Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

My reaction was pretty straight and the point. If you think White men are not discriminated against, that is your choice. If you want to call me and the other men here speaking out about it "defeatists" who "just blame others", you are free to do that. I'm not here to convince you of anything, so call us "defeatists" and people who "just blame others", and we will see where the chips fall one day.

Do I think most White men think this way, or at least White men under 40? Yes, certainly. Have I had this conversation, too many times to count with other White men, none of which I know their political affiliation? Yes. It is only getting worse, so it is only getting more noticeable. If I had to guess, probably 80%+ of young White men would agree with my assessment that they are getting a raw deal and no one other than White Nationalists are speaking up for them. Will this entire 80% join WN groups? I don't know, if the satanic elites don't come up with a plan and one pretty quickly, I would guess so.

I more enjoy watching men reaffirm their entire world views. The days of calling Patriot Front "Feds" are disappearing. The days of conservative men relying on "based" politicians, boycotting of a Wall Street funded mega-corporation, and thinking a peaceful protest will change anything, are coming to a quick end. It is a fun process to sit and watch. Who takes that righteous anger and corrals it will win. Right now, PF and other White Nationalist groups are running away with it and if you, or anyone else here doesn't like it, I suggest you get busy building another outlet for them.

I'm calling you that, specifically you and only you stop trying to pull everyone else in to it to get your fix. Don't think for a second that you're like everyone else and everyone thinks like you do, they don't. Your pity party disaster life and attitude belongs to you and nobody else, stop trying to speak for anyone else. You're the last person on this forum who should be representing anyone.

Never disparaged PF one time or called them feds in fact I supported them, never once said whites are not being discriminated against....stop throwing things out there just for a reaction against me. At this point you're just saying whatever you can hoping you get more high from the few guys in here enabling you.....again it's sad and easy to read.
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Whites are getting months and years in prison for things like burning gay flags or putting up White nationalist stickers, while muslims and blacks can rape, murder and steal, and get off on probation. Christians are being arrested and imprisoned for praying in front of abortion clinics.

This has all happened, if you're not paying attention then I envy you. You're coming here just to argue. I don't appreciate that. Feel free to put me and others on ignore.

Danny brother do you actually believe for one second anyone here is okay with any of that?
Danny brother do you actually believe for one second anyone here is okay with any of that?
Well if there are trolls or Feds on this forum, then yes, there are people who want to see Whites die out, think it's funny, and there's nothing stopping them from making an account, but my comment wasn't to insinuate he thinks that is okay but to bring awareness to something happening that he might not be aware of. Not everyone is as online as me (better to not be).
Well if there are trolls or Feds on this forum, then yes, there are people who want to see Whites die out, think it's funny, and there's nothing stopping them from making an account, but my comment wasn't to insinuate he thinks that is okay but to bring awareness to something happening that he might not be aware of. Not everyone is as online as me (better to not be).

Well to hell with trolls and feds, I promise you no real man here, or anywhere, is okay with what the way white people are being treated other than scum of the earth losers. Everyone can see what is happening and it's not just white people, it's happening to anyone who isn't black, brown or Jewish. Although I do concede white people are the target, the others who don't fall into the other categories get the shrapnel.
I'm calling you that, specifically you and only you stop trying to pull everyone else in to it to get your fix. Don't think for a second that you're like everyone else and everyone thinks like you do, they don't. Your pity party disaster life and attitude belongs to you and nobody else, stop trying to speak for anyone else. You're the last person on this forum who should be representing anyone.

Never disparaged PF one time or called them feds in fact I supported them, never once said whites are not being discriminated against....stop throwing things out there just for a reaction against me. At this point you're just saying whatever you can hoping you get more high from the few guys in here enabling you.....again it's sad and easy to read.
You are calling all the men in here, that agree with me, that agree that Whites are getting a raw deal, those terms. And that will extrapolate out over many millions of men and will only get worse with time. Which is why I told you it wasn't wise to think this way and speak this way.

