Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

No, it is done by God, and nothing else, which is why focusing on politics instead of the Church is a huge mistake. Fix the spirit and politics is fixed naturally.

That's why the lame saying "politics is downstream from culture" is largely true, but the term culture is largely nonsense. It's God, it's religion, which is the true backbone of any White culture.

Also, that's enough abortion talk, it's very off-topic. This thread is about PF.
Yes, we can say what has happened and will happen is God's will. God works in mysterious ways and often the answer is not know for many years later. And it is possible that a group like Patriot Front will be victorious across the west, we do not know what God has in store for us. Obviously, I believe Patriot Front must adopt a Christian element to their movement, but I am not adding my personal opinion in this post.

I guess here is the 30,000 foot view on Patriot Front....

The entire apparatus (meaning both political wings, "outsiders" still allowed on TV and to run for office, the media, Wall Street, etc.) is against Patriot Front. Showing they are truly not welcome, but the apparatus is struggling to find legal means to shut them down due to the 1A. They are against PF because they are a White civil rights organization. The apparatus has made it abundantly clear they seek to attack and destroy Whites, as a collective. If a bunch of Christians, identifying simply as Christians, were to go and peacefully protest abortion or drag queen story hour, the right wing will support this right and call them "good citizens". The moment PF shows up to the same rally, the "right wing" of the apparatus attacks them and calls them "Feds" and "you are just here to make us look bad". It is all over Fox News, etc.

So, at this point in time, PF is the only true organized opposition to the satanic elites in the USA.

Now, it doesn't matter if you agree with this or not, I am not trying to convince you, I am just stating what I see.

What does matter is what young White men see, think and then do. And right now, young White men are looking for answers, because they are strongly discriminated against. I think most young White men are okay with "get along and go along" and "diversity" and all those happy go lucky phrases. But, when they cannot get into the college of their choice, or get hired for a job of their desire, it gets upsetting. Extrapolate that out over time, and that turns into young White men cannot get married, buy a house or have a family and now you have a 10's of millions soaring testosterone angry and pathless young White man powder keg. I have no idea if the satanic elites have a way to deal with this, I don't think they thought that far ahead, but we will see. The reason I say I don't think they have a plan to deal with it is because now would be the time to pull Whites back in, without a major revolution, Whites will already cease to exist in a few generations, so why not just let them have a seat again until they are gone? But, they are not allowing this at all.

What we do know is PF is growing by leaps and bounds. They are not growing just due to anger or "it's unfair", because if that were the case, the ceiling for PF growth would be very low. They are growing simply due to the fact these young men see no other path. They have heard the other selling pitches. Whether it is "social healthcare will solve your concerns" or "lower taxes will solve your concerns" or "God has a plan", and then they see PF, who will tell them what they apparently want to hear (as they are joining in large numbers) and despite the risk of going to jail, having their lives ruined, etc, they are joining. Despite all these obstacles they are joining because this is a collective decision by individuals.

And until something else comes along to offer them something better, and boy is that bar really low, just an organization who can protect and defend them WITHOUT jail time, they will continue to join.

Will something else come along? I don't know, I don't think so because once you step outside the allowed bounds of the apparatus, you are a target and I don't see anyone else willing to do this and organize. I shouldn't say "I don't see anyone else" that is future terms, as of right now, no one else is doing it, all these approved paths are failing young White men, and they are taking the risk of joining PF. That that speaks volumes as to both how bad things are, how much worse they are likely to get, and even more so how much energy is pushing into PF. These young men are not discriminated against because they are Christians, or because they are from a rural area, or because their parents are wealthy or poor, or whatever. They are discriminated against due to being White, so they are organizing along this collective and I predict they will continue to do so in larger and larger numbers until something major happens. By "major happens" I mean some kind of civil conflict breaks out. Who, wins that is way beyond my guess.
27 pages of discussing feds.

If we talk so much about it, it Patriot Front must be really important. 😂

Maybe even more important than Taylor Swift.

It's not about what you say, but if you are able to shift the agenda.
27 pages of discussing feds.

