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Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

Here is an example of what young White men are up against, and huge real world problem that only those who address it accurately will control the narrative. This is why PF and other WN are growing by leaps and bounds. You can claim it is only "blackpilled IIMT" but the facts say otherwise.

Have a link? Some quick searches didn't yield anything. Do you mean certain priests like Fr. John Whiteford and Fr. Moses McPherson (two great guys) or is there a website or channel in particular?
Fr. Luke at St. Basil's is excellent as well.

Here's their churchs YouTube channel. His sermons are often posted seperately.


But as you know, majority of the Orthodox experience is found IN the church.

As you know, when priests often express this publicly, it draws the attention of liberal writers. Fr. John's parish has had to deal with some slander... Unfortunately the same one came to my parish and I'd supposedly working on a piece about the "growth of Orthodoxy" but I suspect it will be more of the same as discussed here.

Looks like Fr. John has been actively calling out the liberal writer's article directly to her as well. From what he wrote on X seems like she was asking leading questions to get him to start talking about controversial topics since she had already decided beforehand that she wanted to do an article about "extreme right-wing Orthobros" and she wanted to harvest some juicy quotes for it. She was also trying to make it sound like Confederacy and moncharism advocacy was some sort of regular topic of discussion in the parish when it isn't.

One of the parishioners that was interviewed for the hit-piece (the guy with the large family who didn't want to talk politics) chimed in as well

The most reasonably path forward is for people is to turn our backs on the current dumpster fire and start building something new and independent.

Organizing, marching and protesting is gayer than Freddie mercury. The way forward is to step outside of the burning building and start building a new one.

Starting new goes hand in hand with focusing on the basics and what’s actually important. Agriculture and food production, engineering/construction/skilled trades, and manufacturing essential goods as well as arms (rifles, ammunition, drones, mines).
Build cultural alliances based around these industries and you’ll be well prepared to weather any storms brewing around you, have a solid base to build off if there’s some kind of collapse, have solid capabilities that are valuable in any times good or bad, and have the capability to resist if it comes to that.
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I'll be honest I'm probably not a very good Catholic and I'm a sinner as much as any man but I will say this, for anyone to dismiss the role of turning to Christ to save society is incredibly ignorant. All of the decay of society has specifically happened because people lost their sense of accountability to Christianity and allowed other sects to gain power through their unity against ours. If you want to save this country it needs to start with going back to Christ.

Under God and teaching of Christ we can all unite and fix our problems, there is no grey area in that. Whatever specific group or man you choose to join or support is secondary in the solution.
I'll be honest I'm probably not a very good Catholic and I'm a sinner as much as any man but I will say this, for anyone to dismiss the role of turning to Christ to save society is incredibly ignorant. All of the decay of society has specifically happened because people lost their sense of accountability to Christianity and allowed other sects to gain power through their unity against ours. If you want to save this country it needs to start with going back to Christ.

Under God and teaching of Christ we can all unite and fix our problems, there is no grey area in that. Whatever specific group or man you choose to join or support is secondary in the solution.
How you unite, under Christ, is of importance as well. Until a Christian organization gets serious about the leathal attacks on White across the west, that massive energy will be driven to a cause that does support them. Like it or not, that is reality. "Well, they will lose", you are entitled to believe this, I am not going to argue for or against such a prediction, I am just saying there is a large mass of energy, and it is being ignored by most in the Church and in the political world.
I'll be honest I'm probably not a very good Catholic and I'm a sinner as much as any man but I will say this, for anyone to dismiss the role of turning to Christ to save society is incredibly ignorant. All of the decay of society has specifically happened because people lost their sense of accountability to Christianity and allowed other sects to gain power through their unity against ours. If you want to save this country it needs to start with going back to Christ.

Under God and teaching of Christ we can all unite and fix our problems, there is no grey area in that. Whatever specific group or man you choose to join or support is secondary in the solution.
I strongly agree with this. Obviously everybody needs Christ as an individual, but beyond that, when we talk about how to fix society, turning society to Christ is the key to it all.