I never said you called PF feds, my comment was in regards to it used to be the way the GOP was able to get their supporters to disregard them. But as things get worse, and the GOP has no answers or candidates addressing any of it, the game is no longer working. Which is why PF is growing by leaps and bounds as are other White Nationalist Groups in other countries. I have no idea if the Satanic Elites have any plans to quell this righteous anger or not. I doubt they do, because if so, they would be pulling back on the rhetoric by now.
You are calling all the men in here, that agree with me, that agree that Whites are getting a raw deal, those terms. And that will extrapolate out over many millions of men and will only get worse with time. Which is why I told you it wasn't wise to think this way and speak this way.

I never said you called PF feds, my comment was in regards to it used to be the way the GOP was able to get their supporters to disregard them. But as things get worse, and the GOP has no answers or candidates addressing any of it, the game is no longer working. Which is why PF is growing by leaps and bounds as are other White Nationalist Groups in other countries. I have no idea if the Satanic Elites have any plans to quell this righteous anger or not. I doubt they do, because if so, they would be pulling back on the rhetoric by now.

You want to give me lessons in wisdom now?

No I'm not not I'm talking directly to you how many times do I need to say that? You really need to stop trying to paint me with something just to draw others into it to defend you, that is something the other side does. Stop saying things trying to rally the troops against me and again stop speaking for others, you don't represent anyone but yourself. Stop talking about millions of men, it's just you talking.

If you're quoting me and talking about calling PF feds then who would someone assume you're referring to? Now you're talking about the GOP to me, where did that come from? All you are doing here is spouting off whatever you can for favorable reactions, you finally found a few people who will rally with you on something instead of trying to pull you out of your blackened life and you can't get enough of being enabled. Which is exactly why you keep trying to branch off to other things that have nothing to do with what was said, you're just throwing whatever you can out there.
Like what? People are getting the death penalty for "thought and expression" crimes? Please provide examples. Some people are getting all worked up here about perceived "realities" that others aren't experiencing. And when others say "I'm not experiencing that in America," the nay sayers say, "Maybe you're not now because you're deaf, dumb, and blind, but you will soon!" Okay, fair enough, but when? Please give me the date and time when all my assets are going to be confiscated, white people are going to be disappeared, the US dollar is going to collapse, and all of the electricity will cease to flow in The Big Bad Evil West? Hogwash.

Wrong. It's completely tolerable. Sh*t happens, sometimes good things happen to white kids, sometimes bad things happen to white kids. There is too much extrapolation from random events because people are too plugged into technology and immediate gratification "news." Go off-grid for 6 months in the US wilderness, don't once log onto the internet or read a news source, watch squirrels bury nuts, read the Bible and pray, and limit your interactions with humans, and I guarantee you'll experience heaven on earth. Until then, don't believe everything you read/hear/watch, no matter if the source is Patriot Front or CNN.
Try telling the Boers of South Africa that all they need to do is "stay off the internet," or the latest White kid who got his brain stomped in by a pack of blacks that "shit happens" and he just needs to go off grid. Or tomorrow's underage girl who gets gang raped by a group of illegals that she should have just watched squirrels bury nuts instead. Which actually is the government's approved response because speaking out too loudly about it will get you a visit from the police, if not jail time, in some parts of the world.

Just because you're unaware of some of the horrors people are facing doesn't mean it's not happening, and just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it can't. I apologize if I'm misreading or misconstruing your post, but I don't think turning a blind eye to what's going on is a viable option any longer. I can't speak to the validity of PF or whether or not it's just another big honey pot, but I'm really hoping it's legit.
Speaking out too loudly about it will get you a visit from the police, if not jail time, in some parts of the world.
That's corrects. So either keep your mouth shut or pick up arms. Patriot Front is doing neither.

Just because you're unaware of some of the horrors people are facing doesn't mean it's not happening, and just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it can't. I apologize if I'm misreading or misconstruing your post, but I don't think turning a blind eye to what's going on is a viable option any longer. I can't speak to the validity of PF or whether or not it's just another big honey pot, but I'm really hoping it's legit.
Please counter my arguments and not me personally with "you" messages. I'm 50+ years old with a fairly high IQ and I'm aware of world history, current events, and the horrors of human behavior. And plenty of horrible sh*t has happened to me, but nonetheless I persevere.

