Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

In all fairness the world is really messed up right now, and there are no signs of it getting better. It doesn't help when others are miscategorizing his arguments (I'm not saying you're doing that specifically, FrancisK).

In any case, it'd be great to keep this thread more on topic. Regardless of anything else, PF's mere existence is sparking a lot of posts here so that tells me they are on to something.
PF, Handsome Truth and Blood Tribe actually tell young White men "White Power, get your ass up, leave the house, get together with others and do something" - conservatives don't do that, they only tell their pay pigs to show up to some nonsense like J6 - "get locked up for the guy who pardoned kushner's dad and kodak black, launched operation warpspeed, gave his daughter to a kushner, gave blacks the south africa style platinum plan and started to kick off a war with iran by drone striking one of their generals."
In all fairness the world is really messed up right now, and there are no signs of it getting better. It doesn't help when others are miscategorizing his arguments (I'm not saying you're doing that specifically, FrancisK).

In any case, it'd be great to keep this thread more on topic. Regardless of anything else, PF's mere existence is sparking a lot of posts here so that tells me they are on to something.

But is that why we're all here? Just to lament how terrible the world is? I'm not here for that...

But yea back on topic for sure...
PF, Handsome Truth and Blood Tribe actually tell young White men "White Power, get your ass up, leave the house, get together with others and do something" - conservatives don't do that, they only tell their pay pigs to show up to some nonsense like J6 - "get locked up for the guy who pardoned kushner's dad and kodak black, launched operation warpspeed, gave his daughter to a kushner, gave blacks the south africa style platinum plan and started to kick off a war with iran by drone striking one of their generals."

J6 was probably the most direct protest against the current rule in over 100 years in this country. If your idea of "doing something" is parade around in the middle of nowhere, while doing charity in the name of some pagan Gods, then you'll have to explain how it accomplishes anything.

If they can lock people up for J6, then of course anything else anyone does will also be just a matter of time before they will be locked up. Look at Rousseau, he is no different than any J6 protestor or anyone who dares to stand against the Fed. Thus J6 is actually what you want more of, not less, make them fill up the prisons, generate popular dissent, spark a revolution. This actually how revolutions have happened in the past.
J6 was probably the most direct protest against the current rule in over 100 years in this country. If your idea of "doing something" is parade around in the middle of nowhere, while doing charity in the name of some pagan Gods, then you'll have to explain how it accomplishes anything.

If they can lock people up for J6, then of course anything else anyone does will also be just a matter of time before they will be locked up. Look at Rousseau, he is no different than any J6 protestor or anyone who dares to stand against the Fed. Thus J6 is actually what you want more of, not less, make them fill up the prisons, generate popular dissent, spark a revolution. This actually how revolutions have happened in the past.
J6 was about protesting for a zionist...there is so much wrong with thinking it was a good thing - i put it simple: mathematics and physics are really helpful - but when jews use these great disciplines to build an atomic bomb to mass murder goyim....J6 was not about getting rid of jewish power (=the actual rule), but for a jewish puppet. Jewish puppet 1 or jewish puppet 2? Gosh, that is a tough choice...

The entire MAGA movement is part of the jewish left vs right psy op. At least, PF and other groups reject that jewish paradigm.
J6 was about protesting for a zionist...there is so much wrong with thinking it was a good thing - i put it simple: mathematics and physics are really helpful - but when jews use these great disciplines to build an atomic bomb to mass murder goyim....J6 was not about getting rid of jewish power (=the actual rule), but for a jewish puppet. Jewish puppet 1 or jewish puppet 2? Gosh, that is a tough choice...

The entire MAGA movement is part of the jewish left vs right psy op. At least, PF and other groups reject that jewish paradigm.
Who Trump was and what he represented was immaterial to J6. The people were there because the election was fradulent, and it went against the rights of every American. It had nothing to do with Trump's politics and had it been done to a Democrat even more would have protested.