If we talk so much about it, it Patriot Front must be really important. 😂

Maybe even more important than Taylor Swift.

It's not about what you say, but if you are able to shift the agenda.
It has nothing to do with an agenda.

Might makes right, the top 20% of men determine everything, everyone else just follows or gets crushed. What rises to oppose the current satanic/unnatural regime running the west remains to be seen.
From an outside observer I think this is turning into what happened with Trump, guys are desperate for something to cling to, something to point to and say they belong and they are fighting. That's not a knock on Trump either, the lesson is that you shouldn't put so much faith into it just as many here became disillusioned with Trump because as he didn't fulfill all their grandiose dreams.....this is that same path.
From an outside observer I think this is turning into what happened with Trump, guys are desperate for something to cling to, something to point to and say they belong and they are fighting. That's not a knock on Trump either, the lesson is that you shouldn't put so much faith into it just as many here became disillusioned with Trump because as he didn't fulfill all their grandiose dreams.....this is that same path.
Trump is a different subject. The number of people whose lives were better off in 2020 v. 2017, is few and far in-between. If you think he can turn this around, then you are free to believe it, just as anyone is justified in believing he will do the same he did the first go around and that is way too little and way too late. We will not know for certain until after this election and then a few years later if he wins. Unti then, everyone is just making a prediction.

As for PF, not one member here has said "join this group" or "these guys are the answer". You just have a shrinking minority here calling them "feds" or saying they have "no chance" and a growing number realizing that no one else is standing up for Whites, and eventually push will come to shove.

If anyone is concerned about push coming to shove and PF being the only organization that White men join, I suggest starting a new group that does speak out about the rampant anti-White sentiment in the West and corral that energy into something you believe would be a better structure.

Otherwise, push will come to shove and PF will be the only group organized and with open arms ready to enlist millions of very upset young White men who have nothing to lose. And TBH, that is a terrifying thought of how powerful they will be, we have never seen this combined power in the history of the world.
Thread has been cleaned up. Abortion posts moved to abortion thread, Trump posts moved to Trump thread.

Any posts made from here on out that isn't related to the topic gets a 5-point ban. I'm tired of moderating this thread, it's been going on for weeks now. Enough is enough.

Keeping a clean forum is very important to attracting new members, and posting off-topic is disrespectful to the forum. It's no different than littering in someone's house.

As for the argument that anyone who would support PF also would not support abortion - this is 100% false. I bet you there are many PF members who wholeheartedly support abortion because it mainly kills Blacks, who are enemies of Whites. This position on abortion is standard fare among White Nationalists.

If people here want to talk about PF's position, which is basically White Nationalism, on abortion, that is fine because it is about PF. But arguing about topics not related to PF will result in a 5-point ban.
As for the argument that anyone who would support PF also would not support abortion - this is 100% false. I bet you there are many PF members who wholeheartedly support abortion because it mainly kills Blacks, who are enemies of Whites. This position on abortion is standard fare among White Nationalists.
I don't think you're being nuanced enough.

The WNs in PF likely *don't care* if Blacks have abortions. They're against them for Whites. Everyone else would be against it on a Christian basis.

I think one reason you have to moderate this thread so much is that there is a large Venn diagram intersect of PF members and Christians. Larger than pagans and atheists for sure.
Six White 13 year olds arrested for racist comments (in jest) in private chat in Massachusetts. This is the future for Whites if nothing changes. How many of us would have been arrested on a daily basis for things we said or did in middle school back in the day?

This one dropped earlier today:

Again, PF is gaining notoriety/popularity/whatever you want to call it because of stuff like this. Just 20 years ago, if you talked about "White Supremacy", most people would envision KKK and Nazis and that sort of thing.

But they keep shifting the definition of White Supremacy. I'm trying to point this out to my normie friends. This really matters. It's how they operate. Today the idea of marriage being a foundational aspect of White Supremacy is as laughable as gay people getting legally married in 1992 or doctors giving kids puberty blockers routinely in 2011.