The reason you are misconstruing my posts is because you disagree with them and it is frustrating you. I am not turning a blind eye to anything, I'm just not willing to die for a lost cause (globohomo is here to stay) and so I have made the tough choice to go Monk Mode. And anyone who thinks moving to the wilderness, being celibate, and living alone is somehow sticking one's head in the sand and taking the easy way out has obviously never done it.
Whites are getting a raw deal.
Everybody knows this already. Now what? Nothing that's what. It's done. White people (myself included) slept on the border and Christian values over the last 50 years and now the country that I grew up in is unrecognizable. There is nothing to be done about it at this point, we were outflanked by JQ Hollywoood forces which brainwashed us all into being selfish whores. Now we must repent, pray to God, and accept our fate. Anything Patriot Front is attempting to do is too little, too late.
Everybody knows this already. Now what? Nothing that's what. It's done. White people (myself included) slept on the border and Christian values over the last 50 years and now the country that I grew up in is unrecognizable. There is nothing to be done about it at this point, we were outflanked by JQ Hollywoood forces which brainwashed us all into being selfish whores. Now we must repent, pray to God, and accept our fate. Anything Patriot Front is attempting to do is too little, too late.
No. Not too late. The Reconquista occurs over 500 years with varying levels of intensity.

But if you're bitching and you ain't got at least 4 kids then it's academic...

Here I am outbreeding Mexicans by a couple with my 6 kids ... God willing at least 2 more. Thank God there are a few successful people throwing High IQ kids out there.
Everybody knows this already. Now what? Nothing that's what. It's done. White people (myself included) slept on the border and Christian values over the last 50 years and now the country that I grew up in is unrecognizable. There is nothing to be done about it at this point, we were outflanked by JQ Hollywoood forces which brainwashed us all into being selfish whores. Now we must repent, pray to God, and accept our fate. Anything Patriot Front is attempting to do is too little, too late.
Now, this right here is the ultimate blackpill. This is the most blackpill post I probably have read on any forum.

I don't know if it is too late or not, but I refuse to just accept that it is too late and we should just give up.
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You want to give me lessons in wisdom now?

No I'm not not I'm talking directly to you how many times do I need to say that? You really need to stop trying to paint me with something just to draw others into it to defend you, that is something the other side does. Stop saying things trying to rally the troops against me and again stop speaking for others, you don't represent anyone but yourself. Stop talking about millions of men, it's just you talking.

If you're quoting me and talking about calling PF feds then who would someone assume you're referring to? Now you're talking about the GOP to me, where did that come from? All you are doing here is spouting off whatever you can for favorable reactions, you finally found a few people who will rally with you on something instead of trying to pull you out of your blackened life and you can't get enough of being enabled. Which is exactly why you keep trying to branch off to other things that have nothing to do with what was said, you're just throwing whatever you can out there.
Yes, I am giving you a lesson in wisdom, seeing the big picture, if you will.

You yourself said I was a "defeatist" and someone who will "just blame others", for the blatant and over the top discrimination Whites face in their home countries that they founded. You are entitled to this belief, I don't think it is a smart decision, but you are entitled to it. The problem is, you are not just calling me these terms, you are calling the millions of White men who agree with me these terms. And that is where the wisdom kicks in. You may not think you are calling these millions of White men these things, but they think you are, because deep down you are. I am just one White guy speaking out about it on this forum, but any White guy who agrees with me, and some on here do, will see your response and they take it as an attack on them and their families as well. And saying "I only meant IIMT" isn't going to change that. I am not upset about it at all, I just want to point this out, because you don't seem to have thought this through.

For the second time, I am not saying you called PF Feds or tied to the GOP. I am saying the needle has moved so much that when the GOP and their paid provocateurs get out and call PF Feds, it isn't hitting home and more and more are calling them out and bashing them for it. My comment has nothing to do with what you do or do not think about PF. My comment is to show how PF is becoming more popular and more accepted among the conservative voting base.

I fixed it for you

Everybody knows this already. Now what? Nothing that's what. It's done. White people (myself included) slept on the border and Christian values over the last 50 years and now the country that I grew up in is unrecognizable. There is nothing to be done about it at this point, we were outflanked by JQ Hollywoood forces which brainwashed us all into being selfish whores. Now we must repent, pray to God, and accept our fate. Anything Patriot Front is attempting to do is too little, too late.