Any chance to delegitimize the current government is a step in the right direction, doesn't matter how it happens. We are still in the early stages, later on it will be important to select a proper leader but right now all of our options are bad so it doesn't matter if it's Trump or Jeb Bush - it would still make complete sense to protest a stolen election and protect our basic rights. If there is no basic right to vote, then the entire premise for the American government falls apart.

Purity signaling over who has "better intentions" when they protest, such as not being with the Zionists, is largely irrelevant. The system will try to destroy you no matter how you protest its rule, it doesn't matter if you are pro or anti Israel. Right now in the early stages, it's always us vs the Feds.
Who Trump was and what he represented was immaterial to J6. The people were there because the election was fradulent, and it went against the rights of every American. It had nothing to do with Trump's politics and had it been done to a Democrat even more would have protested.

Any chance to delegitimize the current government is a step in the right direction, doesn't matter how it happens. We are still in the early stages, later on it will be important to select a proper leader but right now all of our options are bad so it doesn't matter if it's Trump or Jeb Bush - it would still make complete sense to protest a stolen election and protect our basic rights. If there is no basic right to vote, then the entire premise for the American government falls apart.

Purity signaling over who has "better intentions" when they protest, such as not being with the Zionists, is largely irrelevant. The system will try to destroy you no matter how you protest its rule, it doesn't matter if you are pro or anti Israel. Right now in the early stages, it's always us vs the Feds.
When you say us vs fed do you mean the Goverment or the people in the government? And if you mean the government then what is your solution to replace the government?
When you say us vs fed do you mean the Goverment or the people in the government? And if you mean the government then what is your solution to replace the government?

I don't see any distinction between our Government and the people in the government. Our Government is the way it is because of whom governs.

That is why the only way to create a meaningfully new government, it would need to be based on different people, which would be loosely based on the Red vs Blue state divide.

To replace this government will require a lot of popular dissent to generate support for an independence movement.

That is why, early on, any mass protest is good as any other. Mass protests always make a government look horrible, it's pretty much unavoidable. Any response looks bad: If they crackdown, the government looks tyrannical. If they do nothing, they look weak.

No matter what one's political goals are, whether ethno-state or just independence, it makes sense to support the J6'ers and use it to generate dissent. Always present the actions of Biden regime on the J6'ers as Communism, for instance.

At this stage of the game, worrying about what kind of government comes next is premature. First you need to make room for one.
Your repeated lies about the Church have crossed from mere confessional of faith and into polemical denials on the Church of God. Blasphemy is not tolerated here, and this is the 3rd time I've had to publicly warn you across 3 different threads, so I have no choice but give you a 10-point ban. See you in two weeks. Please respect the rules going forward. This is God's forum, and here He is worshipped and not denigrated.
He was making good points, and he’s right, whether he believes in your god or not.
You realize this is exactly what Patriot Front is trying to do, and you've been arguing against them for the entirety of this thread?

You realize I've explained why their efforts are counter-productive, and do exactly the opposite of what they try to achieve? Patriot Front's strategy is garbage.

1. Godless (so it alienates Christians, and exposes themselves to Satan)
2. Make themselves into useful boogey-men for Talmudic Jews to scare away women, children, and many rational thinking White men.

So, instead of generating popular dissent, Patriot Front does the opposite, making the sheeple think, "Well, my government is really bad, but at least they protect me from the big bad brown-pants Nazis!!"

Conversely, with mass movements that occurred under Trump and J6, the amount of people who supported J6 has increased over time, and has made the government look extremely illegitimate. The people at J6 were flying American Flags, and Crosses of Christ. It is no wonder they are succeeding whereas zero Pagan Neo-Nazi movements have never done anything to generate rebellion.

Supporting Neo-Nazi movements is the equivalent of quackery medicine but for politics. It looks like it is "doing something," yet in reality it makes your health worse. In this case, PF just makes the political situation worse, just like Richard Spencer lead men to their dooms with the "Unite the Right" nonsense, and giving easy talking points to the enemy.

The strategy is wrong, the approach is wrong, so the results will always be a failure.
Our enemies are not Christian, and they appear to be winning big time right now.