I see so many so-called conservatives talk about what we need to do to turn things around and restore a healthy, wholesome society. Things like cutting way back or eliminating immigration so current American citizens can find jobs. Reducing welfare and various incentives for not working, and instead providing government incentives to promote work and self sufficiency. Providing education and training programs. Programs to make housing more affordable so couples can afford a home, and be able to raise a family. Stop supporting perversion and mental illness, and start promoting healthy, family oriented behaviors. Treating men with respect, and encouraging women to be home makers. Eliminating discrimination against whites.

These are all good things, but there is no political consensus to be able to implement these policies. Not even among white people.

Why? Because the people of this nation lack Christian values. This nation needs a "Come to Jesus Moment" before any of these other things can be possible. There is no solution without this. Anybody who puts forth a solution that doesn't have Christ in the forefront is just one more ineffectual conservative who is building secular castles in the air, that will never see reality.
Also, why NOT go out and march?
Because you could get arrested. Anonymity is the new Bitcoin. Fly under the radar, live a simple, quiet, healthy life in the country and keep to yourself. Then, if the sh*t really does hit the fan, and you feel compelled to give up your life for a cause, you will then be a very lethal unknown kamikaze assassin that could win a war with one hit and in your memory statues will be erected. Death makes heroes of us all.

*NOTE: Not advocating for any of this, just theoretically riffing on The Subject.
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Because you could get arrested.
Paul got arrested in Acts.

Fly under the radar, live a simple, quiet, healthy life in the country and keep to yourself.
And wait for the hordes to genocide you and your family and your people.

Many Americans are familiar with Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death!" speech but there are a couple of lines that directly apply today. I wonder why they don't have us read the entire speech in school.

They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

Why didn't Patrick Henry rely on God? Oh wait...

Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.
God will help, but we have to put in the work too.
Looks like Fr. John has been actively calling out the liberal writer's article directly to her as well. From what he wrote on X seems like she was asking leading questions to get him to start talking about controversial topics since she had already decided beforehand that she wanted to do an article about "extreme right-wing Orthobros" and she wanted to harvest some juicy quotes for it. She was also trying to make it sound like Confederacy and moncharism advocacy was some sort of regular topic of discussion in the parish when it isn't.

One of the parishioners that was interviewed for the hit-piece (the guy with the large family who didn't want to talk politics) chimed in as well

This newly converted Orthodox woman also interviews families at my church and my priest.

I'm sure she will be publishing something to the same effect about our parish and my priest soon.

It seems that the Russian and Antiochian Churches are the main targets of division and subversion by The Media, since both are very anti-Israel and not aligned with the State Apparatus on Ukraine either.

Here's an example of 2 Churches that does stand up to some of the issues PF is discussing... But not purely in a racial sense regarding the degenerate nature we are now living through.

For those who want to go be in patriot front... Go ahead. My point is simply that you can be a greater vehicle for the change you want through working hard, having a family, and joining a Church community.

From what I've seen so far, and maybe I'm missing something... I've yet to conclude where the Christian elemental focus of this organization is emphasized.
So, it seems like we all agree now that God is the essential element in turning America around, and that taking direct action is also an important factor.

It seems obvious that the only useful organization to join for the purpose of taking direct action would be one that explicitly puts God first. For example, Andrew Torba explicitly puts God first, and he is taking direct action to create media infrastructure that is independent of the current leftist media and giant tech companies. I see him as an example of someone who is doing things in the right order.

Does Patriot Front put God and Christianity first, and frame all of their activities and positions on that basis?

Edit: While I was typing, I see Fokm says they are completely secular. If so, they need to get this straight as their first priority.
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I strongly agree with this. Obviously everybody needs Christ as an individual, but beyond that, when we talk about how to fix society, turning society to Christ is the key to it all.

I see so many so-called conservatives talk about what we need to do to turn things around and restore a healthy, wholesome society. Things like cutting way back or eliminating immigration so current American citizens can find jobs. Reducing welfare and various incentives for not working, and instead providing government incentives to promote work and self sufficiency. Providing education and training programs. Programs to make housing more affordable so couples can afford a home, and be able to raise a family. Stop supporting perversion and mental illness, and start promoting healthy, family oriented behaviors. Treating men with respect, and encouraging women to be home makers. Eliminating discrimination against whites.