Tucker Carlson has a recent essay that makes this same point (without explicitly mentioning whites though) - that normies didn't realize the magnitude of the tectonic shift in values, demographics, and culture that the Left has foisted on American society and now a lot of us are waking up to the fact our country has become, as you put it, unrecognizable.

It happened because only one side of the revolution recognized that it was a revolution. The other side had no idea.

One side saw these changes for what they were: Let’s completely change American society, from the bottom to the top. Let’s eliminate any sense of shared culture or history. Let’s atomize the country to the point where there’s no viable opposition to what we’re doing. And once we’ve done that, let’s addle everyone with prescription drugs. Let’s encourage them to be unhealthy, unmarried, and childless, and then we can do whatever we want.

And no one’s aware on the other side—which is not just the right, but the vast bulk of everyone else, which would include a lot of Democrats and just normal people who aren’t at all interested in the revolution. They had no idea what was happening.

He also talks about people's unwillingness to admit how bad things really are even when it should be blindingly obvious that things are spiralling downward. To make this point he references Peter Wrangel's experiences during the Russian Revolution and how many people acted as if everything were normal, even as their society began to disintegrate around them:

Pyotr Wrangel’s just been on the front for four years. He comes back to St. Petersburg, a totally civilized city, a two-hour drive from Helsinki—it’s Europe. He’s wandering through, and soldiers are going crazy in the streets; they’re raping women, stealing at gunpoint. Soldiers in uniform, in a monarchy which had not had any behavior like this, and he, Pyotr Wrangel, just can’t believe it. These are his soldiers; he’s a general. He goes into a movie theater, and everyone in the movie theater is completely absorbed in the movie, as if there’s no revolution happening outside. Wrangel thinks these people are insane.

Wrangel goes to warn the Romanovs but discovers how out of touch the elites have become with what's happening in their own country.

He takes the train to Moscow: I have to tell the tsar this country’s falling apart. He’s very close to the Romanovs, and he goes into the imperial court—he knows all the relatives and hangers-on. He notices about 80 percent of the women in the Romanov family are wearing red ribbons in solidarity with the Bolsheviks (who wound up, of course, murdering them).

Wait, what? Pyotr Wrangel says: How is it that this country is being devoured by a violent revolution and the people who can afford movie tickets, our middle class, are refusing even to acknowledge that it’s happening, and the ruling class, against whom it is aimed, are sympathizing with it?

I don't think the collapse in our country is going to look like a modernized version of a Thomas Cole Course of Empires painting (Destruction). I think it's going to be more of what we have now - an increasingly violent, expensive, atomized society with a new racial caste system in which whites can look forward to being treated as second class citizens in the country their forefathers carved out of a frontier. And I think there's going to be a whole lot of denial on the way down.

If groups like Patriot Front want to push back against that, I'm all for it.
I don't think the collapse in our country is going to look like a modernized version of a Thomas Cole Course of Empires painting (Destruction). I think it's going to be more of what we have now - an increasingly violent, expensive, atomized society with a new racial caste system in which whites can look forward to being treated as second class citizens in the country their forefathers carved out of a frontier. And I think there's going to be a whole lot of denial on the way down.

If groups like Patriot Front want to push back against that, I'm all for it.
The USA is now the same as Brazil was 30 years ago, with pockets of nice areas, and large areas that are unlawful and violent. The cancer will spread and soon the USA will look like South Africa does today. That is what the collapse will look like. A slow circling of the drain until it eventually becomes too obvious for even the most blue pilled normie to ignore.
Tucker Carlson has a recent essay that makes this same point (without explicitly mentioning whites though) - that normies didn't realize the magnitude of the tectonic shift in values, demographics, and culture that the Left has foisted on American society and now a lot of us are waking up to the fact our country has become, as you put it, unrecognizable.

He also talks about people's unwillingness to admit how bad things really are even when it should be blindingly obvious that things are spiralling downward. To make this point he references Peter Wrangel's experiences during the Russian Revolution and how many people acted as if everything were normal, even as their society began to disintegrate around them:

Wrangel goes to warn the Romanovs but discovers how out of touch the elites have become with what's happening in their own country.