I guess it's funny until it isn't. If nothing changes, by 2040 Whites won't be legally allowed to marry in order to stop White Supremacy when we're a 40% minority (if that) in our own countries.
I think many here, who still doubt PF has appeal or has a chance, don't fully appreciate how bad things are. Things are not going to "get bad soon" they are already at that point. And, like I said, it isn't just the USA, it is the entire White western world. I only know myself because I work with a lot of young people, and I enjoy podcasts that challenge how I see things.

I don't know how many here are aware of this, but the reason for FDR's "new deal" wasn't just because of how bad the economy was. It was because how bad the economy was here, while Europeans has already put fascist govt.'s into place, ran the bankers out, and fixed their problems within a few years. FDR and his anti-White cabinet were in a full panic on how to stop it, and it was prevented here with the new deal. The new deal got young White men off the streets and used their energy to build things like the Hoover Dam. It kept them busy, paid well enough to start families, and happy enough to not revolt and put a fascist system into place in the USA. One that was largely a basis for Huey Long's assassination, when he pushed for wealth transfer and likely would have won in 1936.

Whomever takes this energy, corrals it, and can lead it is who will likely be the leaders of the new west. Right now, PF is the only one with real organization and the pieces in place. Organization is a huge step. For someone to challenge PF and start their own organization will take tremendous work.

The reason for this post was these shocking comments on reddit of all places. Even the liberals are starting to question the narrative and they will soon look for answers that no one outside PF or similar White Nationalist organizations can offer them.

Trump is a different subject. The number of people whose lives were better off in 2020 v. 2017, is few and far in-between. If you think he can turn this around, then you are free to believe it, just as anyone is justified in believing he will do the same he did the first go around and that is way too little and way too late. We will not know for certain until after this election and then a few years later if he wins. Unti then, everyone is just making a prediction.

As for PF, not one member here has said "join this group" or "these guys are the answer". You just have a shrinking minority here calling them "feds" or saying they have "no chance" and a growing number realizing that no one else is standing up for Whites, and eventually push will come to shove.

If anyone is concerned about push coming to shove and PF being the only organization that White men join, I suggest starting a new group that does speak out about the rampant anti-White sentiment in the West and corral that energy into something you believe would be a better structure.

Otherwise, push will come to shove and PF will be the only group organized and with open arms ready to enlist millions of very upset young White men who have nothing to lose. And TBH, that is a terrifying thought of how powerful they will be, we have never seen this combined power in the history of the world.

Don't know why you always have to deflect to your broken record narrative whenever someone brings up a point, never said anything about Trump turning it around, never said anyone said to join PF, never called them feds, never said anything about new groups. You do that whenever someone says something you don't want to face.

Trump is a different subject yes but it's the same application, you were in love with Trump so was every other guy on this forum who doesn't like him now because through him they thought they had found an outlet, something to believe in, someone who would fight for them.....then they couldn't handle it when he didn't fulfill all their dreams because they put so much into him. The same thing you did with Trump you're now doing now with this group and you'll do it with the next guy or the next group or whatever else pops up that will give you some kind of hope from your keyboard.

Today apparently PF is the the only group organized and will enlist millions and the history of the world has never seen such a combined power.....because you think they'll fulfill your fantasies, just like you thought with Trump.
I think many here, who still doubt PF has appeal or has a chance, don't fully appreciate how bad things are. Things are not going to "get bad soon" they are already at that point. And, like I said, it isn't just the USA, it is the entire White western world. I only know myself because I work with a lot of young people, and I enjoy podcasts that challenge how I see things.

I don't know how many here are aware of this, but the reason for FDR's "new deal" wasn't just because of how bad the economy was. It was because how bad the economy was here, while Europeans has already put fascist govt.'s into place, ran the bankers out, and fixed their problems within a few years. FDR and his anti-White cabinet were in a full panic on how to stop it, and it was prevented here with the new deal. The new deal got young White men off the streets and used their energy to build things like the Hoover Dam. It kept them busy, paid well enough to start families, and happy enough to not revolt and put a fascist system into place in the USA. One that was largely a basis for Huey Long's assassination, when he pushed for wealth transfer and likely would have won in 1936.