Supporting Neo-Nazi movements is the equivalent of quackery medicine but for politics.
Patriot Front aren't a bunch of Nazis. Their web site says nothing about Nazism and instead talks about Americans. If you have data showing otherwise, please share, but I could not find anything resembling National Socialism on their site or in their manifesto.
Our enemies are not Christian, and they appear to be winning big time right now.

Our enemies are leading the extinction train on the express route to hell. All of the Whites who follow them are going to the same place, extinction and hell. You call that winning? All the bullshit today is a fad, a flash in the pan. There is no staying power, it's based on lies and totally unsustainable.

Patriot Front aren't a bunch of Nazis. Their web site says nothing about Nazism and instead talks about Americans. If you have data showing otherwise, please share, but I could not find anything resembling National Socialism on their site or in their manifesto.

Maybe they should stop dressing like them, stop using weird Pagan Nazi symbols. People aren't going to do full research for a random political group. If people cannot glance at your group and get an idea what it's about, then it's a failed branding and marketing.

Politics are not for the intelligent. It's for the great unwashed masses of humanity. Everything done at the political level must be done with the lowest common denominator in mind, which is why Christianity is so great: simple symbolism that IQ 65 and up can understand, while being deep enough to keep IQ 200 engaged for a lifetime.


The above is an example of the most effective political messaging in all history. Even though it's in Latin letters, it's obvious what this battle standard is about within a 1-second glance.

Symbols of the lord, mixed with contemporary political messaging: this is how to win the people and stay on God's side.
I think… and I believe what It_Is_My_Time was trying to say … is that young men are going to want to see more action than that. That is where the patriot front is finding it’s relevance.
Does the church encourage young men to be fit and train in combat sports?
Politics are not for the intelligent. It's for the great unwashed masses of humanity. Everything done at the political level must be done with the lowest common denominator in mind, which is why Christianity is so great: simple symbolism that IQ 65 and up can understand, while being deep enough to keep IQ 200 engaged for a lifetime.


The above is an example of the most effective political messaging in all history. Even though it's in Latin letters, it's obvious what this battle standard is about within a 1-second glance.
Maybe I'm below the IQ 65 lowest common denominator, but I have no idea what this means. No Carpentry permitted? Amps + Ohms = Current thing?
I think… and I believe what It_Is_My_Time was trying to say … is that young men are going to want to see more action than that. That is where the patriot front is finding it’s relevance.
Does the church encourage young men to be fit and train in combat sports?
IIMT is s very intelligent poster. I have a lot of respect for him. In no way do I want to see him banned. In fact, I think a forum like this is the best place for him, so long as we continue to proclaim salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.

The problem is that he was placing the ultimate concern on what is happening in the culture (something everybody here agrees is a problem) but he was doing so in a way as to denigrate the Church of Jesus Christ.

While it may be true that the message of the cross may not speak to young white men, this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who is trusting in God's Word, the Holy Bible. So to make that a talking point here is moot and goes against the mission of the forum.

if you're saying that White Nationalist groups don't need the Bible, don't need the Christian faith, don't need God, then you are entitled to your opinion but from the Christian perspective, that makes you no better than the gay communists who have hijacked the culture, which happen to have plenty of young white men as it's army on the ground.
Normies understand nothing but death and violence. When PF members start dying for their cause it is then, and only then, that people will start saying, "Wait, who exactly are these guys and what is their objective?". Until then, they are nobodies accomplishing nothing.
This is just false. Nothing has ever worked this way.
What about Napoleon, and all civil and revolutionary wars? To say that "nothing" is accomplished by violence is at least slightly "false."
J6 is actually what you want more of, not less, make them fill up the prisons, generate popular dissent, spark a revolution. This actually how revolutions have happened in the past.
I'll accept your apology now.

And you're wrong about Jan 6th. It was a complete waste of time clown show that accomplished nothing.
I'll accept your apology now.

And you're wrong about Jan 6th. It was a complete waste of time clown show that accomplished nothing.

Perhaps I missed your post about Napoleon: He was the result of popular dissent, not the cause of it. So I'm not sure what point you are making?