These are all good things, but there is no political consensus to be able to implement these policies. Not even among white people.

Why? Because the people of this nation lack Christian values. This nation needs a "Come to Jesus Moment" before any of these other things can be possible. There is no solution without this. Anybody who puts forth a solution that doesn't have Christ in the forefront is just one more ineffectual conservative who is building secular castles in the air, that will never see reality.
Amen. To add to this; all of those things that conservatives deem as good can only be called good if they are rooted in God's good character. Otherwise, they are an empty letter, lacking the Spirit of the Law.
So, it seems like we all agree now that God is the essential element in turning America around, and that taking direct action is also an important factor.

It seems obvious that the only useful organization to join for the purpose of taking direct action would be one that explicitly puts God first. For example, Andrew Torba explicitly puts God first, and he is taking direct action to create media infrastructure that is independent of the current leftist media and giant tech companies. I see him as an example of someone who is doing things in the right order.

Does Patriot Front put God and Christianity first, and frame all of their activities and positions on that basis?

Edit: While I was typing, I see Fokm says they are completely secular. If so, they need to get this straight as their first priority.
PF is going to do what they do. There is going to be massive energy from young White men who can't get married or buy a home or have children. The likes the world has never seen.

If you, anyone else, any Christian denomination, etc., doesn't like this fact, then they need to get busy with a White Christian Nationalist movement, or the energy will all go to PF.
Looks like Fr. John has been actively calling out the liberal writer's article directly to her as well. From what he wrote on X seems like she was asking leading questions to get him to start talking about controversial topics since she had already decided beforehand that she wanted to do an article about "extreme right-wing Orthobros" and she wanted to harvest some juicy quotes for it. She was also trying to make it sound like Confederacy and moncharism advocacy was some sort of regular topic of discussion in the parish when it isn't.

One of the parishioners that was interviewed for the hit-piece (the guy with the large family who didn't want to talk politics) chimed in as well

That woman claims to be Orthodox as well. Despicable behavior.
Anything and everything is Fed infiltrated. The FBI admitted they have heavily infiltrated churches in the west. It is just a part of life, unfortunately, that our tax dollars go to pay people to spy on us, and something we have to be aware of.

This is false. Antiochian, Russian, and Jerusalem Orthodox Churches are completely separated from the chews and the FBI. This is why they are being persecuted, with literal war being waged against Russia.

I've actually had funny conversations about the FBI trying to infilatrate my Church with my Bishop. An FBI agent actually went to his house (!) and grilled him in an interview. He gave him generic honest answers and the agent went on his way.

Likewise, I've had an FBI agent attend my parish, a clean cut blonde guy, while pretending to be a guy looking to convert. After service, during coffee hour, I introduced myself with my friends to him, and the first thing out of his mouth was, "So, what do you guys think about Jews?" I laughed hard, and told the agent what I thought (not much different than what I write here). He didn't realize I knew who he was, and of course I've never seen the guy again.

You don't understand, the Orthodox Church is almost entirely immune to subversion and infiltration. This is because our Monkhood runs the Church. The Monasteries are the "Deep State" of the Church. We take guys who mainly eat bread, peanut butter, live out in the wilderness in a monastery for 30 years, who completely forsake women and money and pray all day, and turn them into Patriarchs and Metropolitans.

Because the top of our Churches are run by men who do not care about money, women, or status, and have proven themselves with decades of living in the wilderness with prayer, there is a 0.00000001% chance that any of them will get corrupted. The odds of subversion with such men are astronomically low, which is why they can condemn Israel and give no care at all what anyone else thinks. They literally live for God and nothing else. It is why the Orthodox Church remains pure.

If the occasional priest or bishop steps out of line, then the guys at the top will swiftly defrock them. It happens quite often, usually a few get canned every year due to corruption. It is to be expected as Satan is relentless, but we have been doing this for thousands of years.