Whomever takes this energy, corrals it, and can lead it is who will likely be the leaders of the new west. Right now, PF is the only one with real organization and the pieces in place. Organization is a huge step. For someone to challenge PF and start their own organization will take tremendous work.

The reason for this post was these shocking comments on reddit of all places. Even the liberals are starting to question the narrative and they will soon look for answers that no one outside PF or similar White Nationalist organizations can offer them.

I read a news story about those lineups and there was a commenter with a Indian name trading jabs with other dudes in the comment section. He actually said that “immigrants were going to take over Canada and if the whites don’t like it they can go back to Europe only it will be the same there to hahaha”
It’s gonna come to a head. If white nationalist groups are the only ones preparing for that then they deserve our respect if nothing else.
Don't know why you always have to deflect to your broken record narrative whenever someone brings up a point, never said anything about Trump turning it around, never said anyone said to join PF, never called them feds, never said anything about new groups. You do that whenever someone says something you don't want to face.

Trump is a different subject yes but it's the same application, you were in love with Trump so was every other guy on this forum who doesn't like him now because through him they thought they had found an outlet, something to believe in, someone who would fight for them.....then they couldn't handle it when he didn't fulfill all their dreams because they put so much into him. The same thing you did with Trump you're now doing now with this group and you'll do it with the next guy or the next group or whatever else pops up that will give you some kind of hope from your keyboard.

Today apparently PF is the the only group organized and will enlist millions and the history of the world has never seen such a combined power.....because you think they'll fulfill your fantasies, just like you thought with Trump.
You literally wrote...

"From an outside observer I think this is turning into what happened with Trump, guys are desperate for something to cling to, something to point to and say they belong and they are fighting."

By "this" I believed you meant this thread and by "guys" I believed you meant the members of this forum. If not, I suppose you mean the men who are joining PF? Hell yes, they are desperate, and they are seeing this as the only option. That is what my post earlier in the thread said, that things are already so bad that many young men are willing to risk jail and have their lives ruined, because they already know there is no other option. And having a large group of organized men who are both this desperate and this willing to fight is a terrifying thought for the satanic elite.

Yes, you are correct, in 2016 I was still naive, I still believed our system had some legitimacy to it, and I thought voting Trump into office would make things better. I learned the easy way how incorrect these assumptions were. And I am not the only one, which is why so many organizations/podcasts/twitter accounts, who oppose the entire system, including Trump, are growing so large and very quickly.

Your last sentence is a projection. You are trying to tie what I want, or desire, with what is going to happen, because you yourself desire for PF to be stopped in some fashion. What I do, or do not want, is not what I am commenting on here. I am simply commenting on what will happen, and it is simple.

The men, who conquered the entire world, are now being told they cannot have children or buy a house or have any happiness or peace in their life, anywhere in the entire world. This is not only in the USA, it is all across Europe and into Canada and Australia, New Zealand, etc. And there will only be two outcomes. They rise up and fight back, which is expected. Or they sit and take it until they are slowly wiped out. History suggests they will rise up and fight back. And right now, the only organization in the USA who represents them and their concerns is PF. There are other similar White Nationalist groups across these other countries which are very similar to PF. And unless someone else can come in, organize, and point this energy into another direction, then we know what is going to take place.

If you, or anyone else here doesn't like that, I suggest you start an organization that will corral this growing energy into something you approve of. It will be a lot of work, but if you see it as a worthwhile endeavor, then I suggest you start in as soon as possible.
I read a news story about those lineups and there was a commenter with a Indian name trading jabs with other dudes in the comment section. He actually said that “immigrants were going to take over Canada and if the whites don’t like it they can go back to Europe only it will be the same there to hahaha”
It’s gonna come to a head. If white nationalist groups are the only ones preparing for that then they deserve our respect if nothing else.
Yes. If there were some other organizations, religious or not, who were advocating for Whites, based on Whites, but in a more peaceful ultimate desire, then there is a chance this energy could be redirected into something that will make everyone more at ease. And maybe one day there will be this, but I doubt it, because the satanic elites will make it very difficult and it appears no one else has the real desire to do so.

