movements and take the bull by the horns, but so far this hasn't happened.

I agree Christianity is needed, and getting over dysfunction is important, but it is going to take a lot more than just these two things. It is going to take organization, it is going to take pushback, and it might take even more than that to return the west to Christianity and its intended demographics.

And if a church never gets involved, White men might go without it. To which, you can all say they will lose, I can't make any predictions, I can only say they will likely go with our without the church and in the process form their own church.
The post you quoted had a question in it. Asking "how will you unite under Christ?". There is more than just saying "yea, we will have to unite under Christ" and the problem is solved. It doesn't even scratch the surface of the problem, there has to be organization, strategy, real world work, etc.

No it didn't have a question in it, go read it again! You just put something in quotes that wasn't said....again. Nothing gets through to you even when you're dead wrong, like i said might as well be talking to a chat bot....
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No it didn't have a question in it, go read it again. You just put something in quotes that wasn't said....again. Nothing gets through to you, like i said might as well be talking to a chat bot....
I said how you organized would matter, it is a question of how the commenter intended to organize.
From looking into the reporter's background, she seems to be based out of New York City and is a "Religion Reporter" for Dallas News, Dallas Monthly, Washington Post, etc.

Here are the first 2 gems she retweeted on her Twitter after the main hit piece being on top. Every tweet shows exactly what she is about. It's quite sickening.

Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 5.25.19 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 5.27.03 PM.png
Who are the "intended demographics" of Christianity?
Of Christianity or of "the Nations" which Jesus spoke about. Nation, being a word that derives from Latin, meaning people from an area. Or the important lesson of the tower of Babel. Either way, we are designed different by God and forcing ourselves to live amongst each other is causing incredible issues.
I said how you organized would matter, it is a question of how the commenter intended to organize.

So a statement is a question now because you don't want to be wrong?

I wish we had a facepalm emoji

Guys....you're talking to a chat bot. I'm 100% convinced at this point.

Even when you're dead wrong in a simple conversational thing you can't handle it, nothing will ever get through to you. All you want here is enabling, that's it.
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I wish we had a facepalm emoji

Guys....you're talking to a chat bot. I'm 100% convinced at this point.

Even when you're dead wrong in a simple conversational thing you can't handle it, nothing will ever get through to you. All you want here is enabling, that's it.
What do you think of the other White men on this forum who agree with me about the lack of future for Whites in the west?
Paul got arrested in Acts.

And wait for the hordes to genocide you and your family and your people.
This is delusional if you live in America. In 50+ years of existence I have seen nothing like this. A "genociding of white people"? Give me a break. A reduction in numbers yes, but a "genociding"? Not a chance. Anyone can claim anything about the future, but that doesn't make them Nostradamus. Give me the date and time of the genociding of white people in America and I'll bet you $10,000 that on that date no such thing will occur.
What do you think of the other White men on this forum who agree with me about the lack of future for Whites in the west?

I think they are absolutely nothing like you, their plight is not the same as yours. Those men want a better life for themselves and the ones they love, you want an excuse for why your life didn't turn out the way you wanted.
Of Christianity or of "the Nations" which Jesus spoke about. Nation, being a word that derives from Latin, meaning people from an area.
All nations, right?

Or the important lesson of the tower of Babel. Either way, we are designed different by God and forcing ourselves to live amongst each other is causing incredible issues.
You've mentioned the Tower of Babel before, but you ignored me when I mentioned Pentecost as the recapitulation of Babel. The Gospel has the power to remove the things that would divide us, including race. So whether the majority is comprised of gay, baby-killing whites, or gangbanger blacks, they must be evangelized all the same.