I don't think the collapse in our country is going to look like a modernized version of a Thomas Cole Course of Empires painting (Destruction). I think it's going to be more of what we have now - an increasingly violent, expensive, atomized society with a new racial caste system in which whites can look forward to being treated as second class citizens in the country their forefathers carved out of a frontier. And I think there's going to be a whole lot of denial on the way down.

If groups like Patriot Front want to push back against that, I'm all for it.

I always knew that Russia was punished for it's sins by ignoring the chew problem - but I could only infer this based on what I knew of God.

Here, you have presented hard historical evidence of what any faithful Christian knows, thank you!!

Let this be here as reminder for those who fail to understand - a nation that ignores the teachings of the Church will be devoured by Satan.
Yes, I am giving you a lesson in wisdom, seeing the big picture, if you will.

You yourself said I was a "defeatist" and someone who will "just blame others", for the blatant and over the top discrimination Whites face in their home countries that they founded. You are entitled to this belief, I don't think it is a smart decision, but you are entitled to it. The problem is, you are not just calling me these terms, you are calling the millions of White men who agree with me these terms. And that is where the wisdom kicks in. You may not think you are calling these millions of White men these things, but they think you are, because deep down you are. I am just one White guy speaking out about it on this forum, but any White guy who agrees with me, and some on here do, will see your response and they take it as an attack on them and their families as well. And saying "I only meant IIMT" isn't going to change that. I am not upset about it at all, I just want to point this out, because you don't seem to have thought this through.

For the second time, I am not saying you called PF Feds or tied to the GOP. I am saying the needle has moved so much that when the GOP and their paid provocateurs get out and call PF Feds, it isn't hitting home and more and more are calling them out and bashing them for it. My comment has nothing to do with what you do or do not think about PF. My comment is to show how PF is becoming more popular and more accepted among the conservative voting base.

Nope sorry, still only talking to you and you don't represent anyone but yourself but you go ahead keep doing your best to get that fix you need. There are guys in this thread I would listen to intently, you're absolutely not one of them. You're not in this thread, or even on this forum, for the right reasons you're here for enabling and excusing nothing else.
Yes, I am giving you a lesson in wisdom, seeing the big picture, if you will.

You yourself said I was a "defeatist" and someone who will "just blame others", for the blatant and over the top discrimination Whites face in their home countries that they founded. You are entitled to this belief, I don't think it is a smart decision, but you are entitled to it. The problem is, you are not just calling me these terms, you are calling the millions of White men who agree with me these terms. And that is where the wisdom kicks in. You may not think you are calling these millions of White men these things, but they think you are, because deep down you are. I am just one White guy speaking out about it on this forum, but any White guy who agrees with me, and some on here do, will see your response and they take it as an attack on them and their families as well. And saying "I only meant IIMT" isn't going to change that. I am not upset about it at all, I just want to point this out, because you don't seem to have thought this through.

For the second time, I am not saying you called PF Feds or tied to the GOP. I am saying the needle has moved so much that when the GOP and their paid provocateurs get out and call PF Feds, it isn't hitting home and more and more are calling them out and bashing them for it. My comment has nothing to do with what you do or do not think about PF. My comment is to show how PF is becoming more popular and more accepted among the conservative voting base.

Pagan Front has no chance without God. The reality is that Pagan Front isn't growing as fast as the Orthodox Church right now, which is growing by leaps and bounds. My Bishop is reporting exponential growth in Texas, for example. Some parishes are doubling in size in a single year!! There hasn't been this much growth in nearly a century. Ever since the COVID hoax, Orthodox Churches have been experiencing huge growth.

I don't think Pagan Front will be the winner of capturing America's disaffected and persecuted youth. Only a White movement that has God in it will truly explode. If Pagan Front was smart they'd put a cross in their logo.
Nope sorry, still only talking to you and you don't represent anyone but yourself but you go ahead keep doing your best to get that fix you need. There are guys in this thread I would listen to intently, you're absolutely not one of them. You're not in this thread, or even on this forum, for the right reasons you're here for enabling and excusing nothing else.
You can tell me you are only talking to me, but that doesn't mean that the millions of other White men, who already know they have a raw deal and it is only getting worse year over year, are going to not take it personally as well.

I don't care if you choose to listen to me or not. I can only warn you how your message will be received, whether you listen to me or not is your own decision.