It appears, that one day down the road, can't say how long, either Whites will rise up and take back their countries or they will cease to exist. I don't think there will be anything in-between, because if that were the plan, they would already be pulling off the anti-White rhetoric and getting rid of DEI and letting Whites have a seat at the table now the next generations are minority White.

Maybe they put Trump in office, and he is told to get rid of the anti-White policies and we see them roll back the anti-White rhetoric in the media. That might be what we see in the next few years, to try to quell the rising popularity of White Nationalism. If not under Trump, then it will be too little, and too late by 2028 to try to roll it back.
You literally wrote...

"From an outside observer I think this is turning into what happened with Trump, guys are desperate for something to cling to, something to point to and say they belong and they are fighting."

By "this" I believed you meant this thread and by "guys" I believed you meant the members of this forum. If not, I suppose you mean the men who are joining PF? Hell yes, they are desperate, and they are seeing this as the only option. That is what my post earlier in the thread said, that things are already so bad that many young men are willing to risk jail and have their lives ruined, because they already know there is no other option. And having a large group of organized men who are both this desperate and this willing to fight is a terrifying thought for the satanic elite.

Yes, you are correct, in 2016 I was still naive, I still believed our system had some legitimacy to it, and I thought voting Trump into office would make things better. I learned the easy way how incorrect these assumptions were. And I am not the only one, which is why so many organizations/podcasts/twitter accounts, who oppose the entire system, including Trump, are growing so large and very quickly.

Your last sentence is a projection. You are trying to tie what I want, or desire, with what is going to happen, because you yourself desire for PF to be stopped in some fashion. What I do, or do not want, is not what I am commenting on here. I am simply commenting on what will happen, and it is simple.

The men, who conquered the entire world, are now being told they cannot have children or buy a house or have any happiness or peace in their life, anywhere in the entire world. This is not only in the USA, it is all across Europe and into Canada and Australia, New Zealand, etc. And there will only be two outcomes. They rise up and fight back, which is expected. Or they sit and take it until they are slowly wiped out. History suggests they will rise up and fight back. And right now, the only organization in the USA who represents them and their concerns is PF. There are other similar White Nationalist groups across these other countries which are very similar to PF. And unless someone else can come in, organize, and point this energy into another direction, then we know what is going to take place.

If you, or anyone else here doesn't like that, I suggest you start an organization that will corral this growing energy into something you approve of. It will be a lot of work, but if you see it as a worthwhile endeavor, then I suggest you start in as soon as possible.

Yes I did "literally" write that, then you went off on some tangent that had nothing to do with what I said because you didn't want to face what I said which is par for the course.

I don't care one bit what PF does or doesn't do, in fact I wish them well in what they are trying to accomplish. Every culture should take pride in who they are and try to protect who they are.

Nobody is being told they cannot have children or buy a house, for you specifically you chose that. You also absolutely specifically choose not to have any peace or happiness in your life from the things you have written, here and on the old forum. You self describe yourself as the most successful person on this forum yet now you can't have children or buy a house? Or are you speaking for other people? What you think nobody here is married with kids or has a house? Or are we talking about the guys who spend their money on starbucks and funkpops, those are the ones you are rallying for?

Sounds like you found yourself a new rallying cry, I'm sure next month you'll have another. You seem to go whichever way the wind blows day to day. Since you want to give me advice I didn't ask for nor need I'll offer you some, find happiness within your actual life instead of trying to find it through outside people and groups, you will never find it that way. Your life belongs to you, you're a man nobody is responsible for your life but yourself.
What is interesting regarding PF and White Nationalism (by which I mean either advocating for either your particular White ethnicity or the White race as a whole), is that thought and expression is now being prosecuted closer and closer to actual violent crime, sometimes worse.

Imagine a prison where cursing out a guard gets the same punishment as shivving them or another inmate. Why would they condescend to the less violent option?