So yeah, other Churches are typically a joke, although the Catholic Church used to be much stronger because their monkhood had a much stronger hold over the top branches but they seem to have lost it, but not Orthodox Churches because tonsured Monks are running the show.
How you unite, under Christ, is of importance as well. Until a Christian organization gets serious about the leathal attacks on White across the west, that massive energy will be driven to a cause that does support them. Like it or not, that is reality. "Well, they will lose", you are entitled to believe this, I am not going to argue for or against such a prediction, I am just saying there is a large mass of energy, and it is being ignored by most in the Church and in the political world.

You realize when you quote someone and say "you" it means you're referring to that person you quoted right?

Can you actually comment on anything without going on a random tangent? Having a conversation with you is like talking to a broken chat bot, you comment on things that were never said or insinuated derailing the conversation into your personal soapbox constantly.
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PF is going to do what they do. There is going to be massive energy from young White men who can't get married or buy a home or have children. The likes the world has never seen.

If you, anyone else, any Christian denomination, etc., doesn't like this fact, then they need to get busy with a White Christian Nationalist movement, or the energy will all go to PF.
I take it this is something that will happen in the future? There's a saying: Predictions are hard, especially about the future.

I'm not convinced that PF will harness massive energy from White men, the likes the world has never seen. I don't even think it will be as big as the MAGA wave that Trump started, or the million man march. Even if you agree with PF's positions in a secular sense, I don't see any evidence they are building this kind of momentum. I see people being largely put off by their approach, even if they do agree with some PF positions.
This is false. Antiochian, Russian, and Jerusalem Orthodox Churches are completely separated from the chews and the FBI. This is why they are being persecuted, with literal war being waged against Russia.

I've actually had funny conversations about the FBI trying to infilatrate my Church with my Bishop. An FBI agent actually went to his house (!) and grilled him in an interview. He gave him generic honest answers and the agent went on his way.

Likewise, I've had an FBI agent attend my parish, a clean cut blonde guy, while pretending to be a guy looking to convert. After service, during coffee hour, I introduced myself with my friends to him, and the first thing out of his mouth was, "So, what do you guys think about Jews?" I laughed hard, and told the agent what I thought (not much different than what I write here). He didn't realize I knew who he was, and of course I've never seen the guy again.

You don't understand, the Orthodox Church is almost entirely immune to subversion and infiltration. This is because our Monkhood runs the Church. The Monasteries are the "Deep State" of the Church. We take guys who mainly eat bread, peanut butter, live out in the wilderness in a monastery for 30 years, who completely forsake women and money and pray all day, and turn them into Patriarchs and Metropolitans.

Because the top of our Churches are run by men who do not care about money, women, or status, and have proven themselves with decades of living in the wilderness with prayer, there is a 0.00000001% chance that any of them will get corrupted. The odds of subversion with such men are astronomically low, which is why they can condemn Israel and give no care at all what anyone else thinks. They literally live for God and nothing else. It is why the Orthodox Church remains pure.

If the occasional priest or bishop steps out of line, then the guys at the top will swiftly defrock them. It happens quite often, usually a few get canned every year due to corruption. It is to be expected as Satan is relentless, but we have been doing this for thousands of years.

So yeah, other Churches are typically a joke, although the Catholic Church used to be much stronger because their monkhood had a much stronger hold over the top branches but they seem to have lost it, but not Orthodox Churches because tonsured Monks are running the show.
You don't think the Feds have infiltrated the Orthodox Churches? How would the Orthodox church prevent this? Heavy screening and background checks on everyone who joins their service?

It isn't about corrupting leaders, it is about them spying, recording and looking for reasons to try to entrap members or as more anti-semtic laws are passed, eventually charge people with "hate speech" charges.
Can you actually comment on anything without going on a random tangent? Having a conversation with you is like talking to a broken chat bot, you comment on things that were never said or insinuated derailing the conversation into your personal soapbox constantly.
Your personal attacks are getting old. If you can't answer my question, then just ignore it. Just saying "uniting under Christ" is very generic. There would have to be strict terms as to what this means specifically, and then what action to take.