Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

You honestly think this message is going to resonate with young men who are watching everything and everyone they love be destroyed?

Yeah dang I guess the Word of God just ain't good messaging these days! That stuff is so 2000 years old! We need new, relevant messaging for the kids, you expect the teachings from the literal Creator of the universe to have any impact or be taken seriously? Get real!

God isn't going to come to save you.

This says it all really. Blasphemy out of ignorance or despondence.

I feel bad about piling on here but you are bringing it on yourself with your blasphemy on a Christian forum. Are you ignorant of the fact that Christians were hunted and killed for their faith for hundreds of years... and then the very empire that was killing them CONVERTED through a miraculous divine intervention? This is documented history. That would never happen according to your cowardly, faithless, worldly mathematics. You would be there under Roman oppression scorning Christians for thinking that their God would save them.

You are in a sorry state and you need to log off, touch grass, read the Bible, go to Church, find a wife and make white babies if you really care about the white race so much. I say this with love because I respect how forthright you are about your emotions and despondency, but it's plain for all to see and you are plugging your ears when the Christian truth is spoken to you.
You honestly think this message is going to resonate with young men who are watching everything and everyone they love be destroyed?
If they are appointed to eternal life, yes.

I'm sorry, you know I respect you. You are very intelligent. But why go down this road? The things that you concern yourself with are beyond your power to change, so why not put your trust in the One who does have the power to change those things you are concerned about? I know what it feels like wanting to take things into your own hands, but sometimes there simply is no hand to play. Give these things to God, and ask Him that you would be content with His Will, regardless of how it plays out. What we are seeing today is cake compared to what has already come before, and it is too late to shift the tide. That doesn't mean you have to go down with the ship.
Are you claiming the kulaks, who were very strongly religious, turned away from God?

If not, then you can only say that God didn't come to save them, and God isn't going to come to save you. It is up to you to save yourself, God gave you the strength and intelligence, but he isn't going to do the work for you. And the churches of the west are doing nothing to protect you or your families from the hell that is about to be unleashed on us. Whether by our own satanic elites, Bolshevik v.2.0 or by the Chinese, it is coming and without Whites a resistance is futile.
God saves people to eternal life, not to safety, comfort, and prosperity in this life. Some people enjoy safety, comfort and prosperity in this life. Some are like the Kulaks who suffer oppression from evil doers.

It is necessary to fight evil doers to the extent that you can, but I don't think it is good to be filled with angst about bad things happening in history and other parts of the world, to the point that you can't find peace in your own life.

You relationship to God and your eternal salvation are what come first. Once you have these, and the inner peace that these bring, then you can face the trials of this world from a solid perspective. If you reject God because the world is bad, it is a backwards way of approaching things.
Yeah dang I guess the Word of God just ain't good messaging these days! That stuff is so 2000 years old! We need new, relevant messaging for the kids, you expect the teachings from the literal Creator of the universe to have any impact or be taken seriously? Get real!

This says it all really. Blasphemy out of ignorance or despondence.

I feel bad about piling on here but you are bringing it on yourself with your blasphemy on a Christian forum. Are you ignorant of the fact that Christians were hunted and killed for their faith for hundreds of years... and then the very empire that was killing them CONVERTED through a miraculous divine intervention? This is documented history. That would never happen according to your cowardly, faithless, worldly mathematics. You would be there under Roman oppression scorning Christians for thinking that their God would save them.

You are in a sorry state and you need to log off, touch grass, read the Bible, go to Church, find a wife and make white babies if you really care about the white race so much. I say this with love because I respect how forthright you are about your emotions and despondency, but it's plain for all to see and you are plugging your ears when the Christian truth is spoken to you.
For that word of God I can find scripture that completely is the opposite. If you think Christianity is just a cope, escapism away from reality, and at the end of the day a suicide pact, I can't change your mind, but you are wrong.

And I will repeat myself... again... if you think this message is going to stop young White men from organizing on their own, you are VERY mistaken.
God saves people to eternal life, not to safety, comfort, and prosperity in this life. Some people enjoy safety, comfort and prosperity in this life. Some are like the Kulaks who suffer oppression from evil doers.

It is necessary to fight evil doers to the extent that you can, but I don't think it is good to be filled with angst about bad things happening in history and other parts of the world, to the point that you can't find peace in your own life.

You relationship to God and your eternal salvation are what come first. Once you have these, and the inner peace that these bring, then you can face the trials of this world from a solid perspective. If you reject God because the world is bad, it is a backwards way of approaching things.
Who said anything about rage? I have said nothing about rage in this entire thread, in fact, I said personally I can't care, because it is no longer my fight.