We now have children being charged for making racist jokes online.

This is intolerable. They are not providing us any means to petition grievances.
Yes I did "literally" write that, then you went off on some tangent that had nothing to do with what I said because you didn't want to face what I said which is par for the course.

I don't care one bit what PF does or doesn't do, in fact I wish them well in what they are trying to accomplish. Every culture should take pride in who they are and try to protect who they are.

Nobody is being told they cannot have children or buy a house, for you specifically you chose that. You also absolutely specifically choose not to have any peace or happiness in your life from the things you have written, here and on the old forum. You self describe yourself as the most successful person on this forum yet now you can't have children or buy a house? Or are you speaking for other people? What you think nobody here is married with kids or has a house? Or are we talking about the guys who spend their money on starbucks and funkpops, those are the ones you are rallying for?

Sounds like you found yourself a new rallying cry, I'm sure next month you'll have another. You seem to go whichever way the wind blows day to day. Since you want to give me advice I didn't ask for nor need I'll offer you some, find happiness within your actual life instead of trying to find it through outside people and groups, you will never find it that way. Your life belongs to you, you're a man nobody is responsible for your life but yourself.

My reply was correct and to the point if you were addressing the members of this forum and this thread. You still have not specified what you meant by "this" and "guys". If you instead mean the men joining PF, then, yes, they are desperate, and it is very telling.

No one is being told directly they cannot buy a home or start a family. They are being told, in an indirect and cowardly way by the satanic elites they cannot buy a home and have kids. By replacing them with immigrant labor that is bringing down wages and bring up cost to buy a home to a level that prices them out. With DEI policies that tell them they cannot go to school, get a job, or retain their job.

As far as PF and its growth, I have addressed that.

As for me personally, you have now changed to this subject, and suffice to say, being the most successful person here or not, and it is very possible I am, doesn't make me comfortable having kids in this decrepit society that offers them no future. I have higher goals than what I have achieved if I were to bring kids into this disgusting and perverse society, so I can provide for them to not have to be involved in it.

I will not find happiness in my life, when my life is surrounded by hate for me, my people, my future and desire to kill off my future children. Until these are addressed, there will not be great happiness for me or anyone else who is White and targeted. When I have to work 7 days a week, because no other companies will want to hire me, promote me, due to my race, and I am shut out of opportunities in other directions. And this righteous anger is true for a growing number of White men. You may not be impacted by it, but we are, and we are having to deal with it. And this righteous anger is what will spur the growth of White Nationalism across the west.
My reply was correct and to the point if you were addressing the members of this forum and this thread. You still have not specified what you meant by "this" and "guys". If you instead mean the men joining PF, then, yes, they are desperate, and it is very telling.

No one is being told directly they cannot buy a home or start a family. They are being told, in an indirect and cowardly way by the satanic elites they cannot buy a home and have kids. By replacing them with immigrant labor that is bringing down wages and bring up cost to buy a home to a level that prices them out. With DEI policies that tell them they cannot go to school, get a job, or retain their job.

As far as PF and its growth, I have addressed that.

As for me personally, you have now changed to this subject, and suffice to say, being the most successful person here or not, and it is very possible I am, doesn't make me comfortable having kids in this decrepit society that offers them no future. I have higher goals than what I have achieved if I were to bring kids into this disgusting and perverse society, so I can provide for them to not have to be involved in it.

I will not find happiness in my life, when my life is surrounded by hate for me, my people, my future and desire to kill off my future children. Until these are addressed, there will not be great happiness for me or anyone else who is White and targeted. When I have to work 7 days a week, because no other companies will want to hire me, promote me, due to my race, and I am shut out of opportunities in other directions. And this righteous anger is true for a growing number of White men. You may not be impacted by it, but we are, and we are having to deal with it. And this righteous anger is what will spur the growth of White Nationalism across the west.

Brother I will pray for you, I have tried and failed many times to help you see a better path and mindset. I realize you're just not interested but I don't know it just doesn't sit well with me to have someone I interact with end up like this.