I am talking real world. Do you think the message of "do nothing but pray and turn to God" is going to attract young White men? An obvious "no" will suffice, I see so far no one has been willing to admit this fact.
Who said anything about rage? I have said nothing about rage in this entire thread, in fact, I said personally I can't care, because it is no longer my fight.

I am talking real world. Do you think the message of "do nothing but pray and turn to God" is going to attract young White men? An obvious "no" will suffice, I see so far no one has been willing to admit this fact.

I really ought to stop responding because you are either illiterate or being disingenuous. Literally no one said we should do nothing. And my Church has seen a huge surge in young white male converts in the last several years, including myself. I have heard similar reports from other parishes. So I have real world experience and data to say yes, the message of God does appeal to young white men. But hey I guess it doesn't matter because we're just coping and making suicide pacts according to your twisted perception of Christianity.
I really ought to stop responding because you are either illiterate or being disingenuous. Literally no one said we should do nothing. And my Church has seen a huge surge in young white male converts in the last several years, including myself. I have heard similar reports from other parishes. So I have real world experience and data to say yes, the message of God does appeal to young white men. But hey I guess it doesn't matter because we're just coping and making suicide pacts according to your twisted perception of Christianity.
Then what are you doing to do to recruit these young White men, in which so far, the Church is doing nothing to stand up to the discrimination they face, the brutality of the legal system, and the increase attacks on their families?

Because until you can answer this, they are not going to listen to what your side is saying in this thread, that much I can guarantee you.
This is an atheist way of thinking. My old friend in college - who was an atheist and was always angry at God, the world, etc. - said that exact line in the early 1990's.

You may want to take a break from this forum for a while.
I'm responding to a post in which I was told the Kulaks turned away from God, which they didn't, and that due to this they deserve it, which is extremely untrue.

Why not respond to that? Or do you agree with this assessment?

As for this thread, I am getting more likes on my post than those who are calling Patriot Front 'feds" and rightfully so.
Then what are you doing to do to recruit these young White men, in which so far, the Church is doing nothing to stand up to the discrimination they face, the brutality of the legal system, and the increase attacks on their families?

Because until you can answer this, they are not going to listen to what your side is saying in this thread, that much I can guarantee you.

They are being baptized, joining the community, getting married and making babies. Making bonds, supporting each other, and building Orthodox Christian networks. We even have lawyers in our community who donate their time to right wing causes. Again and again you are only reiterating your willful ignorance.
They are being baptized, joining the community, getting married and making babies. Making bonds, supporting each other, and building Orthodox Christian networks. We even have lawyers in our community who donate their time to right wing causes. Again and again you are only reiterating your willful ignorance.
And yet the country continues to quickly move against them. Eventually it is going to get bad enough that action is needed.

Also, there are millions more who are not doing these things and looking other places for answers.
Why not respond to that? Or do you agree with this assessment?
Why should I? You either stopped believing in God or you have a weak Christian faith due to your anger at the world around you.

As for this thread, I am getting more likes on my post than those who are calling Patriot Front 'feds" and rightfully so.
More power to you then so I really don't care. PF is entitled to do whatever they want.

By the way, I find it very odd that PF is a "rebranded" name of Vanguard America.
Repeated attacks on the faith, polemical blasphemy
Why should I? You either stopped believing in God or you have a weak Christian faith due to your anger at the world around you.

More power to you then so I really don't care. PF is entitled to do whatever they want.

By the way, I find it very odd that PF is a "rebranded" name of Vanguard America.
You are projecting as well. I am not angry at anyone. TBH, I am at a great peace in life, I wish everyone could feel how I feel.

But at the same time, I can't have all this knowledge and wisdom and sit here quietly and watch people make the same mistakes over and over. Granted, most are not going to listen, but at least I will have known I tried.

Young White men are up against it. The satanic elites have it out to destroy them once and for all, and from every angle possible. And they are going to pick up the pace going forward. I have no idea what young White men will do as a collective. I know some will organize, and some will turn to video games, but as a group, I don't know what will happen.

I do know that if the church has no answers for them, as it has none right now, they will either form their own new White National Church, or they will discard the church altogether. "But then they will not win", well, then that is an even bigger problem for Christians in the west, because if these young White men do lose, then it will not be much longer until you are done away with as well. This is just history repeating itself, over and over and over.

I said earlier in this thread, my guess is not enough young White men have the fight in them and it is probably over for all of us. But I could be wrong, either way, I don't care, I can't change it.
This is thread is about PF, not people's belief in God.

Can't this be addressed in PMs or another thread as you earlier proposed in this thread?

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Yes, but the issue here started about 15 pages ago when I told IIMT to look toward the Church for answers, as PF had no solutions. Then the thread quickly turned into a debate about God, Whites, their history, and White nature. Because ultimately these topics matter when trying to decide on a political course of action.

So, both myself and others believed IIMT to be a Prot, due to his tag, when this thread started, but it became clear due to his repeated attacks on the Church and denials of God, that he was not actually a Christian. And then it became an obligation for me, as an admin, to correct his tag, and since he's been making claims against the Church for the last 10 pages, it was appropriate and relevant for me to ask him if he even believed in God. Not just so I could update his tag, but so others in this thread can see what is going on.

Now, your post is off topic, as is my post right now, so if you'd like to ask more questions please PM or take it to another thread.
I do know that if the church has no answers for them, as it has none right now,

Your repeated lies about the Church have crossed from mere confessional of faith and into polemical denials on the Church of God. Blasphemy is not tolerated here, and this is the 3rd time I've had to publicly warn you across 3 different threads, so I have no choice but give you a 10-point ban. See you in two weeks. Please respect the rules going forward. This is God's forum, and here He is worshipped and not denigrated.
People also say that GoyimTV and Blood Tribe are feds; these groups are more censored and persecuted by the state than anyone else.

When Elon was given (he did not buy it, he has no actual money) Twitter, it was a psy op - he allowed only people on that do not engage in real life activism - and now these right wingers that are back on Twitter call people that do real life stuff feds...Owen Benjamin for example...

The Patriot Front leader just got arrested for Charlotesville, totally made up charges - and when was that? 2017? - while other right wing leaders (i won't say any name - i'm talking about a mexican from Chicago) encouraged his followers on J6 to disregard the police and to break down the barriers - no charges...
Owen Benjamin also lately cozied up to that mexican....

I mention Cohen Scamjamin, because i know he is not very popular around here...

Or check out what they are doing to Rob Rundo...the charges are insane and the judge said so and that he should be relased - so they released him and minutes later the feds rearrested him, totally ignoring the judge. You can read about it on Eric Striker's Justice Report - your twitter right wingers are told to ignore such cases....
You are projecting as well. I am not angry at anyone. TBH, I am at a great peace in life, I wish everyone could feel how I feel.

But at the same time, I can't have all this knowledge and wisdom and sit here quietly and watch people make the same mistakes over and over. Granted, most are not going to listen, but at least I will have known I tried.

Young White men are up against it. The satanic elites have it out to destroy them once and for all, and from every angle possible. And they are going to pick up the pace going forward. I have no idea what young White men will do as a collective. I know some will organize, and some will turn to video games, but as a group, I don't know what will happen.

I do know that if the church has no answers for them, as it has none right now, they will either form their own new White National Church, or they will discard the church altogether. "But then they will not win", well, then that is an even bigger problem for Christians in the west, because if these young White men do lose, then it will not be much longer until you are done away with as well. This is just history repeating itself, over and over and over.

I said earlier in this thread, my guess is not enough young White men have the fight in them and it is probably over for all of us. But I could be wrong, either way, I don't care, I can't change it.

Now you're at great peace and wish others felt how you feel? You just told us about how miserable you are, I don't want myself or my brothers to be miserable! You change your stance and message whenever it suits your argument, whenever you have to dispute or be right about something.

Brother the more you talk the more it's becoming clear this isn't the place for you. I haven't dug through your post history but I can't remember once seeing you post something positive or uplifting, or heck just converse on a normal level about something. You're here simply to decry the world as it is today which is done here but it's also a place for brothers in Christ to unite with joy in this beautiful world God has made for us. You're not here for the latter at all, in fact you shun it entirely.
Now you're at great peace and wish others felt how you feel? You just told us about how miserable you are, I don't want myself or my brothers to be miserable! You change your stance and message whenever it suits your argument, whenever you have to dispute or be right about something.

Brother the more you talk the more it's becoming clear this isn't the place for you. I haven't dug through your post history but I can't remember once seeing you post something positive or uplifting, or heck just converse on a normal level about something. You're here simply to decry the world as it is today which is done here but it's also a place for brothers in Christ to unite with joy in this beautiful world God has made for us. You're not here for the latter at all, in fact you shun it entirely.
In all fairness the world is really messed up right now, and there are no signs of it getting better. It doesn't help when others are miscategorizing his arguments (I'm not saying you're doing that specifically, FrancisK).

In any case, it'd be great to keep this thread more on topic. Regardless of anything else, PF's mere existence is sparking a lot of posts here so that tells me they are